Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// This constructor initializes a new instance of the ControlledTank class.
 /// It also stores the tankModel by usubg the Opponents GetTank() method, and
 /// GetArmour() for the current durability of the TankModel. In addition, it also
 /// stores the angle, power, current weapons and colour of the tank which is a bitmap.
 /// Author John Santias and Hoang Nguyen October 2017
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="player"> A reference of Opponent stored as player </param>
 /// <param name="tankX"> The x coordinate of the tank </param>
 /// <param name="tankY"> The y coordinate of the tank </param>
 /// <param name="game"> A reference of Gameplay stored as game </param>
 public ControlledTank(Opponent player, int tankX, int tankY, Gameplay game)
     this.player = player;
     this.tankX  = tankX;
     this.tankY  = tankY;   = game;
     tankModel   = player.GetTank();
     currentDur  = tankModel.GetArmour();
     angle       = 0;
     power       = 25;
     tankWeapon  = 0;
     colour      = tankModel.CreateBitmap(player.GetColour(), angle);
Esempio n. 2
        public BattleTank(GenericPlayer player, int tankX, int tankY, Game game)
            //setting up the values we recieve to the variables in this class
            this.tPlayer = player;
            this.xCoord  = tankX;
            this.yCoord  = tankY;
            this.tGame   = game;
            this.tPower  = 25;
            this.tAngle  = 0;
            this.tWeapon = 0;

            //creating a tank, getting color, setting angle and getting armour
            //seems like the order of things is very important
            //was failing tests coz of the null excpetion, took me couple of hours
            //to understand that it needs to be re-ordered.
            this.tTank   = tPlayer.CreateTank();
            this.tankBMP = tTank.CreateBMP(tPlayer.GetTankColour(), this.tAngle);
    = tTank.GetArmour();
Esempio n. 3
        public void Paint(Graphics graphics, Size displaySize)
            //copied from ams with slight changes
            //its drawing a tank
            int drawX1 = displaySize.Width * this.xCoord / Map.WIDTH;
            int drawY1 = displaySize.Height * this.yCoord / Map.HEIGHT;
            int drawX2 = displaySize.Width * (this.xCoord + TankModel.WIDTH) / Map.WIDTH;
            int drawY2 = displaySize.Height * (this.yCoord + TankModel.HEIGHT) / Map.HEIGHT;

            graphics.DrawImage(tankBMP, new Rectangle(drawX1, drawY1, drawX2 - drawX1, drawY2 - drawY1));

            int   drawY3 = displaySize.Height * (this.yCoord - TankModel.HEIGHT) / Map.HEIGHT;
            Font  font   = new Font("Arial", 8);
            Brush brush  = new SolidBrush(Color.White);

            int pct = * 100 / tTank.GetArmour();

            if (pct < 100)
                graphics.DrawString(pct + "%", font, brush, new Point(drawX1, drawY3));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method draws the ControlledTank to graphic, scaled
        /// to the provided display size. The durability of the tank is
        /// also shown as a percentage.
        /// Author John Santias and Hoang Nguyen October 2017
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphics"> The bitmap of the tank </param>
        /// <param name="displaySize"> Size of display </param>
        public void Draw(Graphics graphics, Size displaySize)
            int x      = tankX;
            int y      = tankY;
            int drawX1 = displaySize.Width * x / Terrain.WIDTH;
            int drawY1 = displaySize.Height * y / Terrain.HEIGHT;
            int drawX2 = displaySize.Width * (x + TankModel.WIDTH) / Terrain.WIDTH;
            int drawY2 = displaySize.Height * (y + TankModel.HEIGHT) / Terrain.HEIGHT;

            graphics.DrawImage(colour, new Rectangle(drawX1, drawY1, drawX2 - drawX1, drawY2 - drawY1));

            int   drawY3 = displaySize.Height * (y - TankModel.HEIGHT) / Terrain.HEIGHT;
            Font  font   = new Font("Arial", 8);
            Brush brush  = new SolidBrush(Color.White);

            int pct = currentDur * 100 / tankModel.GetArmour();

            if (pct < 100)
                graphics.DrawString(pct + "%", font, brush, new Point(drawX1, drawY3));