Esempio n. 1
        public void ShouldCreateAnOrderWithCorrectDueDate_WhenValidInputReceived()
            var productsList        = new List <OrderItem>();
            var inputReader         = new MockInputReader(standardCSVHeaders, csvBodyWithOneOrder);
            var orderInputValidator = new OrderInputValidator();
            var orderTaker          = new CSVOrderTaker(inputReader, productsList, orderInputValidator);

            var orders          = orderTaker.CreateOrder();
            var result          = orders[0];
            var expectedDueDate = new DateTime(2021, 01, 19);

Esempio n. 2
        public void ShouldThrowInvalidInputExceptionWithCorrectMessage_WhenInvalidCustomerNameReceived()
            var productsList        = new List <OrderItem>();
            var inputReader         = new MockInputReader(standardCSVHeaders, csvBodyWithOneOrder);
            var orderInputValidator = new MockOrderInputValidator();

            var    orderTaker = new CSVOrderTaker(inputReader, productsList, orderInputValidator);
            Action act        = () => orderTaker.CreateOrder();

            var exception = Assert.Throws <InvalidInputException>(act);

            Assert.Equal("Test Name is an invalid input - Name should start with alphabet letter and with the minimal length of 3 characters.", exception.Message);
Esempio n. 3
        public void ShouldCreateAnOrderWithCorrectCustomerDetails_WhenValidInputReceived()
            var productsList        = new List <OrderItem>();
            var inputReader         = new MockInputReader(standardCSVHeaders, csvBodyWithOneOrder);
            var orderInputValidator = new OrderInputValidator();
            var orderTaker          = new CSVOrderTaker(inputReader, productsList, orderInputValidator);

            var orders = orderTaker.CreateOrder();
            var result = orders[0];

            Assert.IsType <Order>(result);
            Assert.Equal("Test Name", result.Customer.Name);
            Assert.Equal("Test Address", result.Customer.Address);
Esempio n. 4
        public void ShouldThrowInvalidInputException_WhenInvalidQuantityInputReceived()
            var productsList        = new OrderItemsFactory().Create();
            var inputReader         = new MockInputReader(standardCSVHeaders, csvBodyWithOneOrder);
            var orderInputValidator = new MockOrderInputValidator();

            var    orderTaker = new CSVOrderTaker(inputReader, productsList, orderInputValidator);
            Action act        = () => orderTaker.CreateOrder();

            var exception = Assert.Throws <InvalidInputException>(act);

            Assert.Equal("8 is an invalid input - Quantity should be recorded in round number and within the range of 1 - 100.", exception.Message);
Esempio n. 5
        public void ShouldThrowInvalidInputException_WhenInvalidDueDateInputReceived()
            var productsList        = new List <OrderItem>();
            var inputReader         = new MockInputReader(standardCSVHeaders, csvBodyWithOneOrder);
            var orderInputValidator = new MockOrderInputValidator();

            var    orderTaker = new CSVOrderTaker(inputReader, productsList, orderInputValidator);
            Action act        = () => orderTaker.CreateOrder();

            var exception = Assert.Throws <InvalidInputException>(act);

            Assert.Equal("19-Jan-21 is an invalid input - Date could not be in the past and should be in DD-MMM-YY format.", exception.Message);
Esempio n. 6
        public void ShouldCreateAnOrderWithCorrectNumberAndQuantityOfOrderItems_WhenValidInputReceived()
            var red    = new Color("Red", (decimal)1.00);
            var yellow = new Color("Yellow", (decimal)0.00);
            var blue   = new Color("Blue", (decimal)0.00);

            var circle   = new Block("Circle", (decimal)3.00);
            var square   = new Block("Square", (decimal)1.00);
            var triangle = new Block("Triangle", (decimal)2.00);

            var productsList = new List <OrderItem>
                new OrderItem(circle, red),
                new OrderItem(circle, yellow),
                new OrderItem(circle, blue),
                new OrderItem(square, red),
                new OrderItem(square, yellow),
                new OrderItem(square, blue),
                new OrderItem(triangle, red),
                new OrderItem(triangle, yellow),
                new OrderItem(triangle, blue)

            var inputReader         = new MockInputReader(standardCSVHeaders, csvBodyWithOneOrder);
            var orderInputValidator = new OrderInputValidator();
            var orderTaker          = new CSVOrderTaker(inputReader, productsList, orderInputValidator);

            var orders = orderTaker.CreateOrder();
            var result = orders[0];

            Assert.Equal(9, result.OrderItems.Count());
            Assert.Equal(1, result.OrderItems.GetQuantityByShapeAndColor(square, red));
            Assert.Equal(2, result.OrderItems.GetQuantityByShapeAndColor(square, blue));
            Assert.Equal(3, result.OrderItems.GetQuantityByShapeAndColor(square, yellow));
            Assert.Equal(4, result.OrderItems.GetQuantityByShapeAndColor(triangle, red));
            Assert.Equal(5, result.OrderItems.GetQuantityByShapeAndColor(triangle, blue));
            Assert.Equal(6, result.OrderItems.GetQuantityByShapeAndColor(triangle, yellow));
            Assert.Equal(7, result.OrderItems.GetQuantityByShapeAndColor(circle, red));
            Assert.Equal(8, result.OrderItems.GetQuantityByShapeAndColor(circle, blue));
            Assert.Equal(9, result.OrderItems.GetQuantityByShapeAndColor(circle, yellow));
Esempio n. 7
        public void ShouldCreateMultipleOrders_WhenMultipleOrderDetailsRowsAreReceived()
            var csvBodyWithTwoOrders = new List <string[]>
                new string[]
                    "Test Name", "Test Address", "19-Jan-21", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"
                new string[]
                    "Test Name", "Test Address", "19-Jan-21", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"
            var productsList        = new OrderItemsFactory().Create();
            var orderInputValidator = new MockOrderInputValidator();
            var inputReader         = new MockInputReader(standardCSVHeaders, csvBodyWithTwoOrders);
            var orderTaker          = new CSVOrderTaker(inputReader, productsList, orderInputValidator);
            var result = orderTaker.CreateOrder();

            Assert.Equal(2, result.Count);