Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new local system cache from one that was received remotely.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataSource"><see cref="DataSet"/> based data source used to interpret local measurement keys.</param>
        /// <param name="remoteCache">Deserialized remote signal index cache.</param>
        public SignalIndexCache(DataSet dataSource, SignalIndexCache remoteCache)
            m_subscriberID = remoteCache.SubscriberID;

            // If active measurements are defined, interpret signal cache in context of current measurement key definitions
            if (dataSource != null && dataSource.Tables != null && dataSource.Tables.Contains("ActiveMeasurements"))
                DataTable activeMeasurements = dataSource.Tables["ActiveMeasurements"];
                m_reference = new ConcurrentDictionary<ushort, Tuple<Guid, string, uint>>();

                foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, Tuple<Guid, string, uint>> signalIndex in remoteCache.Reference)
                    Guid signalID = signalIndex.Value.Item1;
                    DataRow[] filteredRows = activeMeasurements.Select("SignalID = '" + signalID.ToString() + "'");

                    if (filteredRows.Length > 0)
                        DataRow row = filteredRows[0];
                        MeasurementKey key = MeasurementKey.Parse(row["ID"].ToNonNullString(MeasurementKey.Undefined.ToString()), signalID);
                        m_reference.TryAdd(signalIndex.Key, new Tuple<Guid, string, uint>(signalID, key.Source, key.ID));

                m_unauthorizedSignalIDs = remoteCache.UnauthorizedSignalIDs;
                // Just use remote signal index cache as-is if no local configuration exists
                m_reference = remoteCache.Reference;
                m_unauthorizedSignalIDs = remoteCache.UnauthorizedSignalIDs;
Esempio n. 2
        private SignalIndexCache DeserializeSignalIndexCache(byte[] buffer)
            GatewayCompressionMode gatewayCompressionMode = (GatewayCompressionMode)(m_operationalModes & OperationalModes.CompressionModeMask);
            bool useCommonSerializationFormat = (m_operationalModes & OperationalModes.UseCommonSerializationFormat) > 0;
            bool compressSignalIndexCache = (m_operationalModes & OperationalModes.CompressSignalIndexCache) > 0;

            SignalIndexCache deserializedCache;

            MemoryStream compressedData = null;
            GZipStream inflater = null;

            if (compressSignalIndexCache && gatewayCompressionMode == GatewayCompressionMode.GZip)
                    compressedData = new MemoryStream(buffer);
                    inflater = new GZipStream(compressedData, CompressionMode.Decompress);
                    buffer = inflater.ReadStream();
                    if ((object)inflater != null)

                    if ((object)compressedData != null)

            if (useCommonSerializationFormat)
                deserializedCache = new SignalIndexCache();
                deserializedCache.Encoding = m_encoding;
                deserializedCache.ParseBinaryImage(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                deserializedCache = Serialization.Deserialize<SignalIndexCache>(buffer, TVA.SerializationFormat.Binary);

            return deserializedCache;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles auto-connection metadata synchronization to local system. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"><see cref="DataSet"/> metadata collection passed into state parameter.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This function is normally called from thread pool since synchronization can take some time.
        /// </remarks>
        protected virtual void SynchronizeMetadata(object state)
            const int MetadataSynchronizationTimeout = 0;

                DataSet metadata = state as DataSet;

                if ((object)metadata != null)
                    bool dataMonitoringEnabled = false;

                    // Reset data stream monitor while meta-data synchronization is in progress
                    if ((object)m_dataStreamMonitor != null && m_dataStreamMonitor.Enabled)
                        m_dataStreamMonitor.Enabled = false;
                        dataMonitoringEnabled = true;

                    // Track total meta-data synchronization process time
                    Ticks startTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

                    // Open the configuration database using settings found in the config file
                    using (AdoDataConnection database = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                    using (IDbCommand command = database.Connection.CreateCommand())
                    using (IDbTransaction transaction = database.Connection.BeginTransaction())
                            command.Transaction = transaction;

                            // Query the actual record ID based on the known run-time ID for this subscriber device
                            int parentID = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar(string.Format("SELECT SourceID FROM Runtime WHERE ID = {0} AND SourceTable='Device'", ID), MetadataSynchronizationTimeout));

                            // Validate that the subscriber device is marked as a concentrator (we are about to associate children devices with it)
                            if (!command.ExecuteScalar(string.Format("SELECT IsConcentrator FROM Device WHERE ID = {0}", parentID), MetadataSynchronizationTimeout).ToString().ParseBoolean())
                                command.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("UPDATE Device SET IsConcentrator = 1 WHERE ID = {0}", parentID), MetadataSynchronizationTimeout);

                            // Get any historian associated with the subscriber device
                            object historianID = command.ExecuteScalar(string.Format("SELECT HistorianID FROM Device WHERE ID = {0}", parentID), MetadataSynchronizationTimeout);

                            // Determine the active node ID - we cache this since this value won't change for the lifetime of this class
                            if (m_nodeID == Guid.Empty)
                                m_nodeID = Guid.Parse(command.ExecuteScalar(string.Format("SELECT NodeID FROM IaonInputAdapter WHERE ID = {0}", ID), MetadataSynchronizationTimeout).ToString());

                            // Determine the protocol record auto-inc ID value for the gateway transport protocol (GEP) - this value is also cached since it shouldn't change for the lifetime of this class
                            if (m_gatewayProtocolID == 0)
                                m_gatewayProtocolID = int.Parse(command.ExecuteScalar("SELECT ID FROM Protocol WHERE Acronym='GatewayTransport'", MetadataSynchronizationTimeout).ToString());

                            // Prefix all children devices with the name of the parent since the same device names could appear in different connections (helps keep device names unique)
                            string sourcePrefix = Name + "!";
                            Dictionary<string, int> deviceIDs = new Dictionary<string, int>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                            string selectSql, insertSql, updateSql, deleteSql, deviceAcronym, signalTypeAcronym;
                            int deviceID;

                            // Check to see if data for the "DeviceDetail" table was included in the meta-data
                            if (metadata.Tables.Contains("DeviceDetail"))
                                List<Guid> uniqueIDs = new List<Guid>();

                                foreach (DataRow row in metadata.Tables["DeviceDetail"].Rows)
                                    Guid uniqueID = Guid.Parse(row.Field<object>("UniqueID").ToString()); // adoDatabase.Guid(row, "UniqueID"); // row.Field<Guid>("UniqueID");

                                    // Track unique device Guids in this meta-data session, we'll need to remove any old associated devices that no longer exist

                                    // We will synchronize metadata only if the source owns this device and it's not defined as a concentrator (these should normally be filtered by publisher - but we check just in case).
                                    if (!row["IsConcentrator"].ToNonNullString("0").ParseBoolean())
                                        // Define query to determine if this device is already defined (this should always be based on the unique device Guid)
                                        selectSql = database.ParameterizedQueryString("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Device WHERE UniqueID = {0}", "deviceGuid");

                                        if (Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar(selectSql, MetadataSynchronizationTimeout, database.Guid(uniqueID))) == 0)
                                            // Insert new device record
                                            insertSql = database.ParameterizedQueryString("INSERT INTO Device(NodeID, ParentID, HistorianID, Acronym, Name, ProtocolID, IsConcentrator, Enabled, OriginalSource) " +
                                                "VALUES ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, 0, 1, {6})", "nodeID", "parentID", "historianID", "acronym", "name", "protocolID", "originalSource");

                                            command.ExecuteNonQuery(insertSql, MetadataSynchronizationTimeout, database.Guid(m_nodeID), parentID, historianID, sourcePrefix + row.Field<string>("Acronym"), row.Field<string>("Name"), m_gatewayProtocolID,
                                                                       m_internal ? (object)DBNull.Value : string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Field<string>("ParentAcronym")) ? sourcePrefix + row.Field<string>("Acronym") : sourcePrefix + row.Field<string>("ParentAcronym"));

                                            // Guids are normally auto-generated during insert - after insertion update the Guid so that it matches the source data. Most of the database
                                            // scripts have triggers that support properly assigning the Guid during an insert, but this code ensures the Guid will always get assigned.
                                            updateSql = database.ParameterizedQueryString("UPDATE Device SET UniqueID = {0} WHERE Acronym = {1}", "uniqueID", "acronym");
                                            command.ExecuteNonQuery(updateSql, MetadataSynchronizationTimeout, database.Guid(uniqueID), sourcePrefix + row.Field<string>("Acronym"));
                                            selectSql = database.ParameterizedQueryString("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Device WHERE UniqueID = {0} AND (ParentID <> {1} OR ParentID IS NULL)", "deviceGuid", "parentID");

                                            // Update existing device record
                                            if (Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar(selectSql, MetadataSynchronizationTimeout, database.Guid(uniqueID), parentID)) > 0)

                                            if (m_internal)
                                                // Gateway is assuming ownership of the device records when the "internal" flag is true - this means the device's measurements can be forwarded to another party.
                                                // From a device record perspective, ownership is inferred by setting 'OriginalSource' to null.
                                                updateSql = database.ParameterizedQueryString("UPDATE Device SET Acronym = {0}, Name = {1}, OriginalSource = {2}, ProtocolID = {3}, HistorianID = {4} WHERE UniqueID = {5}", "acronym", "name", "originalSource", "protocolID", "historianID", "uniqueID");
                                                command.ExecuteNonQuery(updateSql, MetadataSynchronizationTimeout, sourcePrefix + row.Field<string>("Acronym"), row.Field<string>("Name"), (object)DBNull.Value, m_gatewayProtocolID, historianID, database.Guid(uniqueID));
                                                // When gateway doesn't own device records (i.e., the "internal" flag is false), this means the device's measurements can only be consumed locally. From a device
                                                // record perspective this means the 'OriginalSource' field is set to the acronym of the PDC or PMU that generated the source measurements. This field allows a
                                                // mirrored source restriction to be implemented later to ensure all devices in an output protocol came from the same original source connection.
                                                updateSql = database.ParameterizedQueryString("UPDATE Device SET Acronym = {0}, Name = {1}, ProtocolID = {2}, HistorianID = {3} WHERE UniqueID = {4}", "acronym", "name", "protocolID", "historianID", "uniqueID");
                                                command.ExecuteNonQuery(updateSql, MetadataSynchronizationTimeout, sourcePrefix + row.Field<string>("Acronym"), row.Field<string>("Name"), m_gatewayProtocolID, historianID, database.Guid(uniqueID));

                                    // Capture local device ID auto-inc value for measurement association
                                    selectSql = database.ParameterizedQueryString("SELECT ID FROM Device WHERE UniqueID = {0}", "deviceGuid");
                                    deviceIDs[row.Field<string>("Acronym")] = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar(selectSql, MetadataSynchronizationTimeout, database.Guid(uniqueID)));

                                // Remove any device records associated with this subscriber that no longer exist in the meta-data
                                if (uniqueIDs.Count > 0)
                                    deleteSql = string.Format("DELETE FROM Device WHERE ParentID = {0} AND UniqueID NOT IN ({1})", parentID, uniqueIDs.Select(uniqueID => string.Format("'{0}'", uniqueID.ToString().ToLower())).ToDelimitedString(", "));
                                    command.ExecuteNonQuery(deleteSql, MetadataSynchronizationTimeout);

                            // Check to see if data for the "MeasurementDetail" table was included in the meta-data
                            if (metadata.Tables.Contains("MeasurementDetail"))
                                List<Guid> signalIDs = new List<Guid>();
                                DataRow[] measurementRows;

                                // Load signal type ID's from local database associated with their acronym for proper signal type translation
                                Dictionary<string, int> signalTypeIDs = new Dictionary<string, int>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

                                foreach (DataRow row in command.RetrieveData(database.AdapterType, "SELECT ID, Acronym FROM SignalType").Rows)
                                    signalTypeAcronym = row.Field<string>("Acronym");

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(signalTypeAcronym))
                                        signalTypeIDs[signalTypeAcronym] = row.ConvertField<int>("ID");

                                foreach (DataRow row in metadata.Tables["MeasurementDetail"].Rows)
                                    // Get device and signal type acronyms
                                    deviceAcronym = row.Field<string>("DeviceAcronym") ?? string.Empty;
                                    signalTypeAcronym = row.Field<string>("SignalAcronym") ?? string.Empty;

                                    // Make sure we have an associated device and signal type already defined for the measurement
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deviceAcronym) && deviceIDs.ContainsKey(deviceAcronym) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(signalTypeAcronym) && signalTypeIDs.ContainsKey(signalTypeAcronym))
                                        // Prefix the tag name with the "updated" device name
                                        deviceID = deviceIDs[deviceAcronym];
                                        string pointTag = sourcePrefix + row.Field<string>("PointTag");
                                        Guid signalID = Guid.Parse(row.Field<object>("SignalID").ToString()); // adoDatabase.Guid(row, "SignalID");  // row.Field<Guid>("SignalID");

                                        // Track unique measurement signal Guids in this meta-data session, we'll need to remove any old associated measurements that no longer exist

                                        // Define query to determine if this measurement is already defined (this should always be based on the unique signal ID Guid)
                                        selectSql = database.ParameterizedQueryString("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Measurement WHERE SignalID = {0}", "signalID");

                                        if (Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar(selectSql, MetadataSynchronizationTimeout, database.Guid(signalID))) == 0)
                                            string alternateTag = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                                            // Insert new measurement record
                                            insertSql = database.ParameterizedQueryString("INSERT INTO Measurement (DeviceID, HistorianID, PointTag, AlternateTag, SignalTypeID, SignalReference, Description, Internal, Subscribed, Enabled) VALUES ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, 0, 1)", "deviceID", "historianID", "pointTag", "alternateTag", "signalTypeID", "signalReference", "description", "internal");
                                            command.ExecuteNonQuery(insertSql, MetadataSynchronizationTimeout, deviceID, historianID, pointTag, alternateTag, signalTypeIDs[signalTypeAcronym], sourcePrefix + row.Field<string>("SignalReference"), row.Field<string>("Description") ?? string.Empty, database.Bool(m_internal));

                                            // Guids are normally auto-generated during insert - after insertion update the Guid so that it matches the source data. Most of the database
                                            // scripts have triggers that support properly assigning the Guid during an insert, but this code ensures the Guid will always get assigned.
                                            updateSql = database.ParameterizedQueryString("UPDATE Measurement SET SignalID = {0}, AlternateTag = NULL WHERE AlternateTag = {1}", "signalID", "alternateTag");
                                            command.ExecuteNonQuery(updateSql, MetadataSynchronizationTimeout, database.Guid(signalID), alternateTag);
                                            // Update existing measurement record. Note that this update assumes that measurements will remain associated with a static source device.
                                            updateSql = database.ParameterizedQueryString("UPDATE Measurement SET HistorianID = {0}, PointTag = {1}, SignalTypeID = {2}, SignalReference = {3}, Description = {4}, Internal = {5} WHERE SignalID = {6}", "historianID", "pointTag", "signalTypeID", "signalReference", "description", "internal", "signalID");
                                            command.ExecuteNonQuery(updateSql, MetadataSynchronizationTimeout, historianID, pointTag, signalTypeIDs[signalTypeAcronym], sourcePrefix + row.Field<string>("SignalReference"), row.Field<string>("Description") ?? string.Empty, database.Bool(m_internal), database.Guid(signalID));

                                // Remove any measurement records associated with existing devices in this session but no longer exist in the meta-data
                                if (deviceIDs.Count > 0 && signalIDs.Count > 0)
                                    deleteSql = string.Format("DELETE FROM Measurement WHERE DeviceID IN ({0}) AND SignalID NOT IN ({1})", deviceIDs.Values.ToDelimitedString(", "), signalIDs.Select(uniqueID => string.Format("'{0}'", uniqueID.ToString())).ToDelimitedString(", "));
                                    command.ExecuteNonQuery(deleteSql, MetadataSynchronizationTimeout);

                            // Check to see if data for the "PhasorDetail" table was included in the meta-data
                            if (metadata.Tables.Contains("PhasorDetail"))
                                Dictionary<int, int> maxSourceIndicies = new Dictionary<int, int>();
                                int sourceIndex;

                                // Phasor data is normally only needed so that the user can property generate a mirrored IEEE C37.118 output stream from the source data.
                                // This is necessary since, in this protocol, the phasors are described (i.e., labeled) as a unit (i.e., as a complex number) instead of
                                // as two distinct angle and magnitude measurements.

                                foreach (DataRow row in metadata.Tables["PhasorDetail"].Rows)
                                    // Get device acronym
                                    deviceAcronym = row.Field<string>("DeviceAcronym") ?? string.Empty;

                                    // Make sure we have an associated device already defined for the phasor record
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deviceAcronym) && deviceIDs.ContainsKey(deviceAcronym))
                                        deviceID = deviceIDs[deviceAcronym];

                                        // Define query to determine if this phasor record is already defined, this is no Guid for these simple label records
                                        selectSql = database.ParameterizedQueryString("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Phasor WHERE DeviceID = {0} AND SourceIndex = {1}", "deviceID", "sourceIndex");

                                        if (Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar(selectSql, MetadataSynchronizationTimeout, deviceID, row.ConvertField<int>("SourceIndex"))) == 0)
                                            // Insert new phasor record
                                            insertSql = database.ParameterizedQueryString("INSERT INTO Phasor (DeviceID, Label, Type, Phase, SourceIndex) VALUES ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4})", "deviceID", "label", "type", "phase", "sourceIndex");
                                            command.ExecuteNonQuery(insertSql, MetadataSynchronizationTimeout, deviceID, row.Field<string>("Label") ?? "undefined", (row.Field<string>("Type") ?? "V").TruncateLeft(1), (row.Field<string>("Phase") ?? "+").TruncateLeft(1), row.ConvertField<int>("SourceIndex"));
                                            // Update existing phasor record
                                            updateSql = database.ParameterizedQueryString("UPDATE Phasor SET Label = {0}, Type = {1}, Phase = {2} WHERE DeviceID = {3} AND SourceIndex = {4}", "label", "type", "phase", "deviceID", "sourceIndex");
                                            command.ExecuteNonQuery(updateSql, MetadataSynchronizationTimeout, row.Field<string>("Label") ?? "undefined", (row.Field<string>("Type") ?? "V").TruncateLeft(1), (row.Field<string>("Phase") ?? "+").TruncateLeft(1), deviceID, row.ConvertField<int>("SourceIndex"));

                                        // Track largest source index for each device
                                        maxSourceIndicies.TryGetValue(deviceID, out sourceIndex);

                                        if (row.ConvertField<int>("SourceIndex") > sourceIndex)
                                            maxSourceIndicies[deviceID] = row.ConvertField<int>("SourceIndex");

                                // Remove any phasor records associated with existing devices in this session but no longer exist in the meta-data
                                if (maxSourceIndicies.Count > 0)
                                    foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> deviceIndexPair in maxSourceIndicies)
                                        deleteSql = string.Format("DELETE FROM Phasor WHERE DeviceID = {0} AND SourceIndex > {1}", deviceIndexPair.Key, deviceIndexPair.Value);
                                        command.ExecuteNonQuery(deleteSql, MetadataSynchronizationTimeout);

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Failed to synchronize meta-data to local cache: " + ex.Message, ex));

                            catch (Exception rollbackException)
                                OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Failed to roll back database transaction due to exception: " + rollbackException.Message, rollbackException));


                    // New signals may have been defined, take original remote signal index cache and apply changes
                    if (m_remoteSignalIndexCache != null)
                        m_signalIndexCache = new SignalIndexCache(DataSource, m_remoteSignalIndexCache);

                    OnStatusMessage("Meta-data synchronization completed successfully in {0}", (DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - startTime).ToElapsedTimeString(3));

                    // Restart data stream monitor after meta-data synchronization if it was originally enabled
                    if (dataMonitoringEnabled && (object)m_dataStreamMonitor != null)
                        m_dataStreamMonitor.Enabled = true;
                    OnStatusMessage("WARNING: Meta-data synchronization was not performed, deserialized dataset was empty.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Failed to synchronize meta-data to local cache: " + ex.Message, ex));
Esempio n. 4
        private void ProcessServerResponse(byte[] buffer, int length)
            // Currently this work is done on the async socket completion thread, make sure work to be done is timely and if the response processing
            // is coming in via the command channel and needs to send a command back to the server, it should be done on a separate thread...
            if (buffer != null && length > 0)
                    ServerResponse responseCode = (ServerResponse)buffer[0];
                    ServerCommand commandCode = (ServerCommand)buffer[1];
                    int responseLength = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(buffer, 2);
                    int responseIndex = DataPublisher.ClientResponseHeaderSize;
                    bool solicited = false;
                    byte[][][] keyIVs;

                    // See if this was a solicited response to a requested server command
                    if (responseCode.IsSolicited())
                        lock (m_requests)
                            int index = m_requests.BinarySearch(commandCode);

                            if (index >= 0)
                                solicited = true;

                        // Disconnect any established UDP data channel upon successful unsubscribe
                        if (solicited && commandCode == ServerCommand.Unsubscribe && responseCode == ServerResponse.Succeeded)
                            DataChannel = null;

                    switch (responseCode)
                        case ServerResponse.Succeeded:
                            if (solicited)
                                switch (commandCode)
                                    case ServerCommand.Authenticate:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        m_authenticated = true;
                                    case ServerCommand.Subscribe:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        m_subscribed = true;
                                        if ((object)m_dataStreamMonitor != null)
                                            m_dataStreamMonitor.Enabled = true;
                                    case ServerCommand.Unsubscribe:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        m_subscribed = false;
                                        if ((object)m_dataStreamMonitor != null)
                                            m_dataStreamMonitor.Enabled = false;
                                    case ServerCommand.RotateCipherKeys:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                    case ServerCommand.MetaDataRefresh:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": latest meta-data received.", commandCode);
                                        OnMetaDataReceived(DeserializeMetadata(buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength)));
                                switch (commandCode)
                                    case ServerCommand.MetaDataRefresh:
                                        // Meta-data refresh may be unsolicited
                                        OnStatusMessage("Received server confirmation for unsolicited request to \"{0}\" command: latest meta-data received.", commandCode);
                                        OnMetaDataReceived(DeserializeMetadata(buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength)));
                                    case ServerCommand.RotateCipherKeys:
                                        // Key rotation may be unsolicited
                                        OnStatusMessage("Received server confirmation for unsolicited request to \"{0}\" command: {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                    case ServerCommand.Subscribe:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Received unsolicited response to \"{0}\" command: {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Publisher sent a success code for an unsolicited server command: " + commandCode));
                        case ServerResponse.Failed:
                            if (solicited)
                                OnStatusMessage("Failure code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Publisher sent a failed code for an unsolicited server command: " + commandCode));
                        case ServerResponse.DataPacket:
                            long now = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

                            // Deserialize data packet
                            List<IMeasurement> measurements = new List<IMeasurement>();
                            DataPacketFlags flags;
                            Ticks timestamp = 0;
                            int count;

                            // Track total data packet bytes received from any channel
                            m_totalBytesReceived += m_lastBytesReceived;
                            m_monitoredBytesReceived += m_lastBytesReceived;

                            // Get data packet flags
                            flags = (DataPacketFlags)buffer[responseIndex];

                            bool synchronizedMeasurements = ((byte)(flags & DataPacketFlags.Synchronized) > 0);
                            bool compactMeasurementFormat = ((byte)(flags & DataPacketFlags.Compact) > 0);
                            bool compressedPayload = ((byte)(flags & DataPacketFlags.Compressed) > 0);
                            int cipherIndex = (flags & DataPacketFlags.CipherIndex) > 0 ? 1 : 0;

                            // Decrypt data packet payload if keys are available
                            if (m_keyIVs != null)
                                // Get a local copy of volatile keyIVs reference since this can change at any time
                                keyIVs = m_keyIVs;

                                // Decrypt payload portion of data packet
                                buffer = Common.SymmetricAlgorithm.Decrypt(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength - 1, keyIVs[cipherIndex][0], keyIVs[cipherIndex][1]);
                                responseIndex = 0;
                                responseLength = buffer.Length;

                            // Synchronized packets contain a frame level timestamp
                            if (synchronizedMeasurements)
                                timestamp = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex);
                                responseIndex += 8;

                            // Deserialize number of measurements that follow
                            count = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(buffer, responseIndex);
                            responseIndex += 4;

                            if (compressedPayload)
                                if ((object)m_signalIndexCache == null && m_lastMissingCacheWarning + MissingCacheWarningInterval < now)
                                    if (m_lastMissingCacheWarning != 0L)
                                        // Warning message for missing signal index cache
                                        OnStatusMessage("WARNING: Signal index cache has not arrived. No compact measurements can be parsed.");

                                    m_lastMissingCacheWarning = now;
                                        // Decompress compact measurements from payload
                                        measurements.AddRange(buffer.DecompressPayload(m_signalIndexCache, responseIndex, responseLength - responseIndex + DataPublisher.ClientResponseHeaderSize, count, m_includeTime, flags));
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("WARNING: Decompression failure: " + ex.Message, ex));
                                // Deserialize measurements
                                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                                    if (!compactMeasurementFormat)
                                        // Deserialize full measurement format
                                        SerializableMeasurement measurement = new SerializableMeasurement(m_encoding);
                                        responseIndex += measurement.ParseBinaryImage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength - responseIndex);
                                    else if ((object)m_signalIndexCache != null)
                                        // Deserialize compact measurement format
                                        CompactMeasurement measurement = new CompactMeasurement(m_signalIndexCache, m_includeTime, m_baseTimeOffsets, m_timeIndex, m_useMillisecondResolution);
                                        responseIndex += measurement.ParseBinaryImage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength - responseIndex);

                                        // Apply timestamp from frame if not included in transmission
                                        if (!measurement.IncludeTime)
                                            measurement.Timestamp = timestamp;

                                    else if (m_lastMissingCacheWarning + MissingCacheWarningInterval < now)
                                        if (m_lastMissingCacheWarning != 0L)
                                            // Warning message for missing signal index cache
                                            OnStatusMessage("WARNING: Signal index cache has not arrived. No compact measurements can be parsed.");

                                        m_lastMissingCacheWarning = now;

                            // Provide new measurements to local concentrator, if defined, otherwise directly expose them to the consumer
                            if ((object)m_localConcentrator != null)
                        case ServerResponse.DataStartTime:
                            // Raise data start time event
                            OnDataStartTime(EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex));
                        case ServerResponse.ProcessingComplete:
                            // Raise input processing completed event
                            OnProcessingComplete(InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                        case ServerResponse.UpdateSignalIndexCache:
                            // Deserialize new signal index cache
                            m_remoteSignalIndexCache = DeserializeSignalIndexCache(buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength));
                            m_signalIndexCache = new SignalIndexCache(DataSource, m_remoteSignalIndexCache);
                        case ServerResponse.UpdateBaseTimes:
                            // Get active time index
                            m_timeIndex = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(buffer, responseIndex);
                            responseIndex += 4;

                            // Deserialize new base time offsets
                            m_baseTimeOffsets = new long[] { EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex), EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex + 8) };
                        case ServerResponse.UpdateCipherKeys:
                            // Get active cipher index
                            m_cipherIndex = buffer[responseIndex++];

                            // Extract remaining response
                            byte[] bytes = buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength - 1);

                            // Decrypt response payload if subscription is authenticated
                            if (m_authenticated)
                                bytes = bytes.Decrypt(m_sharedSecret, CipherStrength.Aes256);

                            // Deserialize new cipher keys
                            keyIVs = new byte[2][][];
                            keyIVs[EvenKey] = new byte[2][];
                            keyIVs[OddKey] = new byte[2][];

                            int index = 0;
                            int bufferLen;

                            // Read even key size
                            bufferLen = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read even key
                            keyIVs[EvenKey][KeyIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[EvenKey][KeyIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            index += bufferLen;

                            // Read even initialization vector size
                            bufferLen = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read even initialization vector
                            keyIVs[EvenKey][IVIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[EvenKey][IVIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            index += bufferLen;

                            // Read odd key size
                            bufferLen = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read odd key
                            keyIVs[OddKey][KeyIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[OddKey][KeyIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            index += bufferLen;

                            // Read odd initialization vector size
                            bufferLen = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read odd initialization vector
                            keyIVs[OddKey][IVIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[OddKey][IVIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            index += bufferLen;

                            // Exchange keys
                            m_keyIVs = keyIVs;

                            OnStatusMessage("Successfully established new cipher keys for data packet transmissions.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Failed to process publisher response packet due to exception: " + ex.Message, ex));
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompresses <see cref="CompactMeasurement"/> values from the given <paramref name="source"/> buffer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Buffer with compressed <see cref="CompactMeasurement"/> payload.</param>
        /// <param name="signalIndexCache">Current <see cref="SignalIndexCache"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="index">Index into buffer where compressed payload begins.</param>
        /// <param name="dataLength">Length of all data within <paramref name="source"/> buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="measurementCount">Number of compressed measurements in the payload.</param>
        /// <param name="includeTime">Flag that determines if timestamps as included in the payload.</param>
        /// <param name="flags">Current <see cref="DataPacketFlags"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>Decompressed <see cref="CompactMeasurement"/> values from the given <paramref name="source"/> buffer.</returns>
        public static CompactMeasurement[] DecompressPayload(this byte[] source, SignalIndexCache signalIndexCache, int index, int dataLength, int measurementCount, bool includeTime, DataPacketFlags flags)
            CompactMeasurement[] measurements = new CompactMeasurement[measurementCount];
            byte[] buffer = null;

                // Actual data length has to take into account response byte and in-response-to server command byte in the payload header
                //int dataLength = length - index - 2;
                int bufferLength = PatternDecompressor.MaximumSizeDecompressed(dataLength);

                // Copy source data into a decompression buffer
                buffer = BufferPool.TakeBuffer(bufferLength);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(source, index, buffer, 0, dataLength);

                // Check that OS endian-order matches endian-order of compressed data
                if (!(BitConverter.IsLittleEndian && (flags & DataPacketFlags.LittleEndianCompression) > 0))
                    // TODO: Set a flag, e.g., Endianness decompressAs, to pass into pattern decompressor so it
                    // can be modified to decompress a payload that is non-native Endian order
                    throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot currently decompress payload that is not in native endian-order.");

                // Attempt to decompress buffer
                int uncompressedSize = PatternDecompressor.DecompressBuffer(buffer, 0, dataLength, bufferLength);

                if (uncompressedSize == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to decompress payload buffer - possible data corruption.");

                index = 0;

                // Decode ID and state flags
                for (int i = 0; i < measurementCount; i++)
                    uint value = NativeEndianOrder.Default.ToUInt32(buffer, index);

                    measurements[i] = new CompactMeasurement(signalIndexCache, includeTime)
                        CompactStateFlags = (byte)(value >> 16),
                        RuntimeID = (ushort)value

                    index += 4;

                // Decode values
                for (int i = 0; i < measurementCount; i++)
                    measurements[i].Value = NativeEndianOrder.Default.ToSingle(buffer, index);
                    index += 4;

                if (includeTime)
                    // Decode timestamps
                    for (int i = 0; i < measurementCount; i++)
                        measurements[i].Timestamp = NativeEndianOrder.Default.ToInt64(buffer, index);
                        index += 8;
                if ((object)buffer != null)

            return measurements;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="CompactMeasurement"/> from an existing <see cref="IMeasurement"/> value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="measurement">Source <see cref="IMeasurement"/> value.</param>
        /// <param name="signalIndexCache">Signal index cache used to serialize or deserialize runtime information.</param>
        /// <param name="includeTime">Set to <c>true</c> to include time in serialized packet; otherwise <c>false</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="baseTimeOffsets">Base time offset array - set to <c>null</c> to use full fidelity measurement time.</param>
        /// <param name="timeIndex">Time index to use for base offset.</param>
        /// <param name="useMillisecondResolution">Flag that determines if millisecond resolution is in use for this serialization.</param>
        public CompactMeasurement(IMeasurement measurement, SignalIndexCache signalIndexCache, bool includeTime = true, long[] baseTimeOffsets = null, int timeIndex = 0, bool useMillisecondResolution = false)
            ID = measurement.ID;
            Key = measurement.Key;
            Value = measurement.Value;
            Adder = measurement.Adder;
            Multiplier = measurement.Multiplier;
            Timestamp = measurement.Timestamp;
            StateFlags = measurement.StateFlags;

            m_signalIndexCache = signalIndexCache;
            m_includeTime = includeTime;

            // We keep a clone of the base time offsets, if provided, since array contents can change at any time
            if (baseTimeOffsets == null)
                m_baseTimeOffsets = s_emptyBaseTimeOffsets;
                m_baseTimeOffsets = new long[] { baseTimeOffsets[0], baseTimeOffsets[1] };

            m_timeIndex = timeIndex;
            m_useMillisecondResolution = useMillisecondResolution;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="CompactMeasurement"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="signalIndexCache">Signal index cache used to serialize or deserialize runtime information.</param>
        /// <param name="includeTime">Set to <c>true</c> to include time in serialized packet; otherwise <c>false</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="baseTimeOffsets">Base time offset array - set to <c>null</c> to use full fidelity measurement time.</param>
        /// <param name="timeIndex">Time index to use for base offset.</param>
        /// <param name="useMillisecondResolution">Flag that determines if millisecond resolution is in use for this serialization.</param>
        public CompactMeasurement(SignalIndexCache signalIndexCache, bool includeTime = true, long[] baseTimeOffsets = null, int timeIndex = 0, bool useMillisecondResolution = false)
            m_signalIndexCache = signalIndexCache;
            m_includeTime = includeTime;

            // We keep a clone of the base time offsets, if provided, since array contents can change at any time
            if (baseTimeOffsets == null)
                m_baseTimeOffsets = s_emptyBaseTimeOffsets;
                m_baseTimeOffsets = new long[] { baseTimeOffsets[0], baseTimeOffsets[1] };

            m_timeIndex = timeIndex;
            m_useMillisecondResolution = useMillisecondResolution;
Esempio n. 8
        // Retrieves the measurements from the database.
        private void GetDbMeasurements(object state)
            IDbConnection connection = null;

            // Get measurements from the database.
                SignalIndexCache signalIndexCache = new SignalIndexCache();
                CompactMeasurement measurement;
                long startTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

                if (m_cacheFileName != null && File.Exists(m_cacheFileName))
                    OnStatusMessage("Loading cached input data...");

                        using (FileStream data = File.OpenRead(m_cacheFileName))
                            byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
                            int signalIndexCacheImageSize;
                            int compactMeasurementSize;
                            int totalMeasurements;

                            // Read the signal index cache image size from the file
                            if (data.Read(buffer, 0, 4) != 4)
                                throw new EndOfStreamException();

                            signalIndexCacheImageSize = EndianOrder.LittleEndian.ToInt32(buffer, 0);

                            // Resize buffer to accomodate exact signal index cache
                            buffer = new byte[signalIndexCacheImageSize];

                            // Read the signal index cache image from the file
                            if (data.Read(buffer, 0, signalIndexCacheImageSize) != signalIndexCacheImageSize)
                                throw new EndOfStreamException();

                            // Deserialize the signal index cache
                            signalIndexCache = Serialization.Deserialize<SignalIndexCache>(buffer, TVA.SerializationFormat.Binary);

                            // Read the size of each compact measurement from the file
                            if (data.Read(buffer, 0, 4) != 4)
                                throw new EndOfStreamException();

                            compactMeasurementSize = EndianOrder.LittleEndian.ToInt32(buffer, 0);

                            // Read the total number of compact measurements from the file
                            if (data.Read(buffer, 0, 4) != 4)
                                throw new EndOfStreamException();

                            totalMeasurements = EndianOrder.LittleEndian.ToInt32(buffer, 0);

                            // Resize buffer to accomodate compact measurement if needed (not likely)
                            if (buffer.Length < compactMeasurementSize)
                                buffer = new byte[compactMeasurementSize];

                            // Read each compact measurement image from the file
                            for (int i = 0; i < totalMeasurements; i++)
                                if (data.Read(buffer, 0, compactMeasurementSize) != compactMeasurementSize)
                                    throw new EndOfStreamException();

                                // Parse compact measurement
                                measurement = new CompactMeasurement(signalIndexCache);
                                measurement.ParseBinaryImage(buffer, 0, compactMeasurementSize);


                                if (m_dbMeasurements.Count % 50000 == 0)
                                    OnStatusMessage("Loaded {0} records so far...", m_dbMeasurements.Count);

                            OnStatusMessage("Completed data load in {0}", ((Ticks)(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - startTime)).ToElapsedTimeString(4));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (ex is EndOfStreamException)
                            throw (EndOfStreamException)ex;

                        throw new EndOfStreamException(ex.Message, ex);
                    OnStatusMessage("Loading database input data...");

                    const string MeasurementTable = "ActiveMeasurements";

                    Dictionary<string, string> dataProviderSettings = m_dataProviderString.ParseKeyValuePairs();
                    Assembly assm = Assembly.Load(dataProviderSettings["AssemblyName"]);
                    Type connectionType = assm.GetType(dataProviderSettings["ConnectionType"]);

                    Dictionary<Guid, MeasurementKey> lookupCache = new Dictionary<Guid, MeasurementKey>();
                    IDbCommand command;
                    IDataReader dbReader;
                    MeasurementKey key;
                    Guid id;
                    ushort index = 0;

                    connection = (IDbConnection)Activator.CreateInstance(connectionType);
                    connection.ConnectionString = m_dbConnectionString;

                    command = connection.CreateCommand();
                    command.CommandText = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0}", m_dbTableName);

                    using (dbReader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        while (dbReader.Read())
                            measurement = new CompactMeasurement(signalIndexCache);

                            foreach (string fieldName in m_fieldNames.Keys)
                                object value = dbReader[fieldName];
                                string propertyName = m_fieldNames[fieldName];

                                switch (propertyName)
                                    case "Timestamp":
                                        // If the value is a timestamp, use the timestamp format
                                        // specified by the user when reading the timestamp.
                                        if (m_timestampFormat == null)
                                            measurement.Timestamp = long.Parse(value.ToNonNullString());
                                            measurement.Timestamp = DateTime.ParseExact(value.ToNonNullString(), m_timestampFormat, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                                    case "ID":
                                        if (Guid.TryParse(value.ToString(), out id))
                                            if (!lookupCache.TryGetValue(id, out key))
                                                if (DataSource.Tables.Contains(MeasurementTable))
                                                    DataRow[] filteredRows = DataSource.Tables[MeasurementTable].Select(string.Format("SignalID = '{0}'", id));

                                                    if (filteredRows.Length > 0)
                                                        MeasurementKey.TryParse(filteredRows[0]["ID"].ToString(), id, out key);

                                                if (key != default(MeasurementKey))
                                                    // Cache measurement key associated with ID
                                                    lookupCache[id] = key;

                                                    // Assign a runtime index optimization for distinct measurements
                                                    signalIndexCache.Reference.TryAdd(index++, new Tuple<Guid, string, uint>(id, key.Source, key.ID));

                                            measurement.ID = id;
                                            measurement.Key = key;
                                    case "Key":
                                        if (MeasurementKey.TryParse(value.ToString(), Guid.Empty, out key))
                                            // Attempt to update empty signal ID if available
                                            if (key.SignalID == Guid.Empty)
                                                if (DataSource.Tables.Contains(MeasurementTable))
                                                    DataRow[] filteredRows = DataSource.Tables[MeasurementTable].Select(string.Format("ID = '{0}'", key.ToString()));

                                                    if (filteredRows.Length > 0)
                                                        key.SignalID = filteredRows[0]["SignalID"].ToNonNullString(Guid.Empty.ToString()).ConvertToType<Guid>();

                                            if (key.SignalID != Guid.Empty)
                                                measurement.ID = key.SignalID;

                                                if (!lookupCache.ContainsKey(measurement.ID))
                                                    // Cache measurement key associated with ID
                                                    lookupCache[measurement.ID] = key;

                                                    // Assign a runtime index optimization for distinct measurements
                                                    signalIndexCache.Reference.TryAdd(index++, new Tuple<Guid, string, uint>(measurement.ID, key.Source, key.ID));

                                            measurement.Key = key;
                                    case "Value":
                                        measurement.Value = Convert.ToDouble(value);
                                        PropertyInfo property = GetAllProperties(typeof(IMeasurement)).FirstOrDefault(propertyInfo => propertyInfo.Name == propertyName);

                                        if (property != null)
                                            Type propertyType = property.PropertyType;
                                            Type valueType = value.GetType();

                                            if (property.PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(value.GetType()))
                                                property.SetValue(measurement, value, null);
                                            else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(string))
                                                property.SetValue(measurement, value.ToNonNullString(), null);
                                            else if (valueType == typeof(string))
                                                MethodInfo parseMethod = propertyType.GetMethod("Parse", new Type[] { typeof(string) });

                                                if (parseMethod != null && parseMethod.IsStatic)
                                                    property.SetValue(measurement, parseMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { value }), null);
                                                string exceptionMessage = string.Format("The type of field {0} could not be converted to the type of property {1}.", fieldName, propertyName);
                                                OnProcessException(new InvalidCastException(exceptionMessage));
                                            string exceptionMessage = string.Format("The type of field {0} could not be converted to the type of property {1} - no property match was found.", fieldName, propertyName);
                                            OnProcessException(new InvalidCastException(exceptionMessage));


                                if (m_dbMeasurements.Count % 50000 == 0)
                                    OnStatusMessage("Loaded {0} records so far...", m_dbMeasurements.Count);

                    OnStatusMessage("Sorting data by time...");

                    m_dbMeasurements = m_dbMeasurements.OrderBy(m => (long)m.Timestamp).ToList();

                    OnStatusMessage("Completed data load in {0}", ((Ticks)(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - startTime)).ToElapsedTimeString(4));

                    if (m_cacheFileName != null)
                        OnStatusMessage("Caching data for next initialization...");

                        using (FileStream data = File.OpenWrite(m_cacheFileName))
                            byte[] signalIndexCacheImage = Serialization.Serialize(signalIndexCache, TVA.SerializationFormat.Binary);
                            int compactMeasurementSize = (new CompactMeasurement(signalIndexCache)).BinaryLength;

                            // Write the signal index cache image size to the file
                            data.Write(EndianOrder.LittleEndian.GetBytes(signalIndexCacheImage.Length), 0, 4);

                            // Write the signal index cache image to the file
                            data.Write(signalIndexCacheImage, 0, signalIndexCacheImage.Length);

                            // Write the size of each compact measurement to the file
                            data.Write(EndianOrder.LittleEndian.GetBytes(compactMeasurementSize), 0, 4);

                            // Write the total number of compact measurements to the file
                            data.Write(EndianOrder.LittleEndian.GetBytes(m_dbMeasurements.Count), 0, 4);

                            // Write each compact measurement image to the file
                            for (int i = 0; i < m_dbMeasurements.Count; i++)

                OnStatusMessage("Entering data read cycle...");
            catch (EndOfStreamException ex)
                OnProcessException(new EndOfStreamException(string.Format("Failed load cached data from {0} due to file corruption{1} cache will be recreated from database", m_cacheFileName, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ex.Message) ? "," : ": " + ex.Message + " - ")));

                // If the cached file is corrupt, delete it and load from the database
                if (File.Exists(m_cacheFileName))

            catch (Exception ex)
                OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Failed during data load: " + ex.Message, ex));

                if (connection != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="SynchronizedClientSubscription"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">Reference to parent.</param>
        /// <param name="clientID"><see cref="Guid"/> based client connection ID.</param>
        /// <param name="subscriberID"><see cref="Guid"/> based subscriber ID.</param>
        public SynchronizedClientSubscription(DataPublisher parent, Guid clientID, Guid subscriberID)
            // Pass parent reference into base class

            m_parent = parent;
            m_clientID = clientID;
            m_subscriberID = subscriberID;
            m_signalIndexCache = new SignalIndexCache()
                SubscriberID = subscriberID