Esempio n. 1
        public static async Task ChannelVideos()
            using var x = await TestSetup.TextCtx();

            var ws  = x.Scope.Resolve <YtWeb>();
            var res = await ws.ChannelVideos("UChN7H3JFqeFC-WB8NCxhn7g", x.Log).ToListAsync();
Esempio n. 2
        public static async Task ExtraParts()
            using var ctx = await TestSetup.TextCtx();

            var scraper = ctx.Scope.Resolve <YtWeb>();
            var extra   = await scraper.GetExtra(ctx.Log, "O63NEnuJupU", new[] { ExtraPart.EComment });
Esempio n. 3
        public static async Task WebRecsAndExtra()
            using var ctx = await TestSetup.TextCtx();

            var plans = new VideoExtraPlans(new[] {
                "Su1FQUkMojU", // JP video with lots of comments
                //"V8kxdw0UASE", // should work. looks like ti was errored and then re-instated
                //"XztR0CnVKNo", // normal
                // "JPiiySjShng", //nbc suspected parsing problem
                //"OijWK4Y6puI", //unlisted
                //"y3oMtX8NyqY", //copyright2
                //"EqulyMs_M2M", // copyright1

                 * "tdUxfq6DYXY", // when retreived was var ytInitialData instead of window["ytInitialData"]
                 * "gRJnTYHID3w", // var ytInitialData instead of window["ytInitialData"]
                 * "MbXbFchrTgw",
                 * "rBu0BRTx2x8", // region restricted (not available in AU, but is in US)*/
                //"-ryPLVEExA0", // private
            var collector = ctx.Scope.Resolve <YtCollector>();
            var extra     = await collector.GetExtras(plans, ctx.Log).ToListAsync();
Esempio n. 4
        public static async Task ChannelData()
            using var ctx = await TestSetup.TextCtx();

            var api  = ctx.Resolve <YtClient>();
            var data = await new[] { "UCMDxbhGcsE7EnknxPEzC_Iw", "UCHEf6T_gVq4tlW5i91ESiWg", "UCYeF244yNGuFefuFKqxIAXw" }
            .BlockFunc(c => api.ChannelData(c, full: true));
Esempio n. 5
        public static async Task Captions()
            using var ctx = await TestSetup.TextCtx();

            var scraper = ctx.Scope.Resolve <YtWeb>();
            var tracks  = await scraper.GetCaptionTracks("yu_C_K3TuyY", ctx.Log);

            var en       = tracks.First(t => t.Language.Code == "en");
            var captions = await scraper.GetClosedCaptionTrackAsync(en, ctx.Log);
Esempio n. 6
        public static async Task TestSfQuery()
            using var ctx = await TestSetup.TextCtx();

            var conn = ctx.Scope.Resolve <SnowflakeConnectionProvider>();

            using var db = await conn.Open(ctx.Log);

            var res = await db.Query <VideoResult>("test", "select video_id from video_latest limit 10");
Esempio n. 7
        public static async Task WatchPageParsing()
            using var x = await TestSetup.TextCtx();

            var docs = Setup.SolutionDir.Combine("Tests", "WatchPageHtml")
                       .Select(f => Html.ParseDocument(f.OpenText().ReadToEnd()));
            var scrape        = x.Resolve <YtWeb>();
            var clientObjects = docs.Select(d => scrape.GetRecs2(x.Log, d, "(fake video id)")).ToList();
Esempio n. 8
        public static async Task VideoComments()
            // get comments, does watch page html have it
            using var ctx = await TestSetup.TextCtx();

            var ws    = ctx.Scope.Resolve <YtWeb>();
            var video = await ws.GetExtra(ctx.Log, "NjJ2YEBK3Ic", new[] { ExtraPart.EComment });

            await video.Comments.ToJsonl("comments.jsonl");
Esempio n. 9
        public static async Task TestPipeApp()
            var ctx = await TestSetup.TextCtx();

            var b = new ContainerBuilder();

            b.RegisterType <PipeApp>();
            b.Register(_ => ctx.Log).As <ILogger>();
            var scope = b.Build();
            // relies on a local dev isntance. use vscode to start an Azurite blob service with a container called pipe
            var store   = new AzureBlobFileStore("UseDevelopmentStorage=true", "pipe", ctx.Log);
            var pipeCtx = new PipeCtx(new (), new (scope, typeof(PipeApp)), store, ctx.Log);
            var res     = await pipeCtx.Run((PipeApp app) => app.MakeAndSum((int)15L, 1.Thousands(), DataStoreType.Backup), new () { Location = PipeRunLocation.Local });

Esempio n. 10
        public static async Task ChromeRecsAndExtra()
            // get comments, does watch page html have it
            using var ctx = await TestSetup.TextCtx();

            var chrome = ctx.Resolve <ChromeScraper>();
            var vids   = new[] {
                "rBu0BRTx2x8", // region restricted (not available in AU, but is in US)
                "-ryPLVEExA0", // private

                /*"Ms9WOSXU5tY", "n_vzBGB3F_Y",
                 * "xxQOtOCbASs", // tall
                 * "DLq1DUcMh1Q"*/
            var chromeExtras = await chrome.GetRecsAndExtra(vids, ctx.Log);
Esempio n. 11
        public static async Task TestProxyFallback()
            using var x = await TestSetup.TextCtx();

            var scraper = x.Scope.Resolve <YtWeb>();

            using var httpTest = new HttpTest();
            var rw       = httpTest.ForCallsTo("**").RespondWith("mock too many requests failure", status: 429);
            var getExtra = scraper.GetExtra(x.Log, "Su1FQUkMojU", new[] { ExtraPart.EComment });

            await 5.Seconds().Delay();
            var extra = await getExtra; // this should have fallen back to proxy and retried a once or twice in the 5 seconds.

Esempio n. 12
        public async Task TestGraphRunner()
            var ctx = await TestSetup.TextCtx();;
            var res = await TaskGraph.FromMethods(
                (l, c) => Shorten(l),
                (l, c) => Generate(l, true),
                (l, c) => NotDependent(l))
                      .Run(parallel: 2, ctx.Log, CancellationToken.None);

            var resByName = res.ToKeyedCollection(r => r.Name);


            ctx.Log.Information("Res {Res}, Shortened {Values}", res.Join("\n"), shortened);
Esempio n. 13
        public static async Task TestBatchBlock()
            var ctx = await TestSetup.TextCtx();

            ctx.Log.Information("TestBatchBlock started");
            var numItems = 10_000_000;

            var(res, dur) = await MakeItems(numItems, ctx.Log)
                            .BlockBatch(async(b, i) => {
                await 1.Seconds().Delay();
                ctx.Log.Debug("batch {Batch} processed", i);
            }, 100_000, 8).WithDuration();

            ctx.Log.Information("Processing {Items} took {Duration} {Speed}",
                                numItems, dur.HumanizeShort(), (numItems / 1000).Speed("K items", dur).Humanize());
Esempio n. 14
        public static async Task TestAmazonProduct()
            using var x = await TestSetup.TextCtx();

            var aw = x.Scope.Resolve <AmazonWeb>();

            aw.FlurlClient.UseProxy = true;
            var links = new[] {
                "", // unable to be decoded
                //"", // empty response
                //"", // empty response
                //"", // comments leaking into props
                //"", // product details in bullet form
            var completed = await aw.ProcessLinks(links, x.Log, cancel : default);
Esempio n. 15
        public static async Task Channels()
            using var x = await TestSetup.TextCtx();

            var ws    = x.Scope.Resolve <YtWeb>();
            var chans = await new[] {
                "UCdfQFG50Hu88-1CpRmPDA2A", // user channel with pagination of subs
                "UChN7H3JFqeFC-WB8NCxhn7g", // error - unavaialbe
                "UCaJ8FsMMnefU7NXdMaXW8WQ", // error - terminated
                "UCdQ5jrBSBEOUKr91f6zucag", // user
                "UCUowFWIWGw6Pv2JqfEj8njQ", // channel
            }.BlockTrans(async c => {
                var chan = await ws.Channel(x.Log, c);
                return(new {
                    Chan = chan,
                    Subscriptions = await chan.Subscriptions().ToListAsync(),
                    Vids = await chan.Videos().ToListAsync()