Esempio n. 1
        /// Add an export request to exportRequests.
        /// A follow-up process will actually do the export, which involves
        /// copying, downsampling, and/or filtering.
        static void AddExportTextureRequest(
            ExportGlTF.ExportedBrush exp,
            ExportRequests exportRequests,
            Texture tex, string texName, string exportRoot)
            // Even if it weren't for b/37499109, we'd still want to do a downsample
            // for robustness; tex.width/height is not necessarily the size of the
            // source png.
            int desiredWidth  = tex.width;
            int desiredHeight = tex.height;

            if (desiredWidth >= kLargeTextureThreshold ||
                desiredHeight >= kLargeTextureThreshold)
                desiredWidth  = Mathf.Max(desiredWidth >> 1, 1);
                desiredHeight = Mathf.Max(desiredHeight >> 1, 1);

            string projectRoot = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.dataPath);
            string src         = Path.Combine(projectRoot, UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(tex));
            string dstName     = String.Format(
                exp.folderName, exp.shaderVersion, texName, Path.GetExtension(src));

            exp.textures.Add(texName, dstName);
            exp.textureSizes.Add(texName, new Vector2(desiredWidth, desiredHeight));

            string dstDir = Path.Combine(exportRoot, exp.folderName);

            bool isBump;

                string          assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(tex);
                TextureImporter importer  = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(assetPath) as TextureImporter;
                isBump = importer.convertToNormalmap;
                new ExportRequest
                source        = src,
                destination   = Path.Combine(dstDir, dstName),
                desiredWidth  = desiredWidth,
                desiredHeight = desiredHeight,
                isBump        = isBump
Esempio n. 2
        /// Returns an ExportedBrush, and appends export requests to exportRequests.
        public static ExportGlTF.ExportedBrush ExportBrush(
            ExportRequests exportRequests,
            BrushDescriptor descriptor, string exportRoot)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(descriptor.m_DurableName))
                throw new ApplicationException(
                          string.Format("Brush {0} has no DurableName",;
            string brushFolderNameFmt = "{0}-{1}";
            string shaderFmt          = "{0}-v{1}-{2}.glsl";

            var exp = new ExportGlTF.ExportedBrush();

             = descriptor.m_DurableName;
            exp.guid           = descriptor.m_Guid;
            exp.folderName     = string.Format(brushFolderNameFmt,, exp.guid.ToString("D"));
            exp.shaderVersion  = descriptor.m_ShaderVersion;
            exp.vertexShader   = string.Format(shaderFmt, exp.folderName, exp.shaderVersion, "vertex");
            exp.fragmentShader = string.Format(shaderFmt, exp.folderName, exp.shaderVersion, "fragment");
            exp.enableCull     = GetEnableCull(descriptor);
            exp.blendMode      = descriptor.m_BlendMode;

            // And the material
                Material material = descriptor.Material;
                Shader   shader   = material.shader;
                for (int i = 0; i < ShaderUtil.GetPropertyCount(shader); i++)
                    string internalName = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyName(shader, i);
                    int    propId       = Shader.PropertyToID(internalName);
                    string propName     = SanitizeName(internalName);

                    switch (ShaderUtil.GetPropertyType(shader, i))
                    case ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.TexEnv:
                        if (material.HasProperty(internalName) && material.GetTexture(propId) is Texture2D)
                                exp, exportRequests, material.GetTexture(propId), propName, exportRoot);

                    case ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Color:
                        exp.colorParams.Add(propName, material.GetColor(propId));

                    case ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Range:
                    case ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Float:
                        float value = material.GetFloat(propId);
                        if (propName == "ScrollJitterIntensity")
                            value *= App.UNITS_TO_METERS;
                        exp.floatParams.Add(propName, value);

                    case ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Vector:
                        Vector4 vec = material.GetVector(propId);
                        if (propName == "ScrollDistance")
                            vec   *= App.UNITS_TO_METERS;
                            vec.z *= -1;
                        exp.vectorParams.Add(propName, vec);


            // A bit of sanity-checking.
            bool expectCutoff = (exp.blendMode == ExportableMaterialBlendMode.AlphaMask);
            bool hasCutoff    = exp.floatParams.ContainsKey("Cutoff");

            if (expectCutoff != hasCutoff)
                if (expectCutoff)
                    Debug.LogWarning($"{descriptor.m_DurableName}: missing cutoff (or shouldn't be AlphaMask)",
                    // Some of these warnings are caused by materials which are AdditiveBlend but also have
                    // alpha cutoff; but exp.blendMode can only represent one or the other. Unclear how
                    // we can get this into a gltf material.
                    // Some are caused by materials which don't use blending at all but still use a
                    // shader that has cutoff math in it (eg hull, wire, icing). This is a bit of wasted
                    // work at shading time.
                    // Debug.LogWarning($"{descriptor.m_DurableName}: {exp.blendMode} but has cutoff",
                    //                  descriptor);
