protected override void ChangeTileAfterSuccessfulDig(Tile tile, bool end)
     if (Rand.Value < BiomeChangeChance)
         tile.biome = BiomeDefOf.Archipelago;
        public override void GenerateFresh(string seed)
            // Get list of biomes and filter for only ones with special worker
            List<BiomeDef> biomes = DefDatabase<BiomeDef>.AllDefsListForReading;
            List<BiomeDef> specialBiomes = new List<BiomeDef>();
            for (int i = biomes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (biomes[i].WorkerSpecial() != null)
                    // Reset/init chance algorithm for world generation

            // Apply special biome workers to tiles
            WorldGrid grid = Find.WorldGrid;
            List<Tile> tiles = grid.tiles;
            int tilesCount = grid.TilesCount;
            for (int i = 0; i < tilesCount; i++)
                // Skip this tile if it already contains a special biome
                if (specialBiomes.Contains(tiles[i].biome))
                // Check all special biome defs if this tiles biome should be converted into a new biome
                foreach (BiomeDef biome in specialBiomes)
                    BiomeWorkerSpecial worker = biome.WorkerSpecial();
                    Tile currTile = tiles[i];
                    if (worker.PreRequirements(currTile) && worker.TryGenerateByChance())
                        // Update biome and biome data via mod extensions
                        currTile.biome = biome;
                        // Apply post generation effects (e.g. change more surrounding tiles)

            // Change hilliness around caves to make them appear deeper in mountains
            for (int i = 0; i < tilesCount; i++)
                Tile currTile = tiles[i];
                if (currTile.biome == BiomeDefOf.CaveOasis || currTile.biome == BiomeDefOf.TunnelworldCave)
                    List<BiomeDef> excludeBiomes = new List<BiomeDef>(specialBiomes);
                    MakeImpassableHillsAroundTile(grid, i, excludeBiomes, 1);
        protected void DigTilesForBiomeChange(int startTileID, int digLengthMin, int digLengthMax, int maxDirChange, bool digBothDirections = true)
            WorldGrid worldGrid  = Find.WorldGrid;
            bool      goOtherWay = false;
            int       currTileID = startTileID;
            int       dirBase    = Rand.RangeInclusive(0, 5);

            for (int i = 0; i < digLengthMax; i++)
                // Get good neighbor tile for next step
                int dir = GenWorldGen.NextRandomDigDir(dirBase, maxDirChange);
                currTileID = worldGrid.GetTileNeighborByDirection6WayInt(currTileID, dir);
                Tile tile = worldGrid[currTileID];
                // Check if prerequirements for the biome are still met
                if (!((i < digLengthMin && MinPreRequirements(tile)) || PreRequirements(tile)))
                    // Try to dig in the other way from the start first, otherwise abort
                    if (goOtherWay)
                        currTileID = startTileID;
                        dirBase    = GenWorldGen.InvertDigDir(dirBase);
                        i          = -1;
                        goOtherWay = true;
                // Set new biome (only when there is no special biome on the tile)
                if (tile.biome.WorkerSpecial() == null)
                    bool endTile = (i == digLengthMax - 1);
                    ChangeTileAfterSuccessfulDig(tile, endTile);
                // Go the other way if end is reached
                if (digBothDirections && i == digLengthMax - 1 && !goOtherWay)
                    currTileID = startTileID;
                    dirBase    = GenWorldGen.InvertDigDir(dirBase);
                    i          = -1;
                    goOtherWay = true;
        protected override void ChangeTileAfterSuccessfulDig(Tile tile, bool end)
            float randVal = Rand.Value;

            if (randVal < OasisBiomeChance || end)
                tile.biome = BiomeDefOf.CaveOasis;
            else if (randVal < TunnelBiomeChance)
                tile.biome = BiomeDefOf.TunnelworldCave;
                tile.biome = BiomeDefOf.CaveEntrance;
 public static void Postfix(ref Tile __result)
 protected override void ChangeTileAfterSuccessfulDig(Tile tile, bool end)
     tile.biome = BiomeDefOf.InfestedMountains;
 protected override void ChangeTileAfterSuccessfulDig(Tile tile, bool end)
     tile.biome = BiomeDefOf.DeepRavine;