private void CreateItemList(List <Tuple <Item, int> > items, int x, ref int y, List <Control> controls) { Image image = new Bitmap(ImageWidth, ImageHeight); using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(image)) { int counter = 0; foreach (Tuple <Item, int> item in items) { Rectangle region = new Rectangle(x + (counter++) * (ImageHeight + 1), 0, ImageHeight - 1, ImageHeight - 1); RenderImageResized(gr, StyleManager.GetImage("item_background.png"), region); RenderImageResized(gr, (item.Item1.stackable || item.Item2 > 1) ? LootDropForm.DrawCountOnItem(item.Item1, item.Item2) : item.Item1.GetImage(), region); } } PictureBox box = new PictureBox(); box.Size = image.Size; box.BackColor = Color.Transparent; box.Location = new Point(x, y); box.Image = image; this.Controls.Add(box); controls.Add(box); y += box.Height; }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); int paddingX = Padding.Left / 2; int paddingY = Padding.Top / 2; e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(BackColor), new Rectangle(paddingX, 8, 16 + paddingX, 16 + paddingX)); if (!StyleManager.Initialized) { e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.Red), new Rectangle(paddingX, 8, 16 + paddingX, 16 + paddingX)); } else { if (this.Checked) { e.Graphics.DrawImage(StyleManager.GetImage("checkbox-checked.png"), new Rectangle(paddingX, 8, 16 + paddingX, 16 + paddingX)); } else { e.Graphics.DrawImage(StyleManager.GetImage("checkbox-empty.png"), new Rectangle(paddingX, 8, 16 + paddingX, 16 + paddingX)); } } }
private void AddResistances(List <Resistance> resistances) { List <Resistance> sorted_list = resistances.OrderByDescending(o => o.resistance).ToList(); int i = 0; foreach (Resistance resistance in sorted_list) { resistance_tooltip.SetToolTip(resistance_controls[i], "Damage taken from " + + ": " + resistance.resistance.ToString() + "%"); // add a tooltip that displays the actual resistance when you mouseover Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(19 + resistance.resistance, 19); Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(StyleManager.GetElementColor( { gr.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(19, 0, bitmap.Width - 19, bitmap.Height)); } gr.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, new Rectangle(19, 0, bitmap.Width - 20, bitmap.Height - 1)); gr.DrawImage(StyleManager.GetElementImage(, new Point(2, 2)); resistance_controls[i].Width = bitmap.Width; resistance_controls[i].Height = bitmap.Height; resistance_controls[i].Image = bitmap; i++; } }
private void refreshProcesses() { processView.Rows.Clear(); processMap.Clear(); Process[] currentProcesses = Process.GetProcesses(); foreach (Process p in currentProcesses) { Image image = null; if (p.MainWindowTitle != null && p.MainWindowTitle.Length > 0) { try { Icon ico = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(p.MainModule.FileName); image = ico.ToBitmap(); } catch { } } var row = new DataGridViewRow(); var processIcon = new DataGridViewImageCell(); processIcon.Value = image != null ? image : StyleManager.GetImage("executable.png"); var name = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); name.Value = p.ProcessName; var title = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); title.Value = p.MainWindowTitle; var id = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); id.Value = p.Id; row.Cells.Add(processIcon); row.Cells.Add(name); row.Cells.Add(title); row.Cells.Add(id); row.Height = 48; row.ReadOnly = true; processMap.Add(row, p); processView.Rows.Add(row); } }
public void SetScanningImage(string image, string text, bool enabled) { this.loadTimerImage.Image = StyleManager.GetImage(image); scan_tooltip.SetToolTip(this.loadTimerImage, text); this.loadTimerImage.Enabled = enabled; }
public static bool ScanMemory() { ReadMemoryResults readMemoryResults = ReadMemoryManager.ReadMemory(); ParseMemoryResults parseMemoryResults = Parser.ParseLogResults(readMemoryResults); if (parseMemoryResults != null) { lastResults = parseMemoryResults; if (parseMemoryResults.newDamage) { GlobalDataManager.UpdateDamage(); } } if (readMemoryResults != null && readMemoryResults.newAdvances.Count > 0) { if (SettingsManager.getSettingBool("AutoScreenshotAdvance")) { MainForm.mainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { ScreenshotManager.saveScreenshot("Advance", ScreenshotManager.takeScreenshot()); }); } if (SettingsManager.getSettingBool("CopyAdvances")) { foreach (object obj in readMemoryResults.newAdvances) { MainForm.mainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { Clipboard.SetText(obj.ToString()); }); } } readMemoryResults.newAdvances.Clear(); } if (parseMemoryResults != null && parseMemoryResults.death) { if (SettingsManager.getSettingBool("AutoScreenshotDeath")) { MainForm.mainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { ScreenshotManager.saveScreenshot("Death", ScreenshotManager.takeScreenshot()); }); } parseMemoryResults.death = false; } if (parseMemoryResults != null) { if (parseMemoryResults.newEventMessages.Count > 0) { if (SettingsManager.getSettingBool("EnableEventNotifications")) { foreach (Tuple <Event, string> tpl in parseMemoryResults.newEventMessages) { Event ev = tpl.Item1; Creature cr = StorageManager.getCreature(ev.creatureid); MainForm.mainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { if (!SettingsManager.getSettingBool("UseRichNotificationType")) { PopupManager.ShowSimpleNotification("Event in " + ev.location, tpl.Item2, cr.image); } else { PopupManager.ShowSimpleNotification(new SimpleTextNotification(cr.image, "Event in " + ev.location, tpl.Item2)); } }); } } parseMemoryResults.newEventMessages.Clear(); } } if (SettingsManager.getSettingBool("LookMode") && readMemoryResults != null) { foreach (string msg in parseMemoryResults.newLooks) { string itemName = Parser.parseLookItem(msg).ToLower(); if (StorageManager.itemExists(itemName)) { MainForm.mainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { CommandManager.ExecuteCommand("item@" + itemName); }); } else if (StorageManager.creatureExists(itemName) || (itemName.Contains("dead ") && (itemName = itemName.Replace("dead ", "")) != null && StorageManager.creatureExists(itemName)) || (itemName.Contains("slain ") && (itemName = itemName.Replace("slain ", "")) != null && StorageManager.creatureExists(itemName))) { MainForm.mainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { CommandManager.ExecuteCommand("creature@" + itemName); }); } else { NPC npc = StorageManager.getNPC(itemName); if (npc != null) { MainForm.mainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { CommandManager.ExecuteCommand("npc@" + itemName); }); } } } parseMemoryResults.newLooks.Clear(); } List <string> commands = parseMemoryResults == null ? new List <string>() : parseMemoryResults.newCommands.ToList(); commands.Reverse(); foreach (string command in commands) { MainForm.mainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { if (!CommandManager.ExecuteCommand(command, parseMemoryResults) && SettingsManager.getSettingBool("EnableUnrecognizedNotifications")) { if (!SettingsManager.getSettingBool("UseRichNotificationType")) { PopupManager.ShowSimpleNotification("Unrecognized command", "Unrecognized command: " + command, StyleManager.GetImage("tibia.png")); } else { PopupManager.ShowSimpleNotification(new SimpleTextNotification(null, "Unrecognized command", "Unrecognized command: " + command)); } } }); } if (parseMemoryResults != null) { if (parseMemoryResults.newItems.Count > 0) { MainForm.mainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { LootDatabaseManager.UpdateLoot(); }); } foreach (Tuple <Creature, List <Tuple <Item, int> > > tpl in parseMemoryResults.newItems) { Creature cr = tpl.Item1; List <Tuple <Item, int> > items = tpl.Item2; bool showNotification = PopupManager.ShowDropNotification(tpl); if (showNotification) { if (!SettingsManager.getSettingBool("UseRichNotificationType")) { Console.WriteLine("Rich Notification"); PopupManager.ShowSimpleNotification(cr.displayname, cr.displayname + " dropped a valuable item.", cr.image); } else { MainForm.mainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { PopupManager.ShowSimpleNotification(new SimpleLootNotification(cr, items)); }); } if (SettingsManager.getSettingBool("AutoScreenshotItemDrop")) { // Take a screenshot if Tibialyzer is set to take screenshots of valuable loot Bitmap screenshot = ScreenshotManager.takeScreenshot(); if (screenshot == null) { continue; } // Add a notification to the screenshot SimpleLootNotification screenshotNotification = new SimpleLootNotification(cr, items); Bitmap notification = new Bitmap(screenshotNotification.Width, screenshotNotification.Height); screenshotNotification.DrawToBitmap(notification, new Rectangle(0, 0, screenshotNotification.Width, screenshotNotification.Height)); foreach (Control c in screenshotNotification.Controls) { c.DrawToBitmap(notification, new Rectangle(c.Location, c.Size)); } screenshotNotification.Dispose(); int widthOffset = notification.Width + 10; int heightOffset = notification.Height + 10; if (screenshot.Width > widthOffset && screenshot.Height > heightOffset) { using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(screenshot)) { gr.DrawImage(notification, new Point(screenshot.Width - widthOffset, screenshot.Height - heightOffset)); } } notification.Dispose(); MainForm.mainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { ScreenshotManager.saveScreenshot("Loot", screenshot); }); } } } } return(readMemoryResults != null); }
private void refresh() { foreach (Control c in createdControls) { this.Controls.Remove(c); c.Dispose(); } int base_y = this.listTitle.Location.Y + this.listTitle.Height + 10; int newWidth = 352; PageInfo pageInfo = new PageInfo(false, false); int y; if (displayType == DisplayType.Details) { y = UIManager.DisplayCreatureAttributeList(this.Controls, objects, 10, base_y, out newWidth, null, createdControls, currentPage, 20, pageInfo, null, null, sortHeader, sortedHeader, desc, null, null, addConditionalAttributes); } else { y = UIManager.DisplayCreatureList(this.Controls, objects, 10, base_y, 344, 4, null, 1, createdControls, currentPage, 600, pageInfo, currentDisplay); if (currentDisplay >= 0) { currentDisplay = -1; currentPage = pageInfo.currentPage; } } startDisplay = pageInfo.startDisplay; updateCommand(); newWidth = Math.Max(newWidth, 275); if (pageInfo.prevPage) { PictureBox prevpage = new PictureBox(); prevpage.Location = new Point(10, base_y + y); prevpage.Size = new Size(97, 23); prevpage.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("prevpage.png"); prevpage.BackColor = Color.Transparent; prevpage.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; prevpage.Click += Prevpage_Click; this.Controls.Add(prevpage); createdControls.Add(prevpage); } if (pageInfo.nextPage) { PictureBox nextpage = new PictureBox(); nextpage.Location = new Point(10 + newWidth - 108, base_y + y); nextpage.Size = new Size(98, 23); nextpage.BackColor = Color.Transparent; nextpage.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("nextpage.png"); nextpage.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; nextpage.Click += Nextpage_Click; this.Controls.Add(nextpage); createdControls.Add(nextpage); } toggleButton.Location = new Point(newWidth - toggleButton.Size.Width, toggleButton.Location.Y); if (pageInfo.prevPage || pageInfo.nextPage) { y += 23; } this.Size = new Size(10 + newWidth, base_y + y + 10); this.refreshTimer(); }
public override void LoadForm() { if (spell == null) { return; } this.SuspendLayout(); NotificationInitialize(); this.spellImageBox.Image = spell.GetImage(); this.spellTitle.Text =; this.spellWords.Text = spell.words; if (StyleManager.ElementExists(spell.element)) { this.spellTitle.ForeColor = StyleManager.GetElementColor(spell.element); this.spellWords.ForeColor = StyleManager.GetElementColor(spell.element); } this.goldLabel.Text = spell.goldcost.ToString(); this.manaCostLabel.Text = spell.manacost.ToString(); this.cooldownLabel.Text = spell.cooldown.ToString() + "s"; this.levelLabel.Text = spell.levelrequired.ToString(); this.premiumBox.Image = spell.premium ? StyleManager.GetImage("checkmark-yes.png") : StyleManager.GetImage("checkmark-no.png"); this.promotionBox.Image = spell.promotion ? StyleManager.GetImage("checkmark-yes.png") : StyleManager.GetImage("checkmark-no.png"); if (this.spell.knight) { this.knightBox.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("knight.png"); } if (this.spell.paladin) { this.paladinBox.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("paladin.png"); } if (this.spell.sorcerer) { this.sorcererBox.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("sorcerer.png"); } if (this.spell.druid) { this.druidBox.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("druid.png"); } string[] titles = new string[] { "Knight", "Druid", "Paladin", "Sorcerer" }; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { npcList[i] = new List <TibiaObject>(); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { foreach (SpellTaught teach in spell.teachNPCs) { if (teach.GetVocation(i)) { npcList[i].Add(new LazyTibiaObject { id = teach.npcid, type = TibiaObjectType.NPC }); } } } int y = this.Height - 10; baseY = y + 35; int x = 5; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (npcList[i].Count > 0) { Label label = new Label(); label.Text = titles[i]; label.Location = new Point(x, y); label.ForeColor = StyleManager.NotificationTextColor; label.BackColor = Color.Transparent; label.Font = StyleManager.TextFont; label.Size = new Size(70, 25); label.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; x += 70; label.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; label.Name = i.ToString(); label.Click += toggleVocationSpells; vocationControls[i] = label; this.Controls.Add(label); if (currentVocation < 0 || currentVocation > 3) { currentVocation = i; } } else { vocationControls[i] = null; } } refreshVocationSpells(); base.NotificationFinalize(); this.ResumeLayout(false); }
public void UpdateMap(bool periodicUpdate = false) { lock (mapBoxLock) { int PlayerX = 0, PlayerY = 0, PlayerZ = 0; bool recomputeRoute = true; if (targetCoordinate != null) { MemoryReader.UpdateBattleList(); PlayerX = MemoryReader.X; PlayerY = MemoryReader.Y; PlayerZ = MemoryReader.Z; Point3D playerCoordinate = new Point3D(PlayerX, PlayerY, PlayerZ); if (previousCoordinate != playerCoordinate) { previousCoordinate = playerCoordinate; mapCoordinate = new Coordinate(PlayerX, PlayerY, PlayerZ); } else { if (FakePlayerData.X >= 0) { PlayerX = FakePlayerData.X; PlayerY = FakePlayerData.Y; PlayerZ = FakePlayerData.Z; mapCoordinate = new Coordinate(PlayerX, PlayerY, PlayerZ); FakePlayerData = new Point3D(-1, -1, -1); } else { if (periodicUpdate) { return; } recomputeRoute = false; } } } if (beginCoordinate == null) { beginCoordinate = new Coordinate(mapCoordinate); beginWidth = sourceWidth; } if (beginCoordinate.x == Coordinate.MaxWidth / 2 && beginCoordinate.y == Coordinate.MaxHeight / 2 && beginCoordinate.z == 7) { Image oldImage = this.Image; this.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("nomapavailable.png"); if (oldImage != StyleManager.GetImage("nomapavailable.png") && oldImage != null) { oldImage.Dispose(); } this.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; return; } if (mapCoordinate.z < 0) { mapCoordinate.z = 0; } else if (mapCoordinate.z >= StorageManager.mapFilesCount) { mapCoordinate.z = StorageManager.mapFilesCount - 1; } if (mapCoordinate.x - sourceWidth / 2 < 0) { mapCoordinate.x = sourceWidth / 2; } if (mapCoordinate.x + sourceWidth / 2 > Coordinate.MaxWidth) { mapCoordinate.x = Coordinate.MaxWidth - sourceWidth / 2; } if (mapCoordinate.y - sourceWidth / 2 < 0) { mapCoordinate.y = sourceWidth / 2; } if (mapCoordinate.y + sourceWidth / 2 > Coordinate.MaxHeight) { mapCoordinate.y = Coordinate.MaxHeight - sourceWidth / 2; } Image image; if (mapCoordinate.z == zCoordinate) { image = map != null?map.GetImage() : mapImage; } else { Map m = StorageManager.getMap(mapCoordinate.z); if (otherMap != null && m != otherMap) { otherMap.Dispose(); } otherMap = m; image = m.GetImage(); } lock (image) { sourceWidth = Math.Min(Math.Max(sourceWidth, minWidth), maxWidth); Rectangle sourceRectangle = new Rectangle(mapCoordinate.x - sourceWidth / 2, mapCoordinate.y - sourceWidth / 2, sourceWidth, sourceWidth); Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Height); using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { gr.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), sourceRectangle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); if (targetCoordinate != null && recomputeRoute) { Coordinate beginCoordinate = new Coordinate(PlayerX, PlayerY, PlayerZ); Node beginNode = Pathfinder.GetNode(beginCoordinate.x, beginCoordinate.y, beginCoordinate.z); Node endNode = Pathfinder.GetNode(targetCoordinate.x, targetCoordinate.y, targetCoordinate.z); List <Rectangle3D> collisionBounds = null; DijkstraNode highresult = Dijkstra.FindRoute(beginNode, endNode, new Point3D(targetCoordinate), previousResult); previousResult = highresult; SpecialConnection connection = null; nextConnectionPoint = new Point3D(-1, -1, -1); nextImportantTarget = null; nextTarget = "Head to the destination."; if (highresult != null) { collisionBounds = new List <Rectangle3D>(); while (highresult != null) { highresult.rect.Inflate(5, 5); collisionBounds.Add(new Rectangle3D(highresult.rect, highresult.node.z)); /*if (highresult.node.z == beginCoordinate.z) { * Point tl = new Point(convertx(highresult.rect.X), converty(highresult.rect.Y)); * Point tr = new Point(convertx(highresult.rect.X + highresult.rect.Width), converty(highresult.rect.Y + highresult.rect.Height)); * gr.DrawRectangle(Pens.Yellow, new Rectangle(tl.X, tl.Y, (tr.X - tl.X), (tr.Y - tl.Y))); * }*/ if (highresult.connection.connection != null) { connection = highresult.connection.connection; if ("stairs", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { nextTarget = connection.destination.z > connection.source.z ? "Go down the stairs." : "Go up the stairs."; } else if ("levitate", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { nextTarget = connection.destination.z > connection.source.z ? "Levitate down." : "Levitate up."; } else { nextImportantTarget = String.Format("Take the {0}.",; nextTarget = null; } nextConnectionPoint = new Point3D(connection.destination.x, connection.destination.y, connection.destination.z); } highresult = highresult.previous; } if (collisionBounds.Count == 0) { collisionBounds = null; } } Map m = StorageManager.getMap(beginCoordinate.z); DijkstraPoint result = Dijkstra.FindRoute(image as Bitmap, new Point3D(beginCoordinate), new Point3D(targetCoordinate), collisionBounds, null, connection); if (result != null) { playerPath = new TibiaPath(); playerPath.path = result; playerPath.begin = beginCoordinate; playerPath.end = targetCoordinate; DrawPath(gr, playerPath); } } else if (!recomputeRoute && playerPath != null) { DrawPath(gr, playerPath); } foreach (TibiaPath path in paths) { DrawPath(gr, path); } foreach (Target target in targets) { if (target.coordinate.z == mapCoordinate.z) { int x = target.coordinate.x - (mapCoordinate.x - sourceWidth / 2); int y = target.coordinate.y - (mapCoordinate.y - sourceWidth / 2); if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < sourceWidth && y < sourceWidth) { x = (int)((double)x / sourceWidth * bitmap.Width); y = (int)((double)y / sourceWidth * bitmap.Height); lock (target.image) { int targetWidth = (int)((double)target.size / target.image.Height * target.image.Width); gr.DrawImage(target.image, new Rectangle(x - targetWidth, y - target.size, targetWidth * 2, target.size * 2)); } } } } } Image oldImage = this.Image; this.Image = bitmap; if (oldImage != null) { oldImage.Dispose(); } } if (MapUpdated != null) { MapUpdated(); } } }
private void CombineItems() { Size item_size = new Size(32, 32); //size of item image int dropbar_height = 6; //height of dropbar int item_spacing = 6; //spacing between items int base_x = 110; int base_y = this.mainImage.Location.Y; int max_x = 250; int max_y = base_y + 134; // add a tooltip that displays the actual droprate when you mouseover ToolTip droprate_tooltip = new ToolTip(); droprate_tooltip.AutoPopDelay = 60000; droprate_tooltip.InitialDelay = 500; droprate_tooltip.ReshowDelay = 0; droprate_tooltip.ShowAlways = true; droprate_tooltip.UseFading = true; int x = item_spacing, y = item_spacing; List <ItemDrop> sorted_items = creature.itemdrops.OrderByDescending(o => o.percentage).ToList(); foreach (ItemDrop drop in sorted_items) { if (x > (max_x - item_size.Width - item_spacing)) { x = item_spacing; y += item_size.Height + item_spacing; } DisplayItem(drop, base_x, base_y, x, y, item_size, droprate_tooltip, dropbar_height); x += item_size.Width + item_spacing; } if ( != null) { Item skinItem = StorageManager.getItem(; ItemDrop skinDrop = new ItemDrop(); PictureBox picture_box = new PictureBox(); picture_box.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, this.huntButton.Location.Y + this.huntButton.Size.Height + 10); picture_box.Name = skinItem.GetName(); picture_box.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(item_size.Width, item_size.Height); picture_box.TabIndex = 1; picture_box.TabStop = false; picture_box.Image = skinItem.GetImage(); picture_box.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; picture_box.BackgroundImage = StyleManager.GetImage("item_background.png"); picture_box.Click += openItemBox; droprate_tooltip.SetToolTip(picture_box, "You can skin this creature with the item " + skinItem.displayname + "."); this.Controls.Add(picture_box); skinDrop.itemid =; skinDrop.percentage =; skinDrop.min = 1; skinDrop.max = 1; DisplayItem(skinDrop, 20 + item_size.Width + item_spacing, this.huntButton.Location.Y + this.huntButton.Size.Height + 10, 0, 0, item_size, droprate_tooltip, dropbar_height, "Skin rate of "); if (y < this.huntButton.Location.Y + this.huntButton.Size.Height) { y = this.huntButton.Location.Y + this.huntButton.Size.Height; } } if (this.Height < (y + item_size.Height * 2 + item_spacing)) { this.Height = y + item_size.Height * 2 + item_spacing; } this.Refresh(); }
public override List <Attribute> GetConditionalAttributes() { List <Attribute> att = new List <Attribute>(); List <Attribute> regularAttributes = GetAttributes(); att.Add(new StringAttribute(title, 120)); if (armor >= 0) { att.Add(new StringAttribute(armor.ToString(), 50)); } if (attack >= 0) { att.Add(new StringAttribute(attack.ToString(), 60)); } else if (atkmod >= 0) { att.Add(new StringAttribute("+" + atkmod, 60)); } if (defense > 0) { att.Add(new StringAttribute(defensestr, 60)); } if (hitmod != 0) { att.Add(new StringAttribute(hitmod > 0 ? "+" + hitmod.ToString() : hitmod.ToString(), 50)); } if (level >= 0) { att.Add(new StringAttribute(level.ToString(), 50)); } if (range >= 0) { att.Add(new StringAttribute(range.ToString(), 60)); } //if (vocation != "") att.Add(new StringAttribute(vocation, 100)); if (attrib != "") { att.Add(new StringAttribute(attrib, 120)); } if (type != "") { att.Add(new StringAttribute(type, 70, StyleManager.ElementExists(type) ? StyleManager.GetElementColor(type) : StyleManager.NotificationTextColor)); } att.Add(regularAttributes[1]); att.Add(regularAttributes[2]); return(att); }
private void refresh() { foreach (Control c in controlList) { this.Controls.Remove(c); c.Dispose(); } if (currentControlList == -1) { return; } updateCommand(); for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i++) { if (objectControls[i] != null) { objectControls[i].Enabled = i != currentControlList; if (i == currentControlList) { (objectControls[i] as Label).BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; } else { (objectControls[i] as Label).BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; } } } controlList.Clear(); int newwidth; PageInfo pageInfo = new PageInfo(false, false); int y = base_y + UIManager.DisplayCreatureAttributeList(this.Controls, objectList[currentControlList], 10, base_y, out newwidth, null, controlList, currentPage, 10, pageInfo, extraAttributes[currentControlList], attributeFunctions[currentControlList], sortHeader, sortedHeader, desc, attributeSortFunctions[currentControlList], removedLists[currentControlList]); newwidth = Math.Max(newwidth, this.Size.Width); if (pageInfo.prevPage || pageInfo.nextPage) { if (pageInfo.prevPage) { PictureBox prevpage = new PictureBox(); prevpage.Location = new Point(10, y); prevpage.Size = new Size(97, 23); prevpage.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("prevpage.png"); prevpage.BackColor = Color.Transparent; prevpage.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; prevpage.Click += Prevpage_Click;; this.Controls.Add(prevpage); controlList.Add(prevpage); } if (pageInfo.nextPage) { PictureBox nextpage = new PictureBox(); nextpage.Location = new Point(newwidth - 108, y); nextpage.Size = new Size(98, 23); nextpage.BackColor = Color.Transparent; nextpage.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("nextpage.png"); nextpage.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; nextpage.Click += Nextpage_Click;; this.Controls.Add(nextpage); controlList.Add(nextpage); } y += 25; } this.Size = new Size(newwidth, y + 10); }
public override List <Attribute> GetAttributes() { string expQuality = exp_quality < 0 ? "unknown" : (exp_quality - 1).ToString(); string lootQuality = loot_quality < 0 ? "unknown" : (loot_quality - 1).ToString(); return(new List <Attribute> { new StringAttribute(name, 120), new StringAttribute(level < 0 ? "-" : level.ToString(), 50), new ImageAttribute(StyleManager.GetImage(String.Format("star{0}_text.png", expQuality))), new ImageAttribute(StyleManager.GetImage(String.Format("star{0}_text.png", lootQuality))), new StringAttribute(city, 100) }); }
public SimpleLootNotification(Creature cr, List <Tuple <Item, int> > items, string message) : base() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.creature = cr; this.Size = new Size(SettingsManager.getSettingInt("SimpleNotificationWidth"), this.Size.Height); bool showCopyButton = SettingsManager.getSettingBool("SimpleNotificationCopyButton"); this.InitializeSimpleNotification(); creatureBox.Click -= c_Click; ToolTip value_tooltip = new ToolTip(); value_tooltip.AutoPopDelay = 60000; value_tooltip.InitialDelay = 500; value_tooltip.ReshowDelay = 0; value_tooltip.ShowAlways = true; value_tooltip.UseFading = true; int max_x = this.Size.Width - creatureBox.Width - (showCopyButton ? 32 : 4); int base_x = 64, base_y = 20; int x = 0; int y = 0; int item_spacing = 4; Size item_size = new Size(32, 32); List <Tuple <Item, int> > updatedItems = new List <Tuple <Item, int> >(); foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in items) { if (tpl.Item1.GetName().ToLower() == "gold coin" && tpl.Item2 > 100) { Item platinumCoin = StorageManager.getItem("platinum coin"); updatedItems.Add(new Tuple <Item, int>(platinumCoin, tpl.Item2 / 100)); updatedItems.Add(new Tuple <Item, int>(tpl.Item1, tpl.Item2 % 100)); } else { updatedItems.Add(tpl); } } updatedItems = updatedItems.OrderByDescending(o => o.Item1.GetMaxValue() * o.Item2).ToList(); x = 0; foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in updatedItems) { Item item = tpl.Item1; int count = tpl.Item2; while (count > 0) { if (x >= (max_x - item_size.Width - item_spacing)) { item_size = new Size(24, 24); x = 0; base_y = 4; creatureDropLabel.Visible = false; break; } int mitems = 1; if (item.stackable) { mitems = Math.Min(count, 100); } count -= mitems; x += item_size.Width + item_spacing; } if (x == 0) { break; } } x = 0; foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in updatedItems) { Item item = tpl.Item1; int count = tpl.Item2; while (count > 0) { if (x >= (max_x - item_size.Width - item_spacing)) { x = 0; y = y + item_size.Height + item_spacing; } int mitems = 1; if (item.stackable) { mitems = Math.Min(count, 100); } count -= mitems; PictureBox picture_box = new PictureBox(); picture_box.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(base_x + x, base_y + y); picture_box.Name = item.GetName(); picture_box.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(item_size.Width, item_size.Height); picture_box.TabIndex = 1; picture_box.TabStop = false; picture_box.Click += openItem_Click; if (item.stackable) { picture_box.Image = LootDropForm.DrawCountOnItem(item, mitems); } else { picture_box.Image = item.GetImage(); } picture_box.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; picture_box.BackgroundImage = StyleManager.GetImage("item_background.png"); picture_box.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; value_tooltip.SetToolTip(picture_box, item.displayname.ToTitle() + " value: " + Math.Max(item.actual_value, item.vendor_value) * mitems); this.Controls.Add(picture_box); x += item_size.Width + item_spacing; } } Image creatureImage = cr.GetImage(); if (creatureImage.Size.Width <= creatureBox.Width && creatureImage.Size.Height <= creatureBox.Height) { creatureBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; } else { creatureBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; } this.creatureBox.Image = cr.GetImage(); this.creatureDropLabel.Text = String.Format("Loot of {0}.", cr.displayname); if (showCopyButton) { PictureBox copyButton = new PictureBox(); copyButton.Size = new Size(32, 32); copyButton.BackColor = Color.Transparent; copyButton.Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - copyButton.Size.Width - 4, base_y == 4 ? (this.Size.Height - copyButton.Size.Height) / 2 : base_y); copyButton.Click += CopyLootText; copyButton.Name = message; copyButton.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("copyicon.png"); copyButton.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; this.Controls.Add(copyButton); } }
public MainForm() { startup = true; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; mainForm = this; InitializeComponent(); SettingsManager.LoadSettings(Constants.SettingsFile); LootDatabaseManager.LootChanged += NotificationManager.UpdateLootDisplay; LootDatabaseManager.LootChanged += UpdateLogDisplay; GlobalDataManager.ExperienceChanged += NotificationManager.UpdateExperienceDisplay; GlobalDataManager.DamageChanged += NotificationManager.UpdateDamageDisplay; GlobalDataManager.UsedItemsChanged += NotificationManager.UpdateUsedItemsDisplay; if (!File.Exists(Constants.DatabaseFile)) { ExitWithError("Fatal Error", String.Format("Could not find database file {0}.", Constants.DatabaseFile)); } if (!File.Exists(Constants.NodeDatabase)) { ExitWithError("Fatal Error", String.Format("Could not find database file {0}.", Constants.NodeDatabase)); } LootDatabaseManager.Initialize(); StyleManager.InitializeStyle(); NotificationForm.Initialize(); Parser.Initialize(); PopupManager.Initialize(this.notifyIcon1); prevent_settings_update = true; try { StorageManager.InitializeStorage(); } catch (Exception e) { ExitWithError("Fatal Error", String.Format("Corrupted database {0}.\nMessage: {1}", Constants.DatabaseFile, e.Message)); } ProcessManager.Initialize(); this.initializeSettings(); try { Pathfinder.LoadFromDatabase(Constants.NodeDatabase); } catch (Exception e) { ExitWithError("Fatal Error", String.Format("Corrupted database {0}.\nMessage: {1}", Constants.NodeDatabase, e.Message)); } prevent_settings_update = false; this.InitializeTabs(); switchTab(0); makeDraggable(this.Controls); if (SettingsManager.getSettingBool("StartAutohotkeyAutomatically")) { AutoHotkeyManager.StartAutohotkey(); } ReadMemoryManager.Initialize(); HuntManager.Initialize(); UIManager.Initialize(); MemoryReader.Initialize(); HUDManager.Initialize(); GlobalDataManager.Initialize(); this.Load += MainForm_Load; fileWriter = new StreamWriter(Constants.BigLootFile, true); tibialyzerLogo.MouseDown += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.draggable_MouseDown); startup = false; ScanningManager.StartScanning(); scan_tooltip.AutoPopDelay = 60000; scan_tooltip.InitialDelay = 500; scan_tooltip.ReshowDelay = 0; scan_tooltip.ShowAlways = true; scan_tooltip.UseFading = true; SetScanningImage("scanningbar-red.gif", "No Tibia Client Found...", true); }
private int drawDirections(Coordinate begin, Coordinate end, string settings, string description, int start_x, int y, bool variableSize, int imageCount, bool noText, out int width) { int mapSize = this.Size.Width / 2; Size minSize = new Size(mapSize, mapSize); List <Color> additionalWalkableColors = new List <Color>(); List <Target> targetList = new List <Target>(); // parse settings if (settings != null) { string[] splits = settings.ToLower().Split('@'); foreach (string split in splits) { string[] setting = split.Split('='); switch (setting[0]) { case "walkablecolor": string[] rgb = setting[1].Split(','); additionalWalkableColors.Add(Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(rgb[0]), int.Parse(rgb[1]), int.Parse(rgb[2]))); break; case "marking": Target target = new Target(); string[] coordinate = setting[1].Split(','); target.size = 12; target.image = StyleManager.GetImage("cross.png"); target.coordinate = new Coordinate(int.Parse(coordinate[0]), int.Parse(coordinate[1]), int.Parse(coordinate[2])); targetList.Add(target); break; case "markicon": Image image = null; switch (setting[1].ToLower()) { case "item": image = StorageManager.getItem(setting[2]).image; break; case "npc": image = StorageManager.getNPC(setting[2]).image; break; case "cr": image = StorageManager.getCreature(setting[2]).image; break; case "spell": image = StorageManager.getSpell(setting[2]).image; break; case "object": image = StorageManager.getWorldObject(setting[2]).image; break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown image type " + setting[1] + "."); } targetList[targetList.Count - 1].image = image; break; case "marksize": targetList[targetList.Count - 1].size = int.Parse(setting[1]); break; } } } if (targetList.Count == 0) { targetList = null; } MapPictureBox map = UIManager.DrawRoute(begin, end, variableSize ? new Size(0, 0) : new Size(mapSize, mapSize), minSize, new Size(mapSize, mapSize), additionalWalkableColors, targetList); width = map.Width + 5; if (!noText) { map.Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - (map.Width + 5), y); } else { map.Location = new Point(start_x, y); } map.MapUpdated += refreshTimer; this.Controls.Add(map); addedControls.Add(map); if (noText) { return(y + map.Height + 5); } if (description.Contains("@")) { int x = 5; int minheightoffset = 20; string[] questStrings = description.Split('@'); int minY = y + map.Size.Height + 10; foreach (string instruction in questStrings) { if (instruction == "") { y += 10; continue; } if (instruction.Contains("=")) { string[] splits = instruction.Split('='); if (splits[0].ToLower() == "cr" || splits[0].ToLower() == "npc" || splits[0].ToLower() == "item") { bool blockWidth = true; string imageString = splits[1]; if (splits[1].Contains(';')) { string[] options = splits[1].Split(';'); imageString = options[0]; for (int i = 1; i < options.Length; i++) { if (options[i].ToLower() == "blockheight") { blockWidth = false; } } } string command = ""; Image image = null; if (splits[0].ToLower() == "cr") { Creature cr = StorageManager.getCreature(imageString); image = cr.GetImage(); command = "creature" + Constants.CommandSymbol + cr.GetName().ToLower(); } else if (splits[0].ToLower() == "npc") { NPC npc = StorageManager.getNPC(imageString); image = npc.GetImage(); command = "npc" + Constants.CommandSymbol + npc.GetName().ToLower(); } else if (splits[0].ToLower() == "item") { Item item = StorageManager.getItem(imageString); image = item.GetImage(); command = "item" + Constants.CommandSymbol + item.GetName().ToLower(); } PictureBox pictureBox = new PictureBox(); pictureBox.Location = new Point(x, y); pictureBox.Image = image; pictureBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; pictureBox.Size = new Size(image.Width, image.Height); pictureBox.BackColor = Color.Transparent; pictureBox.Name = command; pictureBox.Click += QuestTitle_Click; if (blockWidth) { x += pictureBox.Size.Width; minheightoffset = pictureBox.Size.Height + 5; } else { y += pictureBox.Size.Height; } addedControls.Add(pictureBox); this.Controls.Add(pictureBox); continue; } } Label label = new Label(); label.Location = new Point(x, y); label.ForeColor = StyleManager.NotificationTextColor; label.BackColor = Color.Transparent; label.Font = requirementFont; label.AutoSize = true; label.MaximumSize = new Size(this.Size.Width - (map.Size.Width) - x, 0); string labelText = CreateLinks(label, instruction); label.Text = labelText == "" ? "" : "- " + labelText; int labelHeight = 0; using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromHwnd(label.Handle)) { labelHeight = (int)(gr.MeasureString(label.Text, label.Font, this.Size.Width - (map.Size.Width + 10) - x, StringFormat.GenericTypographic).Height * 1.2); } addedControls.Add(label); this.Controls.Add(label); y += Math.Max(labelHeight, minheightoffset); minheightoffset = 0; x = 5; } if (y < minY) { y = minY; } } else { Label label = new Label(); label.Location = new Point(5, y); label.ForeColor = StyleManager.NotificationTextColor; label.BackColor = Color.Transparent; label.Font = requirementFont; string labelText = CreateLinks(label, description); label.Text = labelText == "" ? "" : "- " + labelText; Size size; using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromHwnd(label.Handle)) { size = gr.MeasureString(label.Text, label.Font, this.Size.Width - (map.Size.Width + 10)).ToSize(); label.Size = new Size(this.Size.Width - (map.Size.Width + 5), Math.Max((int)(size.Height * 1.3), map.Size.Height)); } addedControls.Add(label); this.Controls.Add(label); y += Math.Max(label.Size.Height, map.Size.Height) + 10; } return(y); }
private void RefreshHUD(double lifePercentage, double manaPercentage) { lifePercentage = lifePercentage.ClampPercentage(); manaPercentage = manaPercentage.ClampPercentage(); Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(pictureBox.Size.Width, pictureBox.Size.Height); int width = bitmap.Width; int height = bitmap.Height; using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { // we set the interpolation mode to nearest neighbor because other interpolation modes modify the colors // which causes the transparency key to appear around the edges of the object gr.Clear(StyleManager.BlendTransparencyKey); Rectangle lifeRectangle = new Rectangle(); lifeRectangle.X = (int)(height * 0.7); lifeRectangle.Y = (int)(height * 0.15) - 2; lifeRectangle.Width = width - lifeRectangle.X; lifeRectangle.Height = (int)(height * 0.2) + 4; gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, lifeRectangle); lifeRectangle.Y += 2; lifeRectangle.Height -= 4; lifeRectangle.Width = (int)(lifeRectangle.Width * lifePercentage) - 2; using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(StyleManager.GetHealthColor(lifePercentage))) { gr.FillRectangle(brush, lifeRectangle); } Rectangle manaRectangle = new Rectangle(); manaRectangle.X = (int)(height * 0.7); manaRectangle.Y = (int)(height * 0.15) - 2 + lifeRectangle.Height + 2; manaRectangle.Width = (int)((width - lifeRectangle.X) * 0.95); manaRectangle.Height = (int)(height * 0.2) + 4; gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, manaRectangle); manaRectangle.Y += 2; manaRectangle.Height -= 4; manaRectangle.Width = (int)(manaRectangle.Width * manaPercentage) - 2; using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(StyleManager.ManaColor)) { gr.FillRectangle(brush, manaRectangle); } int backgroundSize = (int)(height * backgroundScale / 100.0); int backgroundBaseOffset = (height - backgroundSize) / 2; int centerSize = (int)(height * centerScale / 100.0); int centerBaseOffset = (height - centerSize) / 2; SummaryForm.RenderImageResized(gr, backgroundImage, new Rectangle(backgroundBaseOffset + backgroundOffset.X, backgroundBaseOffset + backgroundOffset.Y, backgroundSize, backgroundSize)); SummaryForm.RenderImageResized(gr, centerImage, new Rectangle(centerBaseOffset + centerOffset.X, centerBaseOffset + centerOffset.Y, centerSize, centerSize)); Rectangle levelRect = new Rectangle((int)(height * 0.7), (int)(height * 0.6), (int)(height * 0.35), (int)(height * 0.35)); using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(StyleManager.MainFormButtonColor)) { gr.FillEllipse(brush, levelRect); } using (Pen pen = new Pen(StyleManager.MainFormButtonForeColor, 2)) { gr.DrawEllipse(pen, levelRect); } using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(StyleManager.MainFormButtonForeColor)) { string level = MemoryReader.Level.ToString(); gr.DrawString(level, StyleManager.MainFormLabelFont, brush, new PointF(height * (0.725f + (3 - level.Length) * 0.0375f), height * 0.7f)); } } bitmap.MakeTransparent(StyleManager.TransparencyKey); Image oldImage = pictureBox.Image; pictureBox.Image = bitmap; if (oldImage != null) { lock (oldImage) { oldImage.Dispose(); } } }
public static bool ExecuteCommand(string command, ParseMemoryResults parseMemoryResults = null) { try { if (parseMemoryResults == null) { parseMemoryResults = ScanningManager.lastResults; } string comp = command.Trim().ToLower(); Console.WriteLine(command); if (comp.StartsWith("creature" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //creature@ { string[] split = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string parameter = split[1].Trim().ToLower(); Creature cr = StorageManager.getCreature(parameter); if (cr != null) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureDrops(cr, command); } else { List <TibiaObject> creatures = StorageManager.searchCreature(parameter); if (creatures.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureDrops(creatures[0].AsCreature(), command); } else if (creatures.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(creatures, "Creature List", command); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("look" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //look@ { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); if (parameter == "on") { SettingsManager.setSetting("LookMode", "True"); } else if (parameter == "off") { SettingsManager.setSetting("LookMode", "False"); } else { List <string> times = TimestampManager.getLatestTimes(5); List <TibiaObject> items = new List <TibiaObject>(); foreach (string message in GlobalDataManager.GetLookInformation(times)) { string itemName = Parser.parseLookItem(message).ToLower(); Item item = StorageManager.getItem(itemName); if (item != null) { items.Add(item); } else { Creature cr = StorageManager.getCreature(itemName); if (cr != null) { items.Add(cr); } } } if (items.Count == 1) { if (items[0] is Item) { NotificationManager.ShowItemNotification("item" + Constants.CommandSymbol + items[0].GetName().ToLower()); } else if (items[0] is Creature) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureDrops(items[0].AsCreature(), command); } } else if (items.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(items, "Looked At Items", command); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("stats" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //stats@ { string name = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); Creature cr = StorageManager.getCreature(name); if (cr != null) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureStats(cr, command); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("close" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //close@ // close all notifications { NotificationManager.ClearNotifications(); PopupManager.ClearSimpleNotifications(); } else if (comp.StartsWith("delete" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //delete@ { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); int killCount; if (int.TryParse(parameter, out killCount)) { HuntManager.deleteCreatureWithThreshold(killCount); } else { Creature cr = StorageManager.getCreature(parameter); if (cr != null) { HuntManager.deleteCreatureFromLog(cr); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("skin" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //skin@ { string[] split = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string parameter = split[1].Trim().ToLower(); int count = 1; Creature cr = StorageManager.getCreature(parameter); if (cr != null) { if (split.Length > 2) { int.TryParse(split[2], out count); } HuntManager.InsertSkin(cr, count); } else { int.TryParse(parameter, out count); // find creature with highest killcount with a skin and skin that cr = HuntManager.GetHighestKillCreature(HuntManager.activeHunt); if (cr != null) { HuntManager.InsertSkin(cr, count); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("city" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //city@ { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); if (StorageManager.cityNameMap.ContainsKey(parameter)) { City city = StorageManager.cityNameMap[parameter]; NotificationManager.ShowCityDisplayForm(city, command); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("damage" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //damage@ { if (parseMemoryResults != null) { string[] splits = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string screenshot_path = ""; string parameter = splits[1].Trim().ToLower(); if (parameter == "screenshot" && splits.Length > 2) { parameter = ""; screenshot_path = splits[2]; } NotificationManager.ShowDamageMeter(parseMemoryResults.damagePerSecond, command, parameter, screenshot_path); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("experience" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //experience@ { if (parseMemoryResults != null) { NotificationManager.ShowExperienceChartNotification(command); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("remindme" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //remindme@ { string[] splits = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string time = splits[1].ToLower().Replace(" ", "").Replace("\t", "").Replace("\n", "") + 's'; //remove all whitespace int timeInSeconds = 0; int startIndex = 0, endIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < time.Length; i++) { if (time[i].isDigit()) { endIndex = i + 1; } else if (endIndex > startIndex) { int value = int.Parse(time.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex)); if (time[i] == 'm') { value *= 60; } else if (time[i] == 'h') { value *= 3600; } timeInSeconds += value; startIndex = i + 1; endIndex = startIndex; } else { startIndex = i + 1; } } if (timeInSeconds > 0) { Image iconImage = null; if (splits.Length > 4) { string icon = splits[4]; TibiaObject[] objects = new TibiaObject[] { StorageManager.getItem(icon), StorageManager.getCreature(icon), StorageManager.getNPC(icon), StorageManager.getMount(icon), StorageManager.getSpell(icon), StorageManager.getOutfit(icon) }; foreach (var obj in objects) { if (obj != null) { iconImage = obj.GetImage(); if (iconImage != null) { break; } } } } string title = splits.Length > 2 ? splits[2] : "Reminder!"; string message = splits.Length > 3 ? splits[3] : String.Format("Reminder from {0} seconds ago!", timeInSeconds); const int notificationWarningTime = 5; if (timeInSeconds <= notificationWarningTime) { PopupManager.ShowSimpleNotification(new SimpleTimerNotification(iconImage, title, message, timeInSeconds)); } else { System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000 * (timeInSeconds - notificationWarningTime)); timer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => { timer.Enabled = false; timer.Dispose(); MainForm.mainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { PopupManager.ShowSimpleNotification(new SimpleTimerNotification(iconImage, title, message, notificationWarningTime)); }); }; timer.Enabled = true; } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("exp" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //exp@ { string title = "Experience"; string text = "Currently gaining " + (parseMemoryResults == null ? "unknown" : ((int)parseMemoryResults.expPerHour).ToString()) + " experience an hour."; Image image = StyleManager.GetImage("tibia.png"); if (!SettingsManager.getSettingBool("UseRichNotificationType")) { PopupManager.ShowSimpleNotification(title, text, image); } else { PopupManager.ShowSimpleNotification(new SimpleTextNotification(null, title, text)); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("waste" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //waste@ { NotificationManager.ShowWasteForm(HuntManager.activeHunt, command); } else if (comp.StartsWith("summary" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //summary@ { NotificationManager.ShowSummaryForm(command); } else if (comp.StartsWith("loot" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //loot@ { string[] splits = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string screenshot_path = ""; string parameter = splits[1].Trim().ToLower(); if (parameter == "screenshot" && splits.Length > 2) { parameter = ""; screenshot_path = splits[2]; } Hunt currentHunt = HuntManager.activeHunt; if (splits.Length >= 2 && splits[1] != "") { Hunt h = HuntManager.GetHunt(splits[1]); if (h != null) { currentHunt = h; } } // display loot notification NotificationManager.ShowLootDrops(currentHunt, command, screenshot_path); } else if (comp.StartsWith("clipboard" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //clipboard@ // Copy loot message to the clipboard // clipboard@damage copies the damage information to the clipboard // clipboard@<creature> copies the loot of a specific creature to the clipboard // clipboard@ copies all loot to the clipboard { string creatureName = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); Creature lootCreature = null; if (creatureName == "damage" && parseMemoryResults != null) { var damageInformation = DamageChart.GenerateDamageInformation(parseMemoryResults.damagePerSecond, ""); string damageString = "Damage Dealt: "; foreach (var damage in damageInformation) { damageString += String.Format("{0}: {1:N1}%; ",, damage.percentage); } Clipboard.SetText(damageString.Substring(0, damageString.Length - 2)); return(true); } else if (creatureName != "") { lootCreature = StorageManager.getCreature(creatureName); } var tpl = LootDropForm.GenerateLootInformation(HuntManager.activeHunt, "", lootCreature); var creatureKills = tpl.Item1; var itemDrops = tpl.Item2; string lootString = ""; if (creatureKills.Count == 1) { foreach (KeyValuePair <Creature, int> kvp in creatureKills) { lootString = "Total Loot of " + kvp.Value.ToString() + " " + kvp.Key.GetName() + (kvp.Value > 1 ? "s" : "") + ": "; } } else { int totalKills = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <Creature, int> kvp in creatureKills) { totalKills += kvp.Value; } lootString = "Total Loot of " + totalKills + " Kills: "; } foreach (Tuple <Item, int> kvp in itemDrops) { lootString += kvp.Item2 + " " + kvp.Item1.displayname + (kvp.Item2 > 1 ? "s" : "") + ", "; } lootString = lootString.Substring(0, lootString.Length - 2) + "."; Clipboard.SetText(lootString); } else if (comp.StartsWith("reset" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //reset@ { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); int time = 0; if (parameter == "old") { HuntManager.clearOldLog(HuntManager.activeHunt); } else if (int.TryParse(parameter, out time) && time > 0) { HuntManager.clearOldLog(HuntManager.activeHunt, time); } else { // reset@<hunt> resets the specified hunt if (parameter.Length > 0 && HuntManager.resetHunt(parameter)) { return(true); } else { //reset@ deletes all loot from the currently active hunt HuntManager.resetHunt(HuntManager.activeHunt); } } MainForm.mainForm.refreshHunts(); ReadMemoryManager.ignoreStamp = TimestampManager.createStamp(); } else if (comp.StartsWith("refresh" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //refresh@ // refresh: refresh duration on current form, or if no current form, repeat last command without removing it from stack /*if (tooltipForm != null && !tooltipForm.IsDisposed) { * try { * (tooltipForm as NotificationForm).ResetTimer(); * } catch { * } * } else if (command_stack.Count > 0) {*/ { ExecuteCommand(NotificationManager.LastCommand().command); //} return(true); } else if (comp.StartsWith("switch" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //switch@ // switch: switch to hunt { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); HuntManager.SwitchHunt(parameter); HuntManager.SaveHunts(); } else if (comp.StartsWith("item" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //item@ //show the item with all the NPCs that sell it { NotificationManager.ShowItemNotification(command); } else if (comp.StartsWith("task" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //task@ { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); if (StorageManager.taskList.Keys.Contains(parameter)) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(StorageManager.taskList[parameter].ToList <TibiaObject>(), StorageManager.taskList[parameter][0].groupname, command); } else { int id = -1; int.TryParse(parameter, out id); List <TibiaObject> tasks = new List <TibiaObject>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <Task> > kvp in StorageManager.taskList) { foreach (Task t in kvp.Value) { if (id >= 0 && == id) { NotificationManager.ShowTaskNotification(t, command); return(true); } else { if (t.GetName().Contains(parameter, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { tasks.Add(t); } } } } if (tasks.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowTaskNotification(tasks[0] as Task, command); } else { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(tasks, String.Format("Tasks Containing \"{0}\"", parameter), command); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("category" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //category@ // list all items with the specified category { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); List <TibiaObject> items = StorageManager.getItemsByCategory(parameter); if (items.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowItemNotification("item" + Constants.CommandSymbol + items[0].GetName().ToLower()); } else if (items.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(items, "Category: " + parameter, command, true); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("hunt" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //hunt@ { string[] splits = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string parameter = splits[1].Trim().ToLower(); int page = 0; if (splits.Length > 2 && int.TryParse(splits[2], out page)) { } if (Constants.cities.Contains(parameter)) { List <HuntingPlace> huntingPlaces = StorageManager.getHuntsInCity(parameter); NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(huntingPlaces.ToList <TibiaObject>(), "Hunts in " + parameter, command); return(true); } HuntingPlace h = StorageManager.getHunt(parameter); if (h != null) { NotificationManager.ShowHuntingPlace(h, command); return(true); } Creature cr = StorageManager.getCreature(parameter); if (cr != null) { List <HuntingPlace> huntingPlaces = StorageManager.getHuntsForCreature(; NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(huntingPlaces.ToList <TibiaObject>(), "Hunts containing creature " + parameter.ToTitle(), command); return(true); } int minlevel = -1, maxlevel = -1; int level; if (int.TryParse(parameter, out level)) { minlevel = (int)(level * 0.8); maxlevel = (int)(level * 1.2); } else if (parameter.Contains('-')) { string[] split = parameter.Split('-'); int.TryParse(split[0].Trim(), out minlevel); int.TryParse(split[1].Trim(), out maxlevel); } if (minlevel >= 0 && maxlevel >= 0) { List <HuntingPlace> huntingPlaces = StorageManager.getHuntsForLevels(minlevel, maxlevel); huntingPlaces = huntingPlaces.OrderBy(o => o.level).ToList(); NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(huntingPlaces.ToList <TibiaObject>(), "Hunts between levels " + minlevel.ToString() + "-" + maxlevel.ToString(), command); return(true); } else { string title; List <HuntingPlace> huntList = StorageManager.searchHunt(parameter); title = "Hunts Containing \"" + parameter + "\""; if (huntList.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowHuntingPlace(huntList[0], command); } else if (huntList.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(huntList.ToList <TibiaObject>(), title, command); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("npc" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //npc@ { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); NPC npc = StorageManager.getNPC(parameter); if (npc != null) { NotificationManager.ShowNPCForm(npc, command); } else if (Constants.cities.Contains(parameter)) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(StorageManager.getNPCWithCity(parameter), "NPC List", command); } else { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(StorageManager.searchNPC(parameter), "NPC List", command); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("savelog" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { HuntManager.SaveLog(HuntManager.activeHunt, command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().Replace("'", "\\'")); } else if (comp.StartsWith("loadlog" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { HuntManager.LoadLog(HuntManager.activeHunt, command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().Replace("'", "\\'")); } else if (comp.StartsWith("setdiscardgoldratio" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { double val; if (double.TryParse(command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim(), out val)) { StorageManager.setGoldRatio(val); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("wiki" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim(); string response = ""; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { response = client.DownloadString(String.Format("{0}&limit=1&minArticleQuality=10&batch=1&namespaces=0", parameter)); } Regex regex = new Regex("\"url\":\"([^\"]+)\""); Match m = regex.Match(response); var gr = m.Groups[1]; MainForm.OpenUrl(gr.Value.Replace("\\/", "/")); } else if (comp.StartsWith("char" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim(); MainForm.OpenUrl("" + parameter); } else if (comp.StartsWith("setconvertgoldratio" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim(); string[] split = parameter.Split('-'); if (split.Length < 2) { return(true); } int stackable = 0; if (split[0] == "1") { stackable = 1; } double val; if (double.TryParse(split[1], out val)) { StorageManager.setConvertRatio(val, stackable == 1); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("recent" + Constants.CommandSymbol) || comp.StartsWith("url" + Constants.CommandSymbol) || comp.StartsWith("last" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { bool url = comp.StartsWith("url" + Constants.CommandSymbol); int type = url ? 1 : 0; string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); if (comp.StartsWith("last" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { parameter = "1"; } List <Command> command_list = GlobalDataManager.GetRecentCommands(type).Select(o => new Command() { player = o.Item1, command = o.Item2 }).ToList(); command_list.Reverse(); int number; //recent@<number> opens the last <number> command, so recent@1 opens the last command if (int.TryParse(parameter, out number)) { if (number > 0 && number <= command_list.Count) { ListNotification.OpenCommand(command_list[number - 1].command, type);; return(true); } } else { //recent@<player> opens the last bool found = false; foreach (Command comm in command_list) { if (comm.player.ToLower() == parameter) { ListNotification.OpenCommand(command_list[number].command, type); found = true; break; } } if (found) { return(true); } } NotificationManager.ShowListNotification(command_list, type, command); } else if (comp.StartsWith("spell" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) // spell@ { string[] splits = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string parameter = splits[1].Trim().ToLower(); int initialVocation = -1; if (splits.Length > 2 && int.TryParse(splits[2], out initialVocation)) { } Spell spell = StorageManager.getSpell(parameter); if (spell != null) { NotificationManager.ShowSpellNotification(spell, initialVocation, command); } else { List <TibiaObject> spellList = new List <TibiaObject>(); string title; if (Constants.vocations.Contains(parameter)) { spellList = StorageManager.getSpellsForVocation(parameter); title = parameter.ToTitle() + " Spells"; } else { spellList = StorageManager.searchSpell(parameter); if (spellList.Count == 0) { spellList = StorageManager.searchSpellWords(parameter); } title = "Spells Containing \"" + parameter + "\""; } if (spellList.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowSpellNotification(spellList[0].AsSpell(), initialVocation, command); } else if (spellList.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(spellList, title, command); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("outfit" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) // outfit@ { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); Outfit outfit = StorageManager.getOutfit(parameter); if (outfit != null) { NotificationManager.ShowOutfitNotification(outfit, command); } else { string title; List <TibiaObject> outfitList = StorageManager.searchOutfit(parameter); title = "Outfits Containing \"" + parameter + "\""; if (outfitList.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowOutfitNotification(outfitList[0].AsOutfit(), command); } else if (outfitList.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(outfitList, title, command); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("quest" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) // quest@ { string[] splits = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string parameter = splits[1].Trim().ToLower(); int page = 0; if (splits.Length > 2 && int.TryParse(splits[2], out page)) { } List <Quest> questList = new List <Quest>(); if (StorageManager.questNameMap.ContainsKey(parameter)) { NotificationManager.ShowQuestNotification(StorageManager.questNameMap[parameter], command); } else { string title; if (Constants.cities.Contains(parameter)) { title = "Quests In " + parameter; foreach (Quest q in StorageManager.questIdMap.Values) { if ( == parameter) { questList.Add(q); } } } else { title = "Quests Containing \"" + parameter + "\""; string[] splitStrings = parameter.Split(' '); foreach (Quest quest in StorageManager.questIdMap.Values) { bool found = true; foreach (string str in splitStrings) { if (!, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { found = false; break; } } if (found) { questList.Add(quest); } } } if (questList.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowQuestNotification(questList[0], command); } else if (questList.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(questList.ToList <TibiaObject>(), title, command); //ShowQuestList(questList, title, command, page); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("guide" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) // guide@ { string[] splits = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string parameter = splits[1].Trim().ToLower(); int page = 0; string mission = ""; if (splits.Length > 2 && int.TryParse(splits[2], out page)) { } if (splits.Length > 3) { mission = splits[3]; } List <Quest> questList = new List <Quest>(); if (StorageManager.questNameMap.ContainsKey(parameter)) { NotificationManager.ShowQuestGuideNotification(StorageManager.questNameMap[parameter], command, page, mission); } else { string title; foreach (Quest quest in StorageManager.questIdMap.Values) { if (, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { questList.Add(quest); } } title = "Quests Containing \"" + parameter + "\""; if (questList.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowQuestGuideNotification(questList[0], command, page, mission); } else if (questList.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(questList.ToList <TibiaObject>(), title, command); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("direction" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) // direction@ { string[] splits = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string parameter = splits[1].Trim().ToLower(); int page = 0; if (splits.Length > 2 && int.TryParse(splits[2], out page)) { } List <HuntingPlace> huntList = new List <HuntingPlace>(); HuntingPlace h = StorageManager.getHunt(parameter); if (h != null) { NotificationManager.ShowHuntGuideNotification(h, command, page); } else { string title; huntList = StorageManager.searchHunt(parameter); title = "Hunts Containing \"" + parameter + "\""; if (huntList.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowHuntGuideNotification(huntList[0], command, page); } else if (huntList.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(huntList.ToList <TibiaObject>(), title, command); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("mount" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) // mount@ { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); Mount m = StorageManager.getMount(parameter); if (m != null) { NotificationManager.ShowMountNotification(m, command); } else { string title; List <TibiaObject> mountList = StorageManager.searchMount(parameter); title = "Mounts Containing \"" + parameter + "\""; if (mountList.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowMountNotification(mountList[0].AsMount(), command); } else if (mountList.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(mountList, title, command); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("pickup" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); Item item = StorageManager.getItem(parameter); if (item != null) { StorageManager.setItemDiscard(item, false); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("nopickup" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); Item item = StorageManager.getItem(parameter); if (item != null) { StorageManager.setItemDiscard(item, true); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("convert" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); Item item = StorageManager.getItem(parameter); if (item != null) { StorageManager.setItemConvert(item, true); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("noconvert" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); Item item = StorageManager.getItem(parameter); if (item != null) { StorageManager.setItemConvert(item, false); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("setval" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim(); if (!parameter.Contains('=')) { return(true); } string[] split = parameter.Split('='); string item = split[0].Trim().ToLower().Replace("'", "\\'"); long value = 0; if (long.TryParse(split[1].Trim(), out value)) { Item it = StorageManager.getItem(split[0]); if (it != null) { StorageManager.setItemValue(it, value); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("screenshot" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { ScreenshotManager.saveScreenshot("Screenshot", ScreenshotManager.takeScreenshot()); } else { bool found = false; foreach (string city in Constants.cities) { if (comp.StartsWith(city + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string itemName = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); Item item = StorageManager.getItem(itemName); if (item != null) { NPC npc = StorageManager.getNPCSellingItemInCity(, city); if (npc != null) { NotificationManager.ShowNPCForm(npc, command); } } else { Spell spell = StorageManager.getSpell(itemName); if (spell != null) { NPC npc = StorageManager.getNPCTeachingSpellInCity(, city); if (npc != null) { NotificationManager.ShowNPCForm(npc, command); } } } found = true; } } // else try custom commands foreach (SystemCommand c in MainForm.mainForm.GetCustomCommands()) { if (c.tibialyzer_command.Trim().Length > 0 && comp.StartsWith(c.tibialyzer_command + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string[] parameters = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string systemCallParameters = c.parameters; int i = 0; while (true) { if (systemCallParameters.Contains("{" + i.ToString() + "}")) { systemCallParameters = systemCallParameters.Replace("{" + i.ToString() + "}", parameters.Length > i + 1 ? parameters[i + 1].Trim() : ""); } else { break; } i++; } ProcessStartInfo procStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(c.command, systemCallParameters); procStartInfo.UseShellExecute = true; // Do not show the cmd window to the user. procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; procStartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; Process.Start(procStartInfo); return(true); } } if (found) { return(true); } //if we get here we didn't find any command return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { MainForm.mainForm.DisplayWarning(String.Format("Tibialyzer Exception While Processing Command \"{0}\".\nMessage: {1} ", command, e.Message)); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return(true); } }
private void RefreshHUD() { float life = lifePercentage.ClampPercentage(); float mana = manaPercentage.ClampPercentage(); Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(pictureBox.Size.Width, pictureBox.Size.Height); int width = bitmap.Width; int height = bitmap.Height; using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { // we set the interpolation mode to nearest neighbor because other interpolation modes modify the colors // which causes the transparency key to appear around the edges of the object gr.Clear(StyleManager.BlendTransparencyKey); Rectangle lifeRectangle = new Rectangle(); lifeRectangle.X = (int)(height * 0.7); lifeRectangle.Y = (int)(height * 0.15) - 2; lifeRectangle.Width = width - lifeRectangle.X; lifeRectangle.Height = (int)(height * 0.2) + 4; gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, lifeRectangle); lifeRectangle.Y += 2; lifeRectangle.Height -= 4; lifeRectangle.Width = (int)(lifeRectangle.Width * life) - 2; using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(StyleManager.GetHealthColor(life))) { gr.FillRectangle(brush, lifeRectangle); } Rectangle manaRectangle = new Rectangle(); manaRectangle.X = (int)(height * 0.7); manaRectangle.Y = (int)(height * 0.15) - 2 + lifeRectangle.Height + 2; manaRectangle.Width = (int)((width - lifeRectangle.X) * 0.95); manaRectangle.Height = (int)(height * 0.2) + 4; gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, manaRectangle); manaRectangle.Y += 2; manaRectangle.Height -= 4; manaRectangle.Width = (int)(manaRectangle.Width * mana) - 2; using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(StyleManager.ManaColor)) { gr.FillRectangle(brush, manaRectangle); } int backgroundSize = (int)(height * backgroundScale / 100.0); int backgroundBaseOffset = (height - backgroundSize) / 2; int centerSize = (int)(height * centerScale / 100.0); int centerBaseOffset = (height - centerSize) / 2; using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(this.TransparencyKey)) { gr.FillEllipse(brush, new Rectangle(backgroundBaseOffset + backgroundOffset.X, backgroundBaseOffset + backgroundOffset.Y, backgroundSize, backgroundSize)); } using (Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black, 5)) { gr.DrawEllipse(pen, new Rectangle(backgroundBaseOffset + backgroundOffset.X, backgroundBaseOffset + backgroundOffset.Y, backgroundSize, backgroundSize)); } //SummaryForm.RenderImageResized(gr, backgroundImage, new Rectangle(backgroundBaseOffset + backgroundOffset.X, backgroundBaseOffset + backgroundOffset.Y, backgroundSize, backgroundSize)); SummaryForm.RenderImageResized(gr, centerImage, new Rectangle(centerBaseOffset + centerOffset.X, centerBaseOffset + centerOffset.Y, centerSize, centerSize)); } bitmap.MakeTransparent(StyleManager.TransparencyKey); Image oldImage = pictureBox.Image; pictureBox.Image = bitmap; if (oldImage != null) { lock (oldImage) { oldImage.Dispose(); } } }
public void RefreshLoot() { foreach (Control c in createdControls) { this.Controls.Remove(c); c.Dispose(); } createdControls.Clear(); if (page < 0) { page = 0; } int base_x = 20, base_y = 30; int x = 0, y = 0; int item_spacing = 4; Size item_size = new Size(32, 32); int max_x = SettingsManager.getSettingInt("LootFormWidth"); if (max_x < minLootWidth) { max_x = minLootWidth; } int width_x = max_x + item_spacing * 2; long total_value = 0; int currentPage = 0; bool prevPage = page > 0; bool nextPage = false; averageGold = GetAverageGold(creatures); foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in items) { total_value += tpl.Item1.GetMaxValue() * tpl.Item2; } Dictionary <Item, List <PictureBox> > newItemControls = new Dictionary <Item, List <PictureBox> >(); foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in items) { Item item = tpl.Item1; int count = tpl.Item2; while (count > 0) { if (base_x + x >= (max_x - item_size.Width - item_spacing)) { x = 0; if (y + item_size.Height + item_spacing > pageHeight) { currentPage++; if (currentPage > page) { nextPage = true; break; } else { y = 0; } } else { y = y + item_size.Height + item_spacing; } } int mitems = 1; if (item.stackable || SettingsManager.getSettingBool("StackAllItems")) { mitems = Math.Min(count, 100); } count -= mitems; if (currentPage == page) { PictureBox picture_box; if (itemControls.ContainsKey(item)) { picture_box = itemControls[item][0]; itemControls[item].RemoveAt(0); if (itemControls[item].Count == 0) { itemControls.Remove(item); } picture_box.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(base_x + x, base_y + y); if (picture_box.TabIndex != mitems && (item.stackable || mitems > 1)) { picture_box.Image = LootDropForm.DrawCountOnItem(item, mitems); } picture_box.TabIndex = mitems; long individualValue = item.GetMaxValue(); value_tooltip.SetToolTip(picture_box, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(item.displayname) + " value: " + (individualValue >= 0 ? (individualValue * mitems).ToString() : "Unknown")); } else { picture_box = new PictureBox(); picture_box.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(base_x + x, base_y + y); picture_box.Name = item.GetName(); picture_box.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(item_size.Width, item_size.Height); picture_box.TabIndex = mitems; picture_box.TabStop = false; if (item.stackable || mitems > 1) { picture_box.Image = LootDropForm.DrawCountOnItem(item, mitems); } else { picture_box.Image = item.GetImage(); } picture_box.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; picture_box.BackgroundImage = StyleManager.GetImage("item_background.png"); picture_box.Click += openItemBox; long individualValue = item.GetMaxValue(); value_tooltip.SetToolTip(picture_box, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(item.displayname) + " value: " + (individualValue >= 0 ? (individualValue * mitems).ToString() : "Unknown")); this.Controls.Add(picture_box); } if (!newItemControls.ContainsKey(item)) { newItemControls.Add(item, new List <PictureBox>()); } newItemControls[item].Add(picture_box); } x += item_size.Width + item_spacing; } if (currentPage > page) { break; } } if (page > currentPage) { page = currentPage; RefreshLoot(); return; } foreach (KeyValuePair <Item, List <PictureBox> > kvp in itemControls) { foreach (PictureBox p in kvp.Value) { this.Controls.Remove(p); p.Dispose(); } } itemControls = newItemControls; y = y + item_size.Height + item_spacing; if (prevPage) { PictureBox prevpage = new PictureBox(); prevpage.Location = new Point(10, base_y + y); prevpage.Size = new Size(97, 23); prevpage.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("prevpage.png"); prevpage.BackColor = Color.Transparent; prevpage.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; prevpage.Click += Prevpage_Click; this.Controls.Add(prevpage); createdControls.Add(prevpage); } if (nextPage) { PictureBox nextpage = new PictureBox(); nextpage.Location = new Point(width_x - 108, base_y + y); nextpage.Size = new Size(98, 23); nextpage.BackColor = Color.Transparent; nextpage.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("nextpage.png"); nextpage.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; nextpage.Click += Nextpage_Click; this.Controls.Add(nextpage); createdControls.Add(nextpage); } if (prevPage || nextPage) { y += 23; } x = 0; base_x = 5; Size creature_size = new Size(1, 1); Size labelSize = new Size(1, 1); foreach (KeyValuePair <Creature, int> tpl in creatures) { Creature creature = tpl.Key; creature_size.Width = Math.Max(creature_size.Width, creature.GetImage().Width); creature_size.Height = Math.Max(creature_size.Height, creature.GetImage().Height); } { Dictionary <Creature, Tuple <PictureBox, Label> > newCreatureControls = new Dictionary <Creature, Tuple <PictureBox, Label> >(); int i = 0; foreach (Creature cr in creatures.Keys.OrderByDescending(o => creatures[o] * (1 + o.experience)).ToList <Creature>()) { Creature creature = cr; int killCount = creatures[cr]; if (x >= max_x - creature_size.Width - item_spacing * 2) { x = 0; y = y + creature_size.Height + 23; if (y > maxCreatureHeight) { break; } } int xoffset = (creature_size.Width - creature.GetImage().Width) / 2; int yoffset = (creature_size.Height - creature.GetImage().Height) / 2; Label count; PictureBox picture_box; if (creatureControls.ContainsKey(creature)) { picture_box = creatureControls[creature].Item1; count = creatureControls[creature].Item2; creatureControls.Remove(creature); picture_box.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(base_x + x + xoffset, base_y + y + yoffset + (creature_size.Height - creature.GetImage().Height) / 2); count.Location = new Point(base_x + x + xoffset, base_y + y + creature_size.Height); count.Text = killCount.ToString() + "x"; } else { count = new Label(); count.Text = killCount.ToString() + "x"; count.Font = loot_font; count.Size = new Size(1, 10); count.Location = new Point(base_x + x + xoffset, base_y + y + creature_size.Height); count.AutoSize = true; count.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; count.ForeColor = StyleManager.NotificationTextColor; count.BackColor = Color.Transparent; picture_box = new PictureBox(); picture_box.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(base_x + x + xoffset, base_y + y + yoffset + (creature_size.Height - creature.GetImage().Height) / 2); picture_box.Name = creature.GetName(); picture_box.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(creature.GetImage().Width, creature.GetImage().Height); picture_box.TabIndex = 1; picture_box.TabStop = false; picture_box.Image = creature.GetImage(); picture_box.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; picture_box.Click += openCreatureDrops; picture_box.BackColor = Color.Transparent; this.Controls.Add(picture_box); this.Controls.Add(count); } int measured_size = (int)count.CreateGraphics().MeasureString(count.Text, count.Font).Width; int width = Math.Max(measured_size, creature.GetImage().Width); if (width > creature.GetImage().Width) { picture_box.Location = new Point(picture_box.Location.X + (width - creature.GetImage().Width) / 2, picture_box.Location.Y); } else { count.Location = new Point(count.Location.X + (width - measured_size) / 2, count.Location.Y); } newCreatureControls.Add(creature, new Tuple <PictureBox, Label>(picture_box, count)); labelSize = count.Size; i++; x += width + xoffset; } y = y + creature_size.Height + labelSize.Height * 2; foreach (KeyValuePair <Creature, Tuple <PictureBox, Label> > kvp in creatureControls) { this.Controls.Remove(kvp.Value.Item1); this.Controls.Remove(kvp.Value.Item2); kvp.Value.Item1.Dispose(); kvp.Value.Item2.Dispose(); } creatureControls = newCreatureControls; } long usedItemValue = 0; foreach (var tpl in HuntManager.GetUsedItems(hunt)) { usedItemValue += tpl.Item1.GetMaxValue() * tpl.Item2; } int xPosition = width_x - totalValueValue.Size.Width - 5; y = base_y + y + item_spacing + 10; huntNameLabel.Text =; totalValueLabel.Location = new Point(5, y); totalValueValue.Location = new Point(xPosition, y); totalValueValue.Text = total_value.ToString("N0"); value_tooltip.SetToolTip(totalValueValue, String.Format("Average gold for these creature kills: {0} gold.", averageGold.ToString("N0"))); totalExpLabel.Location = new Point(5, y += 20); totalExpValue.Location = new Point(xPosition, y); totalExpValue.Text = hunt.totalExp.ToString("N0"); expHourValue.Text = ScanningManager.lastResults == null ? "-" : ScanningManager.lastResults.expPerHour.ToString("N0"); expHourLabel.Location = new Point(5, y += 20); expHourValue.Location = new Point(xPosition, y); totalTimeLabel.Location = new Point(5, y += 20); totalTimeValue.Location = new Point(xPosition, y); usedItemsValue.Text = usedItemValue.ToString("N0"); usedItemsLabel.Location = new Point(5, y += 20); usedItemsValue.Location = new Point(xPosition, y); long profit = total_value - usedItemValue; value_tooltip.SetToolTip(usedItemsValue, String.Format(profit > 0 ? "Total Profit: {0} gold" : "Total Waste: {0} gold", profit.ToString("N0"))); totalTimeValue.Text = TimeToString((long)hunt.totalTime); y += 20; int widthSize = width_x / 3 - 5; lootButton.Size = new Size(widthSize, lootButton.Size.Height); lootButton.Location = new Point(5, y); allLootButton.Size = new Size(widthSize, lootButton.Size.Height); allLootButton.Location = new Point(7 + widthSize, y); rawLootButton.Size = new Size(widthSize, lootButton.Size.Height); rawLootButton.Location = new Point(10 + 2 * widthSize, y); y += allLootButton.Size.Height + 2; huntNameLabel.Size = new Size(width_x, huntNameLabel.Size.Height); this.Size = new Size(width_x, y + 5); lootLarger.Location = new Point(Size.Width - lootLarger.Size.Width - 4, 4); lootSmaller.Location = new Point(Size.Width - 2 * lootLarger.Size.Width - 4, 4); }
public override void LoadForm() { if (npc == null) { return; } this.SuspendForm(); NotificationInitialize(); npcImage.Image = npc.GetImage(); creatureName.Text =; Font f = StyleManager.FontList[0]; for (int i = 0; i < StyleManager.FontList.Count; i++) { Font font = StyleManager.FontList[i]; Size size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(this.creatureName.Text, font); if (size.Width < creatureName.MaximumSize.Width && size.Height < creatureName.MaximumSize.Height) { f = font; } else { break; } } this.creatureName.Font = f; for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i++) { objectList[i] = new List <TibiaObject>(); } extraAttributes[0] = "Value"; attributeFunctions[0] = SellPrice; attributeSortFunctions[0] = SellSort; removedLists[0] = new List <string> { "Value" }; foreach (ItemSold itemSold in npc.sellItems) { objectList[0].Add(new LazyTibiaObject { id = itemSold.itemid, type = TibiaObjectType.Item }); } extraAttributes[1] = "Price"; attributeFunctions[1] = BuyPrice; attributeSortFunctions[1] = BuySort; removedLists[1] = new List <string> { "Value" }; foreach (ItemSold itemSold in npc.buyItems) { objectList[1].Add(new LazyTibiaObject { id = itemSold.itemid, type = TibiaObjectType.Item }); } extraAttributes[2] = "Vocation"; attributeFunctions[2] = SpellVoc; attributeSortFunctions[2] = SpellSort; removedLists[2] = new List <string> { "Words" }; foreach (SpellTaught spellTaught in npc.spellsTaught) { objectList[2].Add(new LazyTibiaObject { id = spellTaught.spellid, type = TibiaObjectType.Spell }); } // Transport foreach (Transport transport in npc.transportOffered) { objectList[3].Add(transport); } // Quests Involved In foreach (Quest q in npc.involvedQuests) { objectList[4].Add(q); } base_y = this.Size.Height; int x = 5; for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i++) { if (objectList[i].Count > 0) { Label label = new Label(); label.Text = headers[i]; label.Location = new Point(x, base_y); label.ForeColor = StyleManager.NotificationTextColor; label.BackColor = Color.Transparent; label.Font = StyleManager.TextFont; label.Size = new Size(90, 25); label.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; label.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; label.Name = i.ToString(); label.Click += toggleObjectDisplay; objectControls[i] = label; this.Controls.Add(label); if (currentControlList < 0 || currentControlList > headers.Length) { currentControlList = i; } x += 90; } else { objectControls[i] = null; } } base_y += 25; Map m = StorageManager.getMap(npc.pos.z); = m; mapBox.mapImage = null; Target t = new Target(); t.coordinate = new Coordinate(npc.pos); t.image = npc.GetImage(); t.size = 20; mapBox.targets.Add(t); mapBox.sourceWidth = mapBox.Width; mapBox.mapCoordinate = new Coordinate(npc.pos); mapBox.zCoordinate = npc.pos.z; mapBox.UpdateMap(); mapBox.Click -= c_Click; this.mapUpLevel.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("mapup.png"); this.mapUpLevel.Click -= c_Click; this.mapUpLevel.Click += mapUpLevel_Click; this.mapDownLevel.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("mapdown.png"); this.mapDownLevel.Click -= c_Click; this.mapDownLevel.Click += mapDownLevel_Click; refresh(); base.NotificationFinalize(); this.ResumeForm(); }
public MainForm() { startup = true; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; mainForm = this; InitializeComponent(); Constants.InitializeConstants(); SettingsManager.Initialize(); if (File.Exists(Constants.SettingsTemporaryBackup)) { // a temporary backup file exists, this might indicate a problem occurred while writing a settings file (e.g. unexpected shutdown) try { SettingsManager.LoadSettings(Constants.SettingsTemporaryBackup); if (SettingsManager.settings.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("Failed to read backup settings."); } if (File.Exists(Constants.SettingsFile)) { File.Delete(Constants.SettingsFile); } File.Copy(Constants.SettingsTemporaryBackup, Constants.SettingsFile); File.Delete(Constants.SettingsTemporaryBackup); } catch (Exception ex) { DisplayWarning(String.Format("Backup settings file found, but could not read: {0}", ex.Message)); } } SettingsManager.LoadSettings(Constants.SettingsFile); LootDatabaseManager.LootChanged += NotificationManager.UpdateLootDisplay; LootDatabaseManager.LootChanged += UpdateLogDisplay; GlobalDataManager.ExperienceChanged += NotificationManager.UpdateExperienceDisplay; GlobalDataManager.DamageChanged += NotificationManager.UpdateDamageDisplay; GlobalDataManager.UsedItemsChanged += NotificationManager.UpdateUsedItemsDisplay; if (!File.Exists(Constants.DatabaseFile)) { ExitWithError("Fatal Error", String.Format("Could not find database file {0}.", Constants.DatabaseFile)); } if (!File.Exists(Constants.NodeDatabase)) { ExitWithError("Fatal Error", String.Format("Could not find database file {0}.", Constants.NodeDatabase)); } LootDatabaseManager.Initialize(); StyleManager.InitializeStyle(); NotificationForm.Initialize(); Parser.Initialize(); PopupManager.Initialize(this.notifyIcon1); prevent_settings_update = true; try { StorageManager.InitializeStorage(); } catch (Exception e) { ExitWithError("Fatal Error", String.Format("Corrupted database {0}.\nMessage: {1}", Constants.DatabaseFile, e.Message)); } try { OutfiterManager.Initialize(); } catch (Exception e) { ExitWithError("Fatal Error", String.Format("Corrupted outfiter database {0}.\nMessage: {1}", Constants.OutfiterDatabaseFile, e.Message)); } ProcessManager.Initialize(); this.initializeSettings(); try { Pathfinder.LoadFromDatabase(Constants.NodeDatabase); } catch (Exception e) { ExitWithError("Fatal Error", String.Format("Corrupted database {0}.\nMessage: {1}", Constants.NodeDatabase, e.Message)); } TaskManager.Initialize(); prevent_settings_update = false; ChangeLanguage(SettingsManager.getSettingString("TibialyzerLanguage")); this.InitializeTabs(); switchTab(0); makeDraggable(this.Controls); if (SettingsManager.getSettingBool("StartAutohotkeyAutomatically")) { AutoHotkeyManager.StartAutohotkey(); } ReadMemoryManager.Initialize(); HuntManager.Initialize(); UIManager.Initialize(); MemoryReader.Initialize(); HUDManager.Initialize(); GlobalDataManager.Initialize(); if (SettingsManager.getSettingBool("AutomaticallyDownloadAddresses")) { MainTab.DownloadNewAddresses(); } this.Load += MainForm_Load; fileWriter = new StreamWriter(Constants.BigLootFile, true); tibialyzerLogo.MouseDown += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.draggable_MouseDown); startup = false; ScanningManager.StartScanning(); scan_tooltip.AutoPopDelay = 60000; scan_tooltip.InitialDelay = 500; scan_tooltip.ReshowDelay = 0; scan_tooltip.ShowAlways = true; scan_tooltip.UseFading = true; SetScanningImage("scanningbar-red.gif", "No Tibia Client Found...", true); }
public override void LoadForm() { if (quest == null) { return; } this.SuspendLayout(); NotificationInitialize(); wikiButton.Click -= c_Click; this.questTitle.Text =; this.premiumBox.Image = quest.premium ? StyleManager.GetImage("checkmark-yes.png") : StyleManager.GetImage("checkmark-no.png"); this.cityLabel.Text = == null ? "Unknown" :; this.levelLabel.Text = quest.minlevel.ToString(); this.legendLabel.Text = quest.legend; List <TibiaObject> rewards = new List <TibiaObject>(); foreach (int reward in quest.rewardItems) { Item item = StorageManager.getItem(reward); rewards.Add(item); } rewards = rewards.OrderByDescending(o => (o as Item).GetMaxValue()).ToList <TibiaObject>(); int x = 5; int y = 77; foreach (string missionName in quest.questInstructions.Keys) { if (quest.questInstructions[missionName].Count == 0) { continue; } if (x + 150 >= this.Size.Width) { x = 5; y += 25; } Label missionButton = new Label(); missionButton.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent; missionButton.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle; missionButton.Font = wikiButton.Font; missionButton.ForeColor = StyleManager.NotificationTextColor; missionButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(x, y); missionButton.Name = quest.questInstructions[missionName][0].specialCommand != null ? quest.questInstructions[missionName][0].specialCommand : "guide" + Constants.CommandSymbol + + Constants.CommandSymbol + "1" + Constants.CommandSymbol + missionName; missionButton.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(2); missionButton.Text = missionName; missionButton.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; missionButton.Click += MissionButton_Click; missionButton.Size = new Size(150, 21); this.Controls.Add(missionButton); x += missionButton.Width + 5; } y += 25; using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromHwnd(legendLabel.Handle)) { this.legendLabel.Location = new Point(legendLabel.Location.X, y); y += (int)gr.MeasureString(this.legendLabel.Text, this.legendLabel.Font, this.legendLabel.MaximumSize.Width).Height + 20; } if ( > 0 || > 0) { Label label = new Label(); label.Text = "Requirements"; label.Location = new Point(5, y); label.ForeColor = StyleManager.NotificationTextColor; label.BackColor = Color.Transparent; label.Font = questTitle.Font; label.Size = new Size(this.Size.Width - 10, label.Height); this.Controls.Add(label); y += 25; // Item requirements if ( > 0) { List <Tuple <int, Item> > requirements = new List <Tuple <int, Item> >(); foreach (Tuple <int, int> tpl in quest.questRequirements) { Item item = StorageManager.getItem(tpl.Item2); requirements.Add(new Tuple <int, Item>(tpl.Item1, item)); } requirements = requirements.OrderBy(o => o.Item1 * o.Item2.GetMaxValue()).ToList(); List <TibiaObject> itemList = requirements.Select(o => o.Item2).ToList <TibiaObject>(); List <Control> itemControls = new List <Control>(); y = y + UIManager.DisplayCreatureList(this.Controls, itemList, 10, y, this.Size.Width - 10, 1, null, 1, itemControls); int itemnr = 0; foreach (Control control in itemControls) { control.BackgroundImage = StyleManager.GetImage("item_background.png"); int itemCount = requirements[itemnr].Item1; Item item = requirements[itemnr].Item2; (control as PictureBox).Image = LootDropForm.DrawCountOnItem(item, itemCount); itemnr++; } } // Text requirements if ( > 0) { List <string> requirementStrings =; if ( > 0) { requirementStrings.Add(String.Format("You must be at least level {0}.",; } y += 5; Regex questRegex = new Regex("\\[([^]]+)\\]"); foreach (string text in requirementStrings) { label = new Label(); string txt = text; Match m = questRegex.Match(txt); label.ForeColor = StyleManager.NotificationTextColor; if (m != null && m.Groups.Count > 1) { string requiredQuestName = m.Groups[1].Value; txt = txt.Replace(m.Groups[0].Value, requiredQuestName); label.Name = StorageManager.getQuest(requiredQuestName.ToLower()).GetCommand(); label.ForeColor = StyleManager.ClickableLinkColor; label.Click += MissionButton_Click; } label.Text = txt == "" ? "" : "- " + txt; label.Location = new Point(5, y); label.BackColor = Color.Transparent; label.Font = QuestGuideForm.requirementFont; Size size; using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromHwnd(label.Handle)) { size = gr.MeasureString(label.Text, label.Font, this.Size.Width - 50).ToSize(); label.Size = new Size(this.Size.Width - 10, (int)(size.Height * 1.2)); } this.Controls.Add(label); y += label.Size.Height; } } } if (rewards.Count > 0 || quest.rewardOutfits.Count > 0) { Label label = new Label(); label.Text = "Rewards"; label.Location = new Point(40, y); label.ForeColor = StyleManager.NotificationTextColor; label.BackColor = Color.Transparent; label.Font = questTitle.Font; this.Controls.Add(label); y += 25; if (rewards.Count > 0) { List <Control> itemControls = new List <Control>(); y = y + UIManager.DisplayCreatureList(this.Controls, rewards, 10, y, this.Size.Width - 10, 1, null, 1, itemControls); } if (quest.rewardOutfits.Count > 0) { List <Control> outfitControls = new List <Control>(); List <TibiaObject> rewardOutfits = new List <TibiaObject>(); foreach (int reward in quest.rewardOutfits) { Outfit outfit = StorageManager.getOutfit(reward); rewardOutfits.Add(outfit); } y = y + UIManager.DisplayCreatureList(this.Controls, rewardOutfits, 10, y, this.Size.Width - 10, 4, null, 1, outfitControls); } } this.Size = new Size(this.Size.Width, y + 20); base.NotificationFinalize(); this.ResumeLayout(false); }
public void RefreshHUD() { lock (players) { int playerIndex = 0; MemoryReader.UpdateBattleList(); for (int index = 0; index < players.Count; index++) { PlayerEntry player = players[index]; if (player.playerid < 0) { player.playerid = MemoryReader.GetPlayerID(; } if (player.playerid >= 0) { if (player.healthBar == null) { int basePositionX = 0; int basePositionY = playerIndex * playerBarHeight; if (displayNames) { player.playerNameLabel = new Label(); player.playerNameLabel.Text =; player.playerNameLabel.Location = new Point(basePositionX, basePositionY); player.playerNameLabel.Size = new Size(this.Size.Width, healthBarHeight * 2 / 3); player.playerNameLabel.ForeColor = StyleManager.MainFormButtonForeColor; player.playerNameLabel.BackColor = Color.Transparent; player.playerNameLabel.Font = baseFont; this.Controls.Add(player.playerNameLabel); basePositionY += healthBarHeight * 2 / 3; } if (displayIcons && player.playerImage != null) { player.playerIconLabel = new PictureBox(); player.playerIconLabel.Size = new Size(healthBarHeight, healthBarHeight); player.playerIconLabel.Location = new Point(basePositionX, basePositionY); player.playerIconLabel.BackColor = Color.Transparent; player.playerIconLabel.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; player.playerIconLabel.Image = player.playerImage; this.Controls.Add(player.playerIconLabel); basePositionX += healthBarHeight; } player.healthBar = new ProgressBarLabel(); player.healthBar.Location = new Point(basePositionX, basePositionY); player.healthBar.Size = new Size(this.Size.Width - basePositionX, healthBarHeight); player.healthBar.percentage = 100; player.healthBar.Font = baseFont; player.healthBar.Text = ""; this.Controls.Add(player.healthBar); for (int j = index + 1; j < players.Count; j++) { if (players[j].healthBar != null) { players[j].healthBar.Location = new Point(players[j].healthBar.Location.X, players[j].healthBar.Location.Y + playerBarHeight); } if (players[j].playerIconLabel != null) { players[j].playerIconLabel.Location = new Point(players[j].playerIconLabel.Location.X, players[j].playerIconLabel.Location.Y + playerBarHeight); } if (players[j].playerNameLabel != null) { players[j].playerNameLabel.Location = new Point(players[j].playerNameLabel.Location.X, players[j].playerNameLabel.Location.Y + playerBarHeight); } } this.Size = new Size(this.Size.Width, playerBarHeight * players.Count); } int percentage = MemoryReader.GetHealthPercentage(player.playerid, ref player.battlelistentry); if (displayText) { player.healthBar.Text = String.Format("{0}%", percentage); } if (percentage <= 0) { player.playerid = -1; if (player.healthBar != null) { this.Controls.Remove(player.healthBar); player.healthBar.Dispose(); player.healthBar = null; } if (player.playerNameLabel != null) { this.Controls.Remove(player.playerNameLabel); player.playerNameLabel.Dispose(); player.playerNameLabel = null; } if (player.playerIconLabel != null) { this.Controls.Remove(player.playerIconLabel); player.playerIconLabel.Dispose(); player.playerIconLabel = null; } for (int j = index + 1; j < players.Count; j++) { if (players[j].healthBar != null) { players[j].healthBar.Location = new Point(players[j].healthBar.Location.X, players[j].healthBar.Location.Y - playerBarHeight); } if (players[j].playerIconLabel != null) { players[j].playerIconLabel.Location = new Point(players[j].playerIconLabel.Location.X, players[j].playerIconLabel.Location.Y - playerBarHeight); } if (players[j].playerNameLabel != null) { players[j].playerNameLabel.Location = new Point(players[j].playerNameLabel.Location.X, players[j].playerNameLabel.Location.Y - playerBarHeight); } } } else { player.healthBar.percentage = percentage / 100.0; player.healthBar.BackColor = StyleManager.GetHealthColor(percentage / 100.0); playerIndex++; } } } } }
public static Image GetElementImage(string element) { return(StyleManager.GetImage(element.ToLower() + ".png")); }
private int InitializeList(List <Utility> utilities, List <TibiaObject> tibiaObjects) { foreach (Control c in controlList) { this.Controls.Remove(c); c.Dispose(); } controlList.Clear(); int width = tibiaObjects != null ? 48 : 32; int height = tibiaObjects != null ? 48 : 32; npcList = tibiaObjects; ToolTip nameTooltip = new ToolTip(); nameTooltip.AutoPopDelay = 60000; nameTooltip.InitialDelay = 500; nameTooltip.ReshowDelay = 0; nameTooltip.ShowAlways = true; nameTooltip.UseFading = true; totalCount = tibiaObjects != null ? tibiaObjects.Count : utilities.Count; mapBox.targets.Clear(); int totalHeight = 0; int baseX = listLabel.Location.X; int x = baseX; int y = listLabel.Location.Y + listLabel.Height; int index; for (index = baseIndex; index < totalCount; index++) { string name = ""; Image image = null; Coordinate coordinate = null; if (tibiaObjects != null) { name = tibiaObjects[index].GetName(); image = tibiaObjects[index].GetImage(); coordinate = new Coordinate((tibiaObjects[index] as NPC).pos); } else { name = utilities[index].name.Replace(" ", ""); image = StyleManager.GetImage(name + ".png"); coordinate = new Coordinate(utilities[index].location); } Target target = new Target(); target.coordinate = coordinate; target.image = image; target.size = width / 2; mapBox.targets.Add(target); PictureBox utilityBox = new PictureBox(); utilityBox.BackColor = Color.Transparent; utilityBox.Size = new Size(width, height); utilityBox.Image = image; utilityBox.Location = new Point(x, y); utilityBox.Click += UtilityBox_Click; utilityBox.Name = index.ToString(); utilityBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; nameTooltip.SetToolTip(utilityBox, name.ToTitle()); controlList.Add(utilityBox); this.Controls.Add(utilityBox); totalHeight = Math.Max(totalHeight, utilityBox.Height + utilityBox.Location.Y); x += width + 4; if (x + width + 4 > this.Size.Width) { x = baseX; y += height + 4; } if (y > (this.Size.Width == MinWidth() ? 570 : 270) - 31 - height - 4) { break; } } nextIndex = index + 1; nextButton.Visible = nextIndex < totalCount - 1; previousButton.Visible = baseIndex > 0; mapBox.UpdateMap(); return(totalHeight); }
public static Bitmap GenerateColorImage(int pressedIndex) { Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(OutfitColorBoxSize * OutfitColorsPerRow, OutfitColorBoxSize * 8); using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < outfitColors.Count; i++) { int x = OutfitColorBoxSize * (index % OutfitColorsPerRow); int y = OutfitColorBoxSize * (index / OutfitColorsPerRow); using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(outfitColors[i])) gr.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(x, y, OutfitColorBoxSize - 1, OutfitColorBoxSize - 1)); gr.DrawImage(i == pressedIndex ? StyleManager.GetImage("color_bevel_pressed.png") : StyleManager.GetImage("color_bevel.png"), new Rectangle(x, y, OutfitColorBoxSize, OutfitColorBoxSize)); index++; } } return(bitmap); }
public override void LoadForm() { this.SuspendForm(); NotificationInitialize(); UnregisterControl(nextStepButton); npcImage.Image = imageObject == null?StyleManager.GetImage("cross.png") : imageObject.GetImage(); lock (npcImage.Image) { if (npcImage.Image.Width > npcImage.Width || npcImage.Image.Height > npcImage.Height) { npcImage.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; } } creatureName.Text = imageObject == null ? "Target" : imageObject.GetName().ToTitle(); Font f = StyleManager.FontList[0]; for (int i = 0; i < StyleManager.FontList.Count; i++) { Font font = StyleManager.FontList[i]; Size size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(this.creatureName.Text, font); if (size.Width < creatureName.MaximumSize.Width && size.Height < creatureName.MaximumSize.Height) { f = font; } else { break; } } this.creatureName.Font = f; Map m = StorageManager.getMap(targetCoordinate.z); = m; mapBox.mapImage = null; Target t = new Target(); t.coordinate = new Coordinate(targetCoordinate); t.image = imageObject == null?StyleManager.GetImage("cross.png") : imageObject.GetImage(); t.size = 20; mapBox.targets.Add(t); mapBox.sourceWidth = mapBox.Width; mapBox.mapCoordinate = new Coordinate(targetCoordinate); mapBox.SetTargetCoordinate(new Coordinate(targetCoordinate)); mapBox.zCoordinate = targetCoordinate.z; mapBox.UpdateMap(); mapBox.MapUpdated += MapBox_MapUpdated; UnregisterControl(mapBox); this.mapUpLevel.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("mapup.png"); this.UnregisterControl(mapUpLevel); this.mapUpLevel.Click += mapUpLevel_Click; this.mapDownLevel.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("mapdown.png"); this.UnregisterControl(mapDownLevel); this.mapDownLevel.Click += mapDownLevel_Click; base.NotificationFinalize(); this.ResumeForm(); }
public override void LoadForm() { this.SuspendForm(); NotificationInitialize(); if (hunting_place == null) { return; } this.cityLabel.Text =; this.huntingPlaceName.Text =; this.levelLabel.Text = hunting_place.level < 0 ? "--" : hunting_place.level.ToString(); int y; ToolTip tooltip = new ToolTip(); tooltip.AutoPopDelay = 60000; tooltip.InitialDelay = 500; tooltip.ReshowDelay = 0; tooltip.ShowAlways = true; tooltip.UseFading = true; if (this.hunting_place.coordinates != null && this.hunting_place.coordinates.Count > 0) { int count = 1; foreach (Coordinate coordinate in this.hunting_place.coordinates) { Label label = new Label(); label.ForeColor = StyleManager.NotificationTextColor; label.BackColor = Color.Transparent; label.Name = (count - 1).ToString(); label.Font = LootDropForm.loot_font; label.Text = count.ToString(); label.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; label.Size = new Size(1, 1); label.AutoSize = true; label.Location = new Point(mapBox.Location.X + (count - 1) * 25, mapBox.Location.Y + mapBox.Size.Height + 5); label.Click += label_Click; this.Controls.Add(label); count++; } targetCoordinate = this.hunting_place.coordinates[0]; } else { targetCoordinate = new Coordinate(); } if (hunting_place.requirements != null && hunting_place.requirements.Count > 0) { int count = 0; y = 3; foreach (Requirements requirement in hunting_place.requirements) { Label label = new Label(); label.ForeColor = Color.Firebrick; label.BackColor = Color.Transparent; label.Font = requirement_font; label.Location = new Point(3, requirementLabel.Location.Y + requirementLabel.Size.Height + y); label.AutoSize = true; label.MaximumSize = new Size(170, 0); label.Text = "- " + requirement.notes; label.Name =; label.Click += openQuest; using (Graphics graphics = label.CreateGraphics()) { y += (int)(Math.Ceiling(graphics.MeasureString(label.Text, label.Font).Width / 170.0)) * 14; } this.Controls.Add(label); count++; } } else { this.requirementLabel.Hide(); } baseY = this.creatureLabel.Location.Y + this.creatureLabel.Height + 5; //y = UIManager.DisplayCreatureList(this.Controls, creatures, 10, base_y, this.Size.Width, 4, null, 0.8f); Font f = StyleManager.FontList[0]; for (int i = 0; i < StyleManager.FontList.Count; i++) { Font font = StyleManager.FontList[i]; int width = TextRenderer.MeasureText(this.huntingPlaceName.Text, font).Width; if (width < this.huntingPlaceName.Size.Width) { f = font; } else { break; } } Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(experienceStarBox.Size.Width, experienceStarBox.Size.Height); Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); for (int i = 0; i < (this.hunting_place.exp_quality < 0 ? 5 : Math.Min(this.hunting_place.exp_quality, 5)); i++) { string huntQuality = this.hunting_place.exp_quality < 0 ? "unknown" : (this.hunting_place.exp_quality - 1).ToString(); Image image = StyleManager.GetImage(String.Format("star{0}.png", huntQuality)); lock (image) { gr.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(i * experienceStarBox.Size.Width / 5, 0, experienceStarBox.Size.Width / 5, experienceStarBox.Size.Width / 5)); } } experienceStarBox.Image = bitmap; bitmap = new Bitmap(lootStarBox.Size.Width, lootStarBox.Size.Height); gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); for (int i = 0; i < (this.hunting_place.loot_quality < 0 ? 5 : Math.Min(this.hunting_place.loot_quality, 5)); i++) { string huntQuality = this.hunting_place.loot_quality < 0 ? "unknown" : (this.hunting_place.loot_quality - 1).ToString(); Image image = StyleManager.GetImage(String.Format("star{0}.png", huntQuality)); lock (image) { gr.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(i * lootStarBox.Size.Width / 5, 0, lootStarBox.Size.Width / 5, lootStarBox.Size.Width / 5)); } } lootStarBox.Image = bitmap; this.huntingPlaceName.Font = f; this.refreshCreatures(); UpdateMap(); UnregisterControl(mapBox); this.mapUpLevel.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("mapup.png"); this.UnregisterControl(mapUpLevel); this.mapUpLevel.Click += mapUpLevel_Click; this.mapDownLevel.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("mapdown.png"); this.UnregisterControl(mapDownLevel); this.mapDownLevel.Click += mapDownLevel_Click; base.NotificationFinalize(); this.ResumeForm(); }
public void UpdateMap() { if (beginCoordinate == null) { beginCoordinate = new Coordinate(mapCoordinate); beginWidth = sourceWidth; } if (beginCoordinate.x == Coordinate.MaxWidth / 2 && beginCoordinate.y == Coordinate.MaxHeight / 2 && beginCoordinate.z == 7) { if (this.Image != StyleManager.GetImage("nomapavailable.png") && this.Image != null) { this.Image.Dispose(); } this.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("nomapavailable.png"); this.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; return; } if (mapCoordinate.z < 0) { mapCoordinate.z = 0; } else if (mapCoordinate.z >= StorageManager.mapFilesCount) { mapCoordinate.z = StorageManager.mapFilesCount - 1; } if (mapCoordinate.x - sourceWidth / 2 < 0) { mapCoordinate.x = sourceWidth / 2; } if (mapCoordinate.x + sourceWidth / 2 > map.GetImage().Width) { mapCoordinate.x = map.GetImage().Width - sourceWidth / 2; } if (mapCoordinate.y - sourceWidth / 2 < 0) { mapCoordinate.y = sourceWidth / 2; } if (mapCoordinate.y + sourceWidth / 2 > map.GetImage().Height) { mapCoordinate.y = map.GetImage().Height - sourceWidth / 2; } sourceWidth = Math.Min(Math.Max(sourceWidth, minWidth), maxWidth); Rectangle sourceRectangle = new Rectangle(mapCoordinate.x - sourceWidth / 2, mapCoordinate.y - sourceWidth / 2, sourceWidth, sourceWidth); Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Height); using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { if (mapCoordinate.z == zCoordinate) { Image image = map != null?map.GetImage() : mapImage; lock (image) { gr.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), sourceRectangle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } } else { Map m = StorageManager.getMap(mapCoordinate.z); if (otherMap != null && m != otherMap) { otherMap.Dispose(); } otherMap = m; Image image = m.GetImage(); lock (image) { gr.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), sourceRectangle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } } foreach (TibiaPath path in paths) { if (path.begin.z == mapCoordinate.z) { List <Point> points = new List <Point>(); DijkstraPoint node = path.path; while (node != null) { points.Add(new Point(convertx(node.point.X), converty(node.point.Y))); node = node.previous; } gr.DrawLines(UIManager.pathPen, points.ToArray()); } } foreach (Target target in targets) { if (target.coordinate.z == mapCoordinate.z) { int x = target.coordinate.x - (mapCoordinate.x - sourceWidth / 2); int y = target.coordinate.y - (mapCoordinate.y - sourceWidth / 2); if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < sourceWidth && y < sourceWidth) { x = (int)((double)x / sourceWidth * bitmap.Width); y = (int)((double)y / sourceWidth * bitmap.Height); int targetWidth = (int)((double)target.size / target.image.Height * target.image.Width); lock (target.image) { gr.DrawImage(target.image, new Rectangle(x - targetWidth, y - target.size, targetWidth * 2, target.size * 2)); } } } } } if (this.Image != null) { this.Image.Dispose(); } this.Image = bitmap; if (MapUpdated != null) { MapUpdated(); } }