public bool Calculate_Angle_toPocket(Vector3 end, Vector3 start, Vector3 cue) { Shot_Tools path = new Shot_Tools(); Pocket optimal_pocket = new Pocket(); if (path.Measure_Collision(end, start)) { // Look into direction of cue ball to solid Vector3 start_trajectory = (cue - start).normalized; Vector3 final_trajectory = (end - start).normalized; //Determine if it's possible to make the shot. If within the angle threshold, it is a possible match for a shot float angle = Vector3.Angle(final_trajectory, start_trajectory); if (angle > 135.0f) { return(true); } else { return(false); //Create some cases for the bounce shot } } //You must go around the obstruction return(false); }
public Vector3 StraightShot(Vector3 ball, Vector3 destination) { Shot_Tools path = new Shot_Tools(); path.Draw_line(ball, destination); return((ball - destination).normalized); }
IEnumerator Select_Shot() { Shot_Tools path = new Shot_Tools(); bool flag = true; int run = 1; popup.enabled = true; Transform child = popup.transform.Find("Text"); Text t = child.GetComponent <Text>(); while (run != 0) { Clear(); Mouse_Select ball = new Mouse_Select(this, BallSelect()); yield return(ball.coroutine); Mouse_Select pocket = new Mouse_Select(this, PocketSelect()); yield return(pocket.coroutine); t.text = "Calculating Shot...."; Bounce_Shot bounce = new Bounce_Shot(cue, bounce_ball, bounce_pocket); run = bounce.DetermineCase(); if (run == 1) { t.text = "The shot is not possible. Please select a different ball or different pocket"; //Console.Readline(); //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } } }
public Vector3 Around_Obstruction_Pocket_Middle(Vector3 ball, Vector3 pocket) { Shot_Tools path = new Shot_Tools(); SelectWall(ball, pocket); //Find first solution using wall1 Vector3 midpoint = (pocket - ball) * 0.5f + ball; //Determine which wall to react the impact point Vector3 intercept = RecursivePocket_Middle(pocket, ball, pocket, ball); /* * if (!path.Measure_Collision(ball, intercept) || !path.Measure_Collision(intercept, pocket)) * { * Debug.Log("The shot is not possible"); * return new Vector3(); * } */ // else //{ //path.Draw_Solution1(ball, intercept, pocket); return((ball - intercept).normalized); // } }
//LineRenderer linerenderer; // Use this for initialization void Start() { cue = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Cue"); balls = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Solid"); pockets = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Pocket"); best_weight = 100; path = new Shot_Tools(); }
public Vector3 Around_Obstruction_Ball(Vector3 ball, Vector3 impactpoint, Vector3 incident_trajectory) { Shot_Tools path = new Shot_Tools(); RaycastHit collision; RaycastHit wall; Vector3 reflect_shot = new Vector3(); Vector3 intercept; int count = 0; Vector3 midpoint = (impactpoint - ball) * 0.5f + ball; Physics.Raycast(impactpoint, incident_trajectory, out wall); Vector3 solutionintercept = RecursiveIntercept(impactpoint, ball, impactpoint, ball); SelectQuadrant(ball, impactpoint); Vector3 solutionintercept2 = RecursiveIntercept_SideWall(impactpoint, ball, impactpoint, ball); bool check = false; //There is a null exception being thrown here. Don't really know why //bool check2 = path.Measure_Collision(solutionintercept, impactpoint); /* * if (!path.Measure_Collision(ball, solutionintercept) || !path.Measure_Collision(solutionintercept, impactpoint)) * { * Debug.Log("The shot is not possible. Select either a different pocket or ball"); * return new Vector3(); * } * else */ //if(!path.Measure_to_Wall(ball, solutionintercept2) && path.Measure_Collision(ball, this.pocket.transform.position)) if (!path.Measure_to_Wall(ball, solutionintercept2) && !path.Measure_to_Wall(impactpoint, solutionintercept2)) { path.Draw_Solution2(ball, solutionintercept2, impactpoint); check = true; } if (!path.Measure_to_Wall(ball, solutionintercept) && !path.Measure_to_Wall(impactpoint, solutionintercept)) { path.Draw_Solution1(ball, solutionintercept, impactpoint); check = true; //path.Draw_Solution2(ball, solutionintercept2, impactpoint); } if (check == true) { return(solutionintercept); } else { return(new Vector3()); } }
public Vector3 Around_Obstruction_Pocket(Vector3 ball, Vector3 pocket) { Shot_Tools path = new Shot_Tools(); RaycastHit collision; Vector3 reflect_shot = new Vector3(); Vector3 error; int count = 0; SelectWall(ball, pocket); //Find first solution using wall1 Vector3 midpoint = (pocket - ball) * 0.5f + ball; //Determine which wall to react the impact point Vector3 intercept = RecursivePocket(pocket, ball, pocket, ball); /* * if (!path.Measure_Collision(ball, intercept) || !path.Measure_Collision(intercept, pocket)) * { * Debug.Log("The shot is not possible"); * return new Vector3(); * } * else * { * path.Draw_Solution1(ball, intercept, pocket); * return (ball - intercept).normalized; * } */ if (!path.Measure_to_Wall(ball, intercept) && !path.Measure_to_Wall(pocket, intercept)) { path.Draw_Solution1(ball, intercept, pocket); return((ball - intercept).normalized); //path.Draw_Solution2(ball, solutionintercept2, impactpoint); } return(new Vector3()); }
private Vector3 RecursiveIntercept_SideWall(Vector3 up, Vector3 down, Vector3 impactpoint, Vector3 ball) { Plane intersect_plane; Ray reflect_projection; float enter; Vector3 reflect_shot; Shot_Tools path = new Shot_Tools(); Vector3 intercept = new Vector3(this.wall2.transform.position.x, 0, (up.z + down.z) * 0.5f); if (this.quadrant == 1 || this.quadrant == 2) { intersect_plane = new Plane(Vector3.back, impactpoint); } else { intersect_plane = new Plane(Vector3.forward, impactpoint); } Vector3 incident_shot = (intercept - ball).normalized; //The incident angle may change depending on whether the wall is top or bottom if (this.wall2.CompareTag("Wall_Right")) { reflect_shot = Vector3.Reflect(incident_shot, Vector3.left * 1f); } else { reflect_shot = Vector3.Reflect(incident_shot, Vector3.right * 1f); } reflect_projection = new Ray(intercept, reflect_shot); if (intersect_plane.Raycast(reflect_projection, out enter)) { count++; Vector3 hitpoint = reflect_projection.GetPoint(enter); //path.Draw_Solution1(ball, intercept, hitpoint); if (Vector3.Distance(hitpoint, impactpoint) < 0.5f) { return(intercept); } if (count == 30) { Debug.Log("Couldn't find a solution"); return(intercept); } if (this.quadrant == 0 || this.quadrant == 3) { if (this.wall2.CompareTag("Wall_Right")) { if (hitpoint.x > impactpoint.x) { return(RecursiveIntercept_SideWall(intercept, down, impactpoint, ball)); } else { return(RecursiveIntercept_SideWall(up, intercept, impactpoint, ball)); } } else { if (hitpoint.x > impactpoint.x) { return(RecursiveIntercept_SideWall(up, intercept, impactpoint, ball)); } else { return(RecursiveIntercept_SideWall(intercept, down, impactpoint, ball)); } } } else { if (this.wall2.CompareTag("Wall_Right")) { if (hitpoint.x > impactpoint.x) { return(RecursiveIntercept_SideWall(intercept, down, impactpoint, ball)); } else { return(RecursiveIntercept_SideWall(up, intercept, impactpoint, ball)); } } else { if (hitpoint.x > impactpoint.x) { return(RecursiveIntercept_SideWall(up, intercept, impactpoint, ball)); } else { return(RecursiveIntercept_SideWall(intercept, down, impactpoint, ball)); } } } } else { Debug.Log("Missed the target"); return(intercept); } }
private Vector3 RecursiveIntercept(Vector3 left, Vector3 right, Vector3 impactpoint, Vector3 ball) { Plane intersect_plane; Ray reflect_projection; float enter; Vector3 reflect_shot; Shot_Tools path = new Shot_Tools(); Vector3 intercept = new Vector3((left.x + right.x) * 0.5f, this.wall1.transform.position.y, this.wall1.transform.position.z); if (this.quadrant == 1 || this.quadrant == 2) { intersect_plane = new Plane(Vector3.left, impactpoint); } else { intersect_plane = new Plane(Vector3.left, impactpoint); } Vector3 incident_shot = (intercept - ball).normalized; //The incident angle may change depending on whether the wall is top or bottom if (this.wall1.CompareTag("Wall_Top")) { reflect_shot = Vector3.Reflect(incident_shot, Vector3.back * 1f); } else { reflect_shot = Vector3.Reflect(incident_shot, Vector3.forward * 1f); } reflect_projection = new Ray(intercept, reflect_shot); if (intersect_plane.Raycast(reflect_projection, out enter)) { count++; Vector3 hitpoint = reflect_projection.GetPoint(enter); if (Vector3.Distance(hitpoint, impactpoint) < 0.5f) { return(intercept); } if (count == 30) { return(intercept); } if (this.quadrant == 2 || this.quadrant == 3) { if (this.wall1.CompareTag("Wall_Top")) { if (hitpoint.z > impactpoint.z) { return(RecursiveIntercept(intercept, right, impactpoint, ball)); } else { return(RecursiveIntercept(left, intercept, impactpoint, ball)); } } else { if (hitpoint.z > impactpoint.z) { return(RecursiveIntercept(left, intercept, impactpoint, ball)); } else { return(RecursiveIntercept(intercept, right, impactpoint, ball)); } } } else { if (this.wall1.CompareTag("Wall_Top")) { if (hitpoint.z > impactpoint.z) { return(RecursiveIntercept(intercept, right, impactpoint, ball)); } else { return(RecursiveIntercept(left, intercept, impactpoint, ball)); } } else { if (hitpoint.z > impactpoint.z) { return(RecursiveIntercept(left, intercept, impactpoint, ball)); } else { return(RecursiveIntercept(intercept, right, impactpoint, ball)); } } } } else { Debug.Log("Missed the target"); return(intercept); } }
private Vector3 RecursivePocket_Middle(Vector3 left, Vector3 right, Vector3 pocket, Vector3 ball) { RaycastHit collision1; RaycastHit collision2; Vector3 error; Vector3 error2; Vector3 wall1_reflect_shot; Vector3 wall2_reflect_shot; Shot_Tools path = new Shot_Tools(); Vector3 wall1_intercept = new Vector3((left.x + right.x) * 0.5f, 0, this.wall1.transform.position.z); Vector3 incident_shot = (wall1_intercept - ball).normalized; //The incident angle may change depending on whether the wall is top or bottom if (this.wall1.CompareTag("Wall_Top")) { wall1_reflect_shot = Vector3.Reflect(incident_shot, Vector3.back * 1f); } else { wall1_reflect_shot = Vector3.Reflect(incident_shot, Vector3.forward * 1f); } Vector3 wall2_intercept = new Vector3(this.wall2.transform.position.x, this.wall2.transform.position.y, (left.z + right.z) * 0.5f); incident_shot = (wall2_intercept - ball).normalized; if (this.wall2.CompareTag("Wall_Right")) { wall2_reflect_shot = Vector3.Reflect(incident_shot, Vector3.right * 1f); } else { wall2_reflect_shot = Vector3.Reflect(incident_shot, Vector3.left * 1f); } if (!Physics.Raycast(wall1_intercept, wall1_reflect_shot, out collision1)) { Debug.Log("Something weird happened: wall1 in middle function"); return(wall1_intercept); } Physics.Raycast(wall2_intercept, wall2_reflect_shot, out collision2); if (collision2.collider == null) { // Debug.Log("Something weird happened: wall2"); //return wall2_intercept; } path.Draw_Solution1(ball, wall1_intercept, collision1.point); pocketcount++; if (collision1.collider.CompareTag("Pocket") || pocketcount == 30) { return(wall1_intercept); } error = collision1.point - pocket; //path.Draw_line(wall1_intercept, collision1.point); error2 = collision2.point - pocket; if (this.quadrant == 1 || this.quadrant == 0) { if (error.x < 0) { return(RecursivePocket_Middle(left, wall1_intercept, pocket, ball)); } else { return(RecursivePocket_Middle(wall1_intercept, right, pocket, ball)); } } else { if (error.x >= 0) { return(RecursivePocket_Middle(left, wall1_intercept, pocket, ball)); } else { return(RecursivePocket_Middle(wall1_intercept, right, pocket, ball)); } } }
public int DetermineCase() { Shot_Tools path = new Shot_Tools(); Vector3 incidenttrajectory = new Vector3(); Vector3 impactpoint = new Vector3(); Vector3 check; int pocket_type = 0; count = 0; pocketcount = 0; foreach (Transform child in pocket.transform) { if (child.gameObject.CompareTag("Middle_Pocket")) { pocket_type = 1; } else if (child.gameObject.CompareTag("Corner_Pocket")) { pocket_type = 0; } } //Determine if there is an obstruction between the pocket and the ball if (!path.Measure_Collision(pocket.transform.position, ball.transform.position)) { if (pocket_type == 0) { incidenttrajectory = Around_Obstruction_Pocket(this.ball.transform.position, this.pocket.transform.position); } else { incidenttrajectory = Around_Obstruction_Pocket_Middle(this.ball.transform.position, this.pocket.transform.position); } } else { incidenttrajectory = StraightShot(this.ball.transform.position, pocket.transform.position); } if (incidenttrajectory == { Debug.Log("Desired shot not possible. Cannot bounce the ball to the pocket. Please select either a different ball or a different pocket NOW"); return(1); } impactpoint = path.Impactpoint(this.ball.transform.position, incidenttrajectory); //Determine if there is obstruction between required impact point and cue. //if (!path.Measure_Collision_to_Impact(this.cue.transform.position, impactpoint, incidenttrajectory)) { if (!path.Measure_Collision_to_Impact(this.cue.transform.position, impactpoint, this.ball.transform.position, incidenttrajectory)) { SelectWall(impactpoint, this.ball.transform.position); //There might be an issue here, because this is changing the quadrant of the shot check = Around_Obstruction_Ball(this.cue.transform.position, impactpoint, incidenttrajectory); } else { check = StraightShot(this.cue.transform.position, impactpoint); } if (check == { Debug.Log("Desired shot not possible. Cannot bounce the cue to the impact point. Please select a differnet ball or different pocket"); return(1); } return(0); }