Esempio n. 1
        public void GetAttributeValue_GetTheValueOfTheClassAttribute_VerifyTheMethodReturnsTheProperAttributeValue()
            //Arrange: Initialize the GridControl, create a fake HTML template with attributes
            var layoutControl = new DummyGridControl();
            string expectedAttributeValue = "sf_colsOut";
            string actualAttributeValue = string.Empty;
            string attributeName = "class";
            var template = string.Format(@"<div {0}=""{1}"" runat=""server""></div>", attributeName, expectedAttributeValue);

            //Act: parse the HTML template and then get the value of the class atribute
            using (HtmlParser parser = new HtmlParser(template))
                parser.AutoExtractBetweenTagsOnly = false;
                parser.CompressWhiteSpaceBeforeTag = false;
                parser.KeepRawHTML = true;
                HtmlChunk chunk = parser.ParseNext();
                actualAttributeValue = layoutControl.PublicGetAttributeValue(chunk, attributeName);

            //Assert: Verify the GetAttributeValue of the GridControl class is returning the correct attribute value
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedAttributeValue, actualAttributeValue, "The attribute value returned by the GetAttributeValue method is not correct.");