private void SerializeNode(BinaryWriter binaryWriter, TbXmlNode node) { TbXmlNodeTemplate nodeTemplate = GetNodeTemplate(node.templateId); binaryWriter.Write(; binaryWriter.Write(node.templateId); binaryWriter.Write((ushort)node.childrenIds.Count); foreach (ushort childId in node.childrenIds) { binaryWriter.Write(childId); } int attributeIndex = 0; foreach (int attributeValue in node.attributeValues) { binaryWriter.Write(attributeValue); ++attributeIndex; } if (node.text == -1) { binaryWriter.Write((byte)0); } else { binaryWriter.Write((byte)1); binaryWriter.Write(node.text); } }
public byte[] SerializeXmlString(string xmlString) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlString)) { return(null); } nodeTemplates.Clear(); nodes.Clear(); stringPool.Clear(); valuePool.Clear(); nodeIdInc = 0; nodeTemplateIdInc = 0; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xmlString); TbXmlNode docNode = new TbXmlNode(); docNode.childrenIds = new List <ushort>(); XmlNodeList xmlNodeList = doc.ChildNodes; foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xmlNodeList) { if (xmlNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { ProcessXmlNode(docNode, xmlNode); } } byte[] buffer = null; using (BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream(), Encoding.UTF8)) { Serialize(binaryWriter); buffer = new byte[binaryWriter.BaseStream.Length]; binaryWriter.BaseStream.Position = 0; binaryWriter.BaseStream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)binaryWriter.BaseStream.Length); binaryWriter.BaseStream.Close(); binaryWriter.BaseStream.Dispose(); binaryWriter.Close(); } return(buffer); }
public List <TbXmlNode> GetNodes(string path) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return(null); } List <TbXmlNode> resultNodes = null; int numChildren = childrenIds == null ? 0 : childrenIds.Count; string[] pathBlocks = path.Split('/'); for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < numChildren; ++childIndex) { TbXmlNode childNode = tbXml.nodes[childrenIds[childIndex]]; GetNodesRecursive(pathBlocks, 0, ref pathBlocks[0], childNode, ref resultNodes); } return(resultNodes); }
public List <TbXmlNode> GetNodes(string path) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return(null); } List <TbXmlNode> result = null; int num = (this.childrenIds != null) ? this.childrenIds.Count : 0; string[] array = path.Split(new char[] { '/' }); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { TbXmlNode currentNode = this.tbXml.nodes[(int)this.childrenIds[i]]; this.GetNodesRecursive(array, 0, ref array[0], currentNode, ref result); } return(result); }
private void DeserializeNode(BinaryReader binaryReader, ushort index, TbXml tbXml) { TbXmlNode node = new TbXmlNode(); tbXml.nodes.Add(node); = binaryReader.ReadUInt16(); node.templateId = binaryReader.ReadUInt16(); if (binaryReader.ReadByte() == 1) { ushort numChildren = binaryReader.ReadUInt16(); if (numChildren > 0) { node.childrenIds = new List <ushort>(numChildren); for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) { node.childrenIds.Add(binaryReader.ReadUInt16()); } } } TbXmlNodeTemplate nodeTemplate = tbXml.nodeTemplates[node.templateId]; ushort numAttributes = (ushort)(nodeTemplate.attributeNames == null ? 0 : nodeTemplate.attributeNames.Count); if (numAttributes > 0) { node.attributeValues = new List <int>(numAttributes); for (ushort i = 0; i < numAttributes; ++i) { node.attributeValues.Add(binaryReader.ReadInt32()); } } byte hasText = binaryReader.ReadByte(); if (hasText == 1) { node.text = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); } }
public byte[] SerializeXmlString(string xmlString) { if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlString)) { return null; } nodeTemplates.Clear(); nodes.Clear(); stringPool.Clear(); valuePool.Clear(); nodeIdInc = 0; nodeTemplateIdInc = 0; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xmlString); TbXmlNode docNode = new TbXmlNode(); docNode.childrenIds = new List<ushort>(); XmlNodeList xmlNodeList = doc.ChildNodes; foreach(XmlNode xmlNode in xmlNodeList) { if(xmlNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { ProcessXmlNode(docNode, xmlNode); } } BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream(), Encoding.UTF8); Serialize(binaryWriter); byte[] buffer = new byte[binaryWriter.BaseStream.Length]; binaryWriter.BaseStream.Position = 0; binaryWriter.BaseStream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)binaryWriter.BaseStream.Length); binaryWriter.Close(); binaryWriter.Dispose(); return buffer; }
private void DeserializeNode(BinaryReader binaryReader, ushort index, TbXml tbXml) { TbXmlNode node = new TbXmlNode(); tbXml.nodes.Add(node); = binaryReader.ReadUInt16(); node.templateId = binaryReader.ReadUInt16(); if(binaryReader.ReadByte() == 1) { ushort numChildren = binaryReader.ReadUInt16(); if(numChildren > 0) { node.childrenIds = new List<ushort>(numChildren); for(int i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) { node.childrenIds.Add(binaryReader.ReadUInt16()); } } } TbXmlNodeTemplate nodeTemplate = tbXml.nodeTemplates[node.templateId]; ushort numAttributes = (ushort)(nodeTemplate.attributeNames == null ? 0 : nodeTemplate.attributeNames.Count); if(numAttributes > 0) { node.attributeValues = new List<int>(numAttributes); for(ushort i = 0; i < numAttributes; ++i) { node.attributeValues.Add(binaryReader.ReadInt32()); } } byte hasText = binaryReader.ReadByte(); if(hasText == 1) { node.text = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); } }
private void GetNodesRecursive(string[] pathBlocks, int pathBlockIndex, ref string pathBlock, TbXmlNode currentNode, ref List <TbXmlNode> resultNodes) { if (tbXml.nodeTemplates[currentNode.templateId].name.Equals(pathBlock)) { if (pathBlockIndex == pathBlocks.Length - 1) { if (resultNodes == null) { resultNodes = new List <TbXmlNode>(); } resultNodes.Add(currentNode); } else { List <ushort> childrenIds = currentNode.childrenIds; int numChildren = childrenIds == null ? 0 : childrenIds.Count; for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < numChildren; ++childIndex) { GetNodesRecursive(pathBlocks, pathBlockIndex + 1, ref pathBlocks[pathBlockIndex + 1], tbXml.nodes[childrenIds[childIndex]], ref resultNodes); } } } }
private void ProcessXmlNode(TbXmlNode parentNode, XmlNode xmlNode) { TbXmlNodeTemplate nodeTemplate = GetNodeTemplate(xmlNode); if (nodeTemplate == null) { nodeTemplate = new TbXmlNodeTemplate(); nodeTemplates.Add(nodeTemplate); nodeTemplate.attributeNames = new List <string>(); nodeTemplate.attributeTypes = new List <TB_XML_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE>(); = nodeTemplateIdInc++; = xmlNode.Name; foreach (XmlAttribute xmlAttribute in xmlNode.Attributes) { string attributeString = xmlAttribute.Value; double attributeDouble; if (double.TryParse(attributeString, out attributeDouble)) { nodeTemplate.attributeTypes.Add(TB_XML_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.DOUBLE); } else { nodeTemplate.attributeTypes.Add(TB_XML_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.STRING); } nodeTemplate.attributeNames.Add(xmlAttribute.Name); } } TbXmlNode node = new TbXmlNode(); nodes.Add(node); node.attributeValues = new List <int>(); node.childrenIds = new List <ushort>(); = nodeIdInc++; node.templateId =; parentNode.childrenIds.Add(; foreach (XmlAttribute xmlAttribute in xmlNode.Attributes) { string attributeString = xmlAttribute.Value; double attributeDouble; if (double.TryParse(attributeString, out attributeDouble)) { int valueIndex = MatchValueIndex(attributeDouble); if (valueIndex == -1) { valuePool.Add(attributeDouble); node.attributeValues.Add(valuePool.Count - 1); } else { node.attributeValues.Add(valueIndex); } } else { int stringIndex = MatchStringIndex(attributeString); if (stringIndex == -1) { stringPool.Add(attributeString); node.attributeValues.Add(stringPool.Count - 1); } else { node.attributeValues.Add(stringIndex); } } } foreach (XmlNode subXmlNode in xmlNode.ChildNodes) { if (subXmlNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { ProcessXmlNode(node, subXmlNode); } else if (subXmlNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text || subXmlNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.CDATA) { if (node.text == -1) { int stringIndex = MatchStringIndex(subXmlNode.Value); if (stringIndex == -1) { stringPool.Add(subXmlNode.Value); node.text = stringPool.Count - 1; } else { node.text = stringIndex; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Ignore yyy of <nodeA>xxx<nodeB/>yyy<nodeA/>"); Console.WriteLine(subXmlNode.InnerText); // UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Ignore yyy of <nodeA>xxx<nodeB/>yyy<nodeA/>"); // UnityEngine.Debug.LogError(subXmlNode.InnerText); } } } }
private void GetNodesRecursive(string[] pathBlocks, int pathBlockIndex, ref string pathBlock, TbXmlNode currentNode, ref List <TbXmlNode> resultNodes) { if (this.tbXml.nodeTemplates[(int)currentNode.templateId].name.Equals(pathBlock)) { if (pathBlockIndex == pathBlocks.Length - 1) { if (resultNodes == null) { resultNodes = new List <TbXmlNode>(); } resultNodes.Add(currentNode); } else { List <ushort> list = currentNode.childrenIds; int num = (list != null) ? list.Count : 0; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { this.GetNodesRecursive(pathBlocks, pathBlockIndex + 1, ref pathBlocks[pathBlockIndex + 1], this.tbXml.nodes[(int)list[i]], ref resultNodes); } } } }
private void GetNodesRecursive(string[] pathBlocks, int pathBlockIndex, ref string pathBlock, TbXmlNode currentNode, ref List<TbXmlNode> resultNodes) { if(tbXml.nodeTemplates[currentNode.templateId].name.Equals(pathBlock)) { if(pathBlockIndex == pathBlocks.Length - 1) { if(resultNodes == null) { resultNodes = new List<TbXmlNode>(); } resultNodes.Add(currentNode); } else { List<ushort> childrenIds = currentNode.childrenIds; int numChildren = childrenIds == null ? 0 : childrenIds.Count; for(int childIndex = 0; childIndex < numChildren; ++childIndex) { GetNodesRecursive(pathBlocks, pathBlockIndex + 1, ref pathBlocks[pathBlockIndex + 1], tbXml.nodes[childrenIds[childIndex]], ref resultNodes); } } } }
private void SerializeNode(BinaryWriter binaryWriter, TbXmlNode node) { binaryWriter.Write(; binaryWriter.Write(node.templateId); if(node.childrenIds.Count == 0) { binaryWriter.Write((byte)0); } else { binaryWriter.Write((byte)1); binaryWriter.Write((ushort)node.childrenIds.Count); foreach(ushort childId in node.childrenIds) { binaryWriter.Write(childId); } } int attributeIndex = 0; foreach(int attributeValue in node.attributeValues) { binaryWriter.Write(attributeValue); ++attributeIndex; } if(node.text == -1) { binaryWriter.Write((byte)0); } else { binaryWriter.Write((byte)1); binaryWriter.Write(node.text); } }
private void ProcessXmlNode(TbXmlNode parentNode, XmlNode xmlNode) { TbXmlNodeTemplate nodeTemplate = GetNodeTemplate(xmlNode); if(nodeTemplate == null) { nodeTemplate = new TbXmlNodeTemplate(); nodeTemplates.Add(nodeTemplate); nodeTemplate.attributeNames = new List<string>(); nodeTemplate.attributeTypes = new List<TB_XML_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE>(); = nodeTemplateIdInc++; = xmlNode.Name; foreach(XmlAttribute xmlAttribute in xmlNode.Attributes) { string attributeString = xmlAttribute.Value; double attributeDouble; if(double.TryParse(attributeString, out attributeDouble)) { nodeTemplate.attributeTypes.Add(TB_XML_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.DOUBLE); } else { nodeTemplate.attributeTypes.Add(TB_XML_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.STRING); } nodeTemplate.attributeNames.Add(xmlAttribute.Name); } } TbXmlNode node = new TbXmlNode(); nodes.Add(node); node.attributeValues = new List<int>(); node.childrenIds = new List<ushort>(); = nodeIdInc++; node.templateId =; parentNode.childrenIds.Add(; foreach(XmlAttribute xmlAttribute in xmlNode.Attributes) { string attributeString = xmlAttribute.Value; double attributeDouble; if(double.TryParse(attributeString, out attributeDouble)) { int valueIndex = MatchValueIndex(attributeDouble); if (valueIndex == -1) { valuePool.Add(attributeDouble); node.attributeValues.Add(valuePool.Count - 1); } else { node.attributeValues.Add(valueIndex); } } else { int stringIndex = MatchStringIndex(attributeString); if (stringIndex == -1) { stringPool.Add(attributeString); node.attributeValues.Add(stringPool.Count - 1); } else { node.attributeValues.Add(stringIndex); } } } foreach(XmlNode subXmlNode in xmlNode.ChildNodes) { if(subXmlNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { ProcessXmlNode(node, subXmlNode); } else if(subXmlNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text || subXmlNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.CDATA) { if(node.text == -1) { int stringIndex = MatchStringIndex(subXmlNode.Value); if (stringIndex == -1) { stringPool.Add(subXmlNode.Value); node.text = stringPool.Count - 1; } else { node.text = stringIndex; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Ignore yyy of <nodeA>xxx<nodeB/>yyy<nodeA/>"); Console.WriteLine(subXmlNode.InnerText); // UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Ignore yyy of <nodeA>xxx<nodeB/>yyy<nodeA/>"); // UnityEngine.Debug.LogError(subXmlNode.InnerText); } } } }