private void buttonR_Click(object sender, EventArgs e, string userID, string username, string email) { //foreach (Label l in allNames) // Console.WriteLine(l.Text); //foreach (TextBox ttt in allAmounts) // Console.WriteLine(ttt.Text); List <string> objectsReserved = new List <string>(); var combined = allNames.Zip(checkboxes, (n, w) => new { Name = n, Checked = w.Checked }); foreach (var iterate in combined) { if (iterate.Checked) { objectsReserved.Add(iterate.Name); } } //if (objectsReserved.Count>0) { Credentials credentials = new Credentials(objectsReserved, userID, username, email); //this.Hide(); credentials.ShowDialog(); ProductsForm refresh = new ProductsForm(username, userID, email); this.Hide(); refresh.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); //Console.Write("comanda efectuata"); //this.Close(); } }
private void loginButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string user = usernameTextBox.Text; string password = passwordTextBox.Text; var connectionBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(); connectionBuilder.DataSource = ""; connectionBuilder.UserID = "serveradmin"; connectionBuilder.Password = "******"; connectionBuilder.InitialCatalog = "projectTesting"; string query = "Select * from users;"; DataTable results = new DataTable(); using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionBuilder.ConnectionString)) using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, connection)) using (SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command)) dataAdapter.Fill(results); foreach (DataRow row in results.Rows) { string validUserId = row.Field <int>(0).ToString(); string validUsername = row.Field <string>(1); string validPassword = row.Field <string>(2); string privilege = row.Field <string>(3); string validEmail = row.Field <string>(5); if (privilege == "client" && user == validUsername && password == validPassword) { ProductsForm productsForm = new ProductsForm(validUsername, validUserId, validEmail); this.Hide(); productsForm.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } if (privilege == "admin" && user == validUsername && password == validPassword) { ProcessStartInfo sInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(""); Process.Start(sInfo); this.Close(); } } //// string que = " INSERT INTO users (Username, Password) VALUES ('"+user+"', '"+password+"');" ; ////Connectt.Submit_Tsql_NonQuery(connection, "Insert", que); //SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); //SqlTransaction transaction; //// Start a local transaction. //transaction = connection.BeginTransaction("SampleTransaction"); //// Must assign both transaction object and connection //// to Command object for a pending local transaction //command.Connection = connection; //command.Transaction = transaction; // command.CommandText = // " INSERT INTO users (Username, Password) VALUES ('" + user + "', '" + password + "');"; // command.ExecuteNonQuery(); // // Attempt to commit the transaction. // transaction.Commit(); // Console.WriteLine("Both records are written to database."); // //Connectt.Submit_Tsql_NonQuery(connection, "3 - Inserts", query); }
public ProductsForm(string username, string userID, string email) { InitializeComponent(); welcomeLabel.Text = username + " !"; var connectionBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(); connectionBuilder.DataSource = ""; connectionBuilder.UserID = "serveradmin"; connectionBuilder.Password = "******"; connectionBuilder.InitialCatalog = "projectTesting"; DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); string query = "select productName, quantity, productID from products;"; using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionBuilder.ConnectionString)) using (var command = new SqlCommand(query, connection)) using (var dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command)) dataAdapter.Fill(dataTable); int counter = 1; int startLeft = 43; int startTop = 98; int validationOfCheckings = 0; loginButton.Click += (sender, EventArgs) => { buttonR_Click(sender, EventArgs, userID, username, email); }; prevOrders.Click += (sender, EventArgs) => { prevOrders_Click(sender, EventArgs, userID); }; foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows) { connectionBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(); connectionBuilder.DataSource = ""; connectionBuilder.UserID = "serveradmin"; connectionBuilder.Password = "******"; connectionBuilder.InitialCatalog = "projectTesting"; connectionBuilder.MultipleActiveResultSets = true; using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionBuilder.ConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); string productID = row.Field <string>(0); int productsQuantity = row.Field <int>(1); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from bookings where IDuser='******' and IDproduct='" + row.Field <int>(2) + "';", connection); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); Panel panel = new Panel(); //what is this panel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; panel.Name = "panel" + counter; panel.Size = new Size(120, 80); panel.Location = new Point((startLeft + (counter - 1) % 3 * 160), startTop + ((counter - 1) / 3) * 100); panel.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(35, panel.BackColor); this.Controls.Add(panel); Label productIDLabel = new Label(); //l1 Label productsNumberLabel = new Label(); //l2 productIDLabel.Text = productID; productsNumberLabel.Text = productsQuantity > 0 ? "Quantity: " + productsQuantity.ToString() : "Not available"; productIDLabel.ForeColor = Color.White; productsNumberLabel.ForeColor = Color.White; panel.Controls.Add(productIDLabel); panel.Controls.Add(productsNumberLabel); productsNumberLabel.Top = productIDLabel.Top + 25; if (productsQuantity > 0) { if (!reader.Read()) { // The command returns Row(s) allNames.Add(row.Field <int>(2).ToString()); //TextBox t = new TextBox(); //t.Size = new Size(23, 23); //t.Location = new Point(28, 53); //t.Text = "0"; //allAmounts.Add(t); CheckBox reserve = new CheckBox(); reserve.Size = new Size(98, 21); reserve.Location = new Point(3, 52); reserve.Text = "Reserve"; reserve.ForeColor = Color.White; panel.Controls.Add(reserve); checkboxes.Add(reserve); //Button b1 = new Button(); //b1.Size = new Size(23, 23); //b1.Location = new Point(3, 52); //b1.Text = "-"; //b1.Name = "but" + counter + "1"; //b1.Click += (sender, EventArgs) => { buttonMinus_Click(sender, EventArgs, l2, t); }; //Button b2 = new Button(); //b2.Size = new Size(23, 23); //b2.Location = new Point(53, 52); //b2.Text = "+"; //b2.Name = "but" + counter + "2"; //b2.Click += (sender, EventArgs) => { buttonPlus_Click(sender, EventArgs, l2, t); }; //b1.Name = "text" + counter; //NumericUpDown nup = new NumericUpDown(); //nup.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Bottom; //nup.ValueChanged += (sender, EventArgs) => { // int temp = Int32.Parse(l2.Text); // //if (nup.Value < 0) // // return; // l2.Text = (temp - nup.Value).ToString(); //}; //p.Controls.Add(nup); //p.Controls.Add(b1); //p.Controls.Add(b2); //p.Controls.Add(t); } else { if (reader.GetDateTime(3) >= DateTime.Now) { /*delivery calendar*/ MonthCalendar monthCalendar1 = new MonthCalendar(); DateTime projectStart = new DateTime(reader.GetDateTime(2).Year, reader.GetDateTime(2).Month, reader.GetDateTime(2).Day); DateTime projectEnd = new DateTime(reader.GetDateTime(3).Year, reader.GetDateTime(3).Month, reader.GetDateTime(3).Day); monthCalendar1.SelectionRange = new SelectionRange(projectStart, projectEnd); monthCalendar1.SelectionStart = projectStart; monthCalendar1.SelectionEnd = projectEnd; monthCalendar1.Left = (this.ClientSize.Width - monthCalendar1.Width) / 2; monthCalendar1.Top = (this.ClientSize.Height - monthCalendar1.Height) / 2; this.Controls.Add(monthCalendar1); monthCalendar1.Hide(); monthCalendar1.Parent.Controls.SetChildIndex(monthCalendar1, 1); productIDLabel.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(Calendar_MouseEnter); productIDLabel.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(Calendar_MouseLeave); Button remove = new Button(); remove.Size = new Size(98, 21); remove.Location = new Point(3, 52); remove.Text = "Cancel order"; remove.ForeColor = Color.Black; remove.BackColor = Color.White; panel.Controls.Add(remove); remove.Click += (sender, EventArgs) => { using (var connectionRemove = new SqlConnection(connectionBuilder.ConnectionString)) { connectionRemove.Open(); using (DbCommand command = new SqlCommand("Delete from bookings where IDuser='******' and IDproduct='" + row.Field <int>(2) + "';")) { command.Connection = connectionRemove; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } using (DbCommand command = new SqlCommand("Update products set quantity=quantity+1 where productID='" + row.Field <int>(2) + "';")) { command.Connection = connectionRemove; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } ProductsForm refresh = new ProductsForm(username, userID, email); this.Hide(); refresh.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); }; } else { if (!reader.GetBoolean(5)) { Button confirm = new Button(); confirm.Size = new Size(98, 21); confirm.Location = new Point(3, 52); confirm.Text = "Confirm"; confirm.ForeColor = Color.Black; confirm.BackColor = Color.White; panel.Controls.Add(confirm); confirm.Click += (sender, EventArgs) => { connectionBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(); connectionBuilder.DataSource = ""; connectionBuilder.UserID = "serveradmin"; connectionBuilder.Password = "******"; connectionBuilder.InitialCatalog = "projectTesting"; connectionBuilder.MultipleActiveResultSets = true; using (var connectionUpdate = new SqlConnection(connectionBuilder.ConnectionString)) { connectionUpdate.Open(); using (DbCommand commandUpdate = new SqlCommand("update bookings set confirmation='True' where IDuser='******' and IDproduct='" + row.Field <int>(2) + "';")) //using (DbCommand commandUpdate = new SqlCommand("delete from bookings where IDuser='******' and IDproduct='"+row.Field<int>(2)+"';")) { commandUpdate.Connection = connectionUpdate; commandUpdate.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } //// Create the Outlook application by using inline initialization. //Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application oApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application(); ////Create the new message by using the simplest approach. //Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem oMsg = (MailItem)oApp.CreateItem(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem); ////Add a recipient. //// TODO: Change the following recipient where appropriate. //Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Recipient oRecip = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Recipient)oMsg.Recipients.Add("*****@*****.**"); // oRecip.Resolve(); ////Set the basic properties. //oMsg.Subject = "Confirmation"; // oMsg.Body = "The employee, picked up his order. This is a confirmation for the admin regarding the reservation of " + System.Environment.NewLine; // using (var connection2 = new SqlConnection(connectionBuilder.ConnectionString)) // { // connection2.Open(); // SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("select productName from products where productID='" + row.Field<int>(2) + "';", connection2); // SqlDataReader reader2 = cmd2.ExecuteReader(); // reader2.Read(); // string Message = "- " + reader2.GetString(0) + System.Environment.NewLine; // oMsg.Body += Message;//to be fixed // } ////Add an attachment. //// TODO: change file path where appropriate ////String sSource = "C:\\setupxlg.txt"; ////String sDisplayName = "MyFirstAttachment"; ////int iPosition = (int)oMsg.Body.Length + 1; ////int iAttachType = (int)Outlook.OlAttachmentType.olByValue; ////Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Attachment oAttach = oMsg.Attachments.Add(sSource, iAttachType, iPosition, sDisplayName); //// If you want to, display the message. //// oMsg.Display(true); //modal ////Send the message. //oMsg.Save(); // oMsg.Send(); ////Explicitly release objects. //oRecip = null; ////oAttach = null; //oMsg = null; // oApp = null; ProductsForm refresh = new ProductsForm(username, userID, email); this.Hide(); refresh.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); }; } else { Label nopermission = new Label(); nopermission.Size = new Size(98, 21); nopermission.Location = new Point(3, 52); nopermission.Text = "No permission"; nopermission.ForeColor = Color.White; nopermission.BackColor = Color.Transparent; panel.Controls.Add(nopermission); } } } } counter++; } } }