Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            *   This block of code is used to instantiate the server
            var tcpServer = new TcpTorrent();
            var serverState = new StateObject();
            serverState.ClientType = false;

Esempio n. 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var sr = new StreamReader(@"../../Intro.txt"))
                while (!sr.EndOfStream)

            Tuple<string, string> userCommand;

            *   This block of code is used to instantiate the server
            //var tcpServer = new TcpTorrent();
            //var serverState = new StateObject();
            //serverState.ClientType = false;
            //var serverTask = tcpServer.StartListener(serverState);


            *   This block of code is used to instantiate the client server
            StateObject clientState = new StateObject();
            var clientServer = new TcpTorrent();
            clientState.Address = "" ;
            //clientState.Address = clientServer.GetLocalIPAddress();
            clientState.Port = clientServer.GetOpenPort();
            Console.WriteLine("Creating Client's server on Address: {0} , and Port: {1}", clientState.Address, clientState.Port);
            var task = clientServer.StartListener(clientState);

            // Creating a temp location to store all the temporary files
            var random = new Random();
            clientState.TempFolderPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + @"/Temp" + random.Next(1, 10);
            if (!Directory.Exists(clientState.TempFolderPath))
                Console.WriteLine("Client: Creating directory at {0}", clientState.TempFolderPath);
                clientState.TempFolderPath += random.Next(1, 10);
                Console.WriteLine("Client: Creating directory at {0}", clientState.TempFolderPath);


            while (true)
                userCommand = getCommand();

                // Switching through all the user's input
                switch (userCommand.Item1)
                    case "LISTUPLOADABLES":
                        // Clearing the previous file paths since we are repopulating it

                        // Displaying all the files that are in the desktop folder
                        string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
                        int i = 1;
                        Console.WriteLine("\nThe following files are available for download");
                        foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path))
                            // Only present the file if it hasn't already been added
                            if (!clientState.FileDict.ContainsKey(Path.GetFileName(file)))
                                FileInfo f = new FileInfo(file);
                                Console.WriteLine("{0}) {1}", i, Path.GetFileName(file));


                    case "UPLOAD":

                        Tuple<bool, string> validCheck = IsValidInput(userCommand.Item2, clientState.UploadableFilePath.Count);

                        // If any of the value in the previous loop was invalid, we need to break out of this case.
                        if (validCheck.Item1 == false)

                        // Now what we know that the user's inputs are valid, we need to store the path of the files that the user wants to upload

                        // Clearing the previous FilestoREg list because we have a new list.
                        foreach (string item in userCommand.Item2.Split(','))
                            clientState.FilePathsToReg.Add(clientState.UploadableFilePath[Convert.ToInt32(item) - 1]);
                            clientState.FilePathsToRegLength.Add(clientState.UploadableFileSize[Convert.ToInt32(item) - 1]);

                        // creating a new tcp client with the command to register the files that the user had selected
                        var uploadcmd = new ClientPassableObject(clientState);
                        var uploadclient = new TcpTorrent();
                        var clienttask = uploadclient.ClientStart(uploadcmd);

                        while (uploadcmd.DoneFlag == false) ;

                        // Now that we recieved upload on which file can be uploaded, we need to split the files up into segments and store it in the temp folder
                        for (int j = 0; j < uploadcmd.FilesRegSuccessCount.Count; j++)
                            if (uploadcmd.FilesRegSuccessCount[j] == true)

                                // Only do something if we don't already have the file in storage.
                                if (!clientState.FileDict.ContainsKey(Path.GetFileName(clientState.FilePathsToReg[j])))
                                    var DataParser = new DataSegmentObject();

                                    // splitting the files up and store it in the temp folder
                                    DataParser.SplitFile(clientState.FilePathsToReg[j], clientState.MaxChunkSize, clientState.TempFolderPath);
                                    var dictObject = new ObjectForFiledict();
                                    dictObject.Hash = DataParser.GetHash(clientState.FilePathsToReg[j]);
                                    dictObject.NoOfSegments = DataParser.GetNoOfSegments(clientState.FilePathsToRegLength[j], clientState.MaxChunkSize);

                                    Console.WriteLine("Client: splitting file: {0} of length {1} to {2} segments",
                                    clientState.FilePathsToReg[j], clientState.FilePathsToRegLength[j], dictObject.NoOfSegments);

                                    clientState.FileDict.Add(Path.GetFileName(clientState.FilePathsToReg[j]), dictObject);
                                    Console.WriteLine("Client: The file already exist in the dictionary. Do not add");




                    case "LISTDOWNLOADABLES":

                        // Creating a new tcp client that will get all the downloadable files
                        var printcmd = new ClientPassableObject(clientState);
                        var printListclient = new TcpTorrent();
                        var printTask = printListclient.ClientStart(printcmd);

                        while (printcmd.DoneFlag == false) ;

                        clientState.DownloadableFileName = printcmd.DownloadableFiles;
                        clientState.DownloadableFileSize = printcmd.DownloadableFilesLength;


                    case "DOWNLOAD":
                        Tuple<bool, string> downloadValidCheck = IsValidInput(userCommand.Item2, clientState.DownloadableFileName.Count);

                        // If any of the value in the previous loop was invalid, we need to break out of this case.
                        if (downloadValidCheck.Item1 == false)
                        // We are only going to allow one file to be download at a time
                        if (userCommand.Item2.Split(',').Length > 1)
                            Console.WriteLine("/nYou can only select one download file at a time");

                        // Clearing the previous FilestoREg list because we have a new list.
                        clientState.FileNameToDownload = string.Empty;
                        clientState.FileNameToDownloadLength = 0;

                        clientState.FileNameToDownload = clientState.DownloadableFileName[Convert.ToInt32(userCommand.Item2) - 1];
                        clientState.FileNameToDownloadLength = clientState.DownloadableFileSize[Convert.ToInt32(userCommand.Item2) - 1];

                        // Creating a new TCP client that will download the file from the other client
                        var downloadClient = new TcpTorrent();
                        var downloadTask = downloadClient.GetDownloadFile(clientState);

                    case "LEAVE":

                        // createing a new tcp client that will request to leave
                        var leaveCmd = new ClientPassableObject(clientState);
                        var leaveClient = new TcpTorrent();
                        //Console.WriteLine("Creating leave task");
                        var leaveTask = leaveClient.ClientStart(leaveCmd);
                        while (leaveCmd.DoneFlag == false) ;

                        if (Directory.Exists(clientState.TempFolderPath))
                            Console.WriteLine("Client: deleting directory at {0}", clientState.TempFolderPath);
                            Directory.Delete(clientState.TempFolderPath, true);
                            Console.WriteLine("Client: Directory to delete doesn't exist");



                    case "HELP":

                        // display to the user the available commands if he/she typed help
                        using (var sr = new StreamReader(@"../../Intro.txt"))
                            while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nSorry. That was an invalid input. Please try again. \nValid Inputs are 'Listuploadables','Upload-#','ListDownloadables','Download-#','Leave','Help'");

 public ClientPassableObject(StateObject state)
     port = state.Port;
     address = state.Address;
     _state = state;
Esempio n. 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //using (var sr = new StreamReader(@"../../Intro.txt"))
            //    while(!sr.EndOfStream)
            //        Console.WriteLine(sr.ReadLine());
            //using (var sr = new StreamReader(@"../../Example.txt"))
            //    while (!sr.EndOfStream)
            //        Console.WriteLine(sr.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("This is the server. Do not close.");

            //Tuple<string, string> userCommand;

            var tcpServer = new TcpTorrent();
            var serverState = new StateObject();
            serverState.ClientType = false;
            //var serverTask = tcpServer.StartListener(serverState);


            //StateObject clientState = new StateObject();
            //clientState.Address = "";
            //var clientServer = new TcpTorrent();
            //clientState.Port = clientServer.GetOpenPort();
            //var task = clientServer.StartListener(clientState);

            //while (true)
            //    userCommand = getCommand();
            //    switch (userCommand.Item1)
            //    {
            //        case "LISTUPLOADABLES":
            //            Clearing the previous file paths since we are repopulating it
            //            clientState.UploadableFilePath.Clear();
            //            clientState.UploadableFileSize.Clear();

            //            string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
            //            int i = 1;
            //            Console.WriteLine("\nThe following files are available for download");
            //            foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path))
            //            {
            //                Console.WriteLine("{0}) {1}", i, Path.GetFileName(file));
            //                clientState.UploadableFilePath.Add(file);
            //                clientState.UploadableFileSize.Add(file.Length);

            //                i++;
            //            }
            //            commandPrint();
            //            break;

            //        case "UPLOAD":

            //            Tuple<bool, string> validCheck = IsValidInput(userCommand.Item2, clientState.UploadableFilePath.Count);

            //            If any of the value in the previous loop was invalid, we need to break out of this case.
            //            if (validCheck.Item1 == false)
            //            {
            //                Console.WriteLine(validCheck.Item2);
            //                commandPrint();
            //                break;
            //            }

            //            Now what we know that the user's inputs are valid, we need to store the path of the files that the user wants to upload

            //             Clearing the previous FilestoREg list because we have a new list.
            //            clientState.FilePathsToReg.Clear();
            //            clientState.FilePathsToRegLength.Clear();
            //            foreach (string item in userCommand.Item2.Split(','))
            //            {
            //                clientState.FilePathsToReg.Add(clientState.UploadableFilePath[Convert.ToInt32(item) - 1]);
            //                clientState.FilePathsToRegLength.Add(clientState.UploadableFileSize[Convert.ToInt32(item) - 1]);
            //            }

            //            var uploadcmd = new ClientPassableObject(clientState);
            //            uploadcmd.RegisterFiles();
            //            var uploadclient = new TcpTorrent();
            //            var clienttask = uploadclient.ClientStart(uploadcmd);

            //            while (uploadcmd.DoneFlag == false) ;

            //            Now that we recieved upload on which file can be uploaded, we need to split the files up into segments and store it in memory
            //            for (int j = 0; j < uploadcmd.FilesRegSuccessCount.Count; j++)
            //            {
            //                if (uploadcmd.FilesRegSuccessCount[j] == true)
            //                {
            //                    StringBuilder FileSb = new StringBuilder();
            //                    using (var streamRdr = new StreamReader(clientState.FilePathsToReg[j]))
            //                    {
            //                        while (!streamRdr.EndOfStream)
            //                        {
            //                            FileSb.Append(streamRdr.ReadLine());
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                    var DataParser = new DataSegmentObject();
            //                    Tuple<string, List<string>> tupleForDict = DataParser.ChunksUpto(FileSb.ToString(), clientState.MaxChunkSize);
            //                    var dictObject = new ObjectForFiledict();
            //                    dictObject.Hash = tupleForDict.Item1;
            //                    dictObject.Segments = tupleForDict.Item2;
            //                    if (!clientState.FileDict.ContainsKey(Path.GetFileName(clientState.FilePathsToReg[j])))
            //                    {
            //                        clientState.FileDict.Add(Path.GetFileName(clientState.FilePathsToReg[j]), dictObject);

            //                    }
            //                }

            //            }

            //            commandPrint();

            //            break;

            //        case "LISTDOWNLOADABLES":

            //            var printcmd = new ClientPassableObject(clientState);
            //            printcmd.PrintDownloadable();
            //            var printListclient = new TcpTorrent();
            //            var printTask = printListclient.ClientStart(printcmd);

            //            while (printcmd.DoneFlag == false) ;

            //            clientState.DownloadableFileName = printcmd.DownloadableFiles;
            //            clientState.DownloadableFileSize = printcmd.DownloadableFilesLength;
            //            commandPrint();

            //            break;

            //        case "DOWNLOAD":
            //            Tuple<bool, string> downloadValidCheck = IsValidInput(userCommand.Item2, clientState.DownloadableFileName.Count);

            //            If any of the value in the previous loop was invalid, we need to break out of this case.
            //            if (downloadValidCheck.Item1 == false)
            //            {
            //                Console.WriteLine(downloadValidCheck.Item2);
            //                commandPrint();
            //                break;
            //            }
            //            We are only going to allow one file to be download at a time
            //            if (userCommand.Item2.Split(',').Length > 1)
            //            {
            //                Console.WriteLine("/nYou can only select one download file at a time");
            //                break;
            //            }

            //            Clearing the previous FilestoREg list because we have a new list.
            //           clientState.FileNameToDownload = string.Empty;
            //            clientState.FileNameToDownloadLength = 0;

            //            clientState.FileNameToDownload = clientState.DownloadableFileName[Convert.ToInt32(userCommand.Item2) - 1];
            //            clientState.FileNameToDownloadLength = clientState.DownloadableFileSize[Convert.ToInt32(userCommand.Item2) - 1];

            //            var downloadClient = new TcpTorrent();
            //            var downloadTask = downloadClient.GetDownloadFile(clientState);

            //            var uploadCmd = new ClientPassableObject(clientState);
            //            var uploadClient = new TcpTorrent();
            //            uploadCmd.GetFilesLocation(clientState.FileNameToDownload);

            //            var uploadTask = uploadClient.ClientStart(uploadCmd);

            //            while (uploadCmd.DoneFlag == false) ;

            //            Console.WriteLine("Name of file: {0}", uploadCmd.FileToDownload);
            //            Console.WriteLine("Size of file: {0}", uploadCmd.FileToDownloadLength);
            //            Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}", uploadCmd.AddressAtFile2Download[0]);
            //            Console.WriteLine("Port: {0}", uploadCmd.PortAtFile2Download[0]);

            //            commandPrint();
            //            break;

            //        case "LEAVE":
            //            var leaveCmd = new ClientPassableObject(clientState);
            //            leaveCmd.LeaveRequest();
            //            var leaveClient = new TcpTorrent();
            //            var leaveTask = leaveClient.ClientStart(leaveCmd);
            //            while (leaveCmd.DoneFlag == false) ;

            //            Console.ReadKey();
            //            Environment.Exit(0);

            //            break;

            //        case "HELP":
            //            using (var sr = new StreamReader(@"../../Intro.txt"))
            //            {
            //                while (!sr.EndOfStream)
            //                    Console.WriteLine(sr.ReadLine());
            //            }
            //            break;
            //        default:
            //            Console.WriteLine("\nSorry. That was an invalid input. Please try again. \nValid Inputs are 'Listuploadables','Upload-#','ListDownloadables','Download-#','Leave','Help'");
            //            commandPrint();
            //            break;
            //    }
