Esempio n. 1
        public override TileData GetTile(TiledMapSession.Key key, IMapRenderer renderer, System.Threading.WaitCallback callback, object state)
            TileData tileData = null;
            // try to get the tile
            if (TileCache.TryGetValue(key, out tileData))
                return tileData;

            // check if it is in the file cache
            string tilePath = GetTilePathForKey(key);
            if (File.Exists(tilePath))
                FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(tilePath);
                if (DateTime.Now - finfo.CreationTime > new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0, 0))
                    // tile is old, expire it
                        using (FileStream fstream = new FileStream(tilePath, FileMode.Open))
                            IMapDrawable bitmap = renderer.GetBitmapFromStream(this, fstream);
                            return TileCache[key] = new TileData(bitmap);
                    catch (Exception)

            // check if its a bad key
            Uri uri = GetUriForKey(key);
            if (uri != null)
                // mark tile as being downloaded
                TileCache[key] = null;
                GetTileData data = new GetTileData();
                data.Renderer = renderer;
                data.Key = key;
                data.Callback = callback;
                data.State = state;
                data.Uri = uri;
                //ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(GetTile), data);
            return tileData;
Esempio n. 2
        public override TileData GetTile(TiledMapSession.Key key, IMapRenderer renderer, System.Threading.WaitCallback callback, object state)
            TileData tileData = null;

            // try to get the tile
            if (TileCache.TryGetValue(key, out tileData))
                if (tileData != InvalidTile)

            // check if it is in the file cache
            string tilePath = GetTilePathForKey(key);

            if (File.Exists(tilePath))
                FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(tilePath);
                if (DateTime.Now - finfo.CreationTime > new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0, 0))
                    // tile is old, expire it
                    TileCache[key] = null;
                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) =>
                            using (FileStream fstream = new FileStream(tilePath, FileMode.Open))
                                IMapDrawable bitmap = renderer.GetBitmapFromStream(this, fstream);
                                TileCache[key]      = new TileData(bitmap);
                                if (callback != null)
                        catch (Exception)

            // check if its a bad key
            Uri uri = GetUriForKey(key);

            if (uri != null)
                // mark tile as being downloaded
                TileCache[key] = null;
                GetTileData data = new GetTileData();
                data.Renderer = renderer;
                data.Key      = key;
                data.Callback = callback;
                data.State    = state;
                data.Uri      = uri;
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(GetTile), data);
        public override TileData GetTile(TiledMapSession.Key key, IMapRenderer renderer, System.Threading.WaitCallback callback, object state)
            // make sure there's something to blend
            if (mySessions.Count == 0)
                return null;

            // see if we need to update this tile at all
            int currentBlend = 0;
            if (mySessionBlend.TryGetValue(key, out currentBlend) && currentBlend == myTotalBlend)
                return TileCache[key];

            // see how many tiles we can blend
            int canBlend = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < mySessions.Count; i++)
                if (!mySessionEnabled[i])
                TileData data = mySessions[i].GetTile(key, renderer, callback, state);
                if (data != null && data.Bitmap != null)

            // if there's nothing new to blend, don't
            if (canBlend == currentBlend)
                return null;

            mySessionBlend[key] = canBlend;

            // get the target bitmap ready
            if (RefreshBitmap == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("You must provide a RefreshBitmap");
            StandardBitmap refreshBitmap = RefreshBitmap as StandardBitmap;
            int width = refreshBitmap.Width;
            int height = refreshBitmap.Height;
            StandardBitmap bitmap = new StandardBitmap(new Bitmap(width, height));
            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap.Bitmap))
                refreshBitmap.Draw(graphics, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height));

            // draw the bitmaps
            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap.Bitmap))
                for (int i = 0; i < mySessions.Count; i++)
                    TiledMapSession session = mySessions[i];
                    if (!mySessionEnabled[i])
                    TileData tile = mySessions[i].GetTile(key, renderer, callback, state);
                    if (tile == null)

                    IGraphicsDrawable tileBitmap = tile.Bitmap as IGraphicsDrawable;
                    tileBitmap.Draw(graphics, new Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 256), new Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 256));

                    if (ClearBlendedTiles && canBlend == myTotalBlend)

            TileData ret;
            if (!TileCache.TryGetValue(key, out ret))
                ret = new TileData();
                TileCache.Add(key, ret);
            else if (ret.Bitmap != null)
                ret.Bitmap = null;

            // TODO: optimize to do a lock/read load
            MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream();
            bitmap.Bitmap.Save(mem, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
            mem.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            ret.Bitmap = myRenderer.LoadBitmap(mem, false);

            return ret;
Esempio n. 4
        public int DrawMap(IMapRenderer renderer, int x, int y, int width, int height, WaitCallback callback, object state)
            int unavailable = 0;

            // approximate the the top left tile (it may be off by 1), but the loop
            // below will kept it from being drawn
            int       midX        = x + width / 2 - myCenterOffset.X;
            int       midY        = y + height / 2 - myCenterOffset.Y;
            int       xTiles      = (midX - x) / 256 + 1;
            int       yTiles      = (midY - y) / 256 + 1;
            Key       currentXKey = new Key(myCenterTile.X - xTiles, myCenterTile.Y - yTiles, myZoom);
            int       xStart      = midX - xTiles * 256;
            int       yStart      = midY - yTiles * 256;
            Rectangle rect        = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);

            int tickCount = Environment.TickCount;

            for (int currentX = xStart; currentX < x + width; currentX += 256, currentXKey.X++)
                Key key = currentXKey;
                for (int currentY = yStart; currentY < y + height; currentY += 256, key.Y++)
                    IMapDrawable tile = null;

                    // find the intersect region of the tile that we are drawing
                    Rectangle tileRect = new Rectangle(currentX, currentY, 256, 256);
                    Rectangle sourceRect = new Rectangle(tileRect.X - currentX, tileRect.Y - currentY, tileRect.Width, tileRect.Height);

                    // dont draw off the map tiles
                    if (!key.IsValid)
                        // dont draw gray rect if we're drawing transparent
                        if (!HasAlpha)
                            renderer.FillRectangle(BackColor, tileRect);

                    // first try to get the tile from the tileData
                    TileData tileData = GetTile(key, renderer, callback, state);

                    if (tileData != null)
                        tile = tileData.Bitmap;
                        tileData.LastUsed = tickCount;

                    if (tile == null)
                        // tile not available, so try to generate a tile from child tiles

                        Key      childKey = new Key(key.X * 2, key.Y * 2, key.Zoom + 1);
                        Key      tl       = childKey;
                        Key      tr       = new Key(childKey.X + 1, childKey.Y, childKey.Zoom);
                        Key      br       = new Key(childKey.X + 1, childKey.Y + 1, childKey.Zoom);
                        Key      bl       = new Key(childKey.X, childKey.Y + 1, childKey.Zoom);
                        TileData tld;
                        TileData trd;
                        TileData bld;
                        TileData brd;

                        // see if the children are available
                        // we also need to null check, because they could be loading
                        if (TileCache.TryGetValue(tl, out tld) && TileCache.TryGetValue(tr, out trd) && TileCache.TryGetValue(br, out brd) && TileCache.TryGetValue(bl, out bld) &&
                            tld != null && trd != null && bld != null & brd != null &&
                            tld.Bitmap != null && trd.Bitmap != null && bld.Bitmap != null && brd.Bitmap != null)
                            // children are available, so mark them as recently used
                            tld.LastUsed = trd.LastUsed = bld.LastUsed = brd.LastUsed = tickCount;

                            // calculate the destination rects of each child tile
                            Rectangle tlr = new Rectangle(currentX, currentY, 128, 128);
                            Rectangle trr = new Rectangle(currentX + 128, currentY, 128, 128);
                            Rectangle blr = new Rectangle(currentX, currentY + 128, 128, 128);
                            Rectangle brr = new Rectangle(currentX + 128, currentY + 128, 128, 128);


                            // calculate the source rect of each child tile
                            Rectangle tlsr = new Rectangle(tlr.X - currentX, tlr.Y - currentY, tlr.Width * 2, tlr.Height * 2);
                            Rectangle trsr = new Rectangle(trr.X - currentX - 128, trr.Y - currentY, trr.Width * 2, trr.Height * 2);
                            Rectangle blsr = new Rectangle(blr.X - currentX, blr.Y - currentY - 128, blr.Width * 2, blr.Height * 2);
                            Rectangle brsr = new Rectangle(brr.X - currentX - 128, brr.Y - currentY - 128, brr.Width * 2, brr.Height * 2);

                            // don't attempt to draw tiles that we don't need to
                            if (tlsr.Width > 0 && tlsr.Height > 0)
                                renderer.Draw(tld.Bitmap, tlr, tlsr);
                            if (trsr.Width > 0 && trsr.Height > 0)
                                renderer.Draw(trd.Bitmap, trr, trsr);
                            if (blsr.Width > 0 && blsr.Height > 0)
                                renderer.Draw(bld.Bitmap, blr, blsr);
                            if (brsr.Width > 0 && brsr.Height > 0)
                                renderer.Draw(brd.Bitmap, brr, brsr);
                            // can't generate from children, so try generating one of the parents
                            Key       parent     = key;
                            Rectangle parentRect = sourceRect;
                            TileData  parentData = null;
                            while (parent.Zoom >= 0 && parentData == null)
                                parentRect.Width  /= 2;
                                parentRect.Height /= 2;
                                parentRect.X      /= 2;
                                parentRect.Y      /= 2;
                                if (parent.X % 2 == 1)
                                    parentRect.X += 128;
                                if (parent.Y % 2 == 1)
                                    parentRect.Y += 128;
                                parent.X /= 2;
                                parent.Y /= 2;
                                TileCache.TryGetValue(parent, out parentData);

                            if (parentData != null && parentData.Bitmap != null)
                                // mark this tile as used recently
                                parentData.LastUsed = tickCount;
                                if (tileRect.Width > 0 && tileRect.Height > 0)
                                    renderer.Draw(parentData.Bitmap, tileRect, parentRect);
                                // tile is being downloaded, and we have no parent or child images we can use to draw a temp
                                // image. let's try to use a refresh bitmap.

                                // tile is not available, and this is a transparent draw,
                                // so dont draw at all
                                if (HasAlpha)
                                if ((tile = RefreshBitmap) == null)
                                    renderer.FillRectangle(BackColor, tileRect);

                    if (tile != null && tileRect.Width > 0 && tileRect.Height > 0)
                        renderer.Draw(tile, tileRect, sourceRect);

            int     pixelLevelZoom   = myZoom + 8;
            int     centerXReference = myCenterTile.X << 8;
            int     centerYReference = myCenterTile.Y << 8;
            Geocode tlGeo            = PointToGeocode(new Point(Math.Max(centerXReference + myCenterOffset.X - width / 2, 0), Math.Max(centerYReference + myCenterOffset.Y - height / 2, 0)), pixelLevelZoom);
            Geocode brGeo            = PointToGeocode(new Point(Math.Min(centerXReference + myCenterOffset.X + width / 2, 1 << pixelLevelZoom), Math.Min(centerYReference + myCenterOffset.Y + height / 2, 1 << pixelLevelZoom)), pixelLevelZoom);
            int     adjustX          = midX - centerXReference;
            int     adjustY          = midY - centerYReference;

            foreach (Route route in myRoutes)
                List <Point> points             = new List <Point>();
                Geocode      lastOffscreenPoint = Geocode.Null;
                for (int i = 0; i < route.PolyLine.Length; i++)
                    Geocode geocode = route.PolyLine[i];
                    if (myLevelToZoom[route.Levels[i]] > myZoom)

                    // check if we're drawing off the screen
                    if (!GeocodeBoxContains(tlGeo, brGeo, geocode))
                        // if we're drawing from on screen to off screen, draw it, but note that
                        // we are now off screen
                        if (lastOffscreenPoint == Geocode.Null)
                            points.Add(GeocodeToScreen(geocode, pixelLevelZoom, adjustX, adjustY));

                        lastOffscreenPoint = geocode;

                    // draw in from off the screen if necessary
                    if (lastOffscreenPoint != Geocode.Null)
                        points.Add(GeocodeToScreen(lastOffscreenPoint, pixelLevelZoom, adjustX, adjustY));
                    // note that we are now in screen space
                    lastOffscreenPoint = Geocode.Null;

                    points.Add(GeocodeToScreen(geocode, pixelLevelZoom, adjustX, adjustY));
                if (points.Count > 1)
                    renderer.DrawLines(route.LineWidth, Color.Cyan, points.ToArray());

            foreach (IMapOverlay overlay in Overlays)
                DrawAtGeocode(tlGeo, brGeo, renderer, overlay.Geocode, pixelLevelZoom, adjustX + overlay.Offset.X, adjustY + overlay.Offset.Y, overlay.Drawable);

Esempio n. 5
        public override TileData GetTile(TiledMapSession.Key key, IMapRenderer renderer, System.Threading.WaitCallback callback, object state)
            // make sure there's something to blend
            if (mySessions.Count == 0)

            // see if we need to update this tile at all
            int currentBlend = 0;

            if (mySessionBlend.TryGetValue(key, out currentBlend) && currentBlend == myTotalBlend)

            // see how many tiles we can blend
            int canBlend = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < mySessions.Count; i++)
                if (!mySessionEnabled[i])
                TileData data = mySessions[i].GetTile(key, renderer, callback, state);
                if (data != null && data.Bitmap != null)

            // if there's nothing new to blend, don't
            if (canBlend == currentBlend)

            mySessionBlend[key] = canBlend;

            // get the target bitmap ready
            if (RefreshBitmap == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("You must provide a RefreshBitmap");
            StandardBitmap refreshBitmap = RefreshBitmap as StandardBitmap;
            int            width         = refreshBitmap.Width;
            int            height        = refreshBitmap.Height;
            StandardBitmap bitmap        = new StandardBitmap(new Bitmap(width, height));

            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap.Bitmap))
                refreshBitmap.Draw(graphics, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height));

            // draw the bitmaps
            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap.Bitmap))
                for (int i = 0; i < mySessions.Count; i++)
                    TiledMapSession session = mySessions[i];
                    if (!mySessionEnabled[i])
                    TileData tile = mySessions[i].GetTile(key, renderer, callback, state);
                    if (tile == null)

                    IGraphicsDrawable tileBitmap = tile.Bitmap as IGraphicsDrawable;
                    tileBitmap.Draw(graphics, new Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 256), new Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 256));

                    if (ClearBlendedTiles && canBlend == myTotalBlend)

            TileData ret;

            if (!TileCache.TryGetValue(key, out ret))
                ret = new TileData();
                TileCache.Add(key, ret);
            else if (ret.Bitmap != null)
                ret.Bitmap = null;

            // TODO: optimize to do a lock/read load
            MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream();

            bitmap.Bitmap.Save(mem, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
            mem.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            ret.Bitmap = myRenderer.LoadBitmap(mem, false);
