Esempio n. 1
        // Existing test (above) simplified for SO question "Deserialize json array stream one item at a time":
        // ( )
        static void FilteredFatherStreamTestSimplified()
            // Get our parser:
            var parser = new JsonParser();

            // (Note this will be invoked thanks to the "filters" dictionary below)
            Func <object, object> filteredFatherStreamCallback = obj =>
                Father father = (obj as Father);
                // Output only the individual fathers that the filters decided to keep (i.e., when obj.Type equals typeof(Father)),
                // but don't output (even once) the resulting array (i.e., when obj.Type equals typeof(Father[])):
                if (father != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("\t\tId : {0}\t\tName : {1}",,;
                // Do not project the filtered data in any specific way otherwise,
                // just return it deserialized as-is:

            // Prepare our filter, and thus:
            // 1) we want only the last five (5) fathers (array index in the resulting "Father[]" >= 29,995),
            // (assuming we somehow have prior knowledge that the total count is 30,000)
            // and for each of them,
            // 2) we're interested in deserializing them with only their "id" and "name" properties
            var filters =
                new Dictionary <Type, Func <Type, object, object, int, Func <object, object> > >
                // We don't care about anything but these 2 properties:
                    typeof(Father),     // Note the type
                    (type, obj, key, index) =>
                    ((key as string) == "id" || (key as string) == "name") ?
                    filteredFatherStreamCallback :
                // We want to pick only the last 5 fathers from the source:
                    typeof(Father[]),     // Note the type
                    (type, obj, key, index) =>
                    (index >= 29995) ?
                    filteredFatherStreamCallback :

            // Read, parse, and deserialize fathers.json.txt in a streamed fashion,
            // and using the above filters, along with the callback we've set up:
            using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(FATHERS_TEST_FILE_PATH))
                FathersData data = parser.Parse <FathersData>(reader, filters);

                    (data != null) &&
                    (data.fathers != null) &&
                    (data.fathers.Length == 5)
                foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(29995, 5))
                        (data.fathers[i - 29995].id == i) &&
                        !String.IsNullOrEmpty(data.fathers[i - 29995].name)
Esempio n. 2
        // This test deserializes the last ten (10) fathers found in fathers.json.txt,
        // and performs a fixup of the maiden names (all absent from fathers.json.txt)
        // of their daughters (if any):
        static void FilteredFatherStreamTestDaughterMaidenNamesFixup()
            Console.WriteLine("\"Fathers\" Test... streamed AND filtered");
            Console.WriteLine("(static void FilteredFatherStreamTestDaughterMaidenNamesFixup())");
            Console.WriteLine("(press a key)");

            // Get our parser:
            var parser = new JsonParser();

            // (Note this will be invoked thanks to the "filters" dictionary below)
            Func <object, object> filteredFatherStreamCallback = obj =>
                Father father = (obj as Father);
                // Processes only the individual fathers that the filters decided to keep
                // (i.e., iff obj.Type equals typeof(Father))
                if (father != null)
                    if ((father.daughters != null) && (father.daughters.Length > 0))
                        // The fixup of the maiden names is done in-place, on
                        // by-then freshly deserialized father's daughters:
                        foreach (var daughter in father.daughters)
                            daughter.maidenName =' ') + 1);
                // Do not project the filtered data in any specific way otherwise,
                // just return it deserialized as-is:

            // Prepare our filters, i.e., we want only the last ten (10) fathers
            // (array index in the resulting "Father[]" >= 29990)
            var filters =
                new Dictionary <Type, Func <Type, object, object, int, Func <object, object> > >
                // Necessary to perform post-processing on the daughters (if any)
                // of each father we kept in "Father[]" via the 2nd filter below:
                    typeof(Father),     // Note the type
                    (type, obj, key, index) => filteredFatherStreamCallback
                // We want to pick only the last 10 fathers from the source:
                    typeof(Father[]),     // Note the type
                    (type, obj, key, index) =>
                    (index >= 29990) ?
                    filteredFatherStreamCallback :

            // Read, parse, and deserialize fathers.json.txt in a streamed fashion,
            // and using the above filters, along with the callback we've set up:
            using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(FATHERS_TEST_FILE_PATH))
                FathersData data = parser.Parse <FathersData>(reader, filters);

                    (data != null) &&
                    (data.fathers != null) &&
                    (data.fathers.Length == 10)
                foreach (var father in data.fathers)
                    Console.WriteLine("\t\t{0}'s daughters:",;
                    if ((father.daughters != null) && (father.daughters.Length > 0))
                        foreach (var daughter in father.daughters)
                            Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t{0} {1}",, daughter.maidenName);
            Console.WriteLine("Press a key...");
Esempio n. 3
        static void SpeedTests()
            LoopTest(typeof(JavaScriptSerializer).FullName, new JavaScriptSerializer().DeserializeObject, OJ_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);
            LoopTest("JSON.NET 5.0 r8", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject, OJ_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);
            //LoopTest("ServiceStack", new JsonSerializer<object>().DeserializeFromString, OJ_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);
            LoopTest(typeof(JsonParser).FullName, new JsonParser().Parse <object>, OJ_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);

            LoopTest(typeof(JavaScriptSerializer).FullName, new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <HighlyNested>, OJ_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);
            LoopTest("JSON.NET 5.0 r8", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <HighlyNested>, OJ_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);
            LoopTest("ServiceStack", new JsonSerializer <HighlyNested>().DeserializeFromString, OJ_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);
            LoopTest(typeof(JsonParser).FullName, new JsonParser().Parse <HighlyNested>, OJ_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);

            LoopTest(typeof(JavaScriptSerializer).FullName, new JavaScriptSerializer().DeserializeObject, OJ_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);
            LoopTest("JSON.NET 5.0 r8", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject, OJ_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);
            //LoopTest("ServiceStack", new JsonSerializer<object>().DeserializeFromString, OJ_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);
            LoopTest(typeof(JsonParser).FullName, new JsonParser().Parse <object>, OJ_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);

            LoopTest(typeof(JavaScriptSerializer).FullName, new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <HighlyNested>, OJ_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);
            LoopTest("JSON.NET 5.0 r8", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <HighlyNested>, OJ_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);
            LoopTest("ServiceStack", new JsonSerializer <HighlyNested>().DeserializeFromString, OJ_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);
            LoopTest(typeof(JsonParser).FullName, new JsonParser().Parse <HighlyNested>, OJ_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);

            LoopTest(typeof(JavaScriptSerializer).FullName, new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <BoonSmall>, BOON_SMALL_TEST_FILE_PATH, 1000000);
            LoopTest("JSON.NET 5.0 r8", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BoonSmall>, BOON_SMALL_TEST_FILE_PATH, 1000000);
            LoopTest("ServiceStack", new JsonSerializer <BoonSmall>().DeserializeFromString, BOON_SMALL_TEST_FILE_PATH, 1000000);
            LoopTest(typeof(JsonParser).FullName, new JsonParser().Parse <BoonSmall>, BOON_SMALL_TEST_FILE_PATH, 1000000);

            LoopTest(typeof(JavaScriptSerializer).FullName, new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <BoonSmall>, BOON_SMALL_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000000);
            LoopTest("JSON.NET 5.0 r8", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BoonSmall>, BOON_SMALL_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000000);
            LoopTest("ServiceStack", new JsonSerializer <BoonSmall>().DeserializeFromString, BOON_SMALL_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000000);
            LoopTest(typeof(JsonParser).FullName, new JsonParser().Parse <BoonSmall>, BOON_SMALL_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000000);

            LoopTest(typeof(JavaScriptSerializer).FullName, new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <Person>, TINY_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);
            LoopTest("JSON.NET 5.0 r8", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Person>, TINY_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);
            LoopTest("ServiceStack", new JsonSerializer <Person>().DeserializeFromString, TINY_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);
            LoopTest(typeof(JsonParser).FullName, new JsonParser().Parse <Person>, TINY_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);

            LoopTest(typeof(JavaScriptSerializer).FullName, new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <Person>, TINY_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);
            LoopTest("JSON.NET 5.0 r8", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Person>, TINY_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);
            LoopTest("ServiceStack", new JsonSerializer <Person>().DeserializeFromString, TINY_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);
            LoopTest(typeof(JsonParser).FullName, new JsonParser().Parse <Person>, TINY_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);

            LoopTest(typeof(JavaScriptSerializer).FullName, new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <Person>, TINY_TEST_FILE_PATH, 1000000);
            LoopTest("JSON.NET 5.0 r8", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Person>, TINY_TEST_FILE_PATH, 1000000);
            LoopTest("ServiceStack", new JsonSerializer <Person>().DeserializeFromString, TINY_TEST_FILE_PATH, 1000000);
            LoopTest(typeof(JsonParser).FullName, new JsonParser().Parse <Person>, TINY_TEST_FILE_PATH, 1000000);

            //LoopTest(typeof(JavaScriptSerializer).FullName, new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<DictionaryDataAdaptJsonNetServiceStack>, DICOS_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);//(Can't deserialize properly)
            LoopTest("JSON.NET 5.0 r8", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DictionaryDataAdaptJsonNetServiceStack>, DICOS_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);
            LoopTest("ServiceStack", new JsonSerializer <DictionaryDataAdaptJsonNetServiceStack>().DeserializeFromString, DICOS_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);
            LoopTest(typeof(JsonParser).FullName, new JsonParser().Parse <DictionaryData>, DICOS_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);

            //LoopTest(typeof(JavaScriptSerializer).FullName, new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<DictionaryDataAdaptJsonNetServiceStack>, DICOS_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);//(Can't deserialize properly)
            LoopTest("JSON.NET 5.0 r8", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DictionaryDataAdaptJsonNetServiceStack>, DICOS_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);
            LoopTest("ServiceStack", new JsonSerializer <DictionaryDataAdaptJsonNetServiceStack>().DeserializeFromString, DICOS_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);
            LoopTest(typeof(JsonParser).FullName, new JsonParser().Parse <DictionaryData>, DICOS_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);

            //LoopTest(typeof(JavaScriptSerializer).FullName, new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<DictionaryDataAdaptJsonNetServiceStack>, DICOS_TEST_FILE_PATH, 1000000);//(Can't deserialize properly)
            LoopTest("JSON.NET 5.0 r8", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DictionaryDataAdaptJsonNetServiceStack>, DICOS_TEST_FILE_PATH, 1000000);
            LoopTest("ServiceStack", new JsonSerializer <DictionaryDataAdaptJsonNetServiceStack>().DeserializeFromString, DICOS_TEST_FILE_PATH, 1000000);
            LoopTest(typeof(JsonParser).FullName, new JsonParser().Parse <DictionaryData>, DICOS_TEST_FILE_PATH, 1000000);

            LoopTest(typeof(JavaScriptSerializer).FullName, new JavaScriptSerializer().DeserializeObject, SMALL_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);
            LoopTest("JSON.NET 5.0 r8", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject, SMALL_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);
            //LoopTest("ServiceStack", new JsonSerializer<object>().DeserializeFromString, SMALL_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);
            LoopTest(typeof(JsonParser).FullName, new JsonParser().Parse <object>, SMALL_TEST_FILE_PATH, 10000);

            LoopTest(typeof(JavaScriptSerializer).FullName, new JavaScriptSerializer().DeserializeObject, SMALL_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);
            LoopTest("JSON.NET 5.0 r8", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject, SMALL_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);//(JSON.NET: OutOfMemoryException)
            //LoopTest("ServiceStack", new JsonSerializer<object>().DeserializeFromString, SMALL_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);
            LoopTest(typeof(JsonParser).FullName, new JsonParser().Parse <object>, SMALL_TEST_FILE_PATH, 100000);

            var msJss = new JavaScriptSerializer()
                MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue
            Test(typeof(JavaScriptSerializer).FullName, msJss.Deserialize <FathersData>, FATHERS_TEST_FILE_PATH);
            Test("JSON.NET 5.0 r8", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FathersData>, FATHERS_TEST_FILE_PATH);
            Test("ServiceStack", new JsonSerializer <FathersData>().DeserializeFromString, FATHERS_TEST_FILE_PATH);
            Test(typeof(JsonParser).FullName, new JsonParser().Parse <FathersData>, FATHERS_TEST_FILE_PATH);

            if (File.Exists(HUGE_TEST_FILE_PATH))
                Test(typeof(JavaScriptSerializer).FullName, msJss.DeserializeObject, HUGE_TEST_FILE_PATH);
                Test("JSON.NET 5.0 r8", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject, HUGE_TEST_FILE_PATH);//(JSON.NET: OutOfMemoryException)
                //Test("ServiceStack", new JsonSerializer<object>().DeserializeFromString, HUGE_TEST_FILE_PATH);
                Test(typeof(JsonParser).FullName, new JsonParser().Parse <object>, HUGE_TEST_FILE_PATH);


            // Note this will be invoked thru the filters dictionary passed to this 2nd "StreamTest" below, in order to:
            // 1) for each "Father", skip the parsing of the properties to be ignored (i.e., all but "id" and "name")
            // 2) while populating the resulting "Father[]" array, skip the deserialization of the first 29,995 fathers
            Func <object, object> mapperCallback = obj =>
                Father father = (obj as Father);
                // Output only the individual fathers that the filters decided to keep
                // (i.e., when obj.Type equals typeof(Father)),
                // but don't output (even once) the resulting array
                // (i.e., when obj.Type equals typeof(Father[])):
                if (father != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("\t\tId : {0}\t\tName : {1}",,;
                // Do not project the filtered data in any specific way otherwise, just return it deserialized as-is:

                new Dictionary <Type, Func <Type, object, object, int, Func <object, object> > >
                // We don't care about anything but these 2 properties:
                    (type, obj, key, index) =>
                    ((key as string) == "id" || (key as string) == "name") ?
                    mapperCallback :
                // We want to pick only the last 5 fathers from the source:
                    (type, obj, key, index) =>
                    (index >= 29995) ?
                    mapperCallback :
