public void AddCommandParameters(StringBuilder buildText, FunctionDef functionDef) { foreach (ParameterDef parameterDef in functionDef.ProcedureDef.ParameterDefMap.Values) { ArgumentDef argumentDef = parameterDef.ArgumentDef; if (parameterDef.IsOutParameter == true) { buildText.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t\tvar outParameter = new " + this.GetSqlParameterText() + " { ParameterName = \"" + parameterDef.ParameterName + "\", Direction = ParameterDirection.Output, Size = " + parameterDef.ParameterSize + ", " + this.GetSqlDbTypeText() + " = " + this.GetSqlDbTypeText() + "." + GetSqlDbTypeCode(parameterDef.ParameterDataTypeCode) + " };"); buildText.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t\tcommand.Parameters.Add(outParameter);"); } else { buildText.Append("\t\t\t\t\tcommand.Parameters.Add(new " + this.GetSqlParameterText() + "(\"" + parameterDef.ParameterName + "\", "); // buildText.Append("(object) " + argumentDef.ArgumentName + " ?? DBNull.Value"); // if (parameterDef.IsNullable == true) { if (argumentDef.IsNullable == true) { buildText.Append("(object) " + argumentDef.ArgumentName + " ?? DBNull.Value"); } else { buildText.Append(argumentDef.ArgumentName); } buildText.AppendLine("));"); } } }
public static List <ModelDef> CreateModelDefList(string modelNamespace, string moduleName, Dictionary <string, ModelDef> modelDefMap, List <ProcedureDef> procedureDefList, List <string> ignoreTableNameList, List <TableMapping> tableMappingList, bool cleanOracle) { // List<ModelDef> modelDefList = new List<ModelDef>(); foreach (ProcedureDef procedureDef in procedureDefList) { string procedureName = procedureDef.ProcedureName; int firstUnderscoreIndex = procedureName.IndexOf('_'); int secondUnderscoreIndex = procedureName.IndexOf('_', firstUnderscoreIndex + 1); // int lastUnderscoreIndex = procedureName.LastIndexOf('_'); // string modelName = procedureName.Substring(firstUnderscoreIndex + 1, lastUnderscoreIndex - firstUnderscoreIndex - 1); // string functionName = procedureName.Substring(lastUnderscoreIndex + 1); /* This assumes that no tables have underscores in their names */ /* TODO: probably need an table name underscore removal method elsewhere. */ string modelName = procedureName.Substring(firstUnderscoreIndex + 1, secondUnderscoreIndex - firstUnderscoreIndex - 1); string functionName = procedureName.Substring(secondUnderscoreIndex + 1); /* skip tables we are ignoring */ if (ignoreTableNameList.Contains(modelName)) { continue; } ModelDef modelDef = null; if (modelDefMap.ContainsKey(modelName)) { modelDef = modelDefMap[modelName]; } else { Shared.Info("Adding a virtual model after table named " + modelName + " from procedure " + procedureName + " which did not have a matching model in the models collection."); modelDef = new ModelDef { ModelName = modelName, FieldDefMap = new Dictionary <string, FieldDef>(), FunctionDefList = new List <FunctionDef>(), Namespace = "", PropertyDefMap = new Dictionary <string, PropertyDef>(), UsesBuildListFunction = false, UsesMakeObjectFunction = false, IsJustTable = true }; modelDefMap[modelName] = modelDef; } FunctionDef functionDef = new FunctionDef { FunctionName = functionName, ProcedureDef = procedureDef, ArgumentDefList = new List <ArgumentDef>() }; modelDef.FunctionDefList.Add(functionDef); bool isSingleRow = (functionName.StartsWith("Read")); if (procedureDef.OutputsRows == true) { functionDef.OutputsList = true; modelDef.UsesMakeObjectFunction = true; functionDef.ReturnTypeCode = modelDef.ModelName; functionDef.ReturnTypeNamespace = modelDef.Namespace; if (isSingleRow == true) { functionDef.OutputsList = false; functionDef.OutputsObject = true; } else { functionDef.OutputsList = true; functionDef.OutputsObject = false; modelDef.UsesBuildListFunction = true; } } else { functionDef.OutputsList = false; functionDef.OutputsObject = false; } foreach (ParameterDef parameterDef in procedureDef.ParameterDefMap.Values) { string typeCode = TypeConvertor.ConvertNullableSQLToCSharp(parameterDef.ParameterDataTypeCode, parameterDef.IsNullable); if (parameterDef.IsOutParameter == true) { if (functionDef.ReturnTypeCode != null) { throw new ApplicationException("Stored procedure " + procedureDef.ProcedureName + " returns row data but also has an out parameter: " + parameterDef.ParameterName); } functionDef.ReturnTypeCode = typeCode; functionDef.ReturnTypeNamespace = null; } else { bool isNullable = false; if (typeCode != "string") { if (parameterDef.ColumnDef != null) { if (parameterDef.ColumnDef.IsNullable == true) { isNullable = true; } } else { /* if we don't know, we are going to allow them */ isNullable = true; } } ArgumentDef argumentDef = new ArgumentDef { ArgumentName = Char.ToLowerInvariant(parameterDef.ParameterName[1]) + parameterDef.ParameterName.Substring(2), ArgumentTypeCode = typeCode, ParameterDef = parameterDef, IsNullable = isNullable }; parameterDef.ArgumentDef = argumentDef; string parameterName = parameterDef.ParameterName; PropertyDef propertyDef = modelDef.GetLikelyPropertyDef(parameterDef.ParameterName.Substring(1)); if (propertyDef != null) { argumentDef.PropertyDef = propertyDef; parameterDef.PropertyDef = propertyDef; // Shared.Info($"DEBUG: Found propertyDef of {propertyDef.PropertyName} for parameterName:{parameterDef.ParameterName} in function {functionName}."); /* TODO: seems like there should be a better way of storing isNullable at the property level */ /* we can't know from the models property type if strings are nullable or not so we just always assume they are */ if (propertyDef.PropertyTypeCode.EndsWith("?") == true || propertyDef.PropertyTypeCode == "string") { argumentDef.IsNullable = true; parameterDef.IsNullable = true; } } else { Shared.Info($"Warning: Could not find a propertyDef for parameterName:{parameterDef.ParameterName} in function {functionName} of {modelName}.."); } functionDef.ArgumentDefList.Add(argumentDef); } } if (procedureDef.OutputsRows == true) { functionDef.OutputPropertyDefList = new List <PropertyDef>(); foreach (FieldDef fieldDef in procedureDef.FieldDefMap.Values) { string fieldName = fieldDef.FieldName; string convertedFieldName = NameMapping.MakeCleanColumnName(tableMappingList, fieldDef.BaseTableName, modelDef.ModelName, fieldName, cleanOracle); PropertyDef propertyDef = modelDef.GetLikelyPropertyDef(convertedFieldName); /* We can easily get a field that is several layers back from our root object from joins * in the query. * for example Book.Author.City.State.Country.CountryName, and the query returns CountryName. * We need to work down through the object graph to find the model that matches the table * which that field is using. * It may be that in the initial procedure read when we query the first recordset, with a browse value that * returns join columns, that we can use that information to traverse the model tree more * directly. */ List <PropertyDef> propertyDefChain = null; if (propertyDef == null) { var referencedModelName = NameMapping.MakeCleanTableName(tableMappingList, fieldDef.BaseTableName, cleanOracle); // Shared.Info($"DEBUG:convertedFieldName:{convertedFieldName}, fieldDef.BaseTableName={fieldDef.BaseTableName}, referencedModelName={referencedModelName}"); if (modelDefMap.ContainsKey(referencedModelName) == true) { var referencedModelDef = modelDefMap[referencedModelName]; var usedModelDefList = new List <ModelDef>() { modelDef }; propertyDefChain = modelDef.ScanForLikelyPropertyDef(new List <PropertyDef>(), convertedFieldName, referencedModelDef, modelDefMap.Values.ToList <ModelDef>(), usedModelDefList); if (propertyDefChain != null) { //Shared.Info($"DEBUG: Found propertydef chain! fieldName:{convertedFieldName} in procedure {procedureDef.ProcedureName}"); //propertyDefChain.ForEach(x => { // Shared.Info($"{x.PropertyTypeNamespace}.{x.PropertyTypeCode} {x.PropertyName}"); //}); } } } /* if we didn't find a propertydef nor a propertydefchain, then it belongs as part of a function-specific Result output */ if (propertyDef == null && propertyDefChain == null) { if (functionDef.UsesResult == false) { functionDef.UsesResult = true; functionDef.ResultPropertyDefList = new List <ResultPropertyDef>(); } functionDef.ResultPropertyDefList.Add(new ResultPropertyDef { PropertyName = CleanPropertyName(convertedFieldName), PropertyTypeCode = fieldDef.DataTypeCode, FieldDef = fieldDef }); Shared.Info($"Warning: Could not find a propertyDef for fieldName \"{convertedFieldName}\" in procedure \"{procedureDef.ProcedureName}\". " + $"The base table name for this field at the SQL level was \"{fieldDef.BaseTableName}\". " + $"The converted model name was computed as \"{NameMapping.MakeCleanTableName(tableMappingList, fieldDef.BaseTableName, cleanOracle)}\". " + $"This field will be included as a property in a result class labeled \"{functionDef.FunctionName}Result\" created just for the output of this function."); } /* TODO: Commented the type check because it couldn't resolve object v. key value. May not be necessary really. * /* * * string propertyTypeCode = TypeConvertor.ConvertNullableSQLToCSharp(fieldDef.DataTypeCode, fieldDef.IsNullable); * * if (propertyDef.PropertyTypeCode != propertyTypeCode) { * throw new ApplicationException("PropertyTypeCode for " + modelDef.ModelName + "." + propertyDef.PropertyName + " found " + propertyDef.PropertyTypeCode + " but wanted " + propertyTypeCode + " based on field " + fieldDef.FieldName + " with data type " + fieldDef.DataTypeCode + " and IsNullable=" + fieldDef.IsNullable); * } */ // propertyDef.FieldDefList.Add(fieldDef); fieldDef.PropertyDef = propertyDef; fieldDef.PropertyDefChain = propertyDefChain; functionDef.OutputPropertyDefList.Add(propertyDef); if (modelDef.FieldDefMap.ContainsKey(fieldDef.FieldName)) { FieldDef foundFieldDef = modelDef.FieldDefMap[fieldDef.FieldName]; if (foundFieldDef.BaseTableName != fieldDef.BaseTableName) { throw new ApplicationException("A stored procedure (" + procedureDef.ProcedureName + ") based on model " + modelDef.ModelName + " returned a field pointing to a base table named " + fieldDef.BaseTableName + ", but another procedure (" + foundFieldDef.ProcedureDef.ProcedureName + " had produced a field with the same name based on table " + foundFieldDef.BaseTableName + ". Consider using two different names for this value in the two procedures."); } } else { modelDef.FieldDefMap[fieldDef.FieldName] = fieldDef; } } } } return(modelDefMap.Values.ToList <ModelDef>()); }