private void LoadLkpType() { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'travdataDataSet.lkpType' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.lkpTypeTableAdapter.Fill(this.travdataDataSet.lkpType); //= lkpTypeDataGridView1.Rows[0]; LoadLkp(CommonStr.s2i(travdataDataSet.lkpType.Rows[0]["lkpTypeID"].ToString())); }
private void Add_CC_lkpType(int ATag) { if (cboLkpType.SelectedIndex < 0) { MessageBox.Show("No Lookup Selected", "Select Lookup", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } //need current CCID DataGridViewRow r = ccDataGridView.CurrentRow; if (r != null) { int ccid = CommonStr.s2i(r.Cells[0].Value.ToString()); int lkpTypeID = lsLkpID[cboLkpType.SelectedIndex]; dmMain.Add_cc_lkpType(ccid, lkpTypeID, ATag); //need current lkpTypeID //add ccid + lkpType combo to ccLkpType (ATag=0) } else { MessageBox.Show("No Calcuation Method Selected", "Select a Calculation Method", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } //refresh LoadCalcLookup(); }
private void txtPeg3_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Clear_Peg3(p3); Clear_Base_SF(sf); p3.Peg = txtPeg3.Text.Trim(); p3.Mine = lsMineVal[cboMine.SelectedIndex]; p3.Trav = lsTravVal[cboTrav.SelectedIndex]; p3.MineID = lsMineID[cboMine.SelectedIndex]; p3.TravID = lsTravID[cboTrav.SelectedIndex]; p3.MTID = dmMain.Get_MTID(p3.MineID, p3.TravID); if ((p3.Peg != "")) { if (dmMain.Get_PegCoords(p3)) { lblPeg3.ForeColor = Color.Red; lblPeg3F.ForeColor = Color.Red; lblPeg3F.Text = "New Peg Exists"; lblMine3.Text = p3.Mine; lblTrav3.Text = p3.Trav; lblPeg3X.Text = CommonStr.d2s(p3.coord.X); lblPeg3Y.Text = CommonStr.d2s(p3.coord.Y); lblPeg3Z.Text = CommonStr.d2s(p3.coord.Z); lblLP3.Text = CommonStr.LP_Text(p3.LP); lblPeg3G.Text = CommonStr.d2s(p3.coord.G); lblPeg3E.Text = p3.E; lblPeg3C.Text = p3.C; Check_IfBaseExists_SF(); } } }
private void txtPeg2_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClearPeg2(fs); ClearBase(bf); fs.Peg = txtPeg2.Text.Trim(); if (fs.Peg != "") { if (dmMain.Get_PegCoords(fs)) { lblPeg2.ForeColor = Color.Green; lblMine2.Text = fs.Mine; lblTrav2.Text = fs.Trav; lblPeg2X.Text = CommonStr.d2s(fs.coord.X); lblPeg2Y.Text = CommonStr.d2s(fs.coord.Y); lblPeg2Z.Text = CommonStr.d2s(fs.coord.Z); lblLP2.Text = CommonStr.LP_Text(fs.LP); lblMineB.Text = fs.Mine; lblTravB.Text = fs.Trav; CalcJoin(); } } }
private void txtPeg2_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Clear_Peg2(p2); Clear_Base_BS(bs); Clear_Base_SF(sf); p2.Peg = txtPeg2.Text.Trim(); if (p2.Peg != "") { if (dmMain.Get_PegCoords(p2)) { lblPeg2.ForeColor = Color.Green; lblMine2.Text = p2.Mine; lblTrav2.Text = p2.Trav; lblPeg2X.Text = CommonStr.d2s(p2.coord.X); lblPeg2Y.Text = CommonStr.d2s(p2.coord.Y); lblPeg2Z.Text = CommonStr.d2s(p2.coord.Z); lblLP2.Text = CommonStr.LP_Text(p2.LP); lblPeg2G.Text = CommonStr.d2s(p2.coord.G); lblPeg2E.Text = p2.E; lblPeg2C.Text = p2.C; lblMineSF.Text = p2.Mine; lblTravSF.Text = p2.Trav; cboMine.Text = p2.Mine; cboTrav.Text = p2.Trav; Check_IfBaseExists_BS(); Check_IfBaseExists_SF(); } } }
private void txtPeg1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Clear_Peg1(p1); Clear_Base_BS(bs); p1.Peg = txtPeg1.Text.Trim(); if ((p1.Peg != "")) { if (dmMain.Get_PegCoords(p1)) { lblPeg1.ForeColor = Color.Green; lblMine1.Text = p1.Mine; lblTrav1.Text = p1.Trav; lblPeg1X.Text = CommonStr.d2s(p1.coord.X); lblPeg1Y.Text = CommonStr.d2s(p1.coord.Y); lblPeg1Z.Text = CommonStr.d2s(p1.coord.Z); lblLP1.Text = CommonStr.LP_Text(p1.LP); lblPeg3G.Text = CommonStr.d2s(p1.coord.G); lblPeg3E.Text = p1.E; lblPeg3C.Text = p1.C; Check_IfBaseExists_BS(); } } }
private void CalcJoin() { if (CheckInput()) { Read_Val_GUI(-1); lblBase.ForeColor = Color.Green; lblLPB.Text = CommonStr.LP_Text(bf.LP); lblBear.Text = CommonStr.ConvertDecToDMS(bf.sfs.Bear); lblBear180.Text = CommonStr.ConvertDecToDMS(bf.sfs.Bear180()); lblHD.Text = CommonStr.d2s(bf.sfs.HD); lblED.Text = CommonStr.d2s(bf.sfs.ED); CheckIfBaseExists(); } }
private void btnlkpTypeUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int ID = -1; int ATag = 0; DataGridViewRow r = lkpTypeDataGridView1.CurrentRow; if (r != null) { ID = CommonStr.s2i(r.Cells[0].Value.ToString()); } if (chkLkpType.Checked == true) { ATag = 1; } dmMain.AddLkpType(ID, txtlkpType.Text, ATag); }
private void lkpTypeDataGridView1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataGridViewRow r = lkpTypeDataGridView1.CurrentRow; if (r != null) { string id = r.Cells[0].Value.ToString(); LoadLkp(CommonStr.s2i(id)); txtlkpType.Text = r.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); chkLkpType.Checked = false; if (r.Cells[2].Value.ToString()[0] == '1') { chkLkpType.Checked = true; } } }
private void LoadCalcLookup() { DataGridViewRow r = ccDataGridView.CurrentRow; if (r != null) { int ccid = CommonStr.s2i(r.Cells[0].Value.ToString()); try { this.v_cc_lkp_TypeTableAdapter.FillBy_CCID(this.travdataDataSet.v_cc_lkp_Type, ccid); } finally { } } }
private void txtBear_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtBear.Text.Trim() == "") { bf.sfs.BearManual = -1; bf.sfs.BearErr = 0; bf.HAFLErr = bf.sfs.BearErr; lblBearErr.Text = "0"; } else { bf.sfs.BearManual = CommonStr.ConvertDMSToDec(txtBear.Text); bf.sfs.BearErr = CalcClass.CalcAngErr(bf.sfs.Bear, bf.sfs.BearManual); bf.HAFLErr = bf.sfs.BearErr; lblBearErr.Text = CommonStr.ConvertDecToDMS(bf.sfs.BearErr); } }
private void CheckIfBaseExists() { pnlBaseExist.Visible = false; ExistingBase.clear(); if (dmMain.Get_bc3_ByNames(st.Peg, fs.Peg, ExistingBase) > -1) { pnlBaseExist.Visible = true; lblMineEB.Text = ExistingBase.Mine; lblTravEB.Text = ExistingBase.Trav; lblBearEB.Text = CommonStr.ConvertDecToDMS(ExistingBase.sfs.Bear); lblBear180EB.Text = CommonStr.ConvertDecToDMS(ExistingBase.sfs.Bear180()); lblBearErrEB.Text = CommonStr.ConvertDecToDMS(ExistingBase.HAFLErr); lblHDEB.Text = CommonStr.d2s(ExistingBase.sfs.HD); lblEDEB.Text = CommonStr.d2s(ExistingBase.sfs.ED); lblLPEB.Text = CommonStr.LP_Text(ExistingBase.LP); } }
private void Check_IfBaseExists_SF() // STN FS { sf.clear(); if (dmMain.Get_bc2_ByNames(p2.Peg, p3.Peg, sf) > -1) { lblBaseSF.Text = "STN to FS Base Exists"; lblBaseSF.ForeColor = Color.Red; lblMineSF.Text = sf.Mine; lblTravSF.Text = sf.Trav; lblBearSF.Text = CommonStr.ConvertDecToDMS(sf.polar.Bear); lblBear180SF.Text = CommonStr.ConvertDecToDMS(sf.polar.Bear180()); lblBearErrSF.Text = CommonStr.ConvertDecToDMS(sf.polar.BearErr); lblHDSF.Text = CommonStr.d2s(sf.polar.HD); lblEDSF.Text = CommonStr.d2s(sf.polar.ED); lblLPSF.Text = CommonStr.LP_Text(sf.LP); lblESF.Text = sf.E; lblCSF.Text = sf.C; } }
private void Check_IfBaseExists_BS() // BS ST - Remember to reverse - STN to BS { bs.clear(); if (dmMain.Get_bc2_ByNames(p2.Peg, p1.Peg, bs) > -1) // Reverse base??? { lblBaseBS.Text = "STN to BS Base Exists"; lblBaseBS.ForeColor = Color.Green; lblMineBS.Text = bs.Mine; lblTravBS.Text = bs.Trav; lblBearBS.Text = CommonStr.ConvertDecToDMS(bs.polar.Bear); lblBear180BS.Text = CommonStr.ConvertDecToDMS(bs.polar.Bear180()); lblBearErrBS.Text = CommonStr.ConvertDecToDMS(bs.polar.BearErr); lblHDBS.Text = CommonStr.d2s(bs.polar.HD); lblEDBS.Text = CommonStr.d2s(bs.polar.ED); lblLPBS.Text = CommonStr.LP_Text(bs.LP); lblEBS.Text = bs.E; lblCBS.Text = bs.C; } }
private void v_BaseDataGridView_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (v_BaseDataGridView.CurrentRow != null) { String JobInfoID = v_BaseDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells["JobInfoID"].Value.ToString(); String CalcID = v_BaseDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells["bcid"].Value.ToString(); String JobDescr = v_BaseDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells["BS"].Value.ToString() + " - " + v_BaseDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells["ST"].Value.ToString() + " - " + v_BaseDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells["FS"].Value.ToString(); lblJobInfoID.Text = JobDescr; if (JobInfoID == "") { JobInfoID = "-1"; } tLkp = frmM.LoadDataLookup(ccid, CommonStr.s2i(JobInfoID), CommonStr.s2i(CalcID), JobDescr); } }
private void txtPeg1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClearPeg1(st); ClearBase(bf); st.Peg = txtPeg1.Text.Trim(); if ((st.Peg != "")) { if (dmMain.Get_PegCoords(st)) { lblPeg1.ForeColor = Color.Green; lblMine1.Text = st.Mine; lblTrav1.Text = st.Trav; lblPeg1X.Text = CommonStr.d2s(st.coord.X); lblPeg1Y.Text = CommonStr.d2s(st.coord.Y); lblPeg1Z.Text = CommonStr.d2s(st.coord.Z); lblLP2.Text = CommonStr.LP_Text(st.LP); CalcJoin(); } } }
public int Read_Val_GUI(frmAddNewPeg f, int ipcid) { pcid = ipcid; PegID = dmMain.Get_PegNameID(f.txtPegName.Text); X = CommonStr.s2d(f.txtX.Text); Y = CommonStr.s2d(f.txtY.Text); Z = CommonStr.s2d(f.txtZ.Text); G = CommonStr.s2d(f.txtG.Text); CCID = 0; CID = 0; EID = 0; AUID = GlobalLogon.AUID; PLogID = 0; HDErr = 0; EDErr = 0; HAErr = 0; LP = 0; CCnt = 0; MineID = f.lsMineID[f.cboMine.SelectedIndex]; TravID = f.lsTravID[f.cboTrav.SelectedIndex]; MTID = dmMain.Get_MTID(MineID, TravID); return(PegID); }