static void Main(string[] args) { while (1 == 1) { // Intro to the Game [Y continues, N Terminates Program] Joshua joshua = new Joshua(); joshua.Greeting(); string ans = Console.ReadLine(); if (ans == "Y" || ans == "y") { joshua.Begin(); Console.Clear(); } else { joshua.Goodbye(); } // Begin the Game GamePlay gameplay = new GamePlay(); gameplay.GameTime(); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public void GameTime() { // Sets a new board Board board = new Board(); board.ResetBoard(GameBoard); // Joshua Joshua joshua = new Joshua(); // Chooses 1st player Turn playerturn = new Turn(); turn = playerturn.ChooseTurn(); while (win == 0) { if (turn == 1 && turncount < 10) { //Player's Turn if (turncount == 1) { // Joshua Taunts opener joshua.LadiesFirst(); } else //Regular Taunt { joshua.Taunt1(); } //Get PlaySpace movingon = 0; while (movingon == 0) { playspacestring = Console.ReadLine(); playspace = Convert.ToInt32(playspacestring); if (playspace > -1 && playspace < 9) { if (board.CheckIfEmpty(playspace, GameBoard) == 1) { board.FillPlayerSpace(playspace, GameBoard); board.DisplayBoard(GameBoard); movingon = 1; } else { joshua.AlreadyTaken(); } } else { joshua.InvalidSpace(); } } turn = playerturn.NextTurn(); turncount = turncount + 1; win = board.checkwin(GameBoard); //Console.WriteLine("winstatus = " + win); } else { if (turn == 0 && turncount < 10) { // Computer's Turn joshua.IGoFirst(); // Choose a place to play movingon = 0; while (movingon == 0) { PlayMaker playmaker = new PlayMaker(); playmaker.AI(GameBoard, GameBoard, 1); playspace = playmaker.returnchoice(); if (board.CheckIfEmpty(playspace, GameBoard) == 1) { //Console.WriteLine(playspace); board.FillComputerSpace(playspace, GameBoard); board.DisplayBoard(GameBoard); movingon = 1; } } // Next turn turn = playerturn.NextTurn(); turncount = turncount + 1; // Check for a win win = board.checkwin(GameBoard); //Console.WriteLine("winstatus = " + win); } } } if (win == 1) { joshua.yougotme(); } else { joshua.iwin(); } }