Esempio n. 1
        //static StringBuilder StaticLevelBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // I chose this way in order not to have to allocate and release too much memory.... Slows things down, needlessly!
        static public List <string> Tree(string Expression, CheckCase CC = CheckCase.Auto, Type t = Type.FilesOnly, bool hidden = false)
            var ret = new List <string>();
            var Ex  = Dirry.AD(Expression);
            var ExA = Ex.Split('/');
            //var start = 0;
            var root  = false;
            var drive = false;

            /* Maybe this wasn't the right approach... It's always a puzzle :)
             * string level(int l) {
             *  StaticLevelBuilder.Clear();
             *  for (int i = 0; i <= l && i < ExA.Length) {
             *      if (i > 0) StaticLevelBuilder.Append('/');
             *      StaticLevelBuilder.Append(ExA[i]);
             *  }
             *  return StaticLevelBuilder.ToString();
             * } */
            void ArrayPrefix(string[] d, string Prefix)
                for (int i = 0; i < d.Length; i++)
                    d[i] = $"{Prefix}{d[i]}";

            try {
                string[] VL = null;
                if (ExA.Length == 0)
                    return(ret);                 // No need to do anything!
                if (ExA[0].Length == 2 && ExA[0][1] == ':')
                    ret.Add(ExA[0]); drive = true; /*start = 1;*/ VL = FileList.GetTree($"{ExA[0]}/", true, hidden);
                else if (ExA[0].Length == 0)
                    root = true; /*start = 1;*/ VL = FileList.GetTree("/", true, hidden);
                else   //if ((!root) && (!drive)) {
                    Debug.WriteLine($"No root or drive, so let's get 'em ... Reading tree {Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}");
                    VL = FileList.GetTree(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), true, hidden);
                    Debug.WriteLine($"{VL.Length} entries found");
                foreach (string entry in VL)
                    //Debug.WriteLine($"Matching: {entry} / {Expression}");
                    if (Regex.IsMatch(entry, $"^{Expression}$"))
                        Debug.WriteLine($"  MATCH FOR: {entry} / {Expression}");
                    { ret.Add(entry); }
                    Debug.WriteLine($"NO MATCH FOR: {entry} / {Expression}");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Console.Beep(); Console.Beep(); Console.Beep();
                Debug.WriteLine($"RegExTree(\"{Expression}\",CheckCase.{CC},Type.{t},{hidden}): Exception thrown {e.Message}");
