Esempio n. 1
        double compute_terminal_velocity()
            double terminal_velocity = 0;

            if (Body.atmosphere && (VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute > -100 || VSL.Altitude.Relative < 100 + VSL.Geometry.H))
                terminal_velocity  = Utils.ClampL(-VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute, 0.1f);
                VSL.Info.Countdown = (VSL.Altitude.Relative - VSL.Geometry.H) / terminal_velocity;
                VSL.Info.Countdown = sim.FreeFallTime(out terminal_velocity);
        protected override void Update()
            //calculate current altitude or apoapsis, if the vessel is moving upwards
            var alt = VSL.Altitude.Absolute;

            if (VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute > 0 && !VSL.LandedOrSplashed)
                var ttAp = VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute / VSL.Physics.G;
                if (RAD != null && RAD.TimeAhead > 0 && RAD.TimeAhead < ttAp)
                    ttAp = RAD.TimeAhead;
                alt = VSL.Altitude.Absolute + ttAp * (VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute - ttAp * VSL.Physics.G / 2);
//                CSV(CFG.DesiredAltitude, alt-VSL.Altitude.TerrainAltitude, VSL.Altitude.Relative, RAD.AltitudeAhead-VSL.Altitude.Absolute,
//                    VSL.VSF, -VSL.Physics.G, ttAp, RAD.TimeAhead);//debug
            //correct for terrain altitude and radar data if following terrain
            if (CFG.AltitudeAboveTerrain)
                var obstacle_ahead = VSL.HorizontalSpeed.MoovingFast && alt - VSL.Altitude.Ahead <= VSL.Geometry.H;
                if (obstacle_ahead)
                    var dAlt = VSL.Altitude.Ahead + CFG.DesiredAltitude - VSL.Altitude.Absolute;
                    SetState(VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute < 0? TCAState.GroundCollision : TCAState.ObstacleAhead);
                    if (VSL.Altitude.CorrectionAllowed && RAD != null &&
                        RAD.TimeAhead > 0 && dAlt / RAD.TimeAhead > VerticalSpeedControl.C.MaxSpeed)
//                        var G_A  = Utils.ClampL(VSL.Physics.G*(1-VSL.OnPlanetParams.DTWR), 1e-5f);
//                        CFG.VerticalCutoff = Mathf.Sqrt(2*Utils.ClampL(dAlt * G_A, 0));
//                        ttAp = CFG.VerticalCutoff/G_A;
//                        if(ttAp > RAD.TimeAhead)
                        CFG.VerticalCutoff = dAlt / Utils.ClampL(RAD.TimeAhead - CollisionPreventionSystem.C.LookAheadTime, 1e-5f);
                        if (VSL.Engines.Slow)
                            var dV = CFG.VerticalCutoff - VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute;
                            dV *= dV < 0 ? VSL.Engines.DecelerationTime10 : VSL.Engines.AccelerationTime90;
                            CFG.VerticalCutoff += dV;
//                        Log("VSF {}, vV {}, hV {}, G_A {}, dAlt {}, ttAp {}, TimeAhead {}",
//                            CFG.VerticalCutoff, VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute, VSL.HorizontalSpeed.Absolute, G_A, dAlt, ttAp, RAD.TimeAhead);//debug
                var lower_threshold = Mathf.Max(VSL.Altitude.TerrainAltitude, VSL.Altitude.LowerThreshold);
                if (VSL.Altitude.CorrectionAllowed)
                    lower_threshold = Mathf.Max(VSL.Altitude.Ahead, lower_threshold);
                alt -= lower_threshold;
                if (alt < 0)
            //calculate altitude error
            var error = (CFG.DesiredAltitude - alt);

            //turn off the engines if landed
            if (VSL.LandedOrSplashed && error < 0 && VSL.Altitude.Relative <= VSL.Geometry.R)
//                Log("nAlt {}, alt {}, error {}, VSF {}", CFG.DesiredAltitude, alt, error, CFG.VerticalCutoff);//debug
                CFG.VerticalCutoff = -VerticalSpeedControl.C.MaxSpeed;
            //calculate min/max speed
            var min_speed = -C.MaxSpeedLow;
            var max_speed = C.MaxSpeedLow;

            if (error < 0)
                min_speed = Utils.Clamp(C.MaxSpeedLow * (error + C.MaxSpeedErrorF) / C.MaxSpeedErrorF, -C.MaxSpeedHigh, -C.MaxSpeedLow);
                if (VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute < 0)
                    double terminal_velocity;
                    var    free_fall = VSL.OnPlanet && VSL.Body.atmosphere?
                                       (float)sim.FreeFallTime(VSL.Altitude.Relative + error, out terminal_velocity) :
                                       (VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute + Mathf.Sqrt(VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute * VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute - 2 * VSL.Physics.G * error)) / VSL.Physics.G;
                    var brake_time = -VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute / (VSL.OnPlanetParams.MaxTWR - 1) / VSL.Physics.G;
                    if (brake_time < 0)
                        min_speed = 0;
                    else if (brake_time > free_fall / 100)
                        min_speed = Utils.Clamp(-C.MaxSpeedHigh * (1 - brake_time / free_fall), min_speed,
                                                Utils.ClampL(free_fall * VSL.Physics.G * (1 - VSL.OnPlanetParams.MaxTWR), -C.MaxSpeedLow));
//                    Log("error {}, vV {}, free_fall {}, brake_time {}, min_speed {}",
//                        -error, -VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute, free_fall, brake_time, min_speed);//debug
            else if (error > 0)
                max_speed = alt <= VSL.Geometry.H? C.MaxSpeedHigh :
                            Utils.Clamp(C.MaxSpeedLow * (error - C.MaxSpeedErrorF) / C.MaxSpeedErrorF, C.MaxSpeedLow, C.MaxSpeedHigh);
            //update pid parameters and vertical speed setpoint
            if (VSL.Engines.Slow)
                jets_pid.Min = min_speed;
                jets_pid.Max = max_speed;
                jets_pid.P   = Utils.ClampH(C.JetsPID.P / VSL.OnPlanetParams.MaxTWR / C.TWRd *
                                            Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Abs(1 / VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute) * C.ErrF, 1, VSL.OnPlanetParams.MaxTWR * C.TWRd),
                jets_pid.D = C.JetsPID.D;
                if (CFG.AltitudeAboveTerrain)
                    jets_pid.D /= Utils.ClampL(VSL.HorizontalSpeed, 1);
                jets_pid.D *= error < 0?
                              1 + VSL.Engines.AccelerationTime90 * C.SlowCorrectionF :
                              1 + VSL.Engines.DecelerationTime10 * C.SlowCorrectionF;
                CFG.VerticalCutoff = jets_pid.Action;
//                Log("nAlt {}, alt {}, error {}, hV {}, VSF {}\njPID: {}",
//                    CFG.DesiredAltitude, alt, error, VSL.HorizontalSpeed, CFG.VerticalCutoff, jets_pid);//debug
                rocket_pid.Min = min_speed;
                rocket_pid.Max = max_speed;
                rocket_pid.D   = C.RocketPID.D;
                if (CFG.AltitudeAboveTerrain)
                    rocket_pid.D /= Utils.ClampL(VSL.HorizontalSpeed, 1);
                CFG.VerticalCutoff = rocket_pid.Action;
//                Log("nAlt {}, alt {}, error {}, hV {}, VSF {}\nrPID: {}",
//                    CFG.DesiredAltitude, alt, error, VSL.HorizontalSpeed, CFG.VerticalCutoff, rocket_pid);//debug
            //correct for relative vertical speed
            //if following the terrain and flying below desired altitude
            if (CFG.AltitudeAboveTerrain)
                var dV = 0f;
                if (error > 0)
                    dV = Utils.ClampL((VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute - VSL.VerticalSpeed.Relative) /
                                      Utils.ClampL(alt / C.RelAltitudeFactor, 1), 0);
                CFG.VerticalCutoff += dV;
                //Loosing Altitude alert
                Falling.RunIf(() => SetState(TCAState.LoosingAltitude),
                              VSL.VerticalSpeed.Relative < 0 &&
                              VSL.CFG.VerticalCutoff - VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute > 0 &&
                              VSL.Altitude < CFG.DesiredAltitude - VSL.VerticalSpeed.Relative * C.TimeAhead);
//                Log("error {0}, dV: {1}, VSP: {2}, min speed {3}, max speed {4}",
//                    error, dV, CFG.VerticalCutoff, min_speed, max_speed);//debug
//                CSV(alt, VSL.vessel.altitude, VSL.Altitude.TerrainAltitude, VSL.Altitude, RAD.AltitudeAhead, error,
//                    CFG.VerticalCutoff, VSL.VSF, VSL.MinVSF, VSL.VerticalSpeed, VSL.VerticalSpeed.Relative,
//                    dV, min_speed, max_speed);//debug
        protected override void Update()
            //calculate current altitude or apoapsis, if the vessel is moving upwards
            var alt = VSL.Altitude.Absolute;

            if (VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute > 0 && !VSL.LandedOrSplashed)
                var ttAp = VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute / VSL.Physics.G;
                if (RAD != null && RAD.TimeAhead > 0 && RAD.TimeAhead < ttAp)
                    ttAp = RAD.TimeAhead;
                alt = VSL.Altitude.Absolute + ttAp * (VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute - ttAp * VSL.Physics.G / 2);
            //correct for terrain altitude and radar data if following terrain
            if (CFG.AltitudeAboveTerrain)
                var obstacle_ahead = VSL.HorizontalSpeed.MoovingFast && alt - VSL.Altitude.Ahead <= VSL.Geometry.H;
                if (obstacle_ahead)
                    var dAlt = VSL.Altitude.Ahead + CFG.DesiredAltitude - VSL.Altitude.Absolute;
                    if (VSL.Altitude.CorrectionAllowed &&
                        RAD != null &&
                        RAD.TimeAhead > 0 &&
                        dAlt / RAD.TimeAhead > VerticalSpeedControl.C.MaxSpeed)
                        CFG.VerticalCutoff =
                            dAlt / Utils.ClampL(RAD.TimeAhead - CollisionPreventionSystem.C.LookAheadTime, 1e-5f);
                        if (VSL.Engines.Slow)
                            var dV = CFG.VerticalCutoff - VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute;
                            dV *= dV < 0 ? VSL.Engines.DecelerationTime10 : VSL.Engines.AccelerationTime90;
                            CFG.VerticalCutoff += dV;
                        if (CFG.VerticalCutoff > 0)
                var lower_threshold = Mathf.Max(VSL.Altitude.TerrainAltitude, VSL.Altitude.LowerThreshold);
                if (VSL.Altitude.CorrectionAllowed)
                    lower_threshold = Mathf.Max(VSL.Altitude.Ahead, lower_threshold);
                alt -= lower_threshold;
                if (alt < VSL.Geometry.H && CFG.VerticalCutoff > 0)
            //calculate altitude error
            var error = (CFG.DesiredAltitude - alt);

            //turn off the engines if landed
            if (VSL.LandedOrSplashed && error < 0 && VSL.Altitude.Relative <= VSL.Geometry.R)
                CFG.VerticalCutoff = -VerticalSpeedControl.C.MaxSpeed;
            //calculate min/max speed
            var min_speed = -C.MaxSpeedHigh;
            var max_speed = C.MaxSpeedHigh;

            if (error < 0)
                min_speed = Utils.ClampH(error / C.MaxSpeedErrorF, -C.MaxSpeedLow);
                if (VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute < 0)
                    var free_fall = VSL.OnPlanet && VSL.Body.atmosphere
                        ? (float)sim.FreeFallTime(VSL.Altitude.Relative + error, out _)
                        : (VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute
                           + Mathf.Sqrt(VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute * VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute
                                        - 2 * VSL.Physics.G * error))
                                    / VSL.Physics.G;
                    var brake_time = -VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute / (VSL.OnPlanetParams.MaxTWR - 1) / VSL.Physics.G;
                    if (brake_time < 0)
                        min_speed = 0;
                    else if (brake_time > free_fall / 100)
                        min_speed = Utils.Clamp(-C.MaxSpeedHigh * (1 - brake_time / free_fall),
                                                Utils.ClampL(free_fall * VSL.Physics.G * (1 - VSL.OnPlanetParams.MaxTWR), -C.MaxSpeedLow));
                max_speed = Utils.ClampL(error / C.MaxSpeedErrorF, C.MaxSpeedLow);
            var aeroTorqueRatio = VSL.Torque.Slow
                ? VSL.OnPlanetParams.AeroTorqueRatio
                : VSL.OnPlanetParams.MaxAeroTorqueRatio;

            if (aeroTorqueRatio > 0)
                var speedLimit = VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute * C.AeroTorqueRatioThreshold / aeroTorqueRatio;
                if (VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute > 0)
                    max_speed = Mathf.Min(max_speed, speedLimit);
                    min_speed = Mathf.Max(min_speed, speedLimit);
            //update pid parameters and vertical speed setpoint
            if (VSL.Engines.Slow)
                jets_pid.Min = min_speed;
                jets_pid.Max = max_speed;
                jets_pid.P   = Utils.ClampH(
                    / VSL.OnPlanetParams.MaxTWR
                    / C.TWRd
                    * Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Abs(1 / VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute) * C.ErrF,
                                  VSL.OnPlanetParams.MaxTWR * C.TWRd),
                jets_pid.D = C.JetsPID.D;
                if (CFG.AltitudeAboveTerrain)
                    jets_pid.D /= Utils.ClampL(VSL.HorizontalSpeed, 1);
                jets_pid.D *= error < 0
                    ? 1 + VSL.Engines.AccelerationTime90 * C.SlowCorrectionF
                    : 1 + VSL.Engines.DecelerationTime10 * C.SlowCorrectionF;
                CFG.VerticalCutoff = jets_pid.Action;
                rocket_pid.Min = min_speed;
                rocket_pid.Max = max_speed;
                rocket_pid.D   = C.RocketPID.D;
                if (CFG.AltitudeAboveTerrain)
                    rocket_pid.D /= Utils.ClampL(VSL.HorizontalSpeed, 1);
                CFG.VerticalCutoff = rocket_pid.Action;
            //correct for relative vertical speed
            //if following the terrain and flying below desired altitude
            if (CFG.AltitudeAboveTerrain)
                var dV = 0f;
                if (error > 0)
                    dV = Utils.ClampL((VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute - VSL.VerticalSpeed.Relative)
                                      / Utils.ClampL(alt / C.RelAltitudeFactor, 1),
                CFG.VerticalCutoff += dV;
                //Loosing Altitude alert
                if (VSL.VerticalSpeed.Relative < 0 &&
                    VSL.CFG.VerticalCutoff - VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute > 0 &&
                    VSL.Altitude < CFG.DesiredAltitude - VSL.VerticalSpeed.Relative * C.TimeAhead)
                    if (Falling.TimePassed)
//                Log("error {0}, dV: {1}, VSP: {2}, min speed {3}, max speed {4}",
//                    error, dV, CFG.VerticalCutoff, min_speed, max_speed);//debug
//                CSV(alt, VSL.vessel.altitude, VSL.Altitude.TerrainAltitude, VSL.Altitude, RAD.AltitudeAhead, error,
//                    CFG.VerticalCutoff, VSL.VSF, VSL.MinVSF, VSL.VerticalSpeed, VSL.VerticalSpeed.Relative,
//                    dV, min_speed, max_speed);//debug
            // DebugWindowController.PostMessage($"ALT-{GetHashCode():X8}",
            //     $"AeroTorqueRatio: {aeroTorqueRatio:F6}\n"
            //     + $"min speed: {min_speed:F1} m/s\n"
            //     + $"max speed: {max_speed:F1} m/s\n"
            //     + $"setpoint: {VSL.CFG.VerticalCutoff:F1} m/s\n"
            //     + $"error abs: {VSL.CFG.VerticalCutoff - VSL.VerticalSpeed.Absolute:F1}");