internal void RemoveObject(Object3D o) { var light = o as Light; if (light != null) { lights.Remove(light); var directional = light as DirectionalLight; if (directional != null) throw new NotImplementedException(); } else { var camera = o as Camera; if (camera == null) { objectsRemoved.Add(o); // check if previously added objectsAdded.Remove(o); } } foreach (var c in o.Children) RemoveObject(c); }
public void AddObject(Object3D o) { var light = o as Light; if (light != null) { if (!lights.Contains(light)) lights.Add(light); var targetLight = light as HasTarget; } else { var camera = o as Camera; var bone = o as Bone; if (!(camera != null || bone != null)) { objectsAdded.Add(o); // check if previously removed objectsRemoved.Remove(o); } } //dispatchEvent( { type: 'objectAdded', object: object } ); //object.dispatchEvent( { type: 'addedToScene', scene: this } ); foreach (var c in o.Children) AddObject(c); }
public bool IntersectsObject(Object3D o) { var geometry = o.geometry; if (geometry.BoundingSphere == Sphere.Empty) geometry.ComputeBoundingSphere(); var sphere = geometry.BoundingSphere; sphere.Apply(o.matrixWorld); return IntersectsSphere(sphere); }
public IntersectionInfo(float distance, Vector3 intersectionPoint, Face3 face, int faceIndex, Object3D o) { Distance = distance; IntersectionPoint = intersectionPoint; Face = face; FaceIndex = faceIndex; Object = o; }
public static BoxHelper Create(Renderer renderer, Object3D o) { var mat = new LineBasicMaterial(renderer) { Diffuse = new Color(0xffff00) }; var geo = new Geometry(); var boxHelper = new BoxHelper(geo, mat); boxHelper.o = o; boxHelper.Update(); return boxHelper; }
// a helper to show the world-axis-aligned bounding box for an object public static BoundingBoxHelper Create(Renderer renderer, Object3D o, Color? color = null) { var c = color.HasValue ? color.Value : new Color(0x888888); var geo = new BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1); var mat = new MeshBasicMaterial(renderer) { Diffuse = c, UseWireframe = true }; var boundingBoxHelper = new BoundingBoxHelper(geo, mat); boundingBoxHelper.o = o; = Box3.Empty; return boundingBoxHelper; }
public IEnumerable<IntersectionInfo> IntersectObject(Object3D o, bool recursive) { List<IntersectionInfo> intersects = new List<IntersectionInfo>(); o.Raycast(this, intersects); if (recursive) { foreach (var c in o.Children) { var subresults = IntersectObject(c, true); if (subresults != null) { intersects.AddRange(subresults); } } } intersects.Sort(descendingDistanceSort); return intersects; }
private void ProjectObject(Scene scene, Object3D o, Camera shadowCamera) { if (o.IsVisible) { List<Scene.BufferInfo> glObjects; if (scene.glObjects.TryGetValue(o.Id, out glObjects)) { if (o.DoesCastShadow && (!o.frustumCulled || frustum.IntersectsObject(o))) { foreach(var glObject in glObjects) { o.modelViewMatrix.MultiplyMatrices(shadowCamera.matrixWorldInverse, o.matrixWorld); renderList.Add(glObject); } } foreach (var c in o.Children) ProjectObject(scene, c, shadowCamera); } } }
private static void Init() { mediaPath = Path.GetFullPath("../../../../../js/r68/examples/"); texturesPath = Path.Combine(mediaPath, "textures"); renderer = new Renderer(); scene = new Scene() { Fog = new FogLinear(Color.Black, 1500,2100) }; camera = new PerspectiveCamera(renderer, 60, 1, 2100) { Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 1500) }; cameraOrtho = new OrthographicCamera(renderer, 1, 10000) { Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 150) }; sceneOrtho = new Scene(); //var amount = 200; //var radius = 500; sceneOrtho.Add(new Mesh(new SphereGeometry(100, 50, 50), new MeshBasicMaterial(renderer) { Diffuse = Color.Red})); var group = new Object3D(); var materialA = new SpriteMaterial(renderer) { DiffuseMap = new Texture(Path.Combine(texturesPath, "sprite0.png")), Diffuse = Color.White, UseFog = true, }; spriteTL = new Sprite(renderer, materialA) { Scale = new Vector3(materialA.DiffuseMap.Resolution.Width,materialA.DiffuseMap.Resolution.Height,1), }; sceneOrtho.Add(spriteTL); spriteTR = new Sprite(renderer, materialA) { Scale = new Vector3(materialA.DiffuseMap.Resolution.Width, materialA.DiffuseMap.Resolution.Height, 1), }; sceneOrtho.Add(spriteTR); spriteBL = new Sprite(renderer, materialA) { Scale = new Vector3(materialA.DiffuseMap.Resolution.Width, materialA.DiffuseMap.Resolution.Height, 1), }; sceneOrtho.Add(spriteBL); spriteBR = new Sprite(renderer, materialA) { Scale = new Vector3(materialA.DiffuseMap.Resolution.Width, materialA.DiffuseMap.Resolution.Height, 1), }; sceneOrtho.Add(spriteBR); spriteC = new Sprite(renderer, materialA) { Scale = new Vector3(materialA.DiffuseMap.Resolution.Width, materialA.DiffuseMap.Resolution.Height, 1), }; sceneOrtho.Add(spriteC); UpdateHUDSprites(); var materialB = new SpriteMaterial(renderer) { DiffuseMap = new Texture(Path.Combine(texturesPath, "sprite1.png")), Diffuse = Color.White, UseFog = true, }; var materialC = new SpriteMaterial(renderer) { DiffuseMap = new Texture(Path.Combine(texturesPath, "sprite2.png")), Diffuse = Color.White, UseFog = true, }; mediaPath = Path.Combine(mediaPath, "../../tests/"); }
public static Object3D Parse(Renderer renderer, string path, Action<string> mtllibCallback = null) { ObjMtlLoader.renderer = renderer; var text = File.ReadAllText(path); var vector = new Func<string, string, string, Vector3>((x, y, z) => { var vx = Convert.ToSingle(x); var vy = Convert.ToSingle(y); var vz = Convert.ToSingle(z); return new Vector3(vx, vy, vz); }); var uv = new Func<string, string, Vector2>((u, v) => { var vu = Convert.ToSingle(u); var vv = Convert.ToSingle(v); return new Vector2(vu, vv); }); var parseVertexIndex = new Func<string, int>((indexString) => { var index = Convert.ToInt32(indexString); return index >= 0 ? index - 1 : index + vertexIndicies.Count; }); var parseNormalIndex = new Func<string, int>((indexString) => { var index = Convert.ToInt32(indexString); return index >= 0 ? index - 1 : index + normals.Count; }); var parseUVIndex = new Func<string, int>((indexString) => { var index = Convert.ToInt32(indexString); return index >= 0 ? index - 1 : index + uvs2.Count; }); var add_face = new Action<string, string, string, List<string>>((a, b, c, normals_inds) => { if (normals_inds == null) { geometry.faces.Add(new Face3( vertexIndicies[parseVertexIndex(a)] - 1, vertexIndicies[parseVertexIndex(b)] - 1, vertexIndicies[parseVertexIndex(c)] - 1 )); } else { geometry.faces.Add(new Face3( vertexIndicies[parseVertexIndex(a)] - 1, vertexIndicies[parseVertexIndex(b)] - 1, vertexIndicies[parseVertexIndex(c)] - 1, normals[parseNormalIndex(normals_inds[0])], normals[parseNormalIndex(normals_inds[1])], normals[parseNormalIndex(normals_inds[2])])); } }); var add_uvs = new Action<string, string, string>((a, b, c) => { geometry.faceVertexUvs[0].Add(new UVFaceSet(uvs2[parseUVIndex(a)], uvs2[parseUVIndex(b)], uvs2[parseUVIndex(c)])); }); var handle_face_line = new Action<List<string>, List<string>, List<string>>((faces, uvs, normals_inds) => { if (faces.Count == 3) { add_face(faces[0], faces[1], faces[2], normals_inds); if (uvs != null && uvs.Count > 0) { add_uvs(uvs[0], uvs[1], uvs[2]); } } else { if (normals_inds != null && normals_inds.Count > 0) { add_face(faces[0], faces[1], faces[3], new List<string>() { normals_inds[0], normals_inds[1], normals_inds[3] }); add_face(faces[1], faces[2], faces[3], new List<string>() { normals_inds[1], normals_inds[2], normals_inds[3] }); } else { add_face(faces[0], faces[1], faces[3], null); add_face(faces[1], faces[2], faces[3], null); } if (uvs != null && uvs.Count > 0) { add_uvs(uvs[0], uvs[1], uvs[3]); add_uvs(uvs[1], uvs[2], uvs[3]); } } }); var o = new Object3D(); var lines = text.Split('\n'); // create mesh if no objects in text if (lines.Where(l => l.StartsWith("o")).Count() == 0) { geometry = new Geometry(); material = new MeshBasicMaterial(renderer); mesh = new Mesh(geometry, material); o.Add(mesh); } vertexIndicies = new List<int>(); normals = new List<Vector3>(); uvs2 = new List<Vector2>(); // fixes //text = text.Replace("\r\n",string.Empty); // handles line continuations \ foreach (var l in lines) { if (l.Length == 0 || l[0] == '#') continue; var line = l.Trim(); var result = line.Split(' ','/'); if (vertex_pattern.IsMatch(line)) { // ["v 1.0 2.0 3.0", "1.0", "2.0", "3.0"] geometry.vertices.Add( vector( result[1], result[2], result[3] ) ); vertexIndicies.Add(geometry.vertices.Count); } else if (normal_pattern.IsMatch(line)) { // ["vn 1.0 2.0 3.0", "1.0", "2.0", "3.0"] normals.Add(vector(result[1], result[2], result[3])); } else if (uv_pattern.IsMatch(line)) { // ["vt 0.1 0.2", "0.1", "0.2"] uvs2.Add( uv( result[1], result[2] ) ); } else if (face_pattern1.IsMatch(line)) { // ["f 1 2 3", "1", "2", "3", undefined]WDEAADEAWAAAADD if (result.Length == 4) { handle_face_line(new List<string>() { result[1], result[2], result[3] }, null, null); } else { handle_face_line(new List<string>() { result[1], result[2], result[3], result[4] }, null, null); } } else if (face_pattern2.IsMatch(line)) { // ["f 1/1 2/2 3/3", " 1/1", "1", "1", " 2/2", "2", "2", " 3/3", "3", "3", undefined, undefined, undefined] if (result.Length == 7) { handle_face_line( new List<string>() { result[1], result[3], result[5] }, //faces new List<string>() { result[2], result[4], result[6] }, //uv null ); } else { handle_face_line( new List<string>() { result[1], result[3], result[5], result[7] }, //faces new List<string>() { result[2], result[4], result[6], result[8] }, //uv null ); } } else if (face_pattern3.IsMatch(line)) { if (result.Length == 10) { handle_face_line( new List<string>() { result[1], result[4], result[7], }, //faces new List<string>() { result[2], result[5], result[8], }, //uv new List<string>() { result[3], result[6], result[9], } //normal ); } else { // ["f 1/1/1 2/2/2 3/3/3", " 1/1/1", "1", "1", "1", " 2/2/2", "2", "2", "2", " 3/3/3", "3", "3", "3", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined] handle_face_line( new List<string>() { result[1], result[4], result[7], result[10] }, //faces new List<string>() { result[2], result[5], result[8], result[11] }, //uv new List<string>() { result[3], result[6], result[9], result[12] } //normal ); } } else if (face_pattern4.IsMatch(line)) { if (result.Length == 10) { // ["f 1//1 2//2 3//3", " 1//1", "1", "1", " 2//2", "2", "2", " 3//3", "3", "3", undefined, undefined, undefined] handle_face_line( new List<string>() { result[1], result[4], result[7] }, //faces null, //uv new List<string>() { result[3], result[6], result[9] } //normal ); } else { // ["f 1//1 2//2 3//3", " 1//1", "1", "1", " 2//2", "2", "2", " 3//3", "3", "3", undefined, undefined, undefined] handle_face_line( new List<string>() { result[1], result[4], result[7], result[10] }, //faces null, //uv new List<string>() { result[3], result[6], result[9], result[12] } //normal ); } } else if (objectTest.IsMatch(line)) { geometry = new Geometry(); material = new MeshBasicMaterial(renderer); mesh = new Mesh(geometry, material); mesh.Name = line.Substring(2).Trim(); o.Add(mesh); } else if (groupTest.IsMatch(line)) { // group } else if (useMTLTest.IsMatch(line)) { // material material = materials[result[1].Trim()]; mesh.Material = material; } else if (mtlTest.IsMatch(line)) { // mtl file var objPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); var fullPath = Path.Combine(objPath, result[1].Trim()); ParseMaterials(fullPath); } else if (smoothShadingTest.IsMatch(line)) { // smooth shading } else { throw new NotSupportedException(line); } } var children = o.Children; foreach (var c in o.Children) { var geometry = c.geometry; geometry.ComputeNormals(); geometry.ComputeBoundingSphere(); } return o; }