public MapGraphicsComponent(TmxMap Map) { var tileWidth = Map.Tilesets.Single().TileWidth; var tileHeight = Map.Tilesets.Single().TileHeight; var tileSpacing = Map.Tilesets.Single().Spacing; var tileMargins = Map.Tilesets.Single().Margin; texture = new RenderTexture((uint)(Map.Width * tileWidth), (uint)(Map.Height * tileHeight)); foreach (var layer in Map.Layers) { foreach (var tile in layer.Tiles) { var columns = (int)tileset.Texture.Size.X / (tileWidth + tileSpacing); int x = (tile.Gid - 1) % columns, y = (tile.Gid - 1) / columns; tileset.TextureRect = new IntRect(x * (tileWidth + tileSpacing) + tileMargins, y * (tileHeight + tileSpacing) + tileMargins, tileWidth, tileHeight); tileset.Position = new Vector2f(tile.X * tileWidth, tile.Y * tileHeight); texture.Draw(tileset); } } texture.Display(); Sprite = new Sprite(texture.Texture); }
public static Texture2D GetTexture(TmxMap map, List<Texture2D> textures, int gid) { int tilesetIdx = 0; foreach (var tileset in map.Tilesets) { if (tileset.FirstGid <= gid && gid < tileset.FirstGid + tileset.TileCount) { Texture2D originalTexture = textures[tilesetIdx]; // tileWidth and tileHeight are in pixels int tileWidth = tileset.TileWidth, tileHeight = tileset.TileHeight; // tilesetWidth measure number of tiles across int tilesetWidth = originalTexture.Width / (tileWidth + tileset.Spacing); int textureID = gid - tileset.FirstGid; int row = (textureID) / tilesetWidth; int column = (textureID) % tilesetWidth; Rectangle sourceRectangle = new Rectangle(tileWidth * column + column * tileset.Spacing, tileHeight * row + row * tileset.Spacing, tileWidth, tileHeight); GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice = EntitySystem.BlackBoard.GetEntry<GraphicsDevice>("GraphicsDevice"); Texture2D cropTexture = new Texture2D(graphicsDevice, sourceRectangle.Width, sourceRectangle.Height); Color[] data = new Color[sourceRectangle.Width * sourceRectangle.Height]; originalTexture.GetData(0, sourceRectangle, data, 0, data.Length); cropTexture.SetData(data); return cropTexture; } ++tilesetIdx; } return null; }
public Layer[] LoadObjectLayers(TmxMap tmxMap, ContentManager content) { var layers = new Layer[tmxMap.ObjectGroups.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < tmxMap.ObjectGroups.Count; i++) { OrderedDictionary<string, IGameObject> _gameObjects = new OrderedDictionary<string, IGameObject>(); foreach (var tmxObject in tmxMap.ObjectGroups[i].Objects) { if (tmxObject.Type == "Particle Emitter") { IGameObject gameObject = this.LoadParticleEmitter(tmxObject, content); _gameObjects.Add(tmxObject.Name, gameObject); } else if (tmxObject.Type == "NPC Spawner") { IGameObject gameObject = this.LoadNpcSpawner(tmxObject, _gameObjects, content); _gameObjects.Add(tmxObject.Name, gameObject); } } layers[i] = new Layer(_gameObjects, tmxMap.ObjectGroups[i].ZOrder); } return layers; }
public Map(TmxMap tmxMap, string name) { this.TmxMap = tmxMap; Name = name; Width = tmxMap.Width; Height = tmxMap.Height; Tilesets = new List<Tileset>(); foreach (TmxTileset tmxTileset in tmxMap.Tilesets) { Tilesets.Add(new Tileset(tmxTileset)); } Objects = new List<MapObject>(); foreach (TmxObjectGroup group in tmxMap.ObjectGroups) { foreach (TmxObject obj in group.Objects) { Tileset tileset = GetTileset(obj.Tile != null ? obj.Tile.Gid : -1); if (obj.Type == "npc") { Objects.Add(new NPC(obj, tileset, Name)); } else if (obj.Type == "player") { PlayerReference = new Player(obj, tileset); Global.defaultObj = obj; Global.defaultTileset = tileset; } else if (obj.Type == "teleport") { Objects.Add(new Teleport(obj, tileset)); } else if (obj.Type == "item") { Objects.Add(new ItemObject(obj, tileset)); } else { Objects.Add(new MapObject(obj, tileset, Name)); } } } // Populate above layers AboveLayers = new List<TmxLayer>(); foreach (TmxLayer layer in tmxMap.Layers) { if (layer.Properties.ContainsKey("above") && layer.Properties["above"] == "true") AboveLayers.Add(layer); } // Gets the song if (TmxMap.Properties.ContainsKey("song")) { song = TmxMap.Properties["song"]; } PopulateCollisions(); }
public MapObject(TmxMap map) { Map = map; Graphics = new MapGraphicsComponent(map); foreach (var platform in map.ObjectGroups["Solid"].Objects) Platforms.Add(new PlatformObject(ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(platform.X), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(platform.Y), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(platform.Width), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(platform.Height))); // "implicit" walls to prevent leaving the screen Platforms.Add(new WallObject(ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(-map.TileWidth), 0, ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(map.TileWidth), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(map.Height * map.TileHeight))); Platforms.Add(new WallObject(ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(map.Width * map.TileWidth), 0, ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(map.TileWidth), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(map.Height * map.TileHeight))); foreach (var candy in map.ObjectGroups["Candy"].Objects) { CandyKind kind; if (Enum.TryParse(candy.Name, out kind)) { CandyObject cobj; if (kind == CandyKind.Chocolate) cobj = new CandyObject(kind, new Vector2(candy.X, candy.Y), new Vector2(candy.Width, candy.Height)); else cobj = new CandyObject(kind, new Vector2(candy.X + candy.Width / 2, candy.Y + candy.Height / 2)); Candies.Add(cobj); } } foreach (var obj in map.ObjectGroups["Misc"].Objects) { if (obj.Name == "Text") { Hints.Add(new TextComponent { Text = new Text(obj.Properties["Text"], Content.Font, 16) { Position = new Vector2f(obj.X, obj.Y) } }); } else if (obj.Name == "Powerup") { Powerups.Add(new PowerupObject(new Vector2f(obj.X + obj.Width / 2, obj.Y + obj.Height / 2))); } else if (obj.Name == "Spawn") Spawn = new Vector2(ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(obj.X + obj.Width / 2), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(obj.Y + obj.Height / 2)); else if (obj.Name == "Exit") Exit = new ExitObject(new Vector2(ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(obj.X + obj.Width/2), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(obj.Y + obj.Height/2))); } }
public AStarSearcher(TmxMap map, Point dest, Point start) { _map = map; // Setup our start and goal here _start = new GraphNode(start, null); _end = new GraphNode(dest, null); }
public void VersionTest() { var mapPath = GetAssetPath("minimal.tmx"); TmxMap map = new TmxMap(mapPath); string version = map.Version; Assert.AreEqual(version, "1.0"); }
public static Map Load(string filePath, ContentManager content) { Map map = null; var tmxMap = new TmxMap(filePath); Console.WriteLine("Loading map file: {0}", filePath); var layers = new Layer[tmxMap.Layers.Count + tmxMap.ObjectGroups.Count]; var tilesets = new Tileset[tmxMap.Tilesets.Count]; // Load the tilesets. for (int i = 0; i < tmxMap.Tilesets.Count; i++) { tilesets[i] = new Tileset(tmxMap.Tilesets[i], content); } for (int i = 0; i < tmxMap.Layers.Count; i++) { var tmxLayer = tmxMap.Layers[i]; var graphicsDevice = (content.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(IGraphicsDeviceService)) as IGraphicsDeviceService).GraphicsDevice; var tiles = new Tile[tmxLayer.Tiles.Count]; for (int b = 0; b < tmxLayer.Tiles.Count; b++) { tiles[b] = LoadTile(tmxLayer, tmxLayer.Tiles[b], tilesets, content, graphicsDevice); } layers[i] = new Layer(tiles, tmxMap.Layers[i].ZOrder); } MapObjectLoader gameObjectLoader = new MapObjectLoader(); Layer[] objectLayers = gameObjectLoader.LoadObjectLayers(tmxMap, content); // Copy the objectLayers array to the layers array, starting at the first available slot, which is at the end of the tile layers. Array.Copy(objectLayers, 0, layers, tmxMap.Layers.Count, objectLayers.Length); // Sort the layers properly. Array.Sort(layers, (a, b) => a.ZOrder.CompareTo(b.ZOrder)); map = new Map() { _layers = layers, _size = new Point(tmxMap.Width, tmxMap.Height), _spawnInformation = gameObjectLoader }; Console.WriteLine("Finished loading map file: {0}", filePath); return map; }
public TiledMapComponent(string mapFile, string tilesetLocation) { Map = new TmxMap(mapFile); Textures = new List<Texture2D>(); ContentManager Content = EntitySystem.BlackBoard.GetEntry<ContentManager>("ContentManager"); foreach (var tileset in Map.Tilesets) { Textures.Add(Content.Load<Texture2D>(tilesetLocation + tileset.Name)); } }
public void Init(TmxMap tileMap) { _TileMap = tileMap; _width = _TileMap.Width; _height = _TileMap.Height; if (tiles != null) tiles = null; SetupMap(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: tmxc source dest"); return; } try { _map = new TmxMap(args[0]); } catch { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to open map file '{args[0]}'"); return; } var walkerMap = new Map(); foreach (var tileset in _map.Tilesets) { var walkerTileset = new Tileset(tileset.Name, tileset.Image.Source) { Margin = tileset.Margin, Spacing = tileset.Spacing, TileCount = (int)tileset.TileCount, TileWidth = tileset.TileWidth, TileHeight = tileset.TileHeight, FirstGid = tileset.FirstGid }; foreach (var tile in tileset.Tiles.Where(tile => tile.Properties.Count > 0)) { var entry = new TilePropertyEntry { Id = tile.Id }; foreach (var kvp in tile.Properties) entry.Properties.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); walkerTileset.PropertyEntries.Add(entry); } walkerMap.Tilesets.Add(walkerTileset); } var dest = args[1] + ".map"; using (var fs = new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create)) using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(fs)) { walkerMap.Write(writer); } }
/// <summary> /// This is constructor of TmxBuildDirector /// </summary> /// <param name="mapName"></param> /// <param name="builder"></param> public TmxBuildDirrector(String mapName, MapBuilder builder) { this.tmxName = mapName.Split('.')[0]; this.tmxMap = new TmxMap(Resources.mapsFolderPath + mapName); this.builder = builder; this.tmxTilesetsImages = new Dictionary<Int32, ResourceImage>(); this.tmxAnimations = new Dictionary<Int32, List<ResourceFrame>>(); LoadImagesFromTilesets(tmxMap.Tilesets); LoadAnimationsFromTilesets(tmxMap.Tilesets); }
public Map(string filename) { map = new TmxMap(filename); tileset = Game1.gameRef.Content.Load<Texture2D>("graphics\\" + map.Tilesets[0].Name); tileWidth = map.TileWidth; tileHeight = map.TileHeight; width = map.Width; height = map.Height; minions = new List<Minion>(); towers = new List<Tower>(); generateTiles(); calculateMinionPath(); }
public void LoadMap(string mapName) { TmxMap tmxMap = new TmxMap(String.Format("Content/Maps/{0}.tmx", mapName)); currentMap = new Map(tmxMap, mapName); // Loads player if (currentMap.PlayerReference != null) { Global.Player = currentMap.PlayerReference; } // Plays the song if ( != null) { AudioManager.Instance.PlaySong(; } }
public Map(MonoGameQuest game) : base(game) { var tmxMap = new TmxMap(@"Content\map\map.tmx"); CoordinateHeight = tmxMap.Height; CoordinateWidth = tmxMap.Width; CoordinateTerminus = new Vector2( CoordinateWidth - 1f, CoordinateHeight - 1f); PixelTileHeight = tmxMap.TileHeight; PixelTileWidth = tmxMap.TileWidth; _locations = new Dictionary<Vector2, List<int>>(); foreach (var layer in tmxMap.Layers) { if (!layer.Visible || layer.Name.Equals("entities", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) continue; foreach (var tile in layer.Tiles) { if (tile.Gid > 0) { var position = new Vector2(tile.X, tile.Y); if (!_locations.ContainsKey(position)) _locations.Add(position, new List<int>()); _locations[position].Add(tile.Gid); } } } BackgroundColor = new Color( r: tmxMap.BackgroundColor.R, g: tmxMap.BackgroundColor.G, b: tmxMap.BackgroundColor.R); UpdateOrder = Constants.UpdateOrder.Map; }
void loadContent(Game1 game, string name = null) { tileSet = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(Assets.TILESET); if (name == null) name = Assets.DATA_TESTROOM_PLATFORM; map = new TmxMap(name); ExtractObjects(); collisionMap = CollisionMap.Instance; collisionMap.Init(map); tileWidth = map.Tilesets[0].TileWidth; tileHeight = map.Tilesets[0].TileHeight; numTilesWide = tileSet.Width / tileWidth; numTilesHigh = tileSet.Height / tileHeight; }
public TileMap(String path, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager content) { map = new TmxMap(path); tileset = content.Load<Texture2D>(map.Tilesets[0].Name.ToString()); }
public override void UpdateCollision(TmxMap currentMap) { foreach (TmxObject collisionArea in currentMap.ObjectGroups[0].Objects) { Rectangle collisionRectangle = new Rectangle((int)collisionArea.X, (int)collisionArea.Y, (int)collisionArea.Width, (int)collisionArea.Height); Rectangle spriteCollision = sAnimations[currentAnimation][0]; spriteCollision.X = (int)position.X; spriteCollision.Y = (int)position.Y; spriteCollision.Y += 24; spriteCollision.Height -= 16; if (spriteCollision.Intersects(collisionRectangle)) { position = oldPosition; } } oldPosition = position; }
protected void LoadMap(string name) { map = new TmxMap(name); background = Content.Load<Texture2D>("background.png"); // Read Level Info From Map graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = map.Width * map.TileWidth; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = map.Height * map.TileHeight; player1.spriteX = Convert.ToInt32(map.Properties["startX"]); player1.spriteY = Convert.ToInt32(map.Properties["startY"]); player1.checkpointXPos = player1.spriteX; player1.checkpointYPos = player1.spriteY; // Create new level object level = new Level(player1); // Create all objects from tmx and place them in level foreach (TmxObjectGroup group in map.ObjectGroups) { foreach (TmxObjectGroup.TmxObject obj in group.Objects) { Type t = Type.GetType(obj.Type); Console.WriteLine(obj.Name); object item = Activator.CreateInstance(t, obj); if (item is Enemy) level.enemies.Add((Enemy)item); else level.items.Add((Sprite)item); } } level.items.Sort((x, y) => x.CompareTo(y)); player1.newMap = ""; LoadContent(); newMapLoad = false; }
public Mosaic(Game gameInput, string mapName) { // Temporary code game = gameInput; map = new TmxMap(mapName); tMapWidth = map.Width; tMapHeight = map.Height; // Initialize graphics buffers canvas = new Canvas(game); renderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(game.GraphicsDevice, game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height); // Load spritesheets spriteSheet = new Dictionary<TmxTileset, Texture2D>(); tileRect = new Dictionary<int, Rectangle>(); idSheet = new Dictionary<int, TmxTileset>(); foreach (TmxTileset ts in map.Tilesets) { var newSheet = GetSpriteSheet(ts.Image.Source); spriteSheet.Add(ts, newSheet); // Loop hoisting var wStart = ts.Margin; var wInc = ts.TileWidth + ts.Spacing; var wEnd = newSheet.Width; var hStart = ts.Margin; var hInc = ts.TileHeight + ts.Spacing; var hEnd = newSheet.Height; // Pre-compute tileset rectangles var id = ts.FirstGid; for (var h = hStart; h < hEnd; h += hInc) { for (var w = wStart; w < wEnd; w += wInc) { var rect = new Rectangle(w, h, ts.TileWidth, ts.TileHeight); idSheet.Add(id, ts); tileRect.Add(id, rect); id += 1; } } // Ignore properties for now } // Load id maps layerID = new List<int[,]>(); foreach (TmxLayer layer in map.Layers) { var idMap = new int[tMapWidth, tMapHeight]; foreach (TmxLayerTile t in layer.Tiles) { idMap[t.X, t.Y] = t.Gid; } layerID.Add(idMap); // Ignore properties for now } }
//private Layer collisionLayer; // Construct a TiledLib.Map from a public Map(ContentManager content, string mapName) { string mapPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Content/" + mapName + ".tmx"; TmxMap tmx = new TmxMap(mapPath); Version = new Version(tmx.Version); switch(tmx.Orientation) { case TmxMap.OrientationType.Isometric: Orientation = Orientation.Isometric; break; case TmxMap.OrientationType.Orthogonal: Orientation = Orientation.Orthogonal; break; case TmxMap.OrientationType.Staggered: throw new Exception( "TiledLib doesn't support maps with Staggered " + "orientation."); } Width = tmx.Width; Height = tmx.Height; TileWidth = tmx.TileWidth; TileHeight = tmx.TileHeight; Properties = new PropertyCollection(); foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in tmx.Properties) { Properties.Add(kvp); } // Create a list for our tiles List<Tile> tiles = new List<Tile>(); Tiles = new Collection<Tile>(tiles); // Read in each TileSet foreach (TmxTileset ts in tmx.Tilesets) { string tilesetName = ts.Name; Texture2D texture = content.Load<Texture2D>(ts.Image.Source); bool collisionSet = ts.Properties.ContainsKey("CollisionSet") && ts.Properties["CollisionSet"] == "True" ? true : false; /* TODO: Add this intelligence to TiledSharp. * If the texture is bigger than a individual tile, infer all the * additional tiles that must be created. */ if (texture.Width > ts.TileWidth || texture.Height > ts.TileHeight) { // Deconstruct tileset to individual tiles int id = 0; for (int y = 0; y < texture.Height / ts.TileHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < texture.Width / ts.TileWidth; x++) { Rectangle source = new Rectangle( x * ts.TileWidth, y * ts.TileHeight, ts.TileWidth, ts.TileHeight ); Color[] collisionData = null; bool[] collisionBitData = null; PropertyCollection props = new PropertyCollection(); TmxTilesetTile tsTile = ts.Tiles.Find(i => i.Id == id); if(tsTile != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in tsTile.Properties) { props.Add(kvp); // Inherit tilesets collision bool collidable = collisionSet; if (kvp.Key == "CollisionSet") { // Allow override per tile if (kvp.Value == "True") { collidable = true; } else { collidable = false; } } if (collidable) { int numOfBytes = ts.TileWidth * ts.TileHeight; collisionData = new Color[numOfBytes]; collisionBitData = new bool[numOfBytes]; texture.GetData<Color>( 0, source, collisionData, 0, numOfBytes ); for (int col = 0; col < numOfBytes; col++) { if (collisionData[col].A > 0) { collisionBitData[col] = true; } } collisionData = null; } } } Tile t = new Tile( texture, source, props, collisionBitData ); while (id >= tiles.Count) { tiles.Add(null); } tiles.Insert(id + ts.FirstGid, t); id++; } } } } // Process Map Items (layers, objectgroups, etc.) List<Layer> layers = new List<Layer>(); Layers = new Collection<Layer>(layers); foreach(TmxLayer l in tmx.Layers) { Layer layer = null; PropertyCollection props = new PropertyCollection(); foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in l.Properties) { props.Add(kvp); } layer = new TileLayer( l.Name, tmx.Width, // As of TiledQT always same as layer. tmx.Height, // As of TiledQT always same as layer. l.Visible, (float) l.Opacity, props, this, l.Tiles ); layers.Add(layer); namedLayers.Add(l.Name, layer); } foreach(TmxObjectGroup og in tmx.ObjectGroups) { Layer layer = null; PropertyCollection props = new PropertyCollection(); foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in og.Properties) { props.Add(kvp); } List<MapObject> objects = new List<MapObject>(); // read in all of our objects foreach(TmxObjectGroup.TmxObject i in og.Objects) { Rectangle objLoc = new Rectangle( i.X, i.Y, i.Width, i.Height ); List<Point> objPoints = new List<Point>(); if (i.Points != null) { foreach (Tuple<int, int> tuple in i.Points) { objPoints.Add(new Point(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2)); } } PropertyCollection objProps = new PropertyCollection(); foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in i.Properties) { objProps.Add(kvp); } objects.Add( new MapObject( i.Name, i.Type, objLoc, objPoints, objProps) ); } layer = new MapObjectLayer( og.Name, tmx.Width, tmx.Height, og.Visible, (float) og.Opacity, props, objects ); layers.Add(layer); namedLayers.Add(og.Name, layer); } }
public TileMap(string mapName, float scale) { Scale = scale; map = new TmxMap(mapName); MapWidth = map.Width; MapHeight = map.Height; TileWidth = map.TileWidth; TileHeight = map.TileHeight; RenderTiles = new TileMapRenderComponent.Tile[MapWidth, MapHeight]; PhysicsObjects = new List<PhysicsObject>(); ParallaxSprites = new List<ParallaxSprite>(); // Load spritesheets spriteSheets = new Dictionary<TmxTileset, Texture>(); subImageRects = new Dictionary<int, IntRect>(); idSheet = new Dictionary<int, TmxTileset>(); foreach (TmxTileset ts in map.Tilesets) { String filename = Path.GetFileName(ts.Image.Source); //Tiled stores the full path name of the tileset var newSheet = new Texture("assets/" + filename); spriteSheets.Add(ts, newSheet); // Loop hoisting var wStart = ts.Margin; var wInc = ts.TileWidth + ts.Spacing; var wEnd = ts.Image.Width / (ts.TileWidth + ts.Spacing); // don't want an ID for a partial tile var hStart = ts.Margin; var hInc = ts.TileHeight + ts.Spacing; var hEnd = ts.Image.Height / (ts.TileHeight + ts.Spacing); // Pre-compute sub image rectangles var id = ts.FirstGid; for (var h = hStart; h < hEnd; h += 1) { for (var w = wStart; w < wEnd; w += 1) { var rect = new IntRect(); rect.Left = w * wInc; rect.Width = ts.TileWidth; rect.Height = ts.TileHeight; rect.Top = h * hInc; idSheet.Add(id, ts); subImageRects.Add(id, rect); id += 1; } } // Ignore properties for now } // Load id maps layerID = new List<int[,]>(); foreach (TmxLayer layer in map.Layers) { var idMap = new int[MapWidth, MapHeight]; foreach (TmxLayerTile t in layer.Tiles) { idMap[t.X, t.Y] = t.Gid; } layerID.Add(idMap); // if(layer.Name == "tiles") // Ignore properties for now } foreach (TmxObjectGroup objectGroup in map.ObjectGroups) { if (objectGroup.Name.ToLower().Contains("objects")) { ParseCollisionLayer(objectGroup); } if(objectGroup.Name.ToLower().Contains("parallax")) { ParseParallaxLayer(objectGroup); } } ParseTileLayer(); }
/** Initialises the scene from script, loading the required data */ public void InitialiseFromScript(Table table) { //Load map String tilemapPath = System.IO.Path.Combine("assets/tilemaps/", ScriptManager.retrieveValue(table, "tilemap", "TILEMAP_NOT_SET")); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(tilemapPath)) throw new Exception(String.Format("Error loading \"{0}\". (is the path relative to assets/tilemaps/?)", tilemapPath)); map = new TmxMap(tilemapPath); gridTileWidth = map.TileWidth; gridTileHeight = map.TileHeight; //Load tilesets tilesets = new Video.Tileset[map.Tilesets.Count]; for (int iTileset = 0; iTileset < tilesets.Length; ++iTileset) { TmxTileset set = map.Tilesets[iTileset]; if (set.Margin != 0 || set.Spacing != 0) throw new Exception(String.Format("Tileset {0} must have margin and spacing equal to zero.", set.Name)); tilesets[iTileset] = new Video.Tileset(set.Image.Source, set.Name, set.TileWidth, set.TileHeight, set.FirstGid); } //Initialise layers layers = new Video.TileLayer[map.Layers.Count]; for (int iLayer = 0; iLayer < map.Layers.Count; ++iLayer) { layers[iLayer] = new Video.TileLayer(map.Layers[iLayer], tilesets, map.Width, map.Height, map.TileWidth, map.TileHeight); if (map.Layers[iLayer].Name == "collision") { collisionLayer = layers[iLayer]; } else if(map.Layers[iLayer].Name == "start") { //This is the layer where we want the player to start. startLayerIndex = iLayer; } } //Place the player: playerStartPixelX = ScriptManager.retrieveValue(table, "playerStartPixelX", 0); playerStartPixelY = (map.Height - 1)*map.TileHeight -ScriptManager.retrieveValue(table, "playerStartPixelY", 0); }
public void LoadContent(WorldScreen screen) { map = new TmxMap("Content/maps/" +mapstring+".tmx"); Console.WriteLine("Content/maps/" + mapstring + ".tmx"); tileset = ScreenManager.Instance.Content.Load<Texture2D>("tileset/"+tilesets); collisiontex= ScreenManager.Instance.Content.Load<Texture2D>("tileset/kind"); Tiles = new List<Tile>(); Polygon d=null; List< Point> lite= new List<Point>(); enemys = new List<Enemy>(); items = new List<Item>(); for (var i = 0; i < map.Layers[1].Tiles.Count; i++) { Tile.Type p=Tile.Type.air; int id = map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].Gid; if (id == 172) { enemys.Add(new Hero.World.Entitys.Enemys.Octorock(new Vector2((int)position.X + map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].X * 16, (int)position.Y + map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].Y * 16),i)); } if (id == 164) p = Tile.Type.air; if (id == 163) p = Tile.Type.solid; if (id == 168) p = Tile.Type.invisibol; if (id == 166) { p = Tile.Type.leftd; lite = new List<Point>(); lite.Add(new Point(map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].X * 16, map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].Y * 16)); lite.Add(new Point((map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].X * 16)+16, map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].Y * 16)); lite.Add(new Point((map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].X * 16) +16, (map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].Y * 16)+16)); d= new Polygon(lite); } if (id == 165) { p = Tile.Type.rightd; lite = new List<Point>(); lite.Add(new Point(map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].X * 16, map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].Y * 16)); lite.Add(new Point((map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].X * 16) + 16, map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].Y * 16)); lite.Add(new Point((map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].X * 16), (map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].Y * 16) + 16)); d= new Polygon(lite); } if (d == null) { Tile t = new Tile(p, new Rectangle((int)position.X+map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].X * 16, (int)position.Y + map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].Y * 16, 16, 16)); Tiles.Add(t); } else { Tile t = new Tile(p, new Rectangle((int)position.X + map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].X * 16, (int)position.Y+ map.Layers[1].Tiles[i].Y * 16, 16, 16), d); Tiles.Add(t); } lite.Clear(); d = null; // map.Layers[0].Tiles[i].Gid } foreach (Enemy e in enemys) { e.LoadContent(screen); } }
/// <summary> /// Loads all game content for later use. /// Should only be called during initialization. /// </summary> public static void Load() { Font = new Font("Content/font.ttf"); CandyCane = new Texture("Content/Sprites/Candy/candy_cane.png"); chocolates = new[] { new Texture("Content/Sprites/Candy/dark_chocolate.png") { Repeated = true }, new Texture("Content/Sprites/Candy/milk_chocolate.png") { Repeated = true }, new Texture("Content/Sprites/Candy/white_chocolate.png") { Repeated = true } }; DoubleCandyCane = new Texture("Content/Sprites/Candy/double_candy_cane.png"); Logo = new Texture("Content/Sprites/logo.png"); MeterBack = new Texture("Content/Sprites/meter_back.png"); MeterFront = new Texture("Content/Sprites/meter_front.png"); Noise = new Texture("Content/Sprites/noise.png"); Player = new Texture("Content/Sprites/player.png"); Powerup = new Texture("Content/Sprites/powerup.png"); ranchers = new[] { new Texture("Content/Sprites/Candy/rancher_green.png"), new Texture("Content/Sprites/Candy/rancher_purple.png"), new Texture("Content/Sprites/Candy/rancher_red.png"), new Texture("Content/Sprites/Candy/rancher_teal.png") }; Tileset = new Texture("Content/Sprites/tileset.png"); Music = new Music("Content/Music/CandyRush.ogg") { Loop = true }; JumpSound = new Sound(new SoundBuffer("Content/Sounds/jump.wav")); NoiseSound = new Sound(new SoundBuffer("Content/Sounds/noise.wav")); HitSound = new Sound(new SoundBuffer("Content/Sounds/hit.wav")); PowerupSound = new Sound(new SoundBuffer("Content/Sounds/powerup.wav")); ShatterSound = new Sound(new SoundBuffer("Content/Sounds/shatter.wav")); SliceSound = new Sound(new SoundBuffer("Content/Sounds/slice.wav")); TestMap = new TmxMap("Content/Levels/test.tmx"); Level = new TmxMap("Content/Levels/level.tmx"); var image = new Image(1, 1, Color.White); Pixel = new Texture(image); }
public void Init(TextAsset mapFile, Material tileSheet, Material wallMaterial) { foreach (Transform child in tileContainer) { DestroyObject(child.gameObject); } foreach (Transform child in objectContainer) { DestroyObject(child.gameObject); } TmxMap map; map = new TmxMap(mapFile.text, "rnd"); this.wallMaterial = wallMaterial; horizontal_tiles = map.Width; vertical_tiles = map.Height; tile_width = map.TileWidth; tile_height = map.TileHeight; //tileSetName = map.Tilesets[0].Name; firstGids = new int[map.Tilesets.Count]; mapTitle = map.Properties["Title"]; time = IntParseFast(map.Properties["Time"]); villains = IntParseFast(map.Properties["Villain"]); gold = IntParseFast(map.Properties["Gold"]); timer.Init(time); tileMap = new Map(map.Width, map.Height); if (map.Layers.Count > 0) { GenerateTiles(map.Layers); mapDebug.text = tileMap.PrintableString(); } if (map.ObjectGroups.Count > 0) { GenerateObjects(map.ObjectGroups); } hero.SetEndSpot(endX, endY); foreach (Transform child in tempContainer) { DestroyObject(child.gameObject); } manager.MapGenerationCallBack(this); }
public void ImportTMX(ContentManager content, string filepath, int tilesize, SpriteFont font, PlayingState playingState) { TileMap = new TileMap(); var map = new TmxMap(filepath); TileMap.RowCount = map.Width; TileMap.ColumnCount = map.Height; //get and set tile map details var tileMap = map.Tilesets["Basic"]; CreateTileMap(tileMap); //get and set level layer var levelLayer = map.Layers["Level"]; CreateTileArray(levelLayer); //get and set level bounding rects var boudingRects = map.ObjectGroups["Level Rects"].Objects; CreateBoundingRects(boudingRects, playingState); //get and set player spawn var playersSpawn = map.ObjectGroups["Player Spawn"].Objects; CreatePlayerSpawn(playersSpawn, playingState); //get and set enemy spawns var enemySpawns = map.ObjectGroups["Enemy Spawns"].Objects; CreateEnemySpawns(enemySpawns, playingState); this.Font = font; }
static bool ConvertMap(string name) { Console.WriteLine("Converting map:\t" + name); var importMap = new TiledSharp.TmxMap(name); ShadowFileElement map = new ShadowFileElement(); map.isBlock = true; = "ASDASD"; map.AddProperty("Width", importMap.Width.ToString()); map.AddProperty("Height", importMap.Height.ToString()); map.AddProperty("TileWidth", importMap.TileWidth.ToString()); map.AddProperty("TileHeight", importMap.TileHeight.ToString()); ShadowFileElement layers = new ShadowFileElement(); = "Layers"; layers.isBlock = true; foreach (var layer in importMap.Layers) { ShadowFileElement layerElement = new ShadowFileElement(); layerElement.isBlock = true; = layer.Name; layerElement.AddProperty("Visible", layer.Visible.ToString()); if (layer is TmxLayer tilelayer) { string data = ""; for (int i = 0; i < tilelayer.Tiles.Count; i++) { data += tilelayer.Tiles[i].Gid; if (i != tilelayer.Tiles.Count - 1) { data += "."; } } layerElement.AddProperty("map", data); } layers.AddProperty(layerElement); } map.AddProperty(layers); string destFile = name; destFile = destFile.Replace(".tmx", ".sef"); destFile = destFile.Replace(oldValue: ".tmx", newValue: ".sef"); ShadowFileFormat.WriteFile(map, destFile); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Loads the tmx file /// </summary> /// <param name="mapName">name of tmx file without the extension</param> private static void loadTmxMap(string mapName) { string name = String.Concat(mapName, ".tmx"); _map = new TmxMap(Path.Combine(Settings.ContentFolder, "../../../../", "maps", name)); _tileset = Settings.Content.Load<Texture2D>(_map.Tilesets[0].Name.ToString()); _sizex = _map.Width; _sizey = _map.Height; _tiles = new List<Rectangle>(); _tiles.Add(new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0)); var tileSetSize = (_tileset.Width / Settings.TileSize) * (_tileset.Height / Settings.TileSize); for (int i = 0; i < tileSetSize; i++) { int x = (i % (_tileset.Width / Settings.TileSize)) * Settings.TileSize; int y = (i / (_tileset.Width / Settings.TileSize)) * Settings.TileSize; _tiles.Add(new Rectangle(x, y, Settings.TileSize, Settings.TileSize)); } _numBackgroundLayers = (from TmxLayer background in _map.Layers where background.Name.ToLower().Contains("background") select background).Count(); _numForegroundLayers = (from TmxLayer foreground in _map.Layers where foreground.Name.ToLower().Contains("foreground") select foreground).Count(); _numLayers = _numBackgroundLayers + _numForegroundLayers + 1; _objectGroups = (from TmxObjectGroup objectGroup in _map.ObjectGroups select objectGroup).ToList(); _objects = new List<MapObject>(); int j = 0; foreach (TmxObjectGroup objectGroup in _objectGroups) { if (objectGroup.Name == _BarrierObjects) { foreach (TmxObject obj in objectGroup.Objects) { Boundary b = new Boundary((float)obj.X, (float)obj.Y, (int)obj.Width, (int)obj.Height); b.Name = String.Concat(_BarrierObjects, j.ToString()); _objects.Add(b); if (showBoundaries) { if (visibleBoundaries == null) { visibleBoundaries = new List<Texture2D>(); } visibleBoundaries.Add(Settings.CreateTexture( new Rectangle((int)obj.X, (int)obj.Y, (int)obj.Width, (int)obj.Height), new Color(1f, 0f, 0f, 0.5f))); } } } } Settings.MapSize = new Vector2(_map.Width * 32, _map.Height * 32); IsScrollable = (_map.Width > 20 || _map.Height > 15) ? true : false; _offset = new Vector2(0f, 0f); player = new Avatar(); player.Direction = Facing.East; player.State = PersonState.Walking; player.Speed = 10; player.Tint = Color.White; //player.Position = new Vector2(600, 600); player.Position = new Vector2(76, 200); player.Name = "Albert"; //player.ScreenPosition = new Vector2(125, 125); npc1 = new NPCPerson("brunette00", 1); npc1.Direction = Facing.South; npc1.State = PersonState.Standing; npc1.Tint = Color.White; npc1.Speed = 9; npc1.MoveScript = 1; npc1.Name = "npc1"; //npc1.BoundingBox = new Rectangle(0, 0, 48, 64); //Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, npc1.BoundingBoxWidth, npc1.BoundingBoxHeight); //npcBounds = Settings.CreateTexture(r, new Color(0f, 0.1f, 1f, 0.3f)); npc1.Position = new Vector2(400, 200); npc2 = new NPCPerson("siriusboss", 3); npc2.Direction = Facing.South; npc2.State = PersonState.Standing; npc2.Tint = Color.White; npc2.Speed = 9; npc2.MoveScript = 1; npc2.Position = new Vector2(300, 300); npc2.Name = "npc2"; _objects.Add(player); _objects.Add(npc1); _objects.Add(npc2); font = Settings.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("ExFont"); }
/// <summary> /// Unloads resources /// </summary> public static void Unload() { _map = null; _tileset = null; _tiles.Clear(); _tiles = null; Settings.Content.Unload(); GC.Collect(); }
/// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); map = new TmxMap("Content/exampleMap.tmx"); tileset = Content.Load<Texture2D>(map.Tilesets[0].Name.ToString()); tileWidth = map.Tilesets[0].TileWidth; tileHeight = map.Tilesets[0].TileHeight; tilesetTilesWide = tileset.Width / tileWidth; tilesetTilesHigh = tileset.Height / tileHeight; }