/// <summary>
        /// Returns an <c>XmlConfiguration</c> object containing the child nodes specified by the input parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <P>This method looks under the current node context for a node named <c>section</c>. If found,
        /// it then looks for any child elements that contain a node with an attribute called <c>name</c> that
        /// have a value as defined by the <c>name</c> parameter. If found, then the <c>section</c> node
        /// is returned. If either the <c>section</c> node or the subnode with the <c>name</c> attribute
        /// value are not found, <c>Null</c> is returned</P>
        /// <P><B>Note:</B> if multiple matches are possible in the XML, only the first match is returned.</P></remarks>
        /// <param name="section"><c>String</c> that specifies the XML node name to search</param>
        /// <param name="name"><c>String</c> that specifies the value of the name attribute to match</param>
        /// <returns><c>XmlConfiguration</c> object with the identified XML node as the root node, or <c>Null</c>
        /// if not found</returns>
        public XmlConfiguration GetConfig(
            String section,
            String name)
            XmlConfiguration retConfig = null;

            String xpath = ".//" + section + "/*[@name=\"" + name + "\"]";
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("XmlConfiguration.GetConfig: xpath= " + xpath);

            XmlNode node = SelectSingleNode(xpath);

            if (node != null) {
                retConfig = new XmlConfiguration();
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("XmlConfiguration.GetConfig: xml= " + node.OuterXml);

            return retConfig;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the Handler objects from the corresponding section in Loggers.config.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config"><c>XmlConfiguration</c> section of Loggers.config to pull Handler object settings.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void FillHandlers(
            XmlConfiguration config)
            NameValueCollection handlerColl = null;
            LogHandler handler = null;
            string handlerClass = null;
            String attrName = null;
            String attrValue = null;

            // Loop handler nodes
            for (int i = 1; i <= config.SelectNodes("//handlers/handler").Count; i++) {
                handlerColl = config.GetAttributes("//handlers/handler[" + i + "]");

                try {
                    // Create handler
                    handlerClass = handlerColl["class"];
                    handler = (LogHandler) Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(handlerClass));

                    // Loop handler attributes and dynamically create the objects properties
                    for (int j = 0; j < handlerColl.Count; j++) {
                        attrName = handlerColl.GetKey(j);
                        attrValue = handlerColl.Get(j);
                        //  set the corresponding attribute of the object
                        SetObjectAttribute(handler, attrName, attrValue);
                    // Add handler to collection
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    string m = e.Message;

                handler = null;
                handlerClass = null;
                handlerColl = null;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a filter to apply the the Logger from the corresponding section in Loggers.config.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"><c>String</c> that specifies the name of the <c>Logger</c> to lookup.</param>
        /// <returns><c>ILogFilter</c> set for Logger from config file.</returns>
        private static ILogFilter FillFilter(
            XmlConfiguration config)
            ILogFilter filter = null;
            NameValueCollection filterColl = null;
            string filterClass = null;

            config = config.GetConfig("logger", "filter");

            // Create the Filter object
            try {
                filterColl = config.GetAttributes("filter");
                filterClass = filterColl["class"];
                filter = (ILogFilter) Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(filterClass));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // System.MissingMethodException

            return filter;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the Logger object from settings in the Loggers.config.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"><c>String</c> that specifies the name of the <c>Logger</c> to lookup.</param>
        /// <returns><c>Logger</c> name</returns>
        private static Logger FillLogger(
            string name)
            Logger log = null;
            XmlConfiguration config = new XmlConfiguration();

            try {
                //  get the path to the loggers.config file from web.config
                string loggersConfigPath = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["rootPath"];
                // Load XmlConfiguration to get settings for this logger
                config.Load(loggersConfigPath + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["loggersConfigPath"]);
                //config.Load(new XmlTextReader(loggersConfigPath + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["loggersConfigPath"]));
                //config.Load(new XmlTextReader("http://fpwssdev1/PandaDen/XSLT%20Templates/loggers.config"));

                log = new Logger(name);

                // If there is configuration information, proceed, else return a new empty Logger
                if (config != null) {
                    // this code will read the queue process time from a "settings" section of the config file:
                    //	<settings>
                    //		<!-- the time interval at which the log queue-->
                    //		<setting name="queSettings" queCheckTime="10000" />
                    //	</settings>
                    //XmlConfiguration queSettings = config.GetConfig("settings", QUEUE_SETTINGS_CONFIG_NAME);

                    //if (queSettings != null) {
                    //    try {
                    //        NameValueCollection queAttr = queSettings.GetAttributes("./*[1]");

                    //        int period = int.Parse(queAttr[QUEUE_SETTINGS_CHECK_TIME_ATTR]);

                    //        log.queTimer.Change(period, period);
                    //    } catch {}

                    //  get the logger's config settings
                    config = config.GetConfig("loggers", name);

                    NameValueCollection loggerAttrs = config.GetAttributes("./*[1]");

                    // Loop log collection attributes to dynamically set the log object's properties
                    for (int i = 0; i < loggerAttrs.Count; i++) {
                        string attrName = loggerAttrs.GetKey(i);
                        string attrValue = loggerAttrs.Get(i);

                        //  if the attribute is the queue check time attribute, get the value
                        //  and update the queTimer with the new value (in milliseconds)
                        if (attrName == QUEUE_SETTINGS_CHECK_TIME_ATTR) {
                            try {
                                int period = int.Parse(attrValue);
                                log.queTimer.Change(period, period);
                            } catch {}
                        } else {
                            //  set the corresponding attribute of the object
                            SetObjectAttribute(log, attrName, attrValue);

                    // Add Filter and all Handler objects
                    log.Filter = FillFilter(config);

                    // Logger objects must have at least one handler
                    if (log.handlers.Count == 0) {
                        log = null;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log = null;

            return log;
        public ArrayList Init(
            XmlConfiguration config)
            ArrayList objList = new ArrayList();

            #region Removing code thats not used anymore
            MemberInfo[] attrList;
            string attrValue;
            Type aType;
            PropertyInfo aProperty;
            Object propertyValue = null;
            MethodInfo aMethod;

            string className = config.GetValue("//object");
            string tableName = config.GetValue("//table");
            XmlNodeList columns = config.SelectNodes("//field");

            // Build string array
            string[] fields = new string[columns.Count];
            int i = 0;

            foreach (XmlNode node in columns) {
                fields.SetValue(node.Attributes["name"].Value, i);

            // Get data
            IGenericDao dao = DaoFactory.GetGenericDao();
            DataSet ds = dao.GetData(tableName, fields);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[tableName];

            // Loop through the data table to build the object list
            for (i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) {
                DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i];

                Object anObj = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(className));

                NameValueCollection attributes = new NameValueCollection();

                foreach (XmlNode node in columns) {
                    attributes.Add(node.Attributes["object_attr"].Value, dr[node.Attributes["name"].Value].ToString());

                ReflectionUtilities.Deserialize(anObj, attributes);

                #region Duplicate code from ReflectionUtilities
                aType = anObj.GetType();

                // Loop through the fields in the config file to set properties for the object
                foreach (XmlNode node in columns) {
                    attrList = aType.FindMembers(MemberTypes.Property,
                                                 BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public,
                    attrValue = dr[node.Attributes["name"].Value].ToString();
                    propertyValue = null;

                    // TODO: Add error tracking code here
                    if (attrList.Length == 1) {
                        aProperty = (PropertyInfo) attrList[0];

                        if (aProperty.PropertyType.IsEnum) {
                            // Use enumeration values defined in dbMapping if available.
                            NameValueCollection enumConfig =
                                (NameValueCollection) ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig("dbMappings/" + aProperty.PropertyType.Name);

                            if (enumConfig != null && enumConfig[attrValue] != null) {
                                attrValue = enumConfig[attrValue];

                            aMethod = aProperty.PropertyType.BaseType.GetMethod(
                                new Type[3]{

                            if ((aMethod != null) && (aMethod.IsStatic)) {
                                propertyValue = aMethod.Invoke(
                                    new object[3]{
                        } else if (Type.GetTypeCode(aProperty.PropertyType) == Type.GetTypeCode("".GetType())) {
                            propertyValue = attrValue;
                        } else {
                            aMethod = aProperty.PropertyType.GetMethod("Parse", new Type[1]{"".GetType()});

                            if ((aMethod != null) && (aMethod.IsStatic)) {
                                try {
                                    propertyValue = aMethod.Invoke(
                                        new object[1]{attrValue});
                                } catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO: Logger name should not be hardcoded here!
                                        errorMessage => errorMessage("DbSingletonBase.Init: PropertyType = '{0}', attrValue = '{1}'",

                        try {
                            if (propertyValue != null) {
                                aMethod = aProperty.GetSetMethod();
                                aMethod.Invoke(anObj, new[]{propertyValue});
                        } catch (MissingMethodException e) {
                            // TODO: Handle MissingMethodException
                                        errorMessage => errorMessage("Could not get the property value from field type on the object. Property Name: {0}, Property Type: {1} ",



            return objList;