// When the Reset Passwors Button is clicked
        private void ResetPasswordButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Validation
            if (PasswordETF.Text.Equals("")) // If no username has been entered
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter a Password"); // Show a message box describing the error
                return; // Stop this method
            else if (ReEnterPasswordETF.Text.Equals("")) // If no username has been entered
                MessageBox.Show("Please Reenter the Password"); // Show a message box describing the error
                return; // Stop this method
            if (!PasswordETF.Text.Equals(ReEnterPasswordETF.Text))
            { // If the passwords entered do not match
                MessageBox.Show("Passwords to not match. Please try again."); // Show a messagebox displaying the error message
                return; // Stop the method

            UserDatabase userDB = new UserDatabase(); // Create a new instance of a User Database. This can be read from and written to a file

            userDB.ChangeUserPassword(username, PasswordETF.Text); // Change the User's password (Details have been verified in the 'Start Display')
            userDB.SaveDatabase(); // Save the Database to a file
            this.Close(); // Close this form now that the password has been reset
 private void ResetPasswordButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         MessageBox.Show("Passwords to not match. Please try again.");
     UserDatabase userDB = new UserDatabase();
     userDB.ChangeUserPassword(username, PasswordETF.Text);