private void ReceiveDamageReport(SmartShell shell, Dictionary <int, float> damageReport) { const float rewardPerDamage = 0.005f; // max damage is 100 const float penaltySelfHit = -1.5f; if (!IsDone()) { foreach (var entry in damageReport) { if (entry.Key == // we hit ourself { AddReward(entry.Value * rewardPerDamage * penaltySelfHit); // Debug.unityLogger.Log(LOGTAG, "Player " + id.ToString() + " hit themself for " + entry.Value.ToString()); } else // we hit someone else { AddReward(entry.Value * rewardPerDamage); // Debug.unityLogger.Log(LOGTAG, "Player " + id.ToString() + " hit " + entry.Key.ToString() + " for " + entry.Value.ToString()); } } } shell.OnExplode -= ReceiveDamageReport; // after calculating rewards, check to see if we won the game if (damageReport.Count > 0 && !IsDone()) { gameManager.CheckGameWinConditions(); } }
private void FireCannon(float strength) { if (cannonCoolingDown || IsDone()) { return; } cannonCoolingDown = true; cooldownTimer = 0f; // StartCoroutine(CannonCooldown()); Rigidbody shell = Instantiate(shellPrefab, shellSpawnPoint.position, shellSpawnPoint.rotation) as Rigidbody; shell.velocity = strength * shellSpawnPoint.forward; SmartShell smartShell = shell.GetComponent <SmartShell>(); if (smartShell) { smartShell.owner = id; smartShell.OnExplode += ReceiveDamageReport; } }