private void listView1_ItemMouseHover(object sender, ListViewItemMouseHoverEventArgs e) { if (listView1.SelectedIndices.Count > 0) { listView1.FullRowSelect = true; try { VoRow row = table.Rows[e.Item.Index]; // double ra = Convert.ToDouble(row[GetRAColumn().Name]) / 15; // double dec = Convert.ToDouble(row[GetDecColumn().Name]); double ra = Coordinates.ParseRA(row[raSource.SelectedIndex - 1].ToString(), true); double dec = Coordinates.ParseDec(row[decSource.SelectedIndex - 1].ToString()); string id; VoColumn col = table.GetColumnByUcd(""); if (col != null) { id = row[col.Name].ToString(); } else { id = row[0].ToString(); } TourPlace pl = new TourPlace(id, dec, ra, Classification.Star, Constellations.Containment.FindConstellationForPoint(ra, dec), ImageSetType.Sky, -1); Earth3d.MainWindow.SetLabelText(pl, true); } catch { } } }
private void listView1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listView1.SelectedIndices.Count > 0) { try { VoRow row = table.Rows[listView1.SelectedIndices[0]]; double ra = Coordinates.ParseRA(row[raSource.SelectedIndex - 1].ToString(), true); double dec = Coordinates.ParseDec(row[decSource.SelectedIndex - 1].ToString().ToString()); string id; VoColumn col = table.GetColumnByUcd(""); if (col != null) { id = row[col.Name].ToString(); } else { id = row[0].ToString(); } TourPlace pl = new TourPlace(id, dec, ra, Classification.Star, Constellations.Containment.FindConstellationForPoint(ra, dec), ImageSetType.Sky, -1); Earth3d.MainWindow.GotoTarget(pl, false, false, false); } catch { } } }
public static void ShowAt(IImageSet imageSet, Point pnt) { TourPlace tp = new TourPlace(imageSet.Name, 0, 0, Classification.Unidentified, "", imageSet.DataSetType, 360); tp.BackgroundImageSet = imageSet; ShowAt(tp, pnt); }
public static void ShowNofinder(IImageSet imageSet, Point pnt) { TourPlace tp = new TourPlace(imageSet.Name, 0, 0, Classification.Unidentified, "", imageSet.DataSetType, 360); tp.StudyImageset = imageSet; ShowNofinder(tp, pnt); }
private void PlacesList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { TourPlace p = (TourPlace)this.PlacesList.SelectedItem; if (p != null) { this.txtName.Text = p.Name; this.txtLat.Text = Coordinates.FormatDMS(p.Lat); this.txtLong.Text = Coordinates.FormatDMS(p.Lng); this.txtAltitude.Text = p.Elevation.ToString(); } }
//todo this stuff below is too tightly coupled to implementtion for winforms public static void GotoLookAt(KmlFeature feature) { //todo add sky support CameraParameters camera = new CameraParameters(); camera.Lat = feature.LookAt.latitude; camera.Lng = feature.LookAt.longitude; camera.Rotation = feature.LookAt.heading / 180 * Math.PI; camera.Angle = -feature.LookAt.tilt / 180 * Math.PI; camera.Zoom = UiTools.MetersToZoom(feature.LookAt.range); TourPlace p = new TourPlace(feature.Name, camera, Classification.Unidentified, "", ImageSetType.Earth, SolarSystemObjects.Earth); Earth3d.MainWindow.GotoTarget(p, false, false, true); }
public IPlace HoverCheck(Vector3 searchPoint, IPlace defaultPlace, float distance) { searchPoint = -searchPoint; Vector3 dist; if (defaultPlace != null) { Vector3 testPoint = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(defaultPlace.RA, -defaultPlace.Dec, -1.0).Vector311; dist = searchPoint - testPoint; distance = dist.Length(); } int closestItem = -1; int index = 0; foreach (Vector3 point in positions) { dist = searchPoint - point; if (dist.Length() < distance) { distance = dist.Length(); closestItem = index; } index++; } lastHoverIndex = closestItem; if (closestItem == -1) { return(defaultPlace); } Coordinates pnt = Coordinates.CartesianToSpherical(positions[closestItem]); string name = this.names[closestItem]; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { name = string.Format("RA={0}, Dec={1}", Coordinates.FormatHMS(pnt.RA), Coordinates.FormatDMS(pnt.Dec)); } TourPlace place = new TourPlace(name, pnt.Dec, pnt.RA, Classification.Unidentified, "", ImageSetType.Sky, -1); return(place); }
public void DisplaySearchResults(VoTable table) { searchResults.Clear(); int count = 0; foreach (VoRow row in table.Rows) { double ra = Convert.ToDouble(row["RA"]) / 15; double dec = Convert.ToDouble(row["DEC"]); TourPlace pl = new TourPlace(row["id"].ToString(), dec, ra, Classification.Star, Constellations.Containment.FindConstellationForPoint(ra, dec), ImageSetType.Sky, -1); searchResults.Add(pl); if (count++ > 200) { break; } } UpdateMarkers(); }
private int ParseResults(string data) { resultslist.Clear(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); int index = 0; try { data = data.Substring(data.IndexOf("<?xml")); doc.LoadXml(data); XmlNode resources = doc["Response"]["ResourceSets"]["ResourceSet"]["Resources"]; if (resources != null) { foreach (XmlNode node in resources.ChildNodes) { if (node.Name == "Location") { index++; string name = node["Name"].InnerText; double lat = double.Parse(node["Point"]["Latitude"].InnerText); double lng = double.Parse(node["Point"]["Longitude"].InnerText); string type = node["EntityType"].InnerText; TourPlace place = new TourPlace(name, lat, lng, Classification.Unidentified, "", ImageSetType.Earth, -1); resultslist.Add((IPlace)place); } } } } catch { } return(index); }
private void listView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listView1.SelectedIndices.Count > 0) { listView1.FullRowSelect = true; try { VoRow row = table.Rows[listView1.SelectedIndices[0]]; table.SelectedRow = row; layer.CleanUp(); double ra = Coordinates.ParseRA(row[raSource.SelectedIndex - 1].ToString(), true); double dec = Coordinates.ParseDec(row[decSource.SelectedIndex - 1].ToString()); string id; VoColumn col = table.GetColumnByUcd(""); if (col != null) { id = row[col.Name].ToString(); } else { id = row[0].ToString(); } TourPlace pl = new TourPlace(id, dec, ra, Classification.Star, Constellations.Containment.FindConstellationForPoint(ra, dec), ImageSetType.Sky, -1); Earth3d.MainWindow.SetLabelText(pl, true); if (table.SampId != null) { Earth3d.MainWindow.sampConnection.TableHighlightRow("", table.SampId, listView1.SelectedIndices[0]); } } catch { } } }
private void figureTree_NodeMouseHover(object sender, TreeNodeMouseHoverEventArgs e) { if (e.Node != null && e.Node.Tag is Linepoint) { if (e.Node.Tag is Linepoint) { Linepoint lp = (Linepoint)e.Node.Tag; //((Convert.ToDouble(line.Substring(0, 10)) / 24.0 * 360) - 180) TourPlace p = new TourPlace(lp.ToString(), (lp.RA + 180) / 360 * 24, lp.Dec, Classification.Unidentified, "", ImageSetType.Sky, -1); p.Distance = 1.0; //Earth3d.MainWindow.SetLabelText(lp.ToString(), (lp.RA + 180) / 360 * 24, lp.Dec, 1.0); Constellations.SelectedSegment = lp; } } else { if (e.Node.Checked) { Earth3d.MainWindow.SetLabelText(null, false); Constellations.SelectedSegment = null; } } }
internal static TourPlace FromAstroObjectsRow(AstroObjectsDataset.spGetAstroObjectsRow row) { TourPlace newPlace = new TourPlace(); string seperator = ""; string name = ""; if (!row.IsPopularName1Null() && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.PopularName1)) { name = ProperCaps(row.PopularName1); seperator = ";"; } if (!row.IsMessierNameNull() && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.MessierName)) { name = name + seperator + row.MessierName; seperator = ";"; } if (!row.IsNGCNameNull() && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.NGCName)) { name = name + seperator + row.NGCName; seperator = ";"; } = name; newPlace.Type = ImageSetType.Sky; newPlace.Lat = row.Dec2000; newPlace.Lng = row.Ra2000 / 15; newPlace.constellation = Constellations.Abbreviation(row.ConstellationName); newPlace.Classification = Classification.Galaxy; //(Classification)Enum.Parse(typeof(Classification), place.Attributes["Classification"].Value); newPlace.magnitude = row.IsVisualMagnitudeNull() ? row.VisualMagnitude : 0; newPlace.AngularSize = 0; // todo fix this newPlace.ZoomLevel = .00009; return(newPlace); }
public override void ProcessRequest(string request, ref Socket socket, bool authenticated, string body) { QueryString query = new QueryString(request); String sMimeType = "text/xml"; string data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status></LayerApi>"; if (!authenticated) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - IP Not Authorized by Client</Status></LayerApi>"; SendHeaderAndData(data, ref socket, sMimeType); return; } string cmd = query["cmd"].ToLower(); Guid layerID = Guid.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["id"])) { layerID = new Guid(query["id"]); } int color = Color.White.ToArgb(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["color"])) { color = int.Parse(query["color"],System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); } int currentVersion = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["version"])) { currentVersion = int.Parse(query["version"]); } string notifyType = "None"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["notifytype"])) { notifyType = query["notifytype"]; } int notifyTimeout = 30000; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["notifytimeout"])) { notifyTimeout = Math.Min(120000,int.Parse(query["notifytimeout"])); } int notifyRate = 100; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["notifyrate"])) { notifyRate = Math.Min(10000,int.Parse(query["notifyrate"])); } DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["datetime"])) { dateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(query["datetime"]); SpaceTimeController.Now = dateTime; } DateTime beginDate = DateTime.MinValue; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["startdate"])) { beginDate = Convert.ToDateTime(query["startdate"]); } DateTime endDate = DateTime.MaxValue; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["enddate"])) { endDate = Convert.ToDateTime(query["enddate"]); } double timeRate = 1.0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["timerate"])) { timeRate = Convert.ToDouble(query["timerate"]); SpaceTimeController.TimeRate = timeRate; } string name = "New Layer"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["name"])) { name = query["name"]; } string propName = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["propname"])) { propName = query["propname"]; } string propValue = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["propvalue"])) { propValue = query["propvalue"]; } string filename = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["filename"])) { filename = query["filename"]; } string referenceFrame = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["frame"])) { referenceFrame = query["frame"]; } string parent = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["parent"])) { parent = query["parent"]; } string move = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["move"])) { move = query["move"]; } FadeType fadeType = FadeType.None; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["fadetype"])) { fadeType = (FadeType)Enum.Parse(typeof(FadeType), query["fadetype"]); } double fadeRange = 0.0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["faderange"])) { fadeRange = Convert.ToDouble(query["faderange"]); } bool showLayer = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["show"])) { showLayer = Convert.ToBoolean(query["show"]); } string flyTo = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["flyto"])) { flyTo = query["flyto"]; } string lookat = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["lookat"])) { lookat = query["lookat"]; } bool instant = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["instant"])) { instant = Convert.ToBoolean(query["instant"]); } bool noPurge = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["nopurge"])) { noPurge = Convert.ToBoolean(query["nopurge"]); } bool fromClipboard = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["fromclipboard"])) { fromClipboard = Convert.ToBoolean(query["fromclipboard"]); } bool purgeAll = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["purgeall"])) { purgeAll = Convert.ToBoolean(query["purgeall"]); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["autoloop"])) { LayerManager.SetAutoloop(Convert.ToBoolean(query["autoloop"])); } bool layersOnly = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["layersonly"])) { layersOnly = Convert.ToBoolean(query["layersonly"]); } bool hasheader = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["hasheader"])) { hasheader = Convert.ToBoolean(query["hasheader"]); } string coordinates = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["coordinates"])) { coordinates = query["coordinates"]; } string cmdtarget = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["cmdtarget"])) { cmdtarget = query["cmdtarget"]; } string cmdtype = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query["cmdtype"])) { cmdtype = query["cmdtype"]; } // Update the time and rate if (layerID != Guid.Empty || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceFrame) || cmd == "getprojectorconfig" || cmd == "setprojectorconfig" || cmd == "loadtour" || cmd == "layerlist" || cmd == "move" || cmd == "version" || cmd == "uisettings" || cmd == "new" || cmd == "load" || cmd == "group" || cmd == "state" || cmd == "mode" || cmd == "showlayermanager" || cmd == "hidelayermanager" || cmd == "getelevation" || cmd == "notify" || cmd == "dispatch") { switch (cmd) { case "dispatch": { if (DispatchCommand(cmdtarget, cmdtype, propName, propValue)) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status></LayerApi>"; } else { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid layer ID</Status></LayerApi>"; } } break; case "notify": switch (notifyType.ToLower()) { case "none": data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid Notify Type</Status></LayerApi>"; break; case "layer": if (layerID == Guid.Empty) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid layer ID</Status></LayerApi>"; } else { DateTime start = DateTime.Now; //default text data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Timeout</Status></LayerApi>"; while ((DateTime.Now - start).TotalMilliseconds < notifyTimeout) { Thread.Sleep(notifyRate); if (!LayerManager.LayerList.ContainsKey(layerID)) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid layer ID</Status></LayerApi>"; break; } Layer target = LayerManager.LayerList[layerID]; if (target == null) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid layer ID</Status></LayerApi>"; break; } else { if (target.Version != currentVersion) { data = string.Format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><Layer {0}=\"{1}\" Version=\"{2}\"></Layer></LayerApi>", "ID", target.ID, target.Version); break; } } } } break; case "layerlist": { DateTime start = DateTime.Now; //default text data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Timeout</Status></LayerApi>"; while ((DateTime.Now - start).TotalMilliseconds < notifyTimeout) { Thread.Sleep(notifyRate); if (LayerManager.Version != currentVersion) { data = string.Format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><LayerList Version=\"{0}\"></LayerList></LayerApi>", LayerManager.Version); break; } } } break; } break; case "version": { data = string.Format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Version>{0}</Version></LayerApi>", System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString()); } break; case "group": { if (LayerManager.CreateLayerGroup(name, referenceFrame)) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status></LayerApi>"; } else { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid layer ID</Status></LayerApi>"; } } break; case "load": { Guid id = LayerManager.LoadLayer(name, referenceFrame, filename, color, beginDate, endDate, fadeType, fadeRange); if (id != Guid.Empty) { data = string.Format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><NewLayerID>{0}</NewLayerID></LayerApi>", id.ToString()); } else { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Could not Load Layer</Status></LayerApi>"; } } break; case "loadtour": { MethodInvoker doIt = delegate { Earth3d.MainWindow.NoShowTourEndPage = true; Earth3d.MainWindow.LoadTourFromFile(filename, false, ""); }; if (Earth3d.MainWindow.InvokeRequired) { try { Earth3d.MainWindow.Invoke(doIt); } catch { } } else { doIt(); } if (File.Exists(filename)) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status></LayerApi>"; } else { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Could not Load Tour</Status></LayerApi>"; } } break; case "newframe": { if (LayerManager.CreateReferenceFrame(referenceFrame, parent, body)) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status></LayerApi>"; } else { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid Parameter</Status></LayerApi>"; } } break; case "new": { Guid id = LayerManager.CreateLayerFromString(body, name, referenceFrame, false, color, beginDate, endDate, fadeType, fadeRange); data = string.Format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><NewLayerID>{0}</NewLayerID></LayerApi>", id.ToString()); } break; case "get": { data = LayerManager.GetLayerDataID(layerID); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data)) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid layer ID</Status></LayerApi>"; } } break; case "update": { if (name == "New Layer") { name = null; } if (LayerManager.UpdateLayer(layerID, body, showLayer, name, noPurge, purgeAll, hasheader)) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status></LayerApi>"; } else { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid layer ID</Status></LayerApi>"; } } break; case "layerlist": { data = LayerManager.GetLayerList(layersOnly); if (data == null) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid layer ID</Status></LayerApi>"; } } break; case "activate": { if (LayerManager.ActivateLayer(layerID)) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status></LayerApi>"; } else { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid layer ID</Status></LayerApi>"; } } break; case "setprop": { if (layerID != Guid.Empty) { if (LayerManager.SetLayerPropByID(layerID, propName, propValue)) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status></LayerApi>"; } else { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid parameter</Status></LayerApi>"; } } else { if (LayerManager.SetFramePropByName(referenceFrame, propName, propValue)) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status></LayerApi>"; } else { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid parameter</Status></LayerApi>"; } } } break; case "setprops": { if (layerID != Guid.Empty) { if (LayerManager.SetLayerPropsByID(layerID, body)) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status></LayerApi>"; } else { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid parameter</Status></LayerApi>"; } } else { if (LayerManager.SetFramePropsByName(referenceFrame, body)) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status></LayerApi>"; } else { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid parameter</Status></LayerApi>"; } } } break; case "setprojectorconfig": { //if (layerID != Guid.Empty) //{ // if (LayerManager.SetLayerPropsByID(layerID, body)) // { // data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status></LayerApi>"; // } // else // { // data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid parameter</Status></LayerApi>"; // } //} //else //{ // if (LayerManager.SetFramePropsByName(referenceFrame, body)) // { // data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status></LayerApi>"; // } // else // { // data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid parameter</Status></LayerApi>"; // } //} } break; case "getprojectorconfig": { data = ClientNodes.GetXML(NetControl.NodeList); } break; case "getprop": { if (layerID != Guid.Empty) { Layer layer = null; string val = LayerManager.GetLayerPropByID(layerID, propName, out layer); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(val)) { data = string.Format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><Layer {0}=\"{1}\" Version=\"{2}\"></Layer></LayerApi>", propName, val, layer.Version); } else { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid parameter</Status></LayerApi>"; } } else { ReferenceFrame frame = null; string val = LayerManager.GetFramePropByName(referenceFrame, propName, out frame); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(val)) { data = string.Format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><Frame {0}=\"{1}\"></Frame></LayerApi>", propName, val); } else { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid parameter</Status></LayerApi>"; } } } break; case "getprops": { if (layerID != Guid.Empty) { data = LayerManager.GetLayerPropsByID(layerID); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data)) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid layer ID</Status></LayerApi>"; } } else { data = LayerManager.GetFramePropsByName(referenceFrame); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data)) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid Frame Name</Status></LayerApi>"; } } } break; case "delete": { if (layerID != Guid.Empty) { if (LayerManager.DeleteLayerByID(layerID, true, true)) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status></LayerApi>"; } else { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid layer ID</Status></LayerApi>"; } } else { if (LayerManager.DeleteFrameByName(referenceFrame)) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status></LayerApi>"; } else { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid Frame Name</Status></LayerApi>"; } } } break; case "state": { CameraParameters cam = Earth3d.MainWindow.viewCamera; if (Earth3d.MainWindow.Space) { data = string.Format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><ViewState lookat=\"{7}\" ra=\"{0}\" dec=\"{1}\" zoom=\"{2}\" rotation=\"{4}\" time=\"{5}\" timerate=\"{6}\" ReferenceFrame=\"Sky\" ViewToken=\"SD8834DFA\" ZoomText=\"{8}\"></ViewState></LayerApi>", cam.RA, cam.Dec, cam.Zoom, cam.Angle, cam.Rotation, SpaceTimeController.Now.ToString(), SpaceTimeController.TimeRate.ToString(), Earth3d.MainWindow.CurrentImageSet.DataSetType.ToString(), Earth3d.MainWindow.contextPanel.ViewLabelText); } else { data = string.Format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><ViewState lookat=\"{7}\" lat=\"{0}\" lng=\"{1}\" zoom=\"{2}\" angle=\"{3}\" rotation=\"{4}\" time=\"{5}\" timerate=\"{6}\" ReferenceFrame=\"{8}\" ViewToken=\"{10}\" ZoomText=\"{9}\"></ViewState></LayerApi>", cam.Lat, cam.Lng, cam.Zoom, cam.Angle, cam.Rotation, SpaceTimeController.Now.ToString(), SpaceTimeController.TimeRate.ToString(), Earth3d.MainWindow.CurrentImageSet.DataSetType.ToString(), Earth3d.MainWindow.FocusReferenceFrame(), Earth3d.MainWindow.contextPanel.ViewLabelText, Earth3d.MainWindow.viewCamera.ToToken()); } } break; case "mode": { ImageSetType lookAt = (ImageSetType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ImageSetType), lookat); Earth3d.MainWindow.contextPanel.SetLookAtTarget(lookAt); data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status></LayerApi>"; } break; case "uisettings": { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(propName) || SetSetting(propName, propValue, false)) { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status></LayerApi>"; } else { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid parameter</Status></LayerApi>"; } } break; case "showlayermanager": { MethodInvoker doIt = delegate { Earth3d.MainWindow.ShowLayersWindows = true; }; if (Earth3d.MainWindow.InvokeRequired) { try { Earth3d.MainWindow.Invoke(doIt); } catch { } } else { doIt(); } } break; case "hidelayermanager": { MethodInvoker doIt = delegate { Earth3d.MainWindow.ShowLayersWindows = false; }; if (Earth3d.MainWindow.InvokeRequired) { try { Earth3d.MainWindow.Invoke(doIt); } catch { } } else { doIt(); } } break; case "move": { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status></LayerApi>"; if (move.ToLower().StartsWith("reticle")) { string[] parts = move.Split(new char[] { ':' }); if (parts.Length > 1) { int id = int.Parse(parts[1]); Coordinates result = Earth3d.MainWindow.GetCoordinatesForReticle(id); if (Earth3d.MainWindow.SolarSystemMode) { Earth3d.MainWindow.GotoReticlePoint(id); } else { CameraParameters cameraParams; double lat = result.Lat; double lng = result.Lng; double zoom = Convert.ToDouble(Earth3d.MainWindow.ZoomFactor); double rotation = Convert.ToDouble(Earth3d.MainWindow.CameraRotate); double angle = Convert.ToDouble(Earth3d.MainWindow.CameraAngle); cameraParams = new CameraParameters(lat, lng, zoom, rotation, angle, 100); if (Earth3d.MainWindow.Space) { cameraParams.RA = result.RA; } MethodInvoker doIt = delegate { Earth3d.MainWindow.GotoTarget(cameraParams, false, instant); }; if (Earth3d.MainWindow.InvokeRequired) { try { Earth3d.MainWindow.Invoke(doIt); } catch { } } else { doIt(); } } } } else { switch (move) { case "ZoomIn": Earth3d.MainWindow.ZoomIn(); break; case "ZoomOut": Earth3d.MainWindow.ZoomOut(); break; case "Up": Earth3d.MainWindow.MoveUp(); break; case "Down": Earth3d.MainWindow.MoveDown(); break; case "Left": Earth3d.MainWindow.MoveLeft(); break; case "Right": Earth3d.MainWindow.MoveRight(); break; case "Clockwise": Earth3d.MainWindow.RotateView(0, .2); break; case "CounterClockwise": Earth3d.MainWindow.RotateView(0, -.2); break; case "TiltUp": Earth3d.MainWindow.RotateView(-.2, 0); break; case "TiltDown": Earth3d.MainWindow.RotateView(.2, 0); break; case "Finder": break; case "Play": ((IScriptable)Earth3d.MainWindow).InvokeAction("PlayTour", ""); break; case "Pause": ((IScriptable)Earth3d.MainWindow).InvokeAction("PauseTour", ""); break; case "PreviousSlide": ((IScriptable)Earth3d.MainWindow).InvokeAction("PreviousSlide", ""); break; case "NextSlide": ((IScriptable)Earth3d.MainWindow).InvokeAction("NextSlide", ""); break; default: data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid parameter</Status></LayerApi>"; break; } } } break; case "getelevation": { string[] parts = coordinates.Split(new char[] { ',' }); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><Elevations>"); try { foreach (string part in parts) { string[] latLng = part.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); if (latLng.Length > 1) { double lat = double.Parse(latLng[0]); double lng = double.Parse(latLng[1]); double alt = Earth3d.MainWindow.GetAltitudeForLatLong(lat, lng) - EGM96Geoid.Height(lat, lng); sb.Append(string.Format("<Coordinates Lat=\"{0}\" Lng=\"{1}\" Altitude=\"{2}\" />", lat, lng, alt)); } } sb.Append("</Elevations></LayerApi>"); data = sb.ToString(); } catch { data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - Invalid parameter</Status></LayerApi>"; } } break; default: data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><LayerApi><Status>Error - No Command</Status></LayerApi>"; break; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(flyTo)) { string[] lines = flyTo.Split(new char[] { ',' }); if (lines.Length == 1) { MethodInvoker doIt = delegate { Earth3d.MainWindow.SetBackgroundByName(lines[0]); }; if (Earth3d.MainWindow.InvokeRequired) { try { Earth3d.MainWindow.Invoke(doIt); } catch { } } else { doIt(); } } if (lines.Length == 5 ) { CameraParameters cameraParams; double lat = Convert.ToDouble(lines[0]); double lng = Convert.ToDouble(lines[1]); double zoom = Convert.ToDouble(lines[2]); double rotation = Convert.ToDouble(lines[3]); double angle = Convert.ToDouble(lines[4]); cameraParams = new CameraParameters(lat, lng, zoom, rotation, angle, 100); if (Earth3d.MainWindow.Space) { cameraParams.RA = Convert.ToDouble(lines[1]); } MethodInvoker doIt = delegate { Earth3d.MainWindow.GotoTarget(cameraParams, false, instant); }; if (Earth3d.MainWindow.InvokeRequired) { try { Earth3d.MainWindow.Invoke(doIt); } catch { } } else { doIt(); } } if (lines.Length > 5) { CameraParameters cameraParams; double lat = Convert.ToDouble(lines[0]); double lng = Convert.ToDouble(lines[1]); double zoom = Convert.ToDouble(lines[2]); double rotation = Convert.ToDouble(lines[3]); double angle = Convert.ToDouble(lines[4]); string frame = lines[5]; string token = ""; cameraParams = new CameraParameters(lat, lng, zoom, rotation, angle, 100); bool done = false; if (frame == "Sky") { cameraParams.RA = Convert.ToDouble(lines[1]); } else { if (Earth3d.MainWindow.CurrentImageSet.DataSetType == ImageSetType.Planet) { if (!Earth3d.MainWindow.CurrentImageSet.Name.ToLower().Contains(frame.ToLower())) { MethodInvoker doIt3 = delegate { Earth3d.MainWindow.SetBackgroundByName(frame); }; if (Earth3d.MainWindow.InvokeRequired) { try { Earth3d.MainWindow.Invoke(doIt3); } catch { } } else { doIt3(); } } MethodInvoker doIt2 = delegate { Earth3d.MainWindow.GotoTarget(cameraParams, false, instant); }; if (Earth3d.MainWindow.InvokeRequired) { try { Earth3d.MainWindow.Invoke(doIt2); } catch { } } else { doIt2(); } done = true; } else { try { cameraParams.Target = (SolarSystemObjects)Enum.Parse(typeof(SolarSystemObjects), frame, true); } catch { cameraParams.Target = SolarSystemObjects.Custom; //cameraParams.ViewTarget = */Stuff here */ //todo get custom location and insert } } } if (!done) { TourPlace pl = new TourPlace(frame, 0, 0, Classification.SolarSystem, "UMA", Earth3d.MainWindow.CurrentImageSet.DataSetType == ImageSetType.SolarSystem ? ImageSetType.Sky : Earth3d.MainWindow.CurrentImageSet.DataSetType, zoom); if (lines.Length > 6) { token = lines[6]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { cameraParams = CameraParameters.FromToken(token); } } pl.CamParams = cameraParams; MethodInvoker doIt = delegate { Earth3d.MainWindow.GotoTarget(pl, false, false, true); }; if (Earth3d.MainWindow.InvokeRequired) { try { Earth3d.MainWindow.Invoke(doIt); } catch { } } else { doIt(); } } } } SendHeaderAndData(data, ref socket, sMimeType); }
public IPlace HoverCheck(Vector3 searchPoint, IPlace defaultPlace, float distance) { searchPoint = -searchPoint; Vector3 dist; if (defaultPlace != null) { var testPoint = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(defaultPlace.RA, -defaultPlace.Dec, -1.0).Vector311; dist = searchPoint - testPoint; distance = dist.Length(); } var closestItem = -1; var index = 0; foreach (var point in positions) { dist = searchPoint - point; if (dist.Length() < distance) { distance = dist.Length(); closestItem = index; } index++; } lastHoverIndex = closestItem; if (closestItem == -1) { return defaultPlace; } var pnt = Coordinates.CartesianToSpherical(positions[closestItem]); var name = names[closestItem]; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { name = string.Format("RA={0}, Dec={1}", Coordinates.FormatHMS(pnt.RA), Coordinates.FormatDMS(pnt.Dec)); } var place = new TourPlace(name, pnt.Dec, pnt.RA, Classification.Unidentified, "", ImageSetType.Sky, -1); return place; }
public static void ShowNofinder(IImageSet imageSet, Point pnt) { var tp = new TourPlace(imageSet.Name, 0, 0, Classification.Unidentified, "", imageSet.DataSetType, 360); tp.StudyImageset = imageSet; ShowNofinder(tp, pnt); }
public TourStop(TourPlace target) { = target; id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); }
private void renderWindow_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (contrastMode) { contrast = (1 - (e.Y / (float)ClientSize.Height)); brightness = e.X / (float)ClientSize.Width; return; } if (activeTouch != TouchControls.None) { if (activeTouch == TouchControls.TrackBall) { moveVector = new PointF(touchTrackBallCenter.X - (e.X + Properties.Settings.Default.ScreenHitTestOffsetX), touchTrackBallCenter.Y - (e.Y + Properties.Settings.Default.ScreenHitTestOffsetY)); } if (activeTouch == TouchControls.PanTrack) { Vector2d panTrack = TouchToScreen(this.panTracker); Vector2d mv = new Vector2d(panTrack.X - (e.X + Properties.Settings.Default.ScreenHitTestOffsetX), panTrack.Y - (e.Y + Properties.Settings.Default.ScreenHitTestOffsetY)); if (mv.Length > 50) { mv.Normalize(); mv.Scale(50); } moveVector = new PointF((float)mv.X, (float)mv.Y); } if (activeTouch == TouchControls.ZoomTrack) { Vector2d zoomTrack = TouchToScreen(this.zoomTracker); double zoomDrag = zoomTrack.X - (e.X + Properties.Settings.Default.ScreenHitTestOffsetX); if (Math.Abs(zoomDrag) > 54) { ZoomVector = 54 * Math.Sign(zoomDrag); } else { ZoomVector = (float)zoomDrag; } } if (activeTouch == TouchControls.OrbitTrack) { Vector2d orbitTrack = TouchToScreen(this.orbitTracker); double orbitDrag = orbitTrack.X - (e.X + Properties.Settings.Default.ScreenHitTestOffsetX); if (Math.Abs(orbitDrag) > 70) { OrbitVector = 70 * Math.Sign(orbitDrag); } else { OrbitVector = (float)orbitDrag; } } return; } if (uiController != null) { if (uiController.MouseMove(sender, new MouseEventArgs(e.Button, e.Clicks, e.X + Properties.Settings.Default.ScreenHitTestOffsetX, e.Y + Properties.Settings.Default.ScreenHitTestOffsetY, e.Delta))) { return; } } moved = true; if (lastMousePosition == e.Location) { return; } else { mouseMoved = true; lastMouseMove = DateTime.Now; if (!CursorVisible && !ProjectorServer) { Cursor.Show(); CursorVisible = true; } } if (measuringDrag) { measureEnd = GetCoordinatesForScreenPoint(e.X, e.Y); if (measureLines == null) { measureLines = new SimpleLineList11(); measureLines.DepthBuffered = false; } measureLines.Clear(); measureLines.AddLine(Coordinates.RADecTo3d(measureStart.RA + 12, measureStart.Dec, 1), Coordinates.RADecTo3d(measureEnd.RA + 12, measureEnd.Dec, 1)); double angularSperation = CAAAngularSeparation.Separation(measureStart.RA, measureStart.Dec, measureEnd.RA, measureEnd.Dec); TourPlace pl = new TourPlace(Language.GetLocalizedText(977, "Seperation: ") + Coordinates.FormatDMS(angularSperation), measureEnd.Dec, measureEnd.RA, Classification.Star, Constellations.Containment.FindConstellationForPoint(measureEnd.RA, measureEnd.Dec), ImageSetType.Sky, -1); SetLabelText(pl, true); } else if (Space && Settings.Active.GalacticMode) { if (dragging) { Tracking = false; MoveView(-(e.X - this.mouseDownX), (e.Y - this.mouseDownY), true); if (!Properties.Settings.Default.SmoothPan) { az = targetAz; alt = targetAlt; double[] gPoint = Coordinates.GalactictoJ2000(az, alt); TargetLat = ViewLat = gPoint[1]; TargetLong = ViewLong = RAtoViewLng(gPoint[0] / 15); NotifyMoveComplete(); } this.mouseDownX = e.X; this.mouseDownY = e.Y; } else if (spinning || angle) { CameraRotateTarget = (CameraRotateTarget + (((double)(e.X - this.mouseDownX)) / 1000 * Math.PI)); CameraAngleTarget = (CameraAngleTarget + (((double)(e.Y - this.mouseDownY)) / 1000 * Math.PI)); if (CameraAngleTarget < TiltMin) { CameraAngleTarget = TiltMin; } if (CameraAngleTarget > 0) { CameraAngleTarget = 0; } if (!Properties.Settings.Default.SmoothPan) { CameraRotate = CameraRotateTarget; CameraAngle = CameraAngleTarget; } this.mouseDownX = e.X; this.mouseDownY = e.Y; } else { mouseMoved = true; lastMouseMove = DateTime.Now; } } else if (Space && Settings.Active.LocalHorizonMode) { if (dragging) { if (!SolarSystemMode) { Tracking = false; } MoveView(-(e.X - this.mouseDownX), (e.Y - this.mouseDownY), true); if (!Properties.Settings.Default.SmoothPan) { az = targetAz; alt = targetAlt; Coordinates currentRaDec = Coordinates.HorizonToEquitorial(Coordinates.FromLatLng(alt, az), SpaceTimeController.Location, SpaceTimeController.Now); TargetLat = ViewLat = currentRaDec.Dec; TargetLong = ViewLong = RAtoViewLng(currentRaDec.RA); NotifyMoveComplete(); } this.mouseDownX = e.X; this.mouseDownY = e.Y; } else { mouseMoved = true; lastMouseMove = DateTime.Now; } } else { if (dragging) { if (!SolarSystemMode) { Tracking = false; } MoveView(-(e.X - this.mouseDownX), (e.Y - this.mouseDownY), true); if (!Properties.Settings.Default.SmoothPan) { ViewLat = TargetLat; ViewLong = TargetLong; NotifyMoveComplete(); } this.mouseDownX = e.X; this.mouseDownY = e.Y; } else if (spinning || angle) { CameraRotateTarget = (CameraRotateTarget + (((double)(e.X - this.mouseDownX)) / 1000 * Math.PI)); CameraAngleTarget = (CameraAngleTarget + (((double)(e.Y - this.mouseDownY)) / 1000 * Math.PI)); if (CameraAngleTarget < TiltMin) { CameraAngleTarget = TiltMin; } if (CameraAngleTarget > 0) { CameraAngleTarget = 0; } if (!Properties.Settings.Default.SmoothPan) { CameraRotate = CameraRotateTarget; CameraAngle = CameraAngleTarget; } this.mouseDownX = e.X; this.mouseDownY = e.Y; } else { mouseMoved = true; lastMouseMove = DateTime.Now; } } lastMousePosition = e.Location; }
public ArrayList GetPlaceList() { if (dataList == null || CheckExpiration()) { dataList = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); if (dataSetType == DataSetType.Place) { DataSetManager.DownloadFile(url, Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\places\" + name + ".txt", false, true); TourPlace place; StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\places\" + name + ".txt"); string line; while (sr.Peek() >= 0) { line = sr.ReadLine(); place = new TourPlace(line, sky); dataList.Add(place); } sr.Close(); } else if (dataSetType == DataSetType.Imageset) { string filename = Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\places\" + name + ".xml"; DataSetManager.DownloadFile(url, filename, false, true); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(filename); if (!Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"thumbnails\")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"thumbnails\"); } XmlNode imageSets = doc["ImageSets"]; if (imageSets == null) { imageSets = doc["Folder"]; } foreach (XmlNode imageset in imageSets.ChildNodes) { ImageSetHelper newImageset = ImageSetHelper.FromXMLNode(imageset); if (newImageset != null) { TourPlace newPlace = new TourPlace(newImageset.Name, (newImageset.CenterY), (newImageset.CenterX) / 15, Classification.Unidentified, "Err", ImageSetType.Sky, newImageset.BaseTileDegrees*10); newPlace.StudyImageset = newImageset; newPlace.ThumbNail = UiTools.LoadThumbnailFromWeb(newImageset.ThumbnailUrl); dataList.Add(newPlace); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(newImageset.AltUrl) && !Earth3d.ReplacementImageSets.ContainsKey(newImageset.AltUrl)) { Earth3d.ReplacementImageSets.Add(newImageset.AltUrl, newImageset); } } } } } return dataList; }
public override IPlace FindClosest(Coordinates target, float distance, IPlace defaultPlace, bool astronomical) { Vector3d searchPoint = Coordinates.GeoTo3dDouble(target.Lat, target.Lng); //searchPoint = -searchPoint; Vector3d dist; if (defaultPlace != null) { Vector3d testPoint = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(defaultPlace.RA, -defaultPlace.Dec, -1.0); dist = searchPoint - testPoint; distance = (float)dist.Length(); } int closestItem = -1; int index = 0; foreach (Vector3 point in positions) { dist = searchPoint - new Vector3d(point); if (dist.Length() < distance) { distance = (float)dist.Length(); closestItem = index; } index++; } if (closestItem == -1) { return(defaultPlace); } Coordinates pnt = Coordinates.CartesianToSpherical2(positions[closestItem]); string name = table.Rows[closestItem].ColumnData[this.nameColumn].ToString(); if (nameColumn == startDateColumn || nameColumn == endDateColumn) { name = SpreadSheetLayer.ParseDate(name).ToString("u"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { name = string.Format("RA={0}, Dec={1}", Coordinates.FormatHMS(pnt.RA), Coordinates.FormatDMS(pnt.Dec)); } TourPlace place = new TourPlace(name, pnt.Lat, pnt.RA, Classification.Unidentified, "", ImageSetType.Sky, -1); Dictionary <String, String> rowData = new Dictionary <string, string>(); for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++) { string colValue = table.Rows[closestItem][i].ToString(); if (i == startDateColumn || i == endDateColumn) { colValue = SpreadSheetLayer.ParseDate(colValue).ToString("u"); } if (!rowData.ContainsKey(table.Column[i].Name) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Column[i].Name)) { rowData.Add(table.Column[i].Name, colValue); } else { rowData.Add("Column" + i.ToString(), colValue); } } place.Tag = rowData; if (Viewer != null) { Viewer.LabelClicked(closestItem); } return(place); }
public bool MouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { if (Earth3d.MainWindow.StudyImageset == null) { mouseDown = false; return(false); } Tile root = TileCache.GetTile(0, 0, 0, Earth3d.MainWindow.StudyImageset, null); if (root == null) { mouseDown = false; return(false); } if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && (root is SkyImageTile)) { anchored = !anchored; popup.SetPivotMode(anchored); if (anchored) { anchoredPoint1 = Earth3d.MainWindow.GetCoordinatesForScreenPoint(e.X, e.Y); TourPlace place = new TourPlace("", anchoredPoint1.Dec, anchoredPoint1.RA, Classification.Unidentified, "UMA", ImageSetType.Sky, -1); Earth3d.MainWindow.SetLabelText(place, false); if (root is TangentTile) { TangentTile tile = (TangentTile)root; Vector3d vector = tile.TransformPoint(12, 12); vector = Coordinates.GeoTo3dDouble(anchoredPoint1.Lat, anchoredPoint1.Lng); double x; double y; tile.UnTransformPoint(vector, out x, out y); } else if (root is SkyImageTile) { SkyImageTile tile = (SkyImageTile)root; anchorPoint1 = tile.GetImagePixel(anchoredPoint1); } } mouseDown = true; return(true); } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { dragging = true; pntDown = e.Location; if (anchored) { if (root is TangentTile) { startRotation = Earth3d.MainWindow.StudyImageset.Rotation; startCenterX = Earth3d.MainWindow.StudyImageset.OffsetX; startCenterY = Earth3d.MainWindow.StudyImageset.OffsetY; startScale = Earth3d.MainWindow.StudyImageset.BaseTileDegrees; Coordinates downPoint = Earth3d.MainWindow.GetCoordinatesForScreenPoint(e.X, e.Y); startLength = anchoredPoint1.Distance(downPoint); startAngle = anchoredPoint1.Angle(downPoint) / RC; } else if (root is SkyImageTile) { SkyImageTile tile = (SkyImageTile)root; anchoredPoint2 = Earth3d.MainWindow.GetCoordinatesForScreenPoint(e.X, e.Y); anchorPoint2 = tile.GetImagePixel(anchoredPoint2); } } mouseDown = true; return(true); } else { mouseDown = false; return(false); } }
public ArrayList GetPlaceList() { if (dataList == null || CheckExpiration()) { dataList = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); if (dataSetType == DataSetType.Place) { DataSetManager.DownloadFile(url, Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\places\" + name + ".txt", false, true); TourPlace place; StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\places\" + name + ".txt"); string line; while (sr.Peek() >= 0) { line = sr.ReadLine(); place = new TourPlace(line, sky); dataList.Add(place); } sr.Close(); } else if (dataSetType == DataSetType.Imageset) { string filename = Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\places\" + name + ".xml"; DataSetManager.DownloadFile(url, filename, false, true); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(filename); if (!Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"thumbnails\")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"thumbnails\"); } XmlNode imageSets = doc["ImageSets"]; if (imageSets == null) { imageSets = doc["Folder"]; } foreach (XmlNode imageset in imageSets.ChildNodes) { ImageSetHelper newImageset = ImageSetHelper.FromXMLNode(imageset); if (newImageset != null) { TourPlace newPlace = new TourPlace(newImageset.Name, (newImageset.CenterY), (newImageset.CenterX) / 15, Classification.Unidentified, "Err", ImageSetType.Sky, newImageset.BaseTileDegrees * 10); newPlace.StudyImageset = newImageset; newPlace.ThumbNail = UiTools.LoadThumbnailFromWeb(newImageset.ThumbnailUrl); dataList.Add(newPlace); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(newImageset.AltUrl) && !Earth3d.ReplacementImageSets.ContainsKey(newImageset.AltUrl)) { Earth3d.ReplacementImageSets.Add(newImageset.AltUrl, newImageset); } } } } } return(dataList); }
private void figureTree_NodeMouseHover(object sender, TreeNodeMouseHoverEventArgs e) { if (e.Node != null && e.Node.Tag is Linepoint) { if (e.Node.Tag is Linepoint) { var lp = (Linepoint)e.Node.Tag; //((Convert.ToDouble(line.Substring(0, 10)) / 24.0 * 360) - 180) var p = new TourPlace(lp.ToString(), (lp.RA + 180) / 360 * 24, lp.Dec, Classification.Unidentified, "", ImageSetType.Sky, -1); p.Distance = 1.0; //Earth3d.MainWindow.SetLabelText(lp.ToString(), (lp.RA + 180) / 360 * 24, lp.Dec, 1.0); Constellations.SelectedSegment = lp; } } else { if (e.Node.Checked) { Earth3d.MainWindow.SetLabelText(null, false); Constellations.SelectedSegment = null; } } }
internal static TourPlace FromXml(XmlNode place) { TourPlace newPlace = new TourPlace(); = place.Attributes["Name"].Value; newPlace.Type = (ImageSetType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ImageSetType), place.Attributes["DataSetType"].Value); if (newPlace.Type == ImageSetType.Sky) { newPlace.camParams.RA = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["RA"].Value); newPlace.camParams.Dec = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["Dec"].Value); } else { newPlace.Lat = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["Lat"].Value); newPlace.Lng = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["Lng"].Value); } newPlace.constellation = place.Attributes["Constellation"].Value; newPlace.Classification = (Classification)Enum.Parse(typeof(Classification), place.Attributes["Classification"].Value); newPlace.magnitude = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["Magnitude"].Value); if (place.Attributes["Magnitude"] != null) { newPlace.magnitude = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["Magnitude"].Value); } newPlace.AngularSize = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["AngularSize"].Value); newPlace.ZoomLevel = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["ZoomLevel"].Value); newPlace.camParams.Rotation = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["Rotation"].Value); newPlace.camParams.Angle = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["Angle"].Value); if (place.Attributes["Opacity"] != null) { newPlace.camParams.Opacity = Convert.ToSingle(place.Attributes["Opacity"].Value); } else { newPlace.camParams.Opacity = 100; } if (place.Attributes["Target"] != null) { newPlace.Target = (SolarSystemObjects)Enum.Parse(typeof(SolarSystemObjects), place.Attributes["Target"].Value); } if (place.Attributes["ViewTarget"] != null) { newPlace.camParams.ViewTarget = Vector3d.Parse(place.Attributes["ViewTarget"].Value); } if (place.Attributes["TargetReferenceFrame"] != null) { newPlace.camParams.TargetReferenceFrame = place.Attributes["TargetReferenceFrame"].Value; } if (place.Attributes["DomeAlt"] != null) { newPlace.camParams.DomeAlt = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["DomeAlt"].Value); } if (place.Attributes["DomeAz"] != null) { newPlace.camParams.DomeAz = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["DomeAz"].Value); } XmlNode descriptionNode = place["Description"]; if (descriptionNode != null) { newPlace.HtmlDescription = descriptionNode.Value; } XmlNode backgroundImageSet = place["BackgroundImageSet"]; if (backgroundImageSet != null) { XmlNode imageSet = backgroundImageSet["ImageSet"]; ImageSetHelper ish = ImageSetHelper.FromXMLNode(imageSet); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ish.Url) && Earth3d.ReplacementImageSets.ContainsKey(ish.Url)) { newPlace.backgroundImageSet = Earth3d.ReplacementImageSets[ish.Url]; } else { newPlace.backgroundImageSet = ish; } } XmlNode study = place["ImageSet"]; if (study != null) { ImageSetHelper ish = ImageSetHelper.FromXMLNode(study); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ish.Url) && Earth3d.ReplacementImageSets.ContainsKey(ish.Url)) { newPlace.studyImageset = Earth3d.ReplacementImageSets[ish.Url]; } else { newPlace.studyImageset = ish; } } return newPlace; }
internal static TourPlace FromAstroObjectsRow(AstroObjectsDataset.spGetAstroObjectsRow row) { TourPlace newPlace = new TourPlace(); string seperator = ""; string name = ""; if (!row.IsPopularName1Null() && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.PopularName1) ) { name = ProperCaps(row.PopularName1); seperator = ";"; } if (!row.IsMessierNameNull() && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.MessierName)) { name = name + seperator + row.MessierName; seperator = ";"; } if (!row.IsNGCNameNull() && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.NGCName)) { name = name + seperator + row.NGCName; seperator = ";"; } = name; newPlace.Type = ImageSetType.Sky; newPlace.Lat = row.Dec2000; newPlace.Lng = row.Ra2000/15; newPlace.constellation = Constellations.Abbreviation(row.ConstellationName); newPlace.Classification = Classification.Galaxy; //(Classification)Enum.Parse(typeof(Classification), place.Attributes["Classification"].Value); newPlace.magnitude = row.IsVisualMagnitudeNull() ? row.VisualMagnitude : 0; newPlace.AngularSize = 0; // todo fix this newPlace.ZoomLevel = .00009; return newPlace; }
public void AddClidrenToStack(Folder folder, bool showFirstAsBackground) { foreach (object o in folder.Children) { if (o is Folder) { AddClidrenToStack((Folder)o, false); } else { if (o is Place) { if (showFirstAsBackground && firstImageLoaded) { SetCurrentBackgroundForStack((Place)o); } else { AddPlaceToStack((Place)o, false); } } else if (o is IImageSet) { IImageSet imageSet = (IImageSet)o; TourPlace tp = new TourPlace(imageSet.Name, imageSet.CenterX, imageSet.CenterY, Classification.Unidentified, "", imageSet.DataSetType, 360); if (showFirstAsBackground && firstImageLoaded) { SetCurrentBackgroundForStack(tp); } else { AddPlaceToStack(tp, false); } } } } }
private void LoadImage(string filename) { WcsImage wcsImage = WcsImage.FromFile(filename); bool hasAvm = wcsImage.ValidWcs; { Bitmap bmp = wcsImage.GetBitmap(); wcsImage.AdjustScale(bmp.Width, bmp.Height); ImageSetHelper imageSet = null; TourPlace place = null; if (hasAvm) { imageSet = new ImageSetHelper(wcsImage.Description, filename, ImageSetType.Sky, BandPass.Visible, ProjectionType.SkyImage, Math.Abs(filename.GetHashCode32()), 0, 0, 256, wcsImage.ScaleY, ".tif", wcsImage.ScaleX > 0, "", wcsImage.CenterX, wcsImage.CenterY, wcsImage.Rotation, false, "", false, false, 1, wcsImage.ReferenceX, wcsImage.ReferenceY, wcsImage.Copyright, wcsImage.CreditsUrl, "", "", 0, ""); place = new TourPlace(UiTools.GetNamesStringFromArray(wcsImage.Keywords.ToArray()), wcsImage.CenterY, wcsImage.CenterX / 15, Classification.Unidentified, constellationCheck.FindConstellationForPoint(wcsImage.CenterX, wcsImage.CenterY), ImageSetType.Sky, -1); } else { imageSet = new ImageSetHelper(wcsImage.Description, filename, ImageSetType.Sky, BandPass.Visible, ProjectionType.SkyImage, Math.Abs(filename.GetHashCode32()), 0, 0, 256, .001, ".tif", false, "", RA * 15, ViewLat, 0, false, "", false, false, 1, bmp.Width / 2, bmp.Height / 2, wcsImage.Copyright, wcsImage.CreditsUrl, "", "", 0, ""); place = new TourPlace(UiTools.GetNamesStringFromArray(wcsImage.Keywords.ToArray()), this.ViewLat, RA, Classification.Unidentified, constellationCheck.FindConstellationForPoint(wcsImage.CenterX, wcsImage.CenterY), ImageSetType.Sky, -1); } imageSet.WcsImage = wcsImage; place.StudyImageset = imageSet; place.Tag = wcsImage; Place pl = Place.FromIPlace(place); pl.ThumbNail = UiTools.MakeThumbnail(bmp); StudyImageset = pl.StudyImageset; GotoTarget(pl, false, false, true); explorePane.OpenImages.AddChildPlace(pl); bmp.Dispose(); GC.SuppressFinalize(bmp); bmp = null; explorePane.ShowOpenImages(); } if (!hasAvm) { MessageBox.Show(Language.GetLocalizedText(112, "The image file did not contain recognizable WCS or AVM Metadata to position it in the sky"), Language.GetLocalizedText(113, "Load Image"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }
public void DisplaySearchResults(VoTable table) { searchResults.Clear(); var count = 0; foreach(var row in table.Rows) { var ra = Convert.ToDouble(row["RA"])/15; var dec = Convert.ToDouble(row["DEC"]); var pl = new TourPlace(row["id"].ToString(), dec, ra, Classification.Star, Constellations.Containment.FindConstellationForPoint(ra, dec), ImageSetType.Sky, -1); searchResults.Add( pl); if (count++ > 200) { break; } } UpdateMarkers(); }
private void renderWindow_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (contrastMode) { contrastMode = false; return; } if (activeTouch != TouchControls.None) { if (activeTouch == TouchControls.Finder) { if (kioskControl) { if (ObjectProperties.Active) { ObjectProperties.HideProperties(); } else { ShowFinder(); } } else { Friction = !Friction; } } if (activeTouch == TouchControls.Home) { if (kioskControl) { if (TouchKiosk) { Properties.Settings.Default.SolarSystemScale = 1; FadeInImageSet(GetDefaultImageset(ImageSetType.SolarSystem, BandPass.Visible)); CameraParameters camParams = new CameraParameters(45, 0, 360, 0, 0, 100); GotoTarget(camParams, false, true); } else { CameraParameters camParams = new CameraParameters(0, 0, 360, 0, 0, 100); GotoTarget(camParams, false, true); } } else { TouchAllStop(); } } activeTouch = TouchControls.None; return; } if (uiController != null) { if (uiController.MouseUp(sender, new MouseEventArgs(e.Button, e.Clicks, e.X + Properties.Settings.Default.ScreenHitTestOffsetX, e.Y + Properties.Settings.Default.ScreenHitTestOffsetY, e.Delta))) { return; } } if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left || e.Button == MouseButtons.Middle) { dragging = false; spinning = false; measuringDrag = false; measuring = false; angle = false; if (!moved && ShowKmlMarkers && Space) { Point cursor = renderWindow.PointToClient(Cursor.Position); Coordinates result = GetCoordinatesForScreenPoint(cursor.X, cursor.Y); if (CurrentImageSet.DataSetType == ImageSetType.Sky) { if (!ProjectorServer) { if (constellationCheck != null) { if (ShowKmlMarkers && KmlMarkers != null) { KmlMarkers.ItemClick(Coordinates.RADecTo3dDouble(result, 1.0).Vector311, (float)(ZoomFactor / 900.0)); } } } } } } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { if ((CurrentImageSet.DataSetType == ImageSetType.Sky || CurrentImageSet.DataSetType == ImageSetType.SolarSystem /*|| CurrentImageSet.DataSetType == ImageSetType.Planet || CurrentImageSet.DataSetType == ImageSetType.Earth*/ ) && !TourPlayer.Playing) { if (figureEditor != null) { // TODO fix this for earth, plantes, panoramas Coordinates result = GetCoordinatesForScreenPoint(e.X, e.Y); string constellation = this.constellationCheck.FindConstellationForPoint(result.RA, result.Dec); contextPanel.Constellation = Constellations.FullName(constellation); IPlace closetPlace = ContextSearch.FindClosestMatch(constellation, result.RA, result.Dec, Earth3d.MainWindow.DegreesPerPixel * 80); if (closetPlace == null) { closetPlace = new TourPlace(Language.GetLocalizedText(90, "No Object"), result.Dec, result.RA, Classification.Unidentified, constellation, ImageSetType.Sky, -1); } figureEditor.AddFigurePoint(closetPlace); } else { Point pntShow = new Point(e.X, e.Y); if (SolarSystemMode) { ObjectProperties.ShowAt(renderWindow.PointToScreen(pntShow)); } else { ShowPropertiesForPoint(pntShow); } } } } }
public bool MouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { if (Earth3d.MainWindow.StudyImageset == null) { mouseDown = false; return false; } Tile root = TileCache.GetTile(0, 0, 0, Earth3d.MainWindow.StudyImageset, null); if (root == null) { mouseDown = false; return false; } if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && (root is SkyImageTile)) { anchored = !anchored; popup.SetPivotMode(anchored); if (anchored) { anchoredPoint1 = Earth3d.MainWindow.GetCoordinatesForScreenPoint(e.X, e.Y); TourPlace place = new TourPlace("", anchoredPoint1.Dec, anchoredPoint1.RA, Classification.Unidentified, "UMA", ImageSetType.Sky, -1); Earth3d.MainWindow.SetLabelText(place, false); if (root is TangentTile) { TangentTile tile = (TangentTile)root; Vector3d vector = tile.TransformPoint(12, 12); vector = Coordinates.GeoTo3dDouble(anchoredPoint1.Lat, anchoredPoint1.Lng); double x; double y; tile.UnTransformPoint(vector, out x, out y); } else if (root is SkyImageTile) { SkyImageTile tile = (SkyImageTile)root; anchorPoint1 = tile.GetImagePixel(anchoredPoint1); } } mouseDown = true; return true; } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { dragging = true; pntDown = e.Location; if (anchored) { if (root is TangentTile) { startRotation = Earth3d.MainWindow.StudyImageset.Rotation; startCenterX = Earth3d.MainWindow.StudyImageset.OffsetX; startCenterY = Earth3d.MainWindow.StudyImageset.OffsetY; startScale = Earth3d.MainWindow.StudyImageset.BaseTileDegrees; Coordinates downPoint = Earth3d.MainWindow.GetCoordinatesForScreenPoint(e.X, e.Y); startLength = anchoredPoint1.Distance(downPoint); startAngle = anchoredPoint1.Angle(downPoint) / RC; } else if (root is SkyImageTile) { SkyImageTile tile = (SkyImageTile)root; anchoredPoint2 = Earth3d.MainWindow.GetCoordinatesForScreenPoint(e.X, e.Y); anchorPoint2 = tile.GetImagePixel(anchoredPoint2); } } mouseDown = true; return true; } else { mouseDown = false; return false; } }
public static void ShowAt(IImageSet imageSet, Point pnt) { var tp = new TourPlace(imageSet.Name, 0, 0, Classification.Unidentified, "", imageSet.DataSetType, 360); tp.BackgroundImageSet = imageSet; ShowAt(tp, pnt); }
void setEndSkyPosition_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tour.CurrentTourStop != null) { //todo localize Undo.Push(new UndoTourStopChange(Language.GetLocalizedText(435, "Set End Camera Position"), tour)); var newPlace = new TourPlace("End Place", Earth3d.MainWindow.viewCamera, Classification.Unidentified, Earth3d.MainWindow.Constellation, Earth3d.MainWindow.CurrentImageSet.DataSetType, Earth3d.MainWindow.SolarSystemTrack); tour.CurrentTourStop.EndTarget = newPlace; tour.CurrentTourStop.EndTarget.Constellation = Earth3d.MainWindow.Constellation; tour.CurrentTourStop.EndTime = SpaceTimeController.Now; tour.CurrentTourStop.SetEndKeyFrames(); tour.CurrentTourStop.TweenPosition = 1f; foreach (var info in tour.CurrentTourStop.Layers.Values) { if (LayerManager.LayerList.ContainsKey(info.ID)) { info.EndOpacity = LayerManager.LayerList[info.ID].Opacity; info.EndParams = LayerManager.LayerList[info.ID].GetParams(); } } tour.CurrentTourStop.UpdateLayerOpacity(); tourStopList.Refresh(); TimeLine.RefreshUi(); TourEditorUI.ClearSelection(); } }
public override IPlace FindClosest(Coordinates target, float distance, IPlace closestPlace, bool astronomical) { var pointFound = false; var pointIndex = -1; var target3d = Coordinates.GeoTo3dDouble(target.Lat, target.Lng, 1); for (var i = 0; i < shapefile.Shapes.Count; i++) { if (shapefile.Shapes[i] is ComplexShape) { var p = (ComplexShape)shapefile.Shapes[i]; if (PointInboundingBox(target, p.BoundingBox)) { if (p.Attributes != null && p.Attributes.ItemArray.GetLength(0) > 0) { var nameCol = GetNameColumn(); if (nameCol == -1) { nameCol = 0; } var place = new TourPlace(p.Attributes.ItemArray[nameCol].ToString(), (p.BoundingBox[1] + p.BoundingBox[3]) / 2, (p.BoundingBox[0] + p.BoundingBox[2]) / 2, Classification.Unidentified, "", ImageSetType.Earth, -1); var rowData = new Dictionary<string, string>(); for (var r = 0; r < p.Attributes.ItemArray.GetLength(0); r++) { rowData.Add(p.Attributes.Table.Columns[r].ColumnName, p.Attributes.ItemArray[r].ToString()); } place.Tag = rowData; return place; } return closestPlace; } } else if (shapefile.Shapes[i].GetType() == typeof(Point)) { var p = (Point)shapefile.Shapes[i]; var point = Coordinates.GeoTo3dDouble(p.Y, p.X, 1); var dist = target3d - point; if (dist.Length() < distance) { pointFound = true; pointIndex = i; distance = (float)dist.Length(); } } } if (pointFound) { var p = (Point)shapefile.Shapes[pointIndex]; if (p.Attributes.ItemArray.GetLength(0) > 0) { var place = new TourPlace(p.Attributes.ItemArray[0].ToString(), p.Y, p.X, Classification.Unidentified, "", ImageSetType.Earth, -1); var rowData = new Dictionary<string, string>(); for (var r = 0; r < p.Attributes.ItemArray.GetLength(0); r++) { rowData.Add(p.Attributes.Table.Columns[r].ColumnName, p.Attributes.ItemArray[r].ToString()); } place.Tag = rowData; return place; } } return closestPlace; }
private void AddSlide(bool insert) { //todo localize Undo.Push(new UndoTourSlidelistChange(Language.GetLocalizedText(426, "Add New Slide"), tour)); Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; var placeName = "Current Screen"; var newPlace = new TourPlace(placeName, Earth3d.MainWindow.viewCamera, Classification.Unidentified, Earth3d.MainWindow.Constellation, Earth3d.MainWindow.CurrentImageSet.DataSetType, Earth3d.MainWindow.SolarSystemTrack); newPlace.ThumbNail = null; newPlace.StudyImageset = Earth3d.MainWindow.StudyImageset; newPlace.BackgroundImageSet = Earth3d.MainWindow.CurrentImageSet.StockImageSet; var newTourStop = new TourStop(newPlace); if (insert) { tour.InsertTourStop(newTourStop); } else { tour.AddTourStop(newTourStop); } if (tour.CurrentTourStop != null) { MusicTrack.Target = tour.CurrentTourStop; VoiceTrack.Target = tour.CurrentTourStop; } else { MusicTrack.Target = null; VoiceTrack.Target = null; } tour.CurrentTourStop.Layers = LayerManager.GetVisibleLayerList(tour.CurrentTourStop.Layers); newTourStop.Thumbnail = newPlace.ThumbNail = Earth3d.MainWindow.GetScreenThumbnail(); tourStopList.SelectedItem = tourStopList.FindItem(newTourStop); tourStopList.Refresh(); TourEditorUI.ClearSelection(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; TimeLine.RefreshUi(); }
internal static TourPlace FromXml(XmlNode place) { TourPlace newPlace = new TourPlace(); = place.Attributes["Name"].Value; newPlace.Type = (ImageSetType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ImageSetType), place.Attributes["DataSetType"].Value); if (newPlace.Type == ImageSetType.Sky) { newPlace.camParams.RA = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["RA"].Value); newPlace.camParams.Dec = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["Dec"].Value); } else { newPlace.Lat = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["Lat"].Value); newPlace.Lng = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["Lng"].Value); } newPlace.constellation = place.Attributes["Constellation"].Value; newPlace.Classification = (Classification)Enum.Parse(typeof(Classification), place.Attributes["Classification"].Value); newPlace.magnitude = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["Magnitude"].Value); if (place.Attributes["Magnitude"] != null) { newPlace.magnitude = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["Magnitude"].Value); } newPlace.AngularSize = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["AngularSize"].Value); newPlace.ZoomLevel = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["ZoomLevel"].Value); newPlace.camParams.Rotation = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["Rotation"].Value); newPlace.camParams.Angle = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["Angle"].Value); if (place.Attributes["Opacity"] != null) { newPlace.camParams.Opacity = Convert.ToSingle(place.Attributes["Opacity"].Value); } else { newPlace.camParams.Opacity = 100; } if (place.Attributes["Target"] != null) { newPlace.Target = (SolarSystemObjects)Enum.Parse(typeof(SolarSystemObjects), place.Attributes["Target"].Value); } if (place.Attributes["ViewTarget"] != null) { newPlace.camParams.ViewTarget = Vector3d.Parse(place.Attributes["ViewTarget"].Value); } if (place.Attributes["TargetReferenceFrame"] != null) { newPlace.camParams.TargetReferenceFrame = place.Attributes["TargetReferenceFrame"].Value; } if (place.Attributes["DomeAlt"] != null) { newPlace.camParams.DomeAlt = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["DomeAlt"].Value); } if (place.Attributes["DomeAz"] != null) { newPlace.camParams.DomeAz = Convert.ToDouble(place.Attributes["DomeAz"].Value); } XmlNode descriptionNode = place["Description"]; if (descriptionNode != null) { newPlace.HtmlDescription = descriptionNode.Value; } XmlNode backgroundImageSet = place["BackgroundImageSet"]; if (backgroundImageSet != null) { XmlNode imageSet = backgroundImageSet["ImageSet"]; ImageSetHelper ish = ImageSetHelper.FromXMLNode(imageSet); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ish.Url) && Earth3d.ReplacementImageSets.ContainsKey(ish.Url)) { newPlace.backgroundImageSet = Earth3d.ReplacementImageSets[ish.Url]; } else { newPlace.backgroundImageSet = ish; } } XmlNode study = place["ImageSet"]; if (study != null) { ImageSetHelper ish = ImageSetHelper.FromXMLNode(study); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ish.Url) && Earth3d.ReplacementImageSets.ContainsKey(ish.Url)) { newPlace.studyImageset = Earth3d.ReplacementImageSets[ish.Url]; } else { newPlace.studyImageset = ish; } } return(newPlace); }
private int ParseResults(string data) { resultslist.Clear(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); int index = 0; try { data = data.Substring(data.IndexOf("<?xml")); doc.LoadXml(data); XmlNode resources = doc["Response"]["ResourceSets"]["ResourceSet"]["Resources"]; if (resources != null) { foreach (XmlNode node in resources.ChildNodes) { if (node.Name == "Location") { index++; string name = node["Name"].InnerText; double lat = double.Parse(node["Point"]["Latitude"].InnerText); double lng = double.Parse(node["Point"]["Longitude"].InnerText); string type = node["EntityType"].InnerText; TourPlace place = new TourPlace(name, lat, lng, Classification.Unidentified, "", ImageSetType.Earth, -1); resultslist.Add((IPlace)place); } } } } catch { } return index; }
public override IPlace FindClosest(Coordinates target, float distance, IPlace defaultPlace, bool astronomical) { var searchPoint = Coordinates.GeoTo3dDouble(target.Lat, target.Lng); //searchPoint = -searchPoint; Vector3d dist; if (defaultPlace != null) { var testPoint = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(defaultPlace.RA, -defaultPlace.Dec, -1.0); dist = searchPoint - testPoint; distance = (float)dist.Length(); } var closestItem = -1; var index = 0; foreach (var point in positions) { dist = searchPoint - new Vector3d(point); if (dist.Length() < distance) { distance = (float)dist.Length(); closestItem = index; } index++; } if (closestItem == -1) { return defaultPlace; } var pnt = Coordinates.CartesianToSpherical2(positions[closestItem]); var name = table.Rows[closestItem].ColumnData[nameColumn].ToString(); if (nameColumn == startDateColumn || nameColumn == endDateColumn) { name = SpreadSheetLayer.ParseDate(name).ToString("u"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { name = string.Format("RA={0}, Dec={1}", Coordinates.FormatHMS(pnt.RA), Coordinates.FormatDMS(pnt.Dec)); } var place = new TourPlace(name, pnt.Lat, pnt.RA, Classification.Unidentified, "", ImageSetType.Sky, -1); var rowData = new Dictionary<string, string>(); for (var i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++) { var colValue = table.Rows[closestItem][i].ToString(); if (i == startDateColumn || i == endDateColumn) { colValue = SpreadSheetLayer.ParseDate(colValue).ToString("u"); } if (!rowData.ContainsKey(table.Column[i].Name) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Column[i].Name)) { rowData.Add(table.Column[i].Name, colValue); } else { rowData.Add("Column" + i, colValue); } } place.Tag = rowData; if (Viewer != null) { Viewer.LabelClicked(closestItem); } return place; }
void ShowPropertiesForPoint(Point pntCenter) { if (contextPanel != null) { // TODO fix this for earth, plantes, panoramas Coordinates result = GetCoordinatesForScreenPoint(pntCenter.X, pntCenter.Y); string constellation = this.constellationCheck.FindConstellationForPoint(result.RA, result.Dec); contextPanel.Constellation = Constellations.FullName(constellation); IPlace closetPlace = ContextSearch.FindClosestMatch(constellation, result.RA, result.Dec, ZoomFactor / 1300); if (closetPlace == null) { closetPlace = new TourPlace(Language.GetLocalizedText(90, "No Object"), result.Dec, result.RA, Classification.Unidentified, constellation, ImageSetType.Sky, -1); } ShowPropertiesMenu(closetPlace, pntCenter); } }
private void listView1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listView1.SelectedIndices.Count > 0) { VoRow row = table.Rows[listView1.SelectedIndices[0]]; double ra = Coordinates.ParseRA(row[raSource.SelectedIndex - 1].ToString(), true); double dec = Coordinates.ParseDec(row[decSource.SelectedIndex - 1].ToString()); string id; VoColumn col = table.GetColumnByUcd(""); if (col != null) { id = row[col.Name].ToString(); } else { id = row[0].ToString(); } TourPlace pl = new TourPlace(id, dec, ra, Classification.Star, Constellations.Containment.FindConstellationForPoint(ra, dec), ImageSetType.Sky, -1); Earth3d.MainWindow.GotoTarget(pl, false, true, false); } }
private void BrowseList_ItemContextMenu(object sender, object e) { var thumb = breadcrumbs.Peek(); var readOnly = true; if (thumb is Folder) { var owner = (Folder)thumb; readOnly = owner.ReadOnly; } thumb = e as IThumbnail; if (thumb.IsCloudCommunityItem) { if (e is Folder) { ShowCloudCommunitiesFolderContextMenu(e as Folder); } else { ShowCloudCommunitiesItemContextMenu(e as IThumbnail); } return; } var pntClick = Cursor.Position; var ta = breadcrumbs.ToArray(); if (e is IImageSet) { var imageSet = (IImageSet)e; var tp = new TourPlace(imageSet.Name, imageSet.CenterX,imageSet.CenterY, Classification.Unidentified, "", imageSet.DataSetType, 360); tp.StudyImageset = imageSet; Earth3d.MainWindow.ShowContextMenu(tp, Earth3d.MainWindow.PointToClient(Cursor.Position), true, readOnly); } else if (e is IPlace) { if (breadcrumbs.Count > 1 && ta[0].Name == Language.GetLocalizedText(222, "Open Images")) { readOnly = false; } //if (breadcrumbs.Count > 1 && ta[0].Name == Language.GetLocalizedText(222, "Open Images")) //{ // ShowOpenImageMenu((Place)e); //} //else { Earth3d.MainWindow.ShowContextMenu((IPlace)e, Earth3d.MainWindow.PointToClient(Cursor.Position), true, readOnly); } } else if (e is Folder) { if (breadcrumbs.Count > 1 && ta[0].Name == Language.GetLocalizedText(223, "Open Collections")) { ShowOpenFolderMenu((Folder)e); } else { ShowFolderMenu((Folder)e); } } if (e is Tour) { // TODO (Diego): fix var p = (Tour)e; if (p.IsTour) ShowTourMenu(p); } }
public override IPlace FindClosest(Coordinates target, float distance, IPlace closestPlace, bool astronomical) { bool pointFound = false; int pointIndex = -1; Vector3d target3d = Coordinates.GeoTo3dDouble(target.Lat, target.Lng, 1); for (int i = 0; i < shapefile.Shapes.Count; i++) { if (shapefile.Shapes[i] is ComplexShape) { ComplexShape p = (ComplexShape)shapefile.Shapes[i]; if (PointInboundingBox(target, p.BoundingBox)) { if (p.Attributes != null && p.Attributes.ItemArray.GetLength(0) > 0) { int nameCol = GetNameColumn(); if (nameCol == -1) { nameCol = 0; } TourPlace place = new TourPlace(p.Attributes.ItemArray[nameCol].ToString(), (p.BoundingBox[1] + p.BoundingBox[3]) / 2, (p.BoundingBox[0] + p.BoundingBox[2]) / 2, Classification.Unidentified, "", ImageSetType.Earth, -1); Dictionary <String, String> rowData = new Dictionary <string, string>(); for (int r = 0; r < p.Attributes.ItemArray.GetLength(0); r++) { rowData.Add(p.Attributes.Table.Columns[r].ColumnName, p.Attributes.ItemArray[r].ToString()); } place.Tag = rowData; return(place); } return(closestPlace); } } else if (shapefile.Shapes[i].GetType() == typeof(ShapefileTools.Point)) { ShapefileTools.Point p = (ShapefileTools.Point)shapefile.Shapes[i]; Vector3d point = Coordinates.GeoTo3dDouble(p.Y, p.X, 1); Vector3d dist = target3d - point; if (dist.Length() < distance) { pointFound = true; pointIndex = i; distance = (float)dist.Length(); } } } if (pointFound) { ShapefileTools.Point p = (ShapefileTools.Point)shapefile.Shapes[pointIndex]; if (p.Attributes.ItemArray.GetLength(0) > 0) { TourPlace place = new TourPlace(p.Attributes.ItemArray[0].ToString(), p.Y, p.X, Classification.Unidentified, "", ImageSetType.Earth, -1); Dictionary <String, String> rowData = new Dictionary <string, string>(); for (int r = 0; r < p.Attributes.ItemArray.GetLength(0); r++) { rowData.Add(p.Attributes.Table.Columns[r].ColumnName, p.Attributes.ItemArray[r].ToString()); } place.Tag = rowData; return(place); } } return(closestPlace); }