Esempio n. 1
        public ArnosOrt()
            name       = "Colony of the Mouse-People";
            bezug      = "in";
            beschrieb  = "You don't know how you got here, or how much time has passed.";
            beschrieb += "Strange creatures stare at you, their faces a cruel amalgamation ";
            beschrieb += "of human and rodent features.";
            beschrieb += "They don't seem to like strangers. ";
            beschrieb += "What appears to be the one in charge, maybe their king, steps forth. ";
            beschrieb += "He tells you that every citizen of the colony of the mouse-people ";
            beschrieb += "has suffered the same fate as you and allows you to stay. ";
            beschrieb += "The citizens are distant, but soon you will be like them. ";
            beschrieb += "There is no escape. ";
            beschrieb += "... ";
            beschrieb += "But what is that? ";
            beschrieb += "A magic mind-erasing mindray that nobody else has even thought of using? ";
            beschrieb += "Maybe you can unread the book? ";
            beschrieb += "You can also spot a strange book on the other side of the room. ";
            beschrieb += "Maybe you can exit this world the same way you've entered it. ";

            //Eine Gedächtnis-löschende Waffe, "mindray", benutze mit "take", "use"
            //Ein weiteres Buch mit einer Maus, "mouse-book", benutze mit "take", "read"
            //Befehle, um nichts zu machen, "stay" und "sleep"

            Ding mindray = new Ding("mindray");

            //DingMousebook mousebook = new DingMousebook ("mousebook");
            //this.VerknuepfeDing( mousebook );
Esempio n. 2
        public NicolesOrt()
            name       = "dining room";
            beschrieb  = "An old chandelier coveres the dining room in dull candlelight. ";
            beschrieb += "The huge table is laid for twelve people, but the plates are empty. ";
            beschrieb += "You can feel a cold draught coming from the end of the room, where claret ";
            beschrieb += "draperies hide a series of tinted windows. ";
            beschrieb += "On the right side of the room you see a long case clock. It's pendulum ";
            beschrieb += "is standing still. ";
            //beschrieb += "West to you a small door leads to the kitchen. South to you lies the lobby. ";

            //Dinge im Raum
            Ding pendulum = new Ding("long case clock with a pendulum");

            Ding table = new Ding("laid table");

            Ding scherbe = new Ding("shard");

            Ding gabel = new Ding("fork");

Esempio n. 3
        public StartOrt()
            // Setze die Eigenschaften dieses Orts
            // in den ererbten Instanz Variablen (siehe Klasse Ort)
            name       = "entrance hall";
            bezug      = "in";
            beschrieb  = "Welcome to Nakov's Mansion.\n";
            beschrieb += "This is the entrance hall of a small but beautiful ";
            beschrieb += "old mansion with shimmering lanterns and a smooth dark red carpet ";
            beschrieb += "that muffles all noise from the outside. ";
            beschrieb += "Somewhere in the rooms there must be an open fire burning since you ";
            beschrieb += "can smell it's oak wood smoke. You hear several whispers from behind ";
            beschrieb += "but look to see nothing.";

            // erzeuge ein neues Standard Ding mit Namen
            Ding apfel = new Ding("apple");

            Ding ei = new Ding("egg");


            // erzeuge ein neues Standard Ding mit dem neuen Konstruktor
            // ohne speziellen Namen (zum Test)
            Ding irgendwas = new Ding();
Esempio n. 4
        public MyriamsOrt()
            // Beschreibung was der Spieler in meinem Ort bekommt
            name       = "kitchen";
            bezug      = "in";
            beschrieb  = "It seems that this is the kitchen of the house.\n";
            beschrieb += "It still smells of the last dinner but there is no food left.";
            beschrieb += "Only in the middle of the table stands a bowl with 4 red apples in it.";
            beschrieb += "Everything glares and seems clean.";
            beschrieb += "You see a dirty knife that is dangerously balancing over the kitchen table. ";
            beschrieb += "Ping!";
            beschrieb += "It fell on the floor and points to a woody old door.";

            // erzeugt ein neues Standart Ding
            //Ding apfel = new Ding ("apple");
            //this.VerknuepfeDing (apfel);

            Ding messer = new Ding("knife");


            //MyriamsDing apfel = new MyriamsDing (/*"apple"*/);
            //this.VerknuepfeDing (apfel);

            //	beschrieb += "The woody old door leads you to the pantry.";//South. Speisekammer von Selina
            //	beschrieb += "The old door leads you to the dining room ";//West. Speisesaal von Nicole
Esempio n. 5
        public void BehandleDingKommando(string in_kommando)
            // Teile das Kommando auf
            // Teile an der Leertaste auf
            String[] kommandoTeile = in_kommando.Split(' ');

            if (kommandoTeile.Count() < 2)
                // keine Zweiwort Satz, also auch kein Ding Kommando
                Console.WriteLine("-- sorry, kein zweites Wort da");
                // Resultat zwei einzelne Strings (können auch mehr sein)
                String kommandoTeil = kommandoTeile [0];
                Console.WriteLine("-- kommandoTeil:" + kommandoTeil);

                // Nimm den zweiten Teil (... dritten, vierten)

                String dingName = kommandoTeile [1];
                Console.WriteLine("-- dingName:" + dingName);

                bool identifiziert = false;
                // Schlaufe durchs Dictionary dinge durch
                foreach (var dingEintrag in dinge)
                    // lokalen Variable ding enthält erstes Ding

                    // Namen aus dem Eintrag holen (Key)
                    String name = dingEintrag.Key;

                    // Vergleiche: Zweiter Teil in_kommando
                    if (name == dingName)
                        // Juchu! Es gibt ein Ding im Dictionary
                        // mit dem gleichen Namen, der im Kommando
                        // benannt wurde
                        Console.WriteLine("-- Juchu, " + name + " ist identifiziert, Kommando weitergeben");
                        Ding ding = dingEintrag.Value;
                        identifiziert = true;

                if (identifiziert == false)
                    // Schlaufe durch, keine Übereinstimmung gefunden
                    Console.WriteLine("-- kein Ding im Dictionary");
Esempio n. 6
        public MarcellosOrt()
            name       = "hidden book chamber";
            bezug      = "in";
            beschrieb  = "You enter a small chamber that is filled up with books to the top. ";
            beschrieb += "The air is fusty and the dust trickels down as you tap a book.";
            beschrieb += "As you turn your head to the left, you see a small crack in the wall,";
            beschrieb += "but wide enough for a thin body to slip through.";
            beschrieb += "The only source of light originates from the spine of a book. Self-illuminating, it seems...";
            beschrieb += "It's quite far up the bookshelf, you can't reach it.";

            Ding book = new Ding("book");

Esempio n. 7
        public SelinasOrt()
            name       = "pantry";
            beschrieb  = "It's quiet dark in here. ";
            beschrieb += "Only a small electric bulb ";
            beschrieb += "is bringing some faint light in the small chamber. ";
            beschrieb += "In the south is the door to the kitchen. ";
            beschrieb += "All other walls are covered with shelves which are packed with canned food. ";
            beschrieb += "You see a rat sneaking around the shelves. ";

            //Dinge in meinem Raum
            Ding ravioli = new Ding("canned ravioli");

            Ding gab = new Ding("crack in the wall");


            //Spezial Dinge
            SelinaDing ratte = new SelinaDing(name);

Esempio n. 8
 public void VerknuepfeDing(Ding in_ding)
     // Speichere das Ding unter seinem Namen im
     // Dictionary für dinge
     dinge[] = in_ding;