Esempio n. 1
        public SmdTimeline Clone(SmdSkeleton targetSkeleton)
            SmdTimeline clone = new SmdTimeline();

            clone.TargetSkeleton    = targetSkeleton;
            clone.ExpectedFrameRate = ExpectedFrameRate;
            foreach (SmdTimelineFrame frame in ExplicitFrames)
                SmdTimelineFrame clonedFrame = frame.Clone();
                clonedFrame.Timeline = clone;

Esempio n. 2
        public SmdData(string sourceFilename, string[] rawLines)
            SourceFilename = sourceFilename;

            // Associate line numbers with source data
            List <NumberedLine> lines = new List <NumberedLine>();

            for (int i = 0; i < rawLines.Length; i++)
                lines.Add(new NumberedLine(rawLines[i], i + 1));

            // Strip comments and empty lines
            lines.RemoveAll(l => l.Text.TrimStart().StartsWith("//") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(l.Text));

            if (lines.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("SMD file has no data.");

            // Header check
            // This is extremely minimal for Valve's SMD format. It's just the "version" tag.
            string[] rawVersionLine = lines[0].Text.Trim().Split(' ');
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rawVersionLine[0]) || rawVersionLine[0] != "version")
                throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(lines[0].LineNumber, "\"version\" tag is missing."));
            if (rawVersionLine.Length != 2)
                throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(lines[0].LineNumber, "\"version\" tag is invalid."));
            if (rawVersionLine[1] != "1")
                throw new Exception(ErrUnknown(lines[0].LineNumber, "\"version\" has a value of " + rawVersionLine[1] + ", expected 1."));

            // Top-level data block structure
            List <NumberedLine> dbNodes    = null;
            List <NumberedLine> dbSkeleton = null;
            // We don't need the "triangles" or "vertexanimation" data blocks

            // Extract relevant data blocks
            bool   inBlock      = false;
            string inBlockName  = null;
            int    inBlockStart = -1;

            for (int i = 1; i < lines.Count; i++)
                NumberedLine line     = lines[i];
                string       linetext = line.Text.Trim();
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(linetext))

                if (linetext == "nodes" || linetext == "skeleton" || linetext == "vertexanimation")
                    if (inBlock)
                        throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(line.LineNumber, "New data block \"" + linetext + "\" starts in the middle of the previous \"" + inBlockName + "\" data block."));

                    inBlock      = true;
                    inBlockName  = linetext;
                    inBlockStart = i;

                if (linetext == "end")
                    if (inBlock)
                        inBlock = false;
                        if (inBlockName == "nodes")
                            dbNodes = lines.GetRange(inBlockStart, i - inBlockStart + 1);
                        else if (inBlockName == "skeleton")
                            dbSkeleton = lines.GetRange(inBlockStart, i - inBlockStart + 1);
                        throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(line.LineNumber, "Unexpected \"end\" keyword outside of any data blocks."));

            // Ensure data blocks exist
            if (dbNodes == null)
                throw new Exception(ErrInvalid("\"nodes\" data block is missing."));
            if (dbSkeleton == null)
                throw new Exception(ErrInvalid("\"skeleton\" data block is missing."));
            // And that they arent empty
            if (dbNodes.Count == 2)
                throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(dbNodes[0].LineNumber, "\"nodes\" data block is empty."));
            if (dbSkeleton.Count == 2)
                throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(dbSkeleton[0].LineNumber, "\"skeleton\" data block is empty."));

            ///// Process node block to build skeleton hierarchy
            // Bone definition order does NOT have to be sequential, so we'll set up the parenting AFTER discovering all bones
            // Crowbar always writes bones sequentially, but other software might be lazy and write them out of order
            List <SmdBone> bones = new List <SmdBone>();

            for (int i = 1; i < dbNodes.Count - 1; i++)
                NumberedLine line     = dbNodes[i];
                string       linetext = line.Text.Trim();

                string[] linetextParts = linetext.Split(' '); // This is ok because source engine bones cannot have spaces in their names
                if (linetextParts.Length != 3)
                    throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(line.LineNumber, "Bone definition is an invalid format."));

                int boneID = -1;
                if (!int.TryParse(linetextParts[0], out boneID))
                    throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(line.LineNumber, "Bone definition is invalid; bone ID is not a valid number."));

                string boneName = linetextParts[1].Trim('"'); // Trim the " quotes that always present but useless
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boneName))
                    throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(line.LineNumber, "Bone definition is invalid; bone name is empty."));
                if (bones.Where(b => b.Name == boneName).ToList().Count > 0)
                    throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(line.LineNumber, "Bone definition is invalid; duplicate bone name."));

                int boneParentID = -2;
                if (!int.TryParse(linetextParts[2], out boneParentID))
                    throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(line.LineNumber, "Bone definition is invalid; bone parent ID is not a valid number."));

                SmdBone bone = new SmdBone(boneID, boneName, boneParentID);
                bone.SmdSourceLine = line;

            // Find and verify the root bone
            List <SmdBone> rootBones = bones.Where(b => b.ParentID == -1).ToList();

            if (rootBones.Count > 1)
                throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(rootBones[1].SmdSourceLine.LineNumber, "Invalid skeleton hierarchy. Only be one root bone can exist."));
            SmdBone rootBone = rootBones[0];

            // Create hierarchy
            List <SmdBone> orphanBonesLeft = new List <SmdBone>(bones);

            void buildHierarchy(SmdBone self, List <SmdBone> orphanBones)
                foreach (SmdBone orphanBone in orphanBones.ToList()) // Iterate a copy
                    if (orphanBone == self)

                    if (orphanBone.ParentID == self.ID)
                        orphanBone.Parent = self;

                        buildHierarchy(orphanBone, orphanBones);

            buildHierarchy(rootBone, orphanBonesLeft);
            if (orphanBonesLeft.Count > 0)
                string message = "\n";
                foreach (SmdBone bone in orphanBonesLeft)
                    message += "Orphaned bone \"" + bone.Name + "\" (ID: " + bone.ID + "). No bone with parent ID " + bone.ParentID + " exists.\n";
                throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(message.TrimEnd('\n')));

            // Create skeleton object
            Skeleton = new SmdSkeleton(bones, rootBone);

            ///// Process skeleton block to find animations frames
            List <List <NumberedLine> > timeBlocks     = new List <List <NumberedLine> >();
            List <NumberedLine>         buildTimeBlock = null;
            bool startedFirstBlockBuild = false;
            int  lastTimeNumber         = int.MinValue;

            for (int i = 1; i < dbSkeleton.Count - 1; i++)
                NumberedLine line          = dbSkeleton[i];
                string       linetext      = line.Text.Trim();
                string[]     linetextParts = linetext.Split(' ');
                if (linetext.Length >= 4 && linetext.Substring(0, 4) == "time")
                    if (linetextParts.Length != 2)
                        throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(line.LineNumber, "Invalid \"time\" block header."));

                    int timeNumber = -1;
                    if (!int.TryParse(linetextParts[1], out timeNumber))
                        throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(line.LineNumber, "\"time\" block number is not a valid number."));

                    if (timeNumber <= lastTimeNumber)
                        throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(line.LineNumber, "\"time\" block number is not sequential to the previous time block."));
                    lastTimeNumber = timeNumber;

                    if (!startedFirstBlockBuild)
                        buildTimeBlock         = new List <NumberedLine>();
                        startedFirstBlockBuild = true;
                        //if (buildTimeBlock.Count < 2) // aka just the "time" header and no actual bone pose data
                        //    throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(line.LineNumber, "Empty \"time\" block."));
                        // This might actually be valid SMD. The Valve wiki isn't clear about this case.

                        buildTimeBlock = new List <NumberedLine>();

            // Create timeline for animation
            Timeline = new SmdTimeline(Skeleton);
            // Add all explicit frames
            foreach (List <NumberedLine> timeBlock in timeBlocks)
                SmdTimelineFrame frame = new SmdTimelineFrame();

                NumberedLine header          = timeBlock[0];
                string[]     headertextParts = header.Text.Trim().Split(' ');
                frame.FrameTime = (float)int.Parse(headertextParts[1]);

                for (int i = 1; i < timeBlock.Count; i++)
                    NumberedLine boneline          = timeBlock[i];
                    string       bonelinetext      = boneline.Text.Trim();
                    string[]     bonelinetextParts = bonelinetext.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    if (bonelinetextParts.Length != 7)
                        throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(boneline.LineNumber, "Bone pose data is an invalid format."));

                    int boneID = -1;
                    if (!int.TryParse(bonelinetextParts[0], out boneID))
                        throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(boneline.LineNumber, "Invalid bone pose; bone ID is not a valid number."));

                    float bonePosX = 0f;
                    if (!float.TryParse(bonelinetextParts[1], out bonePosX))
                        throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(boneline.LineNumber, "Invalid bone pose; bone X translation is not a valid number."));
                    float bonePosY = 0f;
                    if (!float.TryParse(bonelinetextParts[2], out bonePosY))
                        throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(boneline.LineNumber, "Invalid bone pose; bone Y translation is not a valid number."));
                    float bonePosZ = 0f;
                    if (!float.TryParse(bonelinetextParts[3], out bonePosZ))
                        throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(boneline.LineNumber, "Invalid bone pose; bone Z translation is not a valid number."));

                    float boneRotX = 0f;
                    if (!float.TryParse(bonelinetextParts[4], out boneRotX))
                        throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(boneline.LineNumber, "Invalid bone pose; bone X rotation is not a valid number."));
                    float boneRotY = 0f;
                    if (!float.TryParse(bonelinetextParts[5], out boneRotY))
                        throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(boneline.LineNumber, "Invalid bone pose; bone Y rotation is not a valid number."));
                    float boneRotZ = 0f;
                    if (!float.TryParse(bonelinetextParts[6], out boneRotZ))
                        throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(boneline.LineNumber, "Invalid bone pose; bone Z rotation is not a valid number."));

                    SmdBonePose bonePose = new SmdBonePose();

                    SmdBone targetBone = null;
                    if (!Skeleton.BoneByID.TryGetValue(boneID, out targetBone))
                        throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(boneline.LineNumber, "Invalid bone pose; no bone exists with the ID " + boneID + "."));

                    foreach (SmdBonePose existingBonePose in frame.ExplicitBonePoses)
                        if (existingBonePose.Bone == targetBone)
                            throw new Exception(ErrInvalid(boneline.LineNumber, "Duplicate bone pose."));

                    bonePose.Bone     = targetBone;
                    bonePose.Position = new Vector3(bonePosX, bonePosY, bonePosZ);
                    bonePose.Rotation = new Vector3(boneRotX, boneRotY, boneRotZ);


                Timeline.AddFrame(frame); // Frames will be stored sequentially as they were defined in the SDM and any pose interpolation will occur on demand if needed

            Print("- " + bones.Count + " bones, " + Timeline.ExplicitFrames.Count + " frames of animation", 1);