Esempio n. 1
        public override async IAsyncEnumerable <Path> ComputeSelect(EvaluationContext ctx)
            _listCandidate ??= TemplexBase.Parse(ListExpression);

            if (_listCandidate != null)
                // Expression select
                var select = _listCandidate.ComputeSelect(ctx);
                await foreach (var atom in select)
                    yield return(atom);

                // Expression paths
                var paths = _listCandidate.ComputePaths(ctx);
                await foreach (var path in paths)
                    yield return(path.Append("Id"));

                // Inner template select
                var scopedCtx = ctx.Clone();
                scopedCtx.SetLocalVariable(IteratorVariableName, new EvaluationVariable(
                                               eval: TemplateUtil.VariableThatThrows(IteratorVariableName),
                                               selectResolver: () => select,
                                               pathsResolver: () => paths

                await foreach (var atom in Inner.ComputeSelect(scopedCtx))
                    yield return(atom);
Esempio n. 2
        public override async Task GenerateOutputs(EvaluationContext ctx)
            _listCandidate ??= TemplexBase.Parse(ListExpression);

            if (_listCandidate != null)
                var listObj = (await _listCandidate.Evaluate(ctx)) ?? new List <object>();
                if (listObj is IList list)
                    foreach (var listItem in list)
                        // Initialize new evaluation context with the new variable in it
                        var scopedCtx = ctx.Clone();
                        scopedCtx.SetLocalVariable(IteratorVariableName, new EvaluationVariable(
                                                       evalAsync: () => Task.FromResult(listItem),
                                                       selectResolver: () => AsyncUtil.Empty <Path>(), // It doesn't matter when generating output
                                                       pathsResolver: () => AsyncUtil.Empty <Path>()   // It doesn't matter when generating output

                        // Run the template again on that context
                        await Inner.GenerateOutputs(scopedCtx);
                    throw new TemplateException($"Expression does not evaluate to a list ({_listCandidate}).");
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Clones the <see cref="EvaluationContext"/> and returns a new one that contains the new variable.
        /// </summary>
        private EvaluationContext GetScopeLocalContext(EvaluationContext ctx)
            _varExpression ??= TemplexBase.Parse(VariableExpression);

            var variable = new EvaluationVariable(
                evalAsync: () => _varExpression.Evaluate(ctx),
                selectResolver: () => _varExpression.ComputeSelect(ctx),
                pathsResolver: () => _varExpression.ComputePaths(ctx));

            var ctxClone = ctx.Clone();

            ctxClone.SetLocalVariable(VariableName, variable);

Esempio n. 4
        public override async IAsyncEnumerable <Path> ComputeSelect(EvaluationContext ctx)
            _conditionCandidate ??= TemplexBase.Parse(ConditionExpression);

            if (_conditionCandidate != null && Inner != null)
                await foreach (var select in _conditionCandidate.ComputeSelect(ctx))
                    yield return(select);

                await foreach (var select in Inner.ComputeSelect(ctx))
                    yield return(select);
Esempio n. 5
        public override async Task GenerateOutputs(EvaluationContext ctx)
            _conditionCandidate ??= TemplexBase.Parse(ConditionExpression);

            if (_conditionCandidate != null && Inner != null)
                var conditionObj = (await _conditionCandidate.Evaluate(ctx)) ?? false;
                if (conditionObj is bool condition)
                    if (condition)
                        await Inner.GenerateOutputs(ctx);
                    throw new TemplateException($"If expression could not be applied. Expression ({_conditionCandidate}) does not evaluate to a true or false.");