Esempio n. 1
        private void SetupReceive(SendEndpoint sendEndpoint)
            if (this.operationExpectations.ContainsKey(sendEndpoint.URL))
                // We have an expectation set for this endpoint
                // so we exit gracefully

            var receiveOperation = new MessageOperationExpectation()
                SendEndpoint      = sendEndpoint,
                MockMessageServer = new StreamingNamedPipeServer(
                    new Uri(sendEndpoint.URL).AbsolutePath)

            // We start the server as this is the whole point of the setup process
            // The mock should be ready to receive messages from the integration
            // Before calling Start we need to hook the event handler for ReadCompleted
            // This brings some challanges with the chosen model, as the mock should then
            // expose a public property exhibiting the queue that contains the received messages
            receiveOperation.MockMessageServer.ReadCompleted += MockMessageServer_ReadCompleted;

            // TODO: There should be added a check for uniqueness of the key
            operationExpectations.Add(sendEndpoint.URL, receiveOperation);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Receive response implementation
        /// TODO: create a higher abstraction representation of a message for easier work in the validation methods
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private System.IO.Stream ReceiveResponse(MessageOperationExpectation endpointSetup)
            // We receive the response
            var responseStream = endpointSetup.MockMessageClient

Esempio n. 3
        private void SendResponse(MessageOperationExpectation endpointSetup, ResponseStrategy responseStrategy, int connectionId)
            // Fetch the message based on the configured strategy
            var responseMessage = responseStrategy.FetchResponseMessage();

Esempio n. 4
        private void SetupSendRequestAndReceiveResponse(TwoWayReceiveEndpoint receiveSendEndpoint)
            var sendReceiveOperation = new MessageOperationExpectation()
                TwoWayReceiveEndpoint = receiveSendEndpoint,
                MockMessageClient     = new StreamingNamedPipeClient(new System.Uri(receiveSendEndpoint.URL))

            operationExpectations.Add(receiveSendEndpoint.URL, sendReceiveOperation);
Esempio n. 5
        private void SetupReceiveRequestAndSendResponse(TwoWaySendEndpoint sendReceiveEndpoint)
            var receiveSendOperation = new MessageOperationExpectation()
                TwoWaySendEndpoint = sendReceiveEndpoint,
                MockMessageServer  = new StreamingNamedPipeServer(
                    new Uri(sendReceiveEndpoint.URL).AbsolutePath)

            receiveSendOperation.MockMessageServer.ReadCompleted += MockMessageServer_ReadCompleted;

            operationExpectations.Add(sendReceiveEndpoint.URL, receiveSendOperation);
Esempio n. 6
        public TestCasting <TAddresses> SetupReceiveRequestAndSendResponse(Expression <Func <TAddresses, string> > sender)
            var sendReceiveEndpoint = new TwoWaySendEndpoint();

            // Invoke the callback for setting the send endpoint properties as well as the expectation method
            sendReceiveEndpoint.URL = sender.Compile()(this.mockAddresses);

            var sendReceiveOperation = new MessageOperationExpectation()
                TwoWaySendEndpoint = sendReceiveEndpoint,
                MockMessageClient  = new StreamingNamedPipeClient(new System.Uri(sendReceiveEndpoint.URL))

            endpointsMap.Add(sendReceiveEndpoint.URL, sendReceiveOperation);

Esempio n. 7
        private void SetupSend(ReceiveEndpoint receiveEndpoint)
            if (this.operationExpectations.ContainsKey(receiveEndpoint.URL))
                // We have an expectation set for this endpoint
                // so we exit gracefully

            var sendOperation = new MessageOperationExpectation()
                ReceiveEndpoint   = receiveEndpoint,
                MockMessageClient = new StreamingNamedPipeClient(new System.Uri(receiveEndpoint.URL))

            operationExpectations.Add(receiveEndpoint.URL, sendOperation);

Esempio n. 8
        public TestCasting <TAddresses> SetupSendRequestAndReceiveResponse(Expression <Func <TAddresses, string> > receiver)
            var receiveSendEndpoint = new TwoWayReceiveEndpoint();

            // Invoke the callback for setting the send endpoint properties as well as the expectation method
            receiveSendEndpoint.URL = receiver.Compile()(this.mockAddresses);

            var receiveSendOperation = new MessageOperationExpectation()
                TwoWayReceiveEndpoint = receiveSendEndpoint,
                MockMessageServer     = new StreamingNamedPipeServer(
                    new Uri(receiveSendEndpoint.URL).AbsolutePath)

            receiveSendOperation.MockMessageServer.ReadCompleted += MockMessageServer_ReadCompleted;

            endpointsMap.Add(receiveSendEndpoint.URL, receiveSendOperation);

Esempio n. 9
        public TestCasting <TAddresses> SetupReceive(Expression <Func <TAddresses, string> > sender)
            var sendEndpoint = new SendEndpoint();

            // Invoke the callback for setting the send endpoint properties as well as the expectation method
            sendEndpoint.URL = sender.Compile()(this.mockAddresses);

            if (this.endpointsMap.ContainsKey(sendEndpoint.URL))
                // We have an expectation set for this endpoint
                // so we exit gracefully

            var sendOperation = new MessageOperationExpectation()
                SendEndpoint      = sendEndpoint,
                MockMessageClient = new StreamingNamedPipeClient(new System.Uri(sendEndpoint.URL))

            endpointsMap.Add(sendEndpoint.URL, sendOperation);

Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// The func in the expression is hardcoded to return strings, as the Mock addresses class has only
        /// getters of type string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="receiver"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TestCasting <TAddresses> SetupSend(Expression <Func <TAddresses, string> > receiver)
            var receiveEndpoint = new ReceiveEndpoint();

            // Compile the expression and fetch the value of the corresponding property

            receiveEndpoint.URL = receiver.Compile()(this.mockAddresses);

            if (this.endpointsMap.ContainsKey(receiveEndpoint.URL))
                // We have an expectation set for this endpoint
                // so we exit gracefully

            var receiveOperation = new MessageOperationExpectation()
                ReceiveEndpoint   = receiveEndpoint,
                MockMessageServer = new StreamingNamedPipeServer(
                    new Uri(receiveEndpoint.URL).AbsolutePath)

            // We start the server as this is the whole point of the setup process
            // The mock should be ready to receive messages from the integration
            // Before calling Start we need to hook the event handler for ReadCompleted
            // This brings some challanges with the chosen model, as the mock should then
            // expose a public property exhibiting the queue that contains the received messages
            receiveOperation.MockMessageServer.ReadCompleted += MockMessageServer_ReadCompleted;

            // TODO: There should be added a check for uniqueness of the key
            endpointsMap.Add(receiveEndpoint.URL, receiveOperation);
