Esempio n. 1
        public void ReadTeXSubfigures()
            // Need to plumb in subcaptions.
            string text = @"\begin{figure}%[ht!]
                \caption[Spectral clustering in two dimensions using ratios as similarity function.]
                    {results of spectral clustering when applied to usable data set using similarity matrix,
                    $A$, defined in equation \eqref{eq:specClustRatio} to define the similarity function. The
                    graphs show the eigenvectors that correspond to the two lowest eigenvalues. the different
                    colours and marker styles represent different clusters.

            Diagram d = new Diagram(text);

            Dictionary<string, List<string>> caption = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
            caption.Add(@"results of spectral clustering when applied to usable data set using similarity matrix, $A$, defined in equation \eqref{eq:specClustRatio} to define the similarity function. The graphs show the eigenvectors that correspond to the two lowest eigenvalues. the different colours and marker styles represent different clusters.", new List<string>());
            caption[@"results of spectral clustering when applied to usable data set using similarity matrix, $A$, defined in equation \eqref{eq:specClustRatio} to define the similarity function. The graphs show the eigenvectors that correspond to the two lowest eigenvalues. the different colours and marker styles represent different clusters."].Add("Spectral clustering in two dimensions using ratios as similarity function.");
            Assert.AreEqual(d.Label[0], "fig:specClust2d");

            Assert.AreEqual(d.Files[0].FullName, new FileInfo("SpectralClustering1.pdf").FullName);
            Assert.AreEqual(d.Files[1].FullName, new FileInfo("SpectralClustering2.pdf").FullName);
            Assert.AreEqual(d.Files[2].FullName, new FileInfo("SpectralClustering3.pdf").FullName);
            Assert.AreEqual(d.Files[3].FullName, new FileInfo("SpectralClustering4.pdf").FullName);
            Assert.AreEqual(d.Caption, caption);
Esempio n. 2
        public void ReadTeXFigure()
            string text = @"\begin{figure}%[H] % Direct comparison between PAS2050 and @UK footprints.
                    \caption[Direct comparison between PAS2050 and @UK footprints.]
                        {Plot of  @UK carbon footprints against PAS2050 carbon footprint of a product. Line of best fit,
                        calculated using linear regression, is plotted for reference.}\makeatother

            Diagram d = new Diagram(text);

            Dictionary<string, List<string>> caption = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
            caption.Add("Plot of @UK carbon footprints against PAS2050 carbon footprint of a product. Line of best fit, calculated using linear regression, is plotted for reference.", new List<string>());
            caption["Plot of @UK carbon footprints against PAS2050 carbon footprint of a product. Line of best fit, calculated using linear regression, is plotted for reference."].Add("Direct comparison between PAS2050 and @UK footprints.");

            Assert.AreEqual(d.Label[0], "fig:directCompare");

            Assert.AreEqual(d.Files[0].FullName, new FileInfo("directCompare.pdf").FullName);

            Assert.AreEqual(d.Caption, caption);