Esempio n. 1
        public void fastAssertSingleReplacementDiffEnsuresOldHaystackDoesNotContainNeedle()
            const string OLD_HAYSTACK = "abc";
            const string NEW_HAYSTACK = "abcd";
            const string NEEDLE       = "b";

            Assert.Throws <DoesNotContainException>(() => FastAssert.fastAssertSingleReplacementDiff(OLD_HAYSTACK, NEW_HAYSTACK, NEEDLE));
Esempio n. 2
        public void fastAssertSingleReplacementDiffDoesNotThrowWhenNeedleIsFound()
            const string OLD_HAYSTACK = "abc";
            const string NEW_HAYSTACK = "adc";
            const string NEEDLE       = "d";

            FastAssert.fastAssertSingleReplacementDiff(OLD_HAYSTACK, NEW_HAYSTACK, NEEDLE);
Esempio n. 3
        public void fastAssertSingleReplacementDiffEnsuresOldAndNewHaystacksAreDifferent()
            const string OLD_HAYSTACK = "abc";
            const string NEW_HAYSTACK = "abc";
            const string NEEDLE       = "d";

            Assert.Throws <FalseException>(() => FastAssert.fastAssertSingleReplacementDiff(OLD_HAYSTACK, NEW_HAYSTACK, NEEDLE));
Esempio n. 4
        public void fastAssertSingleReplacementDiffShowsDiffWhenNeedleIsNotFound()
            const string OLD_HAYSTACK = "abc";
            const string NEW_HAYSTACK = "adc";
            const string NEEDLE       = "e";

            try {
                FastAssert.fastAssertSingleReplacementDiff(OLD_HAYSTACK, NEW_HAYSTACK, NEEDLE);
                Assert.False(true, "should have thrown a ContainsException above");
            } catch (XunitException e) {
                Assert.Equal("Not found:\ne\n\nIn actual. Diff between original and actual:\nadc", e.Message);