/// <summary>
        /// Sets up the model grid within a Madingley model run
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="initialisation">An instance of the model initialisation class</param> 
        /// <param name="scenarioParameters">The parameters for the scenarios to run</param>
        /// <param name="scenarioIndex">The index of the scenario that this model is to run</param>
        public void SetUpModelGrid(MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation,
            ScenarioParameterInitialisation scenarioParameters, int scenarioIndex, int simulation)
            // If the intialisation file contains a column pointing to another file of specific locations, and if this column is not blank then read the
            // file indicated
            if (SpecificLocations)
                // Set up the model grid using these locations
                EcosystemModelGrid = new ModelGrid(BottomLatitude, LeftmostLongitude, TopLatitude, RightmostLongitude,
                    CellSize, CellSize, _CellList, EnviroStack, CohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions, StockFunctionalGroupDefinitions,
                    GlobalDiagnosticVariables, initialisation.TrackProcesses, SpecificLocations, RunGridCellsInParallel,GlobalModelTimeStepUnit);
                _CellList = new List<uint[]>();
                //Switched order so we create cell list first then initialise cells using list rather than grid.

                uint NumLatCells = (uint)((TopLatitude - BottomLatitude) / CellSize);
                uint NumLonCells = (uint)((RightmostLongitude - LeftmostLongitude) / CellSize);

                // Loop over all cells in the model
                for (uint ii = 0; ii < NumLatCells; ii += 1)
                    for (uint jj = 0; jj < NumLonCells; jj += 1)
                        // Define a vector to hold the pair of latitude and longitude indices for this grid cell
                        uint[] cellIndices = new uint[2];

                        // Add the latitude and longitude indices to this vector
                        cellIndices[0] = ii;
                        cellIndices[1] = jj;

                        // Add the vector to the list of all active grid cells


                EcologyTimer = new StopWatch();

                // Set up a full model grid (i.e. not for specific locations)
                // Set up the model grid using these locations
                EcosystemModelGrid = new ModelGrid(BottomLatitude, LeftmostLongitude, TopLatitude, RightmostLongitude,
                    CellSize, CellSize, _CellList, EnviroStack, CohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions, StockFunctionalGroupDefinitions,
                    GlobalDiagnosticVariables, initialisation.TrackProcesses, SpecificLocations, RunGridCellsInParallel, GlobalModelTimeStepUnit);

                List<int> cellsToRemove = new List<int>();
                if (initialisation.RunRealm == "terrestrial")
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < _CellList.Count; ii += 1)
                        if ((EcosystemModelGrid.GetCellEnvironment(_CellList[ii][0], _CellList[ii][1])["Realm"][0] == 2.0) ||
                            (EcosystemModelGrid.GetCellEnvironment(_CellList[ii][0], _CellList[ii][1])["LandSeaMask"][0] == 0.0))
                else if (initialisation.RunRealm == "marine")
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < _CellList.Count; ii += 1)
                        if (EcosystemModelGrid.GetCellEnvironment(_CellList[ii][0], _CellList[ii][1])["Realm"][0] == 1.0)

                for (int ii = (cellsToRemove.Count - 1); ii >= 0; ii--)

                Console.WriteLine("Time to initialise cells: {0}", EcologyTimer.GetElapsedTimeSecs());

                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                Console.WriteLine("Madingley Model memory usage post grid cell seed: {0}", GC.GetTotalMemory(true) / 1E9, " (G Bytes)\n");
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;


            if (initialisation.InputState)
                InputModelState = new InputModelState(initialisation.ModelStatePath[simulation],
                    initialisation.ModelStateFilename[simulation],EcosystemModelGrid, _CellList);

            // When the last simulation for the current scenario
            // if ((scenarioParameters.scenarioSimulationsNumber.Count == 1) && (scenarioIndex == scenarioParameters.scenarioSimulationsNumber[scenarioIndex] - 1)) EnviroStack.Clear();
            // Seed stocks and cohorts in the grid cells
            // If input state from output from a previous simulation
            if (initialisation.InputState)
                // Seed grid cell cohort and stocks
                EcosystemModelGrid.SeedGridCellStocksAndCohorts(_CellList, InputModelState, CohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions, StockFunctionalGroupDefinitions);

                //remove cohorts that do not contain any biomass
                foreach (uint[] CellPair in _CellList)

                    GridCellCohortHandler workingGridCellCohorts = EcosystemModelGrid.GetGridCellCohorts(CellPair[0], CellPair[1]);

                    for (int kk = 0; kk < CohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions.GetNumberOfFunctionalGroups(); kk++)
                        // Loop through each cohort in the functional group
                        for (int ll = (workingGridCellCohorts[kk].Count - 1); ll >= 0; ll--)
                            // If cohort abundance is less than the extinction threshold then add to the list for extinction
                            if (workingGridCellCohorts[kk][ll].CohortAbundance.CompareTo(0) <= 0 || workingGridCellCohorts[kk][ll].IndividualBodyMass.CompareTo(0.0) == 0)
                                // Remove the extinct cohort from the list of cohorts


                EcosystemModelGrid.SeedGridCellStocksAndCohorts(_CellList, CohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions, StockFunctionalGroupDefinitions,
                    GlobalDiagnosticVariables, ref NextCohortID, InitialisationFileStrings["OutputDetail"] == "high", DrawRandomly,
                    initialisation.DispersalOnly, InitialisationFileStrings["DispersalOnlyType"], RunGridCellsInParallel);

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
            Console.WriteLine("Madingley Model memory usage pre Collect: {0}", Math.Round(GC.GetTotalMemory(true) / 1E9, 2), " (GBytes)");
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
            Console.WriteLine("Madingley Model memory usage post Collect: {0}", Math.Round(GC.GetTotalMemory(true) / 1E9, 5), " (GBytes)\n");
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
        /// <summary>
        /// Write to the output file values of the output variables during the model time steps
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ecosystemModelGrid">The model grid to get data from</param>
        /// <param name="cohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions">The definitions of the cohort functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="stockFunctionalGroupDefinitions">The definitions of the stock  functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="cellIndices">List of indices of active cells in the model grid</param>
        /// <param name="cellNumber">The number of the current cell in the list of indices of active cells</param>
        /// <param name="globalDiagnosticVariables">List of global diagnostic variables</param>
        /// <param name="timeStepTimer">The timer for the current time step</param>
        /// <param name="numTimeSteps">The number of time steps in the model run</param>
        /// <param name="currentTimestep">The current model time step</param>
        /// <param name="initialisation">The Madingley Model initialisation</param>
        /// <param name="month">The current month in the model run</param>
        /// <param name="marineCell">Whether the current cell is a marine cell</param>
        public void TimeStepOutputs(ModelGrid ecosystemModelGrid, FunctionalGroupDefinitions cohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions, 
            FunctionalGroupDefinitions stockFunctionalGroupDefinitions, List<uint[]> cellIndices, int cellNumber,
            SortedList<string, double> globalDiagnosticVariables, StopWatch timeStepTimer, uint numTimeSteps, uint currentTimestep, 
            MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation, uint month, Boolean marineCell)
            // Calculate values of the output variables to be used
            CalculateOutputs(ecosystemModelGrid, cohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions, stockFunctionalGroupDefinitions, cellIndices, cellNumber, globalDiagnosticVariables, initialisation, month, marineCell);

            // Generate the live outputs for this time step
            if (LiveOutputs)
                TimeStepLiveOutputs(numTimeSteps, currentTimestep, ecosystemModelGrid, marineCell);

            // Generate the console outputs for the current time step
            TimeStepConsoleOutputs(currentTimestep, timeStepTimer);

            // Generate the file outputs for the current time step
            TimeStepFileOutputs(ecosystemModelGrid, cohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions, currentTimestep, marineCell, cellIndices,cellNumber);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the ecosystem model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="initialisation">An instance of the model initialisation class</param> 
        /// <param name="scenarioParameters">The parameters for the scenarios to run</param>
        /// <param name="scenarioIndex">The index of the scenario being run</param>
        /// <param name="outputFilesSuffix">The suffix to be applied to all outputs from this model run</param>
        /// <param name="globalModelTimeStepUnit">The time step unit used in the model</param>
        /// <param name="simulation">The index of the simulation being run</param>
        public MadingleyModel(MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation, ScenarioParameterInitialisation scenarioParameters, int scenarioIndex,
            string outputFilesSuffix, string globalModelTimeStepUnit, int simulation)
            // Assign the properties for this model run
            AssignModelRunProperties(initialisation, scenarioParameters, scenarioIndex, outputFilesSuffix);

            // Set up list of global diagnostics

            // Set up the model grid
            SetUpModelGrid(initialisation, scenarioParameters, scenarioIndex, simulation);

            // Set up model outputs
            SetUpOutputs(initialisation, simulation, scenarioIndex);

            // Make the initial outputs
            InitialOutputs(outputFilesSuffix, initialisation, CurrentMonth);

            // Instance the array of process trackers
            ProcessTrackers = new ProcessTracker[_CellList.Count];

            // Temporary variables
            Boolean varExists;

            // Set up process trackers for each grid cell
            for (int i = 0; i < _CellList.Count; i++)
                ProcessTrackers[i] = new ProcessTracker(NumTimeSteps,
                EcosystemModelGrid.Lats, EcosystemModelGrid.Lons,
                initialisation.OutputPath, initialisation.ModelMassBins,
                SpecificLocations, i, initialisation,
                EcosystemModelGrid.GetEnviroLayer("Realm", 0, _CellList[i][0], _CellList[i][1], out varExists) == 2.0,

            // Set up a cross cell process tracker
            TrackCrossCellProcesses = new CrossCellProcessTracker(initialisation.TrackCrossCellProcesses, "DispersalData", initialisation.OutputPath, outputFilesSuffix);

            //Set up a global process tracker
            if (SpecificLocations) initialisation.TrackGlobalProcesses = false;

            TrackGlobalProcesses = new GlobalProcessTracker(NumTimeSteps,
                EcosystemModelGrid.Lats, EcosystemModelGrid.Lons,
                initialisation.OutputPath, initialisation.ModelMassBins,
                SpecificLocations, initialisation,

            //Set-up the instance of OutputModelState
            WriteModelState = new OutputModelState(initialisation, outputFilesSuffix, simulation);

            if (SpecificLocations) initialisation.RunRealm = "";

            // Record the initial cohorts in the process trackers

            // Initialise the class for cross-grid-cell ecology
            MadingleyEcologyCrossGridCell = new EcologyCrossGridCell();

            // Initialise the time step timer
            TimeStepTimer = new StopWatch();
            EcologyTimer = new StopWatch();
            OutputTimer = new StopWatch();

            // Set the global model time step unit
            _GlobalModelTimeStepUnit = globalModelTimeStepUnit;

            // Initialise the utility functions
            Utilities = new UtilityFunctions();

            // Initialise the climate change impacts class
            ClimateChangeSimulator = new ClimateChange();

            // Initialise the harvesting impacts class
            HarvestingSimulator = new Harvesting(EcosystemModelGrid.Lats, EcosystemModelGrid.Lons, (float)EcosystemModelGrid.LatCellSize);
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates the console outputs for the current time step
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentTimeStep">The current time step</param>
 /// <param name="timeStepTimer">The timer for the current time step</param>
 private void TimeStepConsoleOutputs(uint currentTimeStep, StopWatch timeStepTimer)
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the specified number of simulations for each of the specified scenarios
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simulationInitialisationFilename">Filename of the file from which to read initialisation information</param>
        /// <param name="scenarios">Contains scenario information for this set of simulations</param>
        /// <param name="outputPath">The path to which outputs should be written</param>
        public void RunAllSimulations(string simulationInitialisationFilename, string definitionsFilename, string outputsFilename, ScenarioParameterInitialisation scenarios, string outputPath)
            // Declare an instance of the class for initializing the Madingley model
            MadingleyModelInitialisation InitialiseMadingley = new MadingleyModelInitialisation(simulationInitialisationFilename, definitionsFilename, outputsFilename, outputPath);
            // Specify the output path in this instance
            InitialiseMadingley.OutputPath = outputPath;

            // List to hold the names of the scenarios to run
            List<string> ScenarioNames = new List<string>();
            // String variable to hold the index suffix to apply to output files for a given simulation
            string OutputFilesSuffix;

            // Loop over scenario names and add the name of the scenario to the list of scenarion names
            foreach (var scenario in scenarios.scenarioParameters)
            // Check whether there is only one simulation to run
            if (scenarios.scenarioNumber == 1 && scenarios.scenarioParameters.ElementAt(scenarios.scenarioNumber-1).Item2==1)
                // For a single simulation

                // Set-up the suffix for the output files
                OutputFilesSuffix = "_";
                // Loop over the parameters for this scenario
                for (int i = 0; i < ScenarioNames.Count; i++)
                    // Add the parameter information to the suffix for this simulation
                    OutputFilesSuffix +=  ScenarioNames[0] + "_";
                // Add a zero index to the end of the suffix
                OutputFilesSuffix += "0";

                //Run the simulation
                RunSimulation(scenarios, 0, InitialiseMadingley, OutputFilesSuffix, 0);


                if (InitialiseMadingley.RunSimulationsInParallel)
                    // Loop over specified scenarios iteratively
                    for (int ScenarioIndex = 0; ScenarioIndex < scenarios.scenarioNumber; ScenarioIndex++)
                        //Create an array of new MadingleyModel instances for simulations under this scenario combination
                        MadingleyModel[] MadingleyEcosystemModels = new MadingleyModel

                        for (int simulation = 0; simulation < scenarios.scenarioParameters.ElementAt(ScenarioIndex).Item2; simulation++)
                            // Set up the suffix for the output files
                            OutputFilesSuffix = "_";

                            // Add the scenario label to the suffix for the output files
                            OutputFilesSuffix += ScenarioNames[ScenarioIndex] + "_";

                            // Add the simulation index number to the suffix
                            OutputFilesSuffix += simulation.ToString();

                            // Initialize the instance of MadingleyModel
                            MadingleyEcosystemModels[simulation] = new MadingleyModel(InitialiseMadingley, scenarios, ScenarioIndex, OutputFilesSuffix,
                                InitialiseMadingley.GlobalModelTimeStepUnit, simulation);

                        // Loop over the specified number of simulations for each scenario
                        //for (int simulation = 0; simulation<  scenarios.scenarioSimulationsNumber[ScenarioIndex]; simulation++)
                        Parallel.For(0, scenarios.scenarioParameters.ElementAt(ScenarioIndex).Item2, simulation =>
                            // Declare and start a timer
                            StopWatch s = new StopWatch();

                            // Run the simulation

                            // Stop the timer and write out the time taken to run this simulation
                            Console.WriteLine("Model run finished");
                            Console.WriteLine("Total elapsed time was {0} seconds", s.GetElapsedTimeSecs());

                    //Run simulations sequentially

                    // Loop over specified scenarios
                    for (int ScenarioIndex = 0; ScenarioIndex < scenarios.scenarioNumber; ScenarioIndex++)
                        // Loop over the specified number of simulations for each scenario
                        for (int simulation = 0; simulation < scenarios.scenarioParameters.ElementAt(ScenarioIndex).Item2; simulation++)
                            // Set up the suffix for the output files
                            OutputFilesSuffix = "_";

                            // Add the scenario label to the suffix for the output files
                            OutputFilesSuffix += ScenarioNames[ScenarioIndex] + "_";

                            // Add the simulation index number to the suffix
                            OutputFilesSuffix += simulation.ToString();

                            // Run the current simulation
                            RunSimulation(scenarios, ScenarioIndex, InitialiseMadingley, OutputFilesSuffix, simulation);

        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a single simulation of the Madingley model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scenarios">Parameter information and simulation number for all scenarios to be run</param>
        /// <param name="scenarioIndex">The index of the scenario to be run in this simulation</param>
        /// <param name="initialiseMadingley">Model initialization information for all simulations</param>
        /// <param name="outputFileSuffix">Suffix to be applied to the names of files written out by this simulation</param>
        /// <param name="simulation">The index of the simulation being run</param>
        public void RunSimulation(ScenarioParameterInitialisation scenarios, int scenarioIndex, MadingleyModelInitialisation initialiseMadingley, 
            string outputFileSuffix, int simulation)
            // Declare an instance of the class that runs a Madingley model simulation
            MadingleyModel MadingleyEcosystemModel;
            // Declare and start a timer
            StopWatch s = new StopWatch();
            StopWatch t = new StopWatch();

            // Initialize the instance of MadingleyModel
            MadingleyEcosystemModel = new MadingleyModel(initialiseMadingley, scenarios, scenarioIndex, outputFileSuffix, 

            // Run the simulation

            // Stop the timer and write out the time taken to run this simulation
            Console.WriteLine("Model run finished");
            Console.WriteLine("Total elapsed time was {0} seconds", s.GetElapsedTimeSecs());
            Console.WriteLine("Model setup time was {0} seconds", t.GetElapsedTimeSecs());
            Console.WriteLine("Model run time was {0} seconds", s.GetElapsedTimeSecs() - t.GetElapsedTimeSecs());
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the console outputs for the current time step
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentTimeStep">The current model time step</param>
        /// <param name="currentMonth">The current month in the model run</param>
        /// <param name="timeStepTimer">The timer for the current time step</param>
        private void TimeStepConsoleOutputs(uint currentTimeStep, uint currentMonth, StopWatch timeStepTimer)
            // Console outputs for all levels of detail
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
            Console.WriteLine("Completed time step " + (currentTimeStep + 1) + "(Month: " + (currentMonth + 1) + ")\n");
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
            Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time in seconds this time step: " + timeStepTimer.GetElapsedTimeSecs() + "\n");
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
            Console.WriteLine("Living biomass = " + String.Format("{0:E}", TotalLivingBiomass / 1000) + " kg");
            Console.WriteLine("Total abundance  = " + String.Format("{0:E}", TotalAbundance) + " inds / km^2");
            // Console outputs for medium or high detail levels
            if ((ModelOutputDetail == OutputDetailLevel.Medium) || (ModelOutputDetail == OutputDetailLevel.High))
                Console.WriteLine("Total number of cohorts = " + TotalNumberOfCohorts);
                Console.WriteLine("Total number of stocks = " + TotalNumberOfStocks);
                Console.WriteLine("Number of cohorts extinct = " + NumberOfCohortsExtinct);
                Console.WriteLine("Number of cohorts produced = " + NumberOfCohortsProduced);
                Console.WriteLine("Number of cohorts combined = " + NumberOfCohortsCombined);

                // Console ouputs for high detail level
                if (ModelOutputDetail == OutputDetailLevel.High)
                    Console.WriteLine("Total biomass (all) = " + String.Format("{0:E}", TotalBiomass / 1000) + " kg");
                    Console.WriteLine("Respiratory pool biomass = " + String.Format("{0:E}", RespiratoryPoolOut / 1000) + " kg");
                    Console.WriteLine("Organic pool biomass = " + String.Format("{0:E}", OrganicPoolOut / 1000) + " kg");

            // Blank line at end of console time step outputs
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the outputs for the current time step
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ecosystemModelGrid">The model grid</param>
        /// <param name="currentTimeStep">The current model time step</param>
        /// <param name="currentMonth">The current month in the model run</param>
        /// <param name="timeStepTimer">The timer for the current time step</param>
        /// <param name="cohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions">The functional group definitions of cohorts in the model</param>
        /// <param name="stockFunctionalGroupDefinitions">The functional group definitions of stocks in the model</param>
        /// <param name="cellIndices">List of indices of active cells in the model grid</param>
        /// <param name="globalDiagnosticVariables">The global diagnostic variables for the model run</param>
        /// <param name="initialisation">The Madingley Model initialisation</param>
        public void TimeStepOutputs(ModelGrid ecosystemModelGrid, uint currentTimeStep, uint currentMonth, StopWatch timeStepTimer,
            FunctionalGroupDefinitions cohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions, FunctionalGroupDefinitions stockFunctionalGroupDefinitions,
            List<uint[]> cellIndices, SortedList<string, double> globalDiagnosticVariables, MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation)
            // Calculate the output variables for this time step
            CalculateOutputs(cohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions, stockFunctionalGroupDefinitions, ecosystemModelGrid, cellIndices,
                globalDiagnosticVariables, initialisation);

            // Generate the time step console outputs
            TimeStepConsoleOutputs(currentTimeStep, currentMonth, timeStepTimer);

            // Generate the time step file outputs
            TimeStepFileOutputs(ecosystemModelGrid, currentTimeStep);