Esempio n. 1
        public static float BrakeDistancePrecise(float V0, VesselWrapper VSL, out float ttb)
            ttb = 0f;
            var   dist     = 0f;
            var   mass     = VSL.Physics.M;
            var   throttle = ThrottleControl.NextThrottle(V0, 1, mass, VSL.Engines.MaxThrustM, VSL.Engines.DecelerationTime10);
            float next_mass;
            float ttb_cur;

            while (V0 > 0.1)
                throttle = ThrottleControl.NextThrottle(V0, throttle, mass, VSL.Engines.MaxThrustM, VSL.Engines.DecelerationTime10);
                ttb_cur  = EnginesProps.TTB(V0 / 2, VSL.Engines.MaxThrustM, mass, VSL.Engines.MaxMassFlow, throttle, out next_mass);
                dist    += BrakeDistance(V0, ttb_cur, VSL.Engines.MaxThrustM, mass, VSL.Engines.MaxMassFlow, throttle);
                ttb     += ttb_cur;
                mass     = next_mass;
                V0      /= 2;
            throttle = ThrottleControl.NextThrottle(V0, throttle, mass, VSL.Engines.MaxThrustM, VSL.Engines.DecelerationTime10);
            ttb_cur  = EnginesProps.TTB(V0, VSL.Engines.MaxThrustM, mass, VSL.Engines.MaxMassFlow, throttle, out next_mass);
            dist    += BrakeDistance(V0, ttb_cur, VSL.Engines.MaxThrustM, mass, VSL.Engines.MaxMassFlow, throttle);
            ttb     += ttb_cur;
Esempio n. 2
 public LandingPath(VesselWrapper vsl, Orbit orb, double target_altitude, double startUT, double dt,
                    double start_mass, double fuel = 0, double brake_vel = 0)
     VSL            = vsl;
     Orbit          = orb;
     TargetAltitude = target_altitude;
     StartUT        = startUT;
     UT0            = VSL.Physics.UT;
     EndMass        = start_mass;
     FuelUsed       = 0;
     FuelLeft       = fuel;
     BrakeDeltaV    = brake_vel;
     if (Orbit.referenceBody.atmosphere || brake_vel > 0 && fuel > 0)
         EndUT      = startUT + orb.timeToPe;
         HavePoints = brake_vel > 0 && fuel > 0;
         var p         = newP(StartUT);
         var m         = start_mass;
         var s         = Math.Max(VSL.Geometry.MinArea, VSL.Geometry.AreaWithBrakes);
         var ascending = p.Ascending;
         var orig_dt   = dt;
         p.Duration = dt;
         while ((ascending || p.Altitude > TargetAltitude) && p.UT < EndUT)
             var dAlt        = p.Altitude - TargetAltitude;
             var linear_time = dAlt / p.SrfSpeed;
             if (!ascending && dt > 0.01 && linear_time / 2 < dt)
                 p.Duration = dt = linear_time / 2;
             var drag_accel = p.SpecificDrag * s / m;
             var prev_alt   = p.Altitude;
             Atmosphere |= drag_accel > 0;
             HavePoints |= Atmosphere;
             if (HavePoints)
                 if (Points.Count == 0)
                     FirstPointUT = p.UT;
                     if (Atmosphere)
                         AtmoStartUT = p.UT;
                 //                    VSL.Log("drag dV {}, m {}, fm {}, brake_vel {}, p {}",
                 //                            drag_dv, m, fuel, brake_vel, p);//debug
                 var r = p.pos.magnitude;
                 if (p.HorSrfSpeed > 1 && brake_vel > 0 && fuel > 0)
                     //adjust dt to capture most of the thrust
                     float mflow;
                     var   thrust = VSL.Engines.ThrustAtAlt((float)p.SrfSpeed, (float)p.Altitude, out mflow);
                     var   dV_cm  = thrust / m * dt;
                     if (dt > 0.01 && dV_cm > p.SrfSpeed / 10)
                         dt = p.SrfSpeed / 10 * m / thrust * 0.9;
                     //compute thrust direction
                     var vV    = Utils.ClampL(Vector3d.Dot(p.vel, p.pos / r), 1e-5);
                     var b_dir = LandingTrajectoryAutopilot.CorrectedBrakeVelocity(VSL, p.vel, p.pos,
                                                                                   p.DynamicPressure / 1000 / LandingTrajectoryAutopilot.C.MinDPressure,
                                                                                   (p.Altitude - TargetAltitude) / vV).normalized;
                     //compute change in velocity and mass
                     var Ve = thrust / mflow;
                     var dm = mflow * dt;
                     if (dm > fuel)
                         dm = fuel;
                     var bV = (double)VSL.Engines.DeltaV(Ve, (float)dm);
                     if (bV > brake_vel)
                         bV = brake_vel;
                         dm = EnginesProps.FuelNeeded((float)bV, Ve, (float)m);
                     p.vel     -= b_dir * bV;
                     brake_vel -= bV;
                     //                        VSL.Log("vV {}, vB {}, thrust {}, mflow {}, Ve {}, dm {}\nb_dir {}\nvel {}\npos {}",
                     //                                vV, bV, thrust, mflow, Ve, dm, b_dir, p.vel, p.pos);//debug
                     //spend fuel
                     fuel -= dm;
                     m    -= dm;
                 //adjust dt if its too small
                 else if (!ascending && dt < orig_dt && linear_time / 50 > dt)
                     dt = Math.Min(linear_time / 50, orig_dt);
                 if (Atmosphere)
                     p.vel -= p.srf_vel / p.SrfSpeed * Math.Min(drag_accel * dt, p.SrfSpeed);
                 p.vel -= p.pos * p.Body.gMagnitudeAtCenter / r / r / r * dt;
                 p.pos += p.vel * dt;
                 p.UT  += dt;
                 if (Atmosphere && AtmoStopUT < 0 && p.SrfSpeed < 10)
                     AtmoStopUT = p.UT;
                 p.Update(p.UT + dt);
             ascending &= p.Altitude > prev_alt;
         if (HavePoints)
             if (Atmosphere && AtmoStopUT < 0)
                 AtmoStopUT = p.UT;
         EndUT     = p.UT;
         LastPoint = p;
         EndMass   = m;
         FuelUsed  = start_mass - m;
         FuelLeft  = Math.Max(fuel, 0);
         if (brake_vel > 0)
             BrakeDeltaV -= brake_vel;
         EndUT     = TrajectoryCalculator.NearestRadiusUT(Orbit, Orbit.referenceBody.Radius + TargetAltitude, StartUT);
         LastPoint = newP(EndUT);