Esempio n. 1
        // Called when the import process has completed and we have a prefab ready to go
        public void ImportFinished(string prefabPath)
            // Get at the import behavour tied to this prefab and remove it from the scene
            string          xmlAssetPath    = GetXmlImportAssetPath(prefabPath);
            ImportBehaviour importBehaviour = ImportBehaviour.FindOrCreateImportBehaviour(xmlAssetPath);

        // We need to call this while the renderers on the model is having its material assigned to it
        // This is invoked for every submesh in the .obj wavefront mesh
        public Material FixMaterialForMeshRenderer(string objName, Renderer renderer)
            string          xmlPath        = GetXmlImportAssetPath(objName);
            ImportBehaviour importBehavior = ImportBehaviour.FindOrCreateImportBehaviour(xmlPath);

            // The mesh to match
            string meshName =;

            // Increment our progress bar
            importBehavior.IncrementProgressBar(String.Format("Assign material: {0}", meshName));

            // Find an assignment that matches the mesh renderer
            var      assignMaterials = importBehavior.XmlDocument.Root.Elements("AssignMaterial");
            XElement match           = assignMaterials.FirstOrDefault(el => el.Attribute("mesh").Value == meshName);

            if (match == null)
                // The names of our meshes in the AssignMaterials elements may be wrong
                // This happened before when Unity replaced whitespace with underscore in our named meshes
                // That case is handled now, but there may be others
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                builder.AppendFormat("Could not find mesh named '{0}' for material matching\n",;
                string choices = String.Join("\n  ", assignMaterials.Select(m => m.Attribute("mesh").Value).ToArray());
                builder.AppendFormat("Choices are:\n  {0}", choices);


            string materialName = match.Attribute("material").Value + ".mat";
            string materialPath = GetMaterialAssetPath(materialName);

            // Assign the material
            Material material = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(materialPath, typeof(Material)) as Material;

            if (material == null)
                Debug.LogError(String.Format("Could not find material: {0}", materialName));

            // Do we have an alpha color key?
            string htmlColor = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsString(match, "alphaColorKey", "");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlColor))
                // Take for granted color is in the form '#RRGGBB'
                byte  r     = byte.Parse(htmlColor.Substring(1, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                byte  g     = byte.Parse(htmlColor.Substring(3, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                byte  b     = byte.Parse(htmlColor.Substring(5, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                Color color = new Color32(r, g, b, 255);
                material.SetColor("_AlphaColorKey", color);

        // Called when the import process has completed and we have a prefab ready to go
        public void ImportFinished(string prefabPath)
            // String the prefab extension
            string prefabName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(prefabPath);

            // Get at the import behavour tied to this prefab and remove it from the scene
            string          xmlAssetPath    = GetXmlImportAssetPath(prefabName);
            ImportBehaviour importBehaviour = ImportBehaviour.FindOrCreateImportBehaviour(xmlAssetPath);

        // By the time this is called, our assets should be ready to create the map prefab
        public void MeshImported(string objPath)
            string xmlPath = GetXmlImportAssetPath(objPath);

            ImportBehaviour importBehaviour = ImportBehaviour.FindOrCreateImportBehaviour(xmlPath);

            importBehaviour.IncrementProgressBar(String.Format("Create prefab: {0}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(GetPrefabAssetPath(objPath, false, null))));

            foreach (var xmlPrefab in importBehaviour.XmlDocument.Root.Elements("Prefab"))
                CreatePrefab(xmlPrefab, objPath);
        // By the time this is called, our assets should be ready to create the map prefab
        public void MeshImported(string objPath)
            // String the mesh type (.obj) from the path
            string objName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(objPath);

            // Get the XML file that this mesh came from
            string xmlPath = GetXmlImportAssetPath(objName);

            ImportBehaviour importBehaviour = ImportBehaviour.FindOrCreateImportBehaviour(xmlPath);

            importBehaviour.IncrementProgressBar(String.Format("Create prefab: {0}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(GetPrefabAssetPath(objName, false, null))));

            foreach (var xmlPrefab in importBehaviour.XmlDocument.Root.Elements("Prefab"))
                CreatePrefab(xmlPrefab, objPath);
        // We need to call this while the renderers on the model is having its material assigned to it
        // This is invoked for every submesh in the .obj wavefront mesh
        public Material FixMaterialForMeshRenderer(string objName, Renderer renderer)
            string          xmlPath        = GetXmlImportAssetPath(objName);
            ImportBehaviour importBehavior = ImportBehaviour.FindOrCreateImportBehaviour(xmlPath);

            // The mesh to match
            string meshName =;

            // Increment our progress bar
            importBehavior.IncrementProgressBar(String.Format("Assign material: {0}", meshName));

            // Find an assignment that matches the mesh renderer
            var      assignMaterials = importBehavior.XmlDocument.Root.Elements("AssignMaterial");
            XElement match           = assignMaterials.FirstOrDefault(el => el.Attribute("mesh").Value == meshName);

            if (match == null)
                // The names of our meshes in the AssignMaterials elements may be wrong
                // This happened before when Unity replaced whitespace with underscore in our named meshes
                // That case is handled now, but there may be others
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                builder.AppendFormat("Could not find mesh named '{0}' for material matching\n",;
                string choices = String.Join("\n  ", assignMaterials.Select(m => m.Attribute("mesh").Value).ToArray());
                builder.AppendFormat("Choices are:\n  {0}", choices);


            string materialName = match.Attribute("material").Value + ".mat";
            string materialPath = GetMaterialAssetPath(materialName);

            // Assign the material
            Material material = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(materialPath, typeof(Material)) as Material;

            if (material == null)
                Debug.LogError(String.Format("Could not find material: {0}", materialName));

Esempio n. 7
        // Called when Unity detects the *.tiled2unity.xml file needs to be (re)imported
        public void ImportBegin(string xmlPath)
            // Normally, this is where we first create the XmlDocument for the whole import.
            ImportBehaviour importBehaviour = ImportBehaviour.FindOrCreateImportBehaviour(xmlPath);
            XDocument       xml             = importBehaviour.XmlDocument;

            if (xml == null)
                Debug.LogError(String.Format("GameObject {0} not successfully initialized. Is it left over from a previous import. Try removing from scene are re-importing {1}.",, xmlPath));

            CheckVersion(xmlPath, xml);

            // Import asset files.
            // (Note that textures should be imported before meshes)