//constructor FOR ROOM3 public Testing_room3(ContentManager Content, WindowWidth windowwidth, int windowheight, Player player) { //Asigns the variables m_content = Content; m_windowwidth = windowwidth; m_windowheight = windowheight; //Lists m_Rocks = new List <Rock>(); //sets the spawn location player.position = player.GenericSPWN; //Loads the font from the font sheet Arial = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Font"); //Textures var texBox = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/Box"); var texPlate = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/Pressure Plate"); var texrock = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/Rock"); //Box m_Box = new Box(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); m_Box.LoadContent(texBox, m_Box.SpawnPos); //Newspaper m_Newspaper = new Newspaper(Content); m_Newspaper.LoadContent(m_Newspaper.texNewspaper, new Vector2(0, m_windowheight - m_Newspaper.texNewspaper.Height)); //pressure plate m_PressurePlate = new PressurePlate(); m_PressurePlate.LoadContent(texPlate, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val - texPlate.Width * 3, m_windowheight - texPlate.Height * 2)); //rock var rock = new Rock(); rock.LoadContent(texrock, new Vector2(texPlate.Width, 0)); m_Rocks.Add(rock); //rock rock = new Rock(); rock.LoadContent(texrock, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val - texrock.Width * 1.9f, texrock.Height)); m_Rocks.Add(rock); //rock rock = new Rock(); rock.LoadContent(texrock, new Vector2(0, 400)); m_Rocks.Add(rock); //Loads the speech class m_Speech = new MV_Speech(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); //Chooses which speech to start each level with m_Speech.StartTalking(2); }
//constructor for the first room public Testing_room(ContentManager Content, WindowWidth windowwidth, int windowheight, Player player) { //Asigns the variables m_content = Content; m_windowwidth = windowwidth; m_windowheight = windowheight; //sets the spawn location player.position = player.GenericSPWN; //allows the player to move when room loads player.GiveLife(); //Loads the font from the font sheet Arial = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Font"); //Textures var texBullet = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Bullet"); //gun m_Gun = new Gun(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); m_Gun.LoadContent(m_Gun.texGun, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val / 2 - m_Gun.texGun.Width / 2, m_windowheight / 2 - m_Gun.texGun.Height / 2)); //button m_Button = new Button(Content, m_windowwidth); m_Button.LoadContent(m_Button.texButton, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val / 2 - m_Button.texButton.Width / 2, 0)); //bullet m_Bullet = new Bullet(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); m_Bullet.LoadContent(texBullet, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val - 100)); //Newspaper m_Newspaper = new Newspaper(Content); m_Newspaper.LoadContent(m_Newspaper.texNewspaper, new Vector2(0, m_windowheight - m_Newspaper.texNewspaper.Height)); //666 m_666 = new _666(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); m_666.LoadContent(m_666.Texture, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val - m_windowwidth.Val / 4, m_windowheight / 6)); //limb m_Limb = new Limb(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); m_Limb.LoadContent(m_Limb.Texture, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val - m_windowwidth.Val / 5, m_windowheight / 4)); //Loads the speech class m_Speech = new MV_Speech(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); //Chooses which speech to start each level with m_Speech.StartTalking(0); }
//constructor FOR ROOM2 public Testing_room8(ContentManager Content, WindowWidth windowwidth, int windowheight, Player player) { //Asigns the variables m_content = Content; m_windowwidth = windowwidth; m_windowheight = windowheight; //Loads the font from the font sheet Arial = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Font"); //sets the players position to the rooms spawn loaction player.position = player.GenericSPWN; //Textures var texEnemy = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Enemy"); var texBullet = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Bullet"); //enemy m_Enemy = new Enemy(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); m_Enemy.LoadContent(texEnemy, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val - texEnemy.Width, 0)); //gun m_Gun = new Gun(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); m_Gun.LoadContent(m_Gun.texGun, player.position); //bullet m_Bullet = new Bullet(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); m_Bullet.LoadContent(texBullet, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val - 100)); //enemy bullet m_EnemyBullet = new EnemyBullet(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); m_EnemyBullet.LoadContent(texBullet, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val - 100)); //button m_Button = new Button(Content, m_windowwidth); m_Button.LoadContent(m_Button.texButton, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val / 2 - m_Button.texButton.Width / 2, 0)); //Newspaper m_Newspaper = new Newspaper(Content); m_Newspaper.LoadContent(m_Newspaper.texNewspaper, new Vector2(0, m_windowheight - m_Newspaper.texNewspaper.Height)); //Loads the speech class m_Speech = new MV_Speech(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); //Chooses which speech to start each level with m_Speech.StartTalking(7); }
//constructor FOR ROOM5 public Testing_room5(ContentManager Content, WindowWidth windowwidth, int windowheight, Player player) { //Asigns the variables m_content = Content; m_windowwidth = windowwidth; m_windowheight = windowheight; //sets the spawn location player.position = player.GenericSPWN; //Loads the font from the font sheet Arial = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Font"); //loads the list of arrows m_Arrows = new List <Arrow>(); //Arrow1 var arrowTex = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/Arrow"); var arrow = new Arrow(m_windowwidth); arrow.LoadContent(arrowTex, new Vector2(0, 0)); m_Arrows.Add(arrow); arrow = new Arrow(m_windowwidth); arrow.LoadContent(arrowTex, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val, m_windowheight / 2 - arrowTex.Width)); m_Arrows.Add(arrow); arrow = new Arrow(m_windowwidth); arrow.LoadContent(arrowTex, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val / 2 - arrowTex.Width / 2, m_windowheight / 2)); m_Arrows.Add(arrow); //button m_Button = new Button(Content, m_windowwidth); m_Button.LoadContent(m_Button.texButton, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val / 2 - m_Button.texButton.Width / 2, 0)); //Newspaper m_Newspaper = new Newspaper(Content); m_Newspaper.LoadContent(m_Newspaper.texNewspaper, new Vector2(0, m_windowheight - m_Newspaper.texNewspaper.Height)); //Loads the speech class m_Speech = new MV_Speech(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); //Chooses which speech to start each level with m_Speech.StartTalking(4); }
//constructor FOR ROOM2 public Testing_room2(ContentManager Content, WindowWidth windowwidth, int windowheight, Player player) { //Asigns the variables m_content = Content; m_windowwidth = windowwidth; m_windowheight = windowheight; //sets the spawn location player.position = player.GenericSPWN; //Loads the font from the font sheet Arial = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Font"); //Textures var texGun = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Gun"); var texBullet = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Bullet"); var texBlood = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/StaticBlood"); //Blood m_Blood = new Blood(); m_Blood.LoadContent(texBlood, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val - texBlood.Width, m_windowheight - texBlood.Height)); //gun m_Gun = new Gun(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); m_Gun.LoadContent(texGun, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val * 2)); //button m_Button = new Button(Content, m_windowwidth); m_Button.LoadContent(m_Button.texButton, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val / 2 - m_Button.texButton.Width / 2, 0)); //bullet m_Bullet = new Bullet(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); m_Bullet.LoadContent(texBullet, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val - 100)); //Newspaper m_Newspaper = new Newspaper(Content); m_Newspaper.LoadContent(m_Newspaper.texNewspaper, new Vector2(0, m_windowheight - m_Newspaper.texNewspaper.Height)); //Loads the speech class m_Speech = new MV_Speech(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); //Chooses which speech to start each level with m_Speech.StartTalking(1); }
//constructor FOR ROOM2 public Testing_room7(ContentManager Content, WindowWidth windowwidth, int windowheight, Player player) { //Asigns the variables m_content = Content; m_windowwidth = windowwidth; m_windowheight = windowheight; //Loads the font from the font sheet Arial = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Font"); //sets the spawn location player.position = player.GenericSPWN; //load explosions sprites for efficiency m_sprite = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/Explosion"); //create initial game objects for (int i = 0; i < InitialNum; ++i) { m_Explosions.Add(GetRandomExplosion()); } //button m_Button = new Button(Content, m_windowwidth); m_Button.LoadContent(m_Button.texButton, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val / 2 - m_Button.texButton.Width / 2, 0)); //Newspaper m_Newspaper = new Newspaper(Content); m_Newspaper.LoadContent(m_Newspaper.texNewspaper, new Vector2(0, m_windowheight - m_Newspaper.texNewspaper.Height)); //Loads the speech class m_Speech = new MV_Speech(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); //Chooses which speech to start each level with m_Speech.StartTalking(6); }
//constructor FOR ROOM4 public Testing_room4(ContentManager Content, WindowWidth windowwidth, int windowheight, Player player) { //Asigns the variables m_content = Content; m_windowwidth = windowwidth; m_windowheight = windowheight; //Where the player spawns when they die spawnLocation = new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val - player.Texture.Width * 3, m_windowheight - player.Texture.Height); //sets the players position to the rooms spawn loaction player.position = spawnLocation; //Loads the font from the font sheet Arial = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Font"); //textures var texSpike = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Spike"); //button m_Button = new Button(Content, m_windowwidth); m_Button.LoadContent(m_Button.texButton, new Vector2(m_Button.texButton.Width, 0)); //bones m_Bones = new Bones(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); m_Bones.LoadContent(m_Bones.Texture, new Vector2(m_Bones.tex.Width / 2, m_windowheight - m_Bones.tex.Height)); //Newspaper m_Newspaper = new Newspaper(Content); m_Newspaper.LoadContent(m_Newspaper.texNewspaper, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val - m_Newspaper.texNewspaper.Width, 0)); //list of spikes m_Spikes = new List <Spike>(); //every X & Y value for the spikes int[] positions = new int[] { 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 2, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 3, 5, 2, 6, 2, 7, 2, 9, 2, 9, 1, 9, 3, 9, 4, 8, 4, 7, 4, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 6, 4, 6, 3, 6, 2, 7, 2, 6, 2, 8, 8, 6, 9, 6, 9, 7, 10, 7, 10, 8, 10, 4, 11, 4, 11, 5, 12, 5 }; //position of new spike = original spike * next number in the array for (int s = 0; s < positions.Count(); s += 2) { var Spikes = new Spike(); Spikes.LoadContent(texSpike, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val - texSpike.Width * positions[s], m_windowheight - texSpike.Height * positions[s + 1])); m_Spikes.Add(Spikes); } //Loads the speech class m_Speech = new MV_Speech(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); //Chooses which speech to start each level with m_Speech.StartTalking(3); }
//constructor FOR ROOM6 public Testing_room6(ContentManager Content, WindowWidth windowwidth, int windowheight, Player player) { //Asigns the variables m_content = Content; m_windowwidth = windowwidth; m_windowheight = windowheight; //sets the spawn location player.position = player.GenericSPWN; //Loads the sound file for from the content pipeline Wrong = Content.Load <SoundEffect>("Sound Files/Wrong"); Right = Content.Load <SoundEffect>("Sound Files/Correct"); //Loads the font from the font sheet Arial = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Font"); //textures m_textBoxes = new List <Textbox>(); var texTextBox = Content.Load <Texture2D>("TextBox"); //textbox left var textbox = new Textbox(); textbox.OnCollision += WrongAnswerCollision; textbox.LoadContent(texTextBox, new Vector2(0, m_windowheight / 2 - texTextBox.Height / 2)); m_textBoxes.Add(textbox); //textbox middle textbox = new Textbox(); textbox.OnCollision += CorrectAnswerCollision; textbox.LoadContent(texTextBox, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val / 2 - texTextBox.Width / 2, m_windowheight / 2 - texTextBox.Height / 2)); m_textBoxes.Add(textbox); //textbox right textbox = new Textbox(); textbox.OnCollision += WrongAnswerCollision; textbox.LoadContent(texTextBox, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val - texTextBox.Width, m_windowheight / 2 - texTextBox.Height / 2)); m_textBoxes.Add(textbox); //textbox question left textbox = new Textbox(); textbox.LoadContent(texTextBox, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val / 2 - texTextBox.Width / 6, m_windowheight / 2 - texTextBox.Height * 2.5f)); m_textBoxes.Add(textbox); //textbox question right textbox = new Textbox(); textbox.LoadContent(texTextBox, new Vector2(m_windowwidth.Val / 2 - texTextBox.Width, m_windowheight / 2 - texTextBox.Height * 2.5f)); m_textBoxes.Add(textbox); //Newspaper m_Newspaper = new Newspaper(Content); m_Newspaper.LoadContent(m_Newspaper.texNewspaper, new Vector2(0, m_windowheight - m_Newspaper.texNewspaper.Height)); //Loads the speech class m_Speech = new MV_Speech(Content, m_windowwidth, m_windowheight); //Chooses which speech to start each level with m_Speech.StartTalking(5); }