/// <summary> /// Creates a new player. The data is retrieved from the text boxes and parsed in to the Player object's properties. /// </summary> private void CreateNewPlayer() { Player player = new Player(); player.FirstName = txtbxFirstName.Text; player.LastName = txtbxLastName.Text; double cost; if (!Double.TryParse(txtbxCost.Text, out cost)) { cost = 0.0; } player.Cost = cost; player.Team = cmbxTeam.Text; if ((player.FirstName == "" && player.LastName == "") || player.Team == "") { MessageBox.Show("Give some information first."); this.ShowStatusBarNotification("More information about the player needed."); return; } this.players.Add(player); this.UpdateList(); this.ClearInputs(); this.ShowStatusBarNotification("New player created."); }
private void buttonCreatePlayer_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Team team = (Team)this.comboBoxTeam.SelectedItem; Player player = new Player(team); player.FName = this.textBoxFName.Text; player.LName = this.textBoxLName.Text; player.Price = int.Parse((this.textBoxPrice.Text.Length > 0) ? this.textBoxPrice.Text : "0"); if (player.FName.Length > 0 && player.LName.Length > 0) { this.players.Add(player); this.listBoxPlayers.SelectedItem = player; this.changeStatus("Pelaaja lisätty."); } else { this.changeStatus("Virhe: Pelaajalle täytyy syöttää etu- ja sukunimi."); } }