public WadBone Clone() { WadBone newBone = new WadBone(); newBone.Name = Name; newBone.Mesh = Mesh; newBone.Translation = Translation; newBone.OpCode = OpCode; return(newBone); }
private static void WriteBone(ChunkWriter chunkIO, WadBone bone, List <WadBone> bones) { chunkIO.WriteChunkWithChildren(Wad2Chunks.MoveableBone, () => { chunkIO.WriteChunkString(Wad2Chunks.MoveableBoneName, bone.Name); chunkIO.WriteChunkInt(Wad2Chunks.MoveableBoneMeshPointer, bones.IndexOf(bone)); chunkIO.WriteChunkVector3(Wad2Chunks.MoveableBoneTranslation, bone.Translation); foreach (var childBone in bone.Children) { WriteBone(chunkIO, childBone, bones); } }); }
public WadBone Clone(WadBone parentBone) { WadBone newBone = new WadBone(); newBone.Name = Name; newBone.Mesh = Mesh; newBone.Translation = Translation; newBone.Parent = parentBone; foreach (var childBone in Children) { newBone.Children.Add(childBone.Clone(newBone)); } return(newBone); }
private static void BuildNewMeshTree(WadBone bone, List <WadBone> meshTrees) { var newBone = new WadBone(); newBone.Translation = bone.Translation; newBone.Mesh = bone.Mesh; newBone.Name = bone.Name; if (bone.Parent == null) { newBone.OpCode = WadLinkOpcode.Push; } else { if (bone.Parent.Children.Count == 1) { newBone.OpCode = WadLinkOpcode.NotUseStack; } else { int childrenCount = bone.Parent.Children.Count; if (bone.Parent.Children.IndexOf(bone) == 0) { newBone.OpCode = WadLinkOpcode.Push; } else if (bone.Parent.Children.IndexOf(bone) == childrenCount - 1) { newBone.OpCode = WadLinkOpcode.Pop; } else { newBone.OpCode = WadLinkOpcode.Read; } } } if (bone.Parent != null) { meshTrees.Add(newBone); } for (int i = 0; i < bone.Children.Count; i++) { BuildNewMeshTree(bone.Children[i], meshTrees); } }
private static WadBone LoadBone(ChunkReader chunkIO, WadMoveable mov, List <WadMesh> meshes) { WadBone bone = new WadBone(); chunkIO.ReadChunks((id, chunkSize) => { if (id == Wad2Chunks.MoveableBoneName) { bone.Name = chunkIO.ReadChunkString(chunkSize); //Console.WriteLine("Processing " + bone.Name); } else if (id == Wad2Chunks.MoveableBoneTranslation) { bone.Translation = chunkIO.ReadChunkVector3(chunkSize); } else if (id == Wad2Chunks.MoveableBoneMeshPointer) { bone.Mesh = meshes[chunkIO.ReadChunkInt(chunkSize)]; } else if (id == Wad2Chunks.MoveableBone) { bone.Children.Add(LoadBone(chunkIO, mov, meshes)); } else { return(false); } return(true); }); foreach (var childBone in bone.Children) { childBone.Parent = bone; } return(bone); }
private static bool LoadMoveables(ChunkReader chunkIO, ChunkId idOuter, Wad2 wad, Dictionary <long, WadSoundInfo> soundInfos, Dictionary <long, WadTexture> textures) { if (idOuter != Wad2Chunks.Moveables) { return(false); } chunkIO.ReadChunks((id, chunkSize) => { if (id != Wad2Chunks.Moveable) { return(false); } uint objTypeId = LEB128.ReadUInt(chunkIO.Raw); var mov = new WadMoveable(new WadMoveableId(objTypeId)); var meshes = new List <WadMesh>(); chunkIO.ReadChunks((id2, chunkSize2) => { if (id2 == Wad2Chunks.Mesh) { var mesh = LoadMesh(chunkIO, chunkSize2, textures); meshes.Add(mesh); } else if (id2 == Wad2Chunks.MoveableBone) { var skeleton = LoadBone(chunkIO, mov, meshes); // Now convert the skeleton in the new (?) format. Ugly system but this is required for // setting exact hardcoded ID for some moveables (i.e. gun mesh of an enemy, the engine // has hardcoded mesh indices for effects) var bones = new List <WadBone>(); var root = new WadBone(); root.Name = skeleton.Name; root.Translation = Vector3.Zero; root.Mesh = skeleton.Mesh; bones.Add(root); BuildNewMeshTree(skeleton, bones); mov.Bones.AddRange(bones); } else if (id2 == Wad2Chunks.MoveableBoneNew) { var bone = new WadBone(); bone.OpCode = (WadLinkOpcode)LEB128.ReadByte(chunkIO.Raw); bone.Name = chunkIO.Raw.ReadStringUTF8(); chunkIO.ReadChunks((id3, chunkSize3) => { if (id3 == Wad2Chunks.MoveableBoneTranslation) { bone.Translation = chunkIO.ReadChunkVector3(chunkSize); } else if (id3 == Wad2Chunks.MoveableBoneMeshPointer) { bone.Mesh = meshes[chunkIO.ReadChunkInt(chunkSize)]; } else { return(false); } return(true); }); mov.Bones.Add(bone); } else if (id2 == Wad2Chunks.AnimationObsolete || id2 == Wad2Chunks.Animation || id2 == Wad2Chunks.Animation2) { var animation = new WadAnimation(); animation.StateId = LEB128.ReadUShort(chunkIO.Raw); animation.EndFrame = LEB128.ReadUShort(chunkIO.Raw); animation.FrameRate = LEB128.ReadByte(chunkIO.Raw); if (id2 == Wad2Chunks.AnimationObsolete) { LEB128.ReadUShort(chunkIO.Raw); LEB128.ReadUShort(chunkIO.Raw); } int oldSpeed, oldAccel, oldLatSpeed, oldLatAccel; oldSpeed = oldAccel = oldLatSpeed = oldLatAccel = 0; if (id2 != Wad2Chunks.Animation2) { // Use old speeds/accels for legacy chunk versions oldSpeed = LEB128.ReadInt(chunkIO.Raw); oldAccel = LEB128.ReadInt(chunkIO.Raw); oldLatSpeed = LEB128.ReadInt(chunkIO.Raw); oldLatAccel = LEB128.ReadInt(chunkIO.Raw); // Correct EndFrame for legacy chunk versions if (animation.EndFrame > 0) { animation.EndFrame--; } } // Fix possibly corrupted EndFrame value which was caused by bug introduced in 1.2.9 if (animation.EndFrame == ushort.MaxValue) { animation.EndFrame = 0; } animation.NextAnimation = LEB128.ReadUShort(chunkIO.Raw); animation.NextFrame = LEB128.ReadUShort(chunkIO.Raw); bool foundNewVelocitiesChunk = false; chunkIO.ReadChunks((id3, chunkSize3) => { if (id3 == Wad2Chunks.AnimationName) { animation.Name = chunkIO.ReadChunkString(chunkSize3); } else if (id3 == Wad2Chunks.AnimationVelocities) { foundNewVelocitiesChunk = true; var velocities = chunkIO.ReadChunkVector4(chunkSize); animation.StartVelocity = velocities.X; animation.EndVelocity = velocities.Y; animation.StartLateralVelocity = velocities.Z; animation.EndLateralVelocity = velocities.W; } else if (id3 == Wad2Chunks.KeyFrame) { var keyframe = new WadKeyFrame(); chunkIO.ReadChunks((id4, chunkSize4) => { if (id4 == Wad2Chunks.KeyFrameOffset) { keyframe.Offset = chunkIO.ReadChunkVector3(chunkSize4); } else if (id4 == Wad2Chunks.KeyFrameBoundingBox) { var kfMin = Vector3.Zero; var kfMax = Vector3.Zero; chunkIO.ReadChunks((id5, chunkSize5) => { if (id5 == Wad2Chunks.MeshBoundingBoxMin) { kfMin = chunkIO.ReadChunkVector3(chunkSize5); } else if (id5 == Wad2Chunks.MeshBoundingBoxMax) { kfMax = chunkIO.ReadChunkVector3(chunkSize5); } else { return(false); } return(true); }); keyframe.BoundingBox = new BoundingBox(kfMin, kfMax); } else if (id4 == Wad2Chunks.KeyFrameAngle) { var angle = new WadKeyFrameRotation(); angle.Rotations = chunkIO.ReadChunkVector3(chunkSize4); keyframe.Angles.Add(angle); } else { return(false); } return(true); }); animation.KeyFrames.Add(keyframe); } else if (id3 == Wad2Chunks.StateChange) { var stateChange = new WadStateChange(); stateChange.StateId = LEB128.ReadUShort(chunkIO.Raw); chunkIO.ReadChunks((id4, chunkSize4) => { if (id4 == Wad2Chunks.Dispatch) { var dispatch = new WadAnimDispatch(); dispatch.InFrame = LEB128.ReadUShort(chunkIO.Raw); dispatch.OutFrame = LEB128.ReadUShort(chunkIO.Raw); dispatch.NextAnimation = LEB128.ReadUShort(chunkIO.Raw); dispatch.NextFrame = LEB128.ReadUShort(chunkIO.Raw); stateChange.Dispatches.Add(dispatch); } else { return(false); } return(true); }); animation.StateChanges.Add(stateChange); } else if (id3 == Wad2Chunks.AnimCommand) { var command = new WadAnimCommand(); long offset = chunkIO.Raw.BaseStream.Position; command.Type = (WadAnimCommandType)LEB128.ReadUShort(chunkIO.Raw); command.Parameter1 = LEB128.ReadShort(chunkIO.Raw); command.Parameter2 = LEB128.ReadShort(chunkIO.Raw); command.Parameter3 = LEB128.ReadShort(chunkIO.Raw); chunkIO.ReadChunks((id4, chunkSize4) => { if (id4 == Wad2Chunks.AnimCommandSoundInfo) { var info = chunkIO.ReadChunkInt(chunkSize4); if (info != -1) { command.SoundInfoObsolete = soundInfos[info]; } return(true); } else { return(false); } }); animation.AnimCommands.Add(command); } else { return(false); } return(true); }); // Legacy code for calculating start and end velocities if (!foundNewVelocitiesChunk) { float acceleration = oldAccel / 65536.0f; animation.StartVelocity = oldSpeed / 65536.0f; animation.EndVelocity = animation.StartVelocity + acceleration * (animation.KeyFrames.Count - 1) * animation.FrameRate; float lateralAcceleration = oldLatAccel / 65536.0f; animation.StartLateralVelocity = oldLatSpeed / 65536.0f; animation.EndLateralVelocity = animation.StartLateralVelocity + lateralAcceleration * (animation.KeyFrames.Count - 1) * animation.FrameRate; } mov.Animations.Add(animation); } else { return(false); } return(true); }); wad.Moveables.Add(mov.Id, mov); return(true); }); return(true); }