static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello!! Its your Document Worker!!"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Enter the Pro or Expert version code: ? "); DocumentWorker dw = new DocumentWorker(); if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int userCode)) { VersionType version = KeyLicenseValidator.Validate(userCode); Console.WriteLine("Your version is {0}", version); switch (version) { case VersionType.Standart: break; case VersionType.Pro: dw = new ProDocumentWorker(); break; case VersionType.Expert: dw = new ExpertDocumentWorker(); break; default: break; } } dw.OpenDocument(); dw.EditDocument(); dw.SaveDocument(); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); DocumentWorker documentWorker = new DocumentWorker(); ProDocumentWorker proDocumentWorker = new ProDocumentWorker(); ExpertDocumentWorker expertDocumentWorker = new ExpertDocumentWorker(); string key = Console.ReadLine(); switch (key) { case "1": proDocumentWorker = new ProDocumentWorker(); break; case "2": expertDocumentWorker = new ExpertDocumentWorker(); break; default: documentWorker = new DocumentWorker();; break; } Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { while (true) { Console.Write("Введите ключ доступа: "); string key = Console.ReadLine(); if (key == "1") { ProDocumentWorker proDocumentWorker = new ProDocumentWorker(); proDocumentWorker.OpenDocument(); proDocumentWorker.EditDocument(); proDocumentWorker.SaveDocument(); Console.WriteLine("_______________________"); } else if (key == "2") { ExpertDocumentWorker expertDocumentWorker = new ExpertDocumentWorker(); expertDocumentWorker.OpenDocument(); expertDocumentWorker.EditDocument(); expertDocumentWorker.SaveDocument(); Console.WriteLine("_______________________"); } else { DocumentWorker documentWorker = new DocumentWorker(); documentWorker.OpenDocument(); documentWorker.EditDocument(); documentWorker.SaveDocument(); Console.WriteLine("_______________________"); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { const int pro = 2468; const int exp = 1357; int key = 0; Console.WriteLine("Введите ключ доступа: "); string keyStr = Console.ReadLine(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(keyStr)) { key = Convert.ToInt32(keyStr); } DocumentWorker documentWorker = null; switch (key) { case pro: documentWorker = new ProDocumentWorker(); break; case exp: documentWorker = new ExpertDocumentWorker(); break; default: documentWorker = new DocumentWorker(); break; } documentWorker.OpenDocument(); documentWorker.EditDocument(); documentWorker.SaveDocument(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Введите ключ"); string key = Console.ReadLine(); DocumentWorker doc = null; switch (key) { case "123": doc = new ProDocumentWorker(); break; case "321": doc = new ExpertDocumentWorker(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Ключ неверен"); doc = new DocumentWorker(); break; } doc.OpenDocument(); doc.EditDocument(); doc.SaveDocument(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Dictionary <string, string> key = new Dictionary <string, string>() { ["Pro"] = "1234567890", ["Exp"] = "0987654321", ["UsuallUser"] = "" }; string inputKey = Helper.Query("Hello, put the key, please"); if (inputKey == key["Pro"]) { workWithDocument = new ProDocumentWorker(); Use(workWithDocument); } else if (inputKey == key["Exp"]) { workWithDocument = new ExpertDocumentWorker(); Use(workWithDocument); } else if (inputKey == key["UsuallUser"]) { workWithDocument = new DocumentWorker(); Use(workWithDocument); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error"); } Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Input key (pro/exp)"); string key = Console.ReadLine(); DocumentWorker worker = CreatDocument(key); worker.OpenDocument(); worker.EditDocument(); worker.SaveDocument(); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Again: Console.Write("Введите пожалуйста номер ключа доступа к версии PRO: "); string pro = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Введите пожалуйста номер ключа доступа к версии EXP: "); string exp = Console.ReadLine(); ExpertDocumentWorker expertDocumentWorker = new ExpertDocumentWorker(); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 60)); if (exp == expertDocumentWorker.ExpNumber) { Console.WriteLine("Вы можете пользоваться EXP версией программы!"); Console.WriteLine("Вам будут доступны все функции программы:"); expertDocumentWorker.OpenDocument(); expertDocumentWorker.EditDocument(); expertDocumentWorker.SaveDocument(); } if (pro == expertDocumentWorker.ProNumber) { ProDocumentWorker proDocumentWorker = expertDocumentWorker; Console.WriteLine("Вы можете пользоваться PRO версией программы!"); Console.WriteLine("Вам будут доступны неполные функции программы:"); proDocumentWorker.OpenDocument(); proDocumentWorker.EditDocument(); proDocumentWorker.SaveDocument(); } if (pro != expertDocumentWorker.ProNumber && exp != expertDocumentWorker.ExpNumber) { Console.WriteLine("Вы можете пользоваться только бесплатной версией программы!"); Console.WriteLine("Вам будут доступны сильно ограниченные функции программы:"); DocumentWorker documentWorker = expertDocumentWorker; documentWorker.OpenDocument(); documentWorker.EditDocument(); documentWorker.SaveDocument(); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 60)); } goto Again; }
static void Main(string[] args) { DocumentWorker document = null; string key = "pro"; if (key == "pro") { document = new ProDocumentWorker(); } else if (key == "exp") { document = new ExpertDocumentWorker(); } else { document = new DocumentWorker(); } document.OpenDocument(); document.EditDocument(); document.SaveDocument(); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write("Введите ключ продукта: "); string regKey = Console.ReadLine(); if (regKey == "Pro") { DocumentWorker document1 = new ProDocumentWorker(); GetFunctionalityBeVersion(document1); } else if (regKey == "Expert") { DocumentWorker document2 = new ExpertDocumentWorker(); GetFunctionalityBeVersion(document2); } else { DocumentWorker document3 = new DocumentWorker(); GetFunctionalityBeVersion(document3); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); string key; Console.Write("Введите ключь для доступап к версии Pro или Expert: "); key = Console.ReadLine(); if (key.Equals(new ProDocumentWorker().Key)) { Console.WriteLine("Вы используете версию Pro!"); _ = new ProDocumentWorker(); } else if (key.Equals(new ExpertDocumentWorker().Key)) { Console.WriteLine("Вы используете версию Expert!"); _ = new ExpertDocumentWorker(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Вы используете версию Free!"); _ = new DocumentWorker(); } Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write("Ввдите номер ключа доступа(pro or exp)"); string value = Console.ReadLine(); if (value == "" || value == "pro") { ProDocumentWorker proDocument = new ProDocumentWorker(); DocumentWorker documentWorker = proDocument; documentWorker.OpenDocument(); documentWorker.EditDocument(); documentWorker.SaveDocument(); } else if (value == "exp") { ExpertDocumentWorker expert = new ExpertDocumentWorker(); DocumentWorker documentWorker = expert; documentWorker.SaveDocument(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Некорректные данные!"); } }
public static void GetFunctionalityBeVersion(DocumentWorker document) { document.OpenDocument(); document.EditDocument(); document.SaveDocument(); }
static void Use(DocumentWorker document) { document.OpenDocument(); document.EditDocument(); document.SaveDocument(); }