Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get the currently-running thread object.
            Thread primaryThreadObject = Thread.CurrentThread;

            // Set the name of the thread. This will help with debugging
            // when looking at the Threads window.
            primaryThreadObject.Name = "The Main Thread";

            // Get the thread ID so that we can use it in output statements.
            int threadId = primaryThreadObject.ManagedThreadId;

                // Display a message to show we're in Main().
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: Starting the program.", threadId);

                // Get the number of milliseconds from the arguments
                // passed in from the command line.
                int milliseconds = GetMilliseconds(args[0]);

                // Create the ComplicatedCalculator objects.
                ComplicatedCalculator cc1 =
                    new ComplicatedCalculator(milliseconds);
                ComplicatedCalculator cc2 =
                    new ComplicatedCalculator(milliseconds);
                ComplicatedCalculator cc3 =
                    new ComplicatedCalculator(milliseconds);
                ComplicatedCalculator cc4 =
                    new ComplicatedCalculator(milliseconds);

                // Create the ParameterizedThreadStart delegate. This
                // delegate will be used to pass an array of doubles
                // to the method on the secondary thread.
                // First run using the set of arguments below.
                double[] numbers1 = { 10.4, 7.451 };
                double[] numbers2 = { 18.7, 3.6 };
                double[] numbers3 = { 12.7, 8.6 };
                double[] numbers4 = { 15.2, 5.3 };

                // Second run with set of arguments below showing that the
                //      results are no different whether or not lambda
                //      expressions are used.
                //double[] numbers1 = { 10.4, 7.451 };
                //double[] numbers2 = { 10.4, 7.451 };
                //double[] numbers3 = { 10.4, 7.451 };
                //double[] numbers4 = { 10.4, 7.451 };

                ParameterizedThreadStart threadedMethod1 =
                    new ParameterizedThreadStart(cc1.CalculateValue);

                // Create the thread objects and start the threads. In this
                // case, when we call Start(), we pass in the double array
                // as an argument.
                // All 4 ways of creating a thread instance below, causes the
                //      ParameterizedThreadStart delegate to be generated by the compiler.
                // Creates an instance of a thread that is assigned a
                //      ParameterizedThreadStart delegate.
                Thread secondaryThread1 = new Thread(threadedMethod1);
                // Creates a new thread that is implicitly assigned a ParameterizedThreadStart
                //      delegate for the new thread.
                Thread secondaryThread2 = new Thread(cc2.CalculateValue);
                // Use a lambda expression to create a new thread that is implicitly assigned a
                //      ParameterizedThreadStart delegate.
                Thread secondaryThread3 = new Thread((Object obj) => cc3.CalculateValue(obj));
                // Use a lambda expression to create a new thread that is implicitly assigned a
                //      ParameterizedThreadStart delegate.
                Thread secondaryThread4 = new Thread((obj) => { cc4.CalculateValue(obj); });

                // Set the name of the secondary threads.
                secondaryThread1.Name = "Calculation Thread #1";
                secondaryThread2.Name = "Calculation Thread #2";
                secondaryThread3.Name = "Calculation Thread #3";
                secondaryThread4.Name = "Calculation Thread #4";

                // Start the threads.

                // Display some messages to show that Main() is still
                // responsive while the calculation is going on.
                    ("\n{0}: Now I'm going to go do something else.",
                Console.WriteLine("\n{0}: Like talk about the weather.",
                Console.WriteLine("\n{0}: Or the latest news.",
                Console.WriteLine("\n{0}: You know, my foot hurts.",
                Console.WriteLine("\n{0}: I love hotdogs!",
                    ("\n{0}: How much is a shake at Burgermaster?",
                Console.WriteLine("\n{0}: Ok, now I'm getting hungry!",

                // Join one of the secondary threads.
                JoinThread(threadId, secondaryThread1);

                // Join the other secondary thread.
                JoinThread(threadId, secondaryThread2);

                // Join the other secondary thread.
                JoinThread(threadId, secondaryThread3);

                // Join the other secondary thread.
                JoinThread(threadId, secondaryThread4);

                Console.WriteLine("\n{0}: The result from {1} is: {2}",
                    threadId, secondaryThread1.ManagedThreadId, cc1.Results);

                Console.WriteLine("\n{0}: The result from {1} is: {2}",
                    threadId, secondaryThread2.ManagedThreadId, cc2.Results);

                Console.WriteLine("\n{0}: The result from {1} is: {2}",
                    threadId, secondaryThread3.ManagedThreadId, cc3.Results);

                Console.WriteLine("\n{0}: The result from {1} is: {2}",
                    threadId, secondaryThread4.ManagedThreadId, cc4.Results);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("\n{0}: EXCEPTION: {1}.",
                    threadId, e.Message);

            // Pause so we can look at the console window.
            Console.Write("\n\n{0}: Press <ENTER> to end: ",