public void addTeam(Team t, Color c) { if (c == Color.Blue) blueAlliance.Add(t); else redAlliance.Add(t); }
public async Task scoreTeam(Team t, Score s, int scoringTeam, string scoredBy) { string uri = ""; string query = "MATCH (n: Team { number:" + t.number + " })" + "MERGE (s: Score { tNum: " + t.number + ", scoringTeam: " + scoringTeam + " }) WITH n, s " + "MERGE (n)-[r:HAS]->(s)" + //: Score { tNum:" + t.number + " } " ON MATCH SET s.scorer=\"" + scoredBy + "\", s.upScore0=" + s.upScore[0] + ", s.upScore1=" + s.upScore[1] + ", s.upScore2=" + s.upScore[2] + ", s.upScore3=" + s.upScore[3] + ", s.upScore4=" + s.upScore[4] + ", s.upScore5=" + s.upScore[5] + ", s.upScore6=" + s.upScore[6] + ", s.upScore7=" + s.upScore[7] + ", s.upScore8=" + s.upScore[8] + ", s.dnScore0=" + s.dnScore[0] + ", s.dnScore1=" + s.dnScore[1] + ", s.dnScore2=" + s.dnScore[2] + ", s.dnScore3=" + s.dnScore[3] + ", s.dnScore4=" + s.dnScore[4] + ", s.dnScore5=" + s.dnScore[5] + ", s.dnScore6=" + s.dnScore[6] + ", s.dnScore7=" + s.dnScore[7] + ", s.dnScore8=" + s.dnScore[8] + " ON CREATE SET s.scorer=\"" + scoredBy + "\", s.upScore0=" + s.upScore[0] + ", s.upScore1=" + s.upScore[1] + ", s.upScore2=" + s.upScore[2] + ", s.upScore3=" + s.upScore[3] + ", s.upScore4=" + s.upScore[4] + ", s.upScore5=" + s.upScore[5] + ", s.upScore6=" + s.upScore[6] + ", s.upScore7=" + s.upScore[7] + ", s.upScore8=" + s.upScore[8] + ", s.dnScore0=" + s.dnScore[0] + ", s.dnScore1=" + s.dnScore[1] + ", s.dnScore2=" + s.dnScore[2] + ", s.dnScore3=" + s.dnScore[3] + ", s.dnScore4=" + s.dnScore[4] + ", s.dnScore5=" + s.dnScore[5] + ", s.dnScore6=" + s.dnScore[6] + ", s.dnScore7=" + s.dnScore[7] + ", s.dnScore8=" + s.dnScore[8] + ", s.time=timestamp() RETURN s"; // Attach sender to Entr and return all diary entries for this timeline var r = SendAndReceiveJsonRequest(uri, query); string responseStr = await r; }
public async Task SaveTeamScore(Team tscore) { string ps = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tscore); try { IFolder rootFolder = FileSystem.Current.LocalStorage; IFolder folder = await rootFolder.CreateFolderAsync("Settings", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists, CancellationToken.None); IFile f = await folder.CreateFileAsync(tscore.number.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString() + ".txt", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting, CancellationToken.None); await f.WriteAllTextAsync(ps); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public async Task<Team> getTeam(int t) { string uri = ""; string query = "MATCH (n: Team { number: " + t + " }) RETURN n"; // Attach sender to Entr and return all diary entries for this timeline var r = SendAndReceiveJsonRequest(uri, query); string responseStr = await r; Team data = new Team(); try { neo4jData val = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<neo4jData>(responseStr); foreach (var kvp in process column 'a' { foreach (var kv in kvp) { foreach (var k in kv) { if (k.Key == "data")// these are the events { string values = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(k.Value); string ds = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(k.Value); JToken token = JObject.Parse(ds); try { data.number = (int)token.SelectToken("number"); /* data.upScore[0] = (int)token.SelectToken("upScore0"); data.upScore[1] = (int)token.SelectToken("upScore1"); data.upScore[2] = (int)token.SelectToken("upScore2"); data.upScore[3] = (int)token.SelectToken("upScore3"); data.upScore[4] = (int)token.SelectToken("upScore4"); data.upScore[5] = (int)token.SelectToken("upScore5"); data.upScore[6] = (int)token.SelectToken("upScore6"); data.upScore[7] = (int)token.SelectToken("upScore7"); data.upScore[8] = (int)token.SelectToken("upScore8"); data.dnScore[0] = (int)token.SelectToken("dnScore0"); data.dnScore[1] = (int)token.SelectToken("dnScore1"); data.dnScore[2] = (int)token.SelectToken("dnScore2"); data.dnScore[3] = (int)token.SelectToken("dnScore3"); data.dnScore[4] = (int)token.SelectToken("dnScore4"); data.dnScore[5] = (int)token.SelectToken("dnScore5"); data.dnScore[6] = (int)token.SelectToken("dnScore6"); data.dnScore[7] = (int)token.SelectToken("dnScore7"); data.dnScore[8] = (int)token.SelectToken("dnScore8"); */ } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bad token: " + ex.Message); } return data; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } return data; }
//CREATE (n: Team { name: "My Favorite Team", number:3024 }) RETURN n public async void createTeam(Team t) { string uri = ""; string query = "MERGE (n: Team { number:" + t.number + " }) RETURN n"; // Attach sender to Entr and return all diary entries for this timeline var r = SendAndReceiveJsonRequest(uri, query); }
void doDone(Object sender, EventArgs args) { REST neo = new REST(); Match m = new Match(); Team t = new Team(); int i = 0; if (mNum.Text == null || mNum.Text == "" || RedTeam1.Text==null || RedTeam1.Text=="" || RedTeam2.Text==null || RedTeam2.Text=="" || RedTeam3.Text==null || RedTeam3.Text=="" || BlueTeam1.Text==null || BlueTeam1.Text=="" || BlueTeam2.Text==null || BlueTeam2.Text=="" || BlueTeam3.Text==null || BlueTeam3.Text=="") return; if (RedTeam1.Text != null && RedTeam1.Text.Length > 0) { m.red1 = RedTeam1.Text; if (int.TryParse(RedTeam1.Text, out i)==false) { DisplayAlert ("Error", " Red Team 1 number is not a number", "Ok"); return; } t.setNum(i); neo.createTeam(t); } if (RedTeam2.Text != null && RedTeam2.Text.Length > 0) { m.red2 = RedTeam2.Text; if (int.TryParse(RedTeam2.Text, out i)==false) { DisplayAlert ("Error", "Red Team 2 number is not a number", "Ok"); return; } t.setNum(i); neo.createTeam(t); } if (RedTeam3.Text != null && RedTeam3.Text.Length > 0) { m.red3 = RedTeam3.Text; if (int.TryParse(RedTeam3.Text, out i)==false) { DisplayAlert ("Error", "Red Team 3 number is not a number", "Ok"); return; } t.setNum(i); neo.createTeam(t); } if (BlueTeam1.Text != null && BlueTeam1.Text.Length > 0) { m.blue1 = BlueTeam1.Text; if (int.TryParse(BlueTeam1.Text, out i)==false) { DisplayAlert ("Error", "Blue Team 1 number is not a number", "Ok"); return; } t.setNum(i); neo.createTeam(t); } if (BlueTeam2.Text != null && BlueTeam2.Text.Length > 0) { m.blue2 = BlueTeam2.Text; if (int.TryParse(BlueTeam2.Text, out i)==false) { DisplayAlert ("Error", "Blue Team 2 number is not a number", "Ok"); return; } t.setNum(i); neo.createTeam(t); } if (BlueTeam3.Text != null && BlueTeam3.Text.Length > 0) { m.blue3 = BlueTeam3.Text; if (int.TryParse(BlueTeam3.Text, out i)==false) { DisplayAlert ("Error", "Blue Team 3 number is not a number", "Ok"); return; } t.setNum(i); neo.createTeam(t); } if (mNum.Text != null) m.number = mNum.Text; neo.createMatch(m, MatchListPage.opt.teamNumber); Navigation.PopModalAsync(); }