private void AdjustSlideshowPeriod(float delta, SequenceRec sequence) { TextView slideshowPeriod_txt = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.slideShowPeriodSecs_txt); float currentPeriod = float.Parse(slideshowPeriod_txt.Text); if ((delta == -1 && currentPeriod < 2) || (delta == 1 && currentPeriod < 1)) { delta /= 10; } if ((delta == -1 && currentPeriod > 300) || (delta == 1 && currentPeriod > 290)) { delta *= 100; } else { if ((delta == -1 && currentPeriod > 30) || (delta == 1 && currentPeriod > 29)) { delta *= 10; } } currentPeriod += delta; sequence.slideShowPeriodSecs = currentPeriod; DataStore.UpdateSequence(sequence); if (currentPeriod == 1000 && delta > 0) { Android.Widget.Toast.MakeText(this, "Seriously?", Android.Widget.ToastLength.Short).Show(); } slideshowPeriod_txt.Text = "" + currentPeriod; // disable down button at 0.1 FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.timingDown_btn).Clickable = (currentPeriod > 0.15); }
public void HandleSequenceClick(SequenceRec sequence) { var sequence_activity = new Intent(this, typeof(SequenceActivity)); sequence_activity.PutExtra("sequenceId",; StartActivity(sequence_activity); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); // Create your application here this.RequestWindowFeature(WindowFeatures.NoTitle); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.sequence); sequenceId = Intent.GetIntExtra("sequenceId", -1); SequenceRec sequence = DataStore.FindSequence(sequenceId); Spinner sortSpinner = FindViewById <Spinner>(Resource.Id.sort_options_spn); var sortAdapter = ArrayAdapter.CreateFromResource( this, Resource.Array.sort_options_array, Resource.Layout.large_spinner); sortAdapter.SetDropDownViewResource(Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerDropDownItem); sortSpinner.Adapter = sortAdapter; sortSpinner.ItemSelected += (object sender, AdapterView.ItemSelectedEventArgs e) => { sequence.sortCode = e.Position; DataStore.UpdateSequence(sequence); }; // handling of the sort codes relies on the spinner's string list corresponding // with the enums through which we interpret the database codes, when we actually // use them. We don't need to think about the significance of the code when maintaining it. sortSpinner.SetSelection(sequence.sortCode); CheckBox reverseSortCheckbox = FindViewById <CheckBox>(Resource.Id.reverse_chb); reverseSortCheckbox.Checked = sequence.reverseSort == 1; reverseSortCheckbox.CheckedChange += (object sender, CompoundButton.CheckedChangeEventArgs e) => { sequence.reverseSort = e.IsChecked ? 1 : 0; DataStore.UpdateSequence(sequence); }; FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.slideShowPeriodSecs_txt).Text = "" + sequence.slideShowPeriodSecs; FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.timingDown_btn).Click += (object sender, EventArgs args) => { AdjustSlideshowPeriod(-1, sequence); }; FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.timingUp_btn).Click += (object sender, EventArgs args) => { AdjustSlideshowPeriod(1, sequence); }; ListView directory_lvw = FindViewById <ListView>(Resource.Id.directory_lvw); dirAdapter = new SequenceDirAdapter(this); dirAdapter.Fill(; directory_lvw.Adapter = dirAdapter; FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.addDirectory_btn).Click += (object sender, EventArgs args) => { var file_activity = new Intent(this, typeof(SelectFileActivity)); file_activity.PutExtra("directoriesOnly", true); StartActivityForResult(file_activity, 1); // We implement OnActivityResult below to know when to tell the adapter to refresh the list. }; }
public void DeleteSequence(int position, SequenceRec sequence) { AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); alert.SetTitle("Delete Sequence '" + + "'"); alert.SetPositiveButton("Delete", (senderAlert, args2) => { adapter.Delete(position, sequence); }); alert.SetNegativeButton("Cancel", (senderAlert, args2) => { }); Dialog dialog = alert.Create(); dialog.Show(); }
public void EditSequence(int position, SequenceRec sequence) { AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); alert.SetTitle("Edit Sequence"); EditText et = new EditText(this); et.Text =; alert.SetView(et); alert.SetPositiveButton("Update", (senderAlert, args2) => { = et.Text; adapter.Update(position, sequence); }); alert.SetNegativeButton("Cancel", (senderAlert, args2) => { }); Dialog dialog = alert.Create(); dialog.Show(); }
public static int DeleteSequence(SequenceRec sequence) { // delete children first db.Execute("delete from SequenceDir where sequenceId = ?",; return(db.Delete(sequence)); }
public static int UpdateSequence(SequenceRec sequence) { return(db.Update(sequence)); }
public static int AddSequence(SequenceRec newSequence) { db.Insert(newSequence); return(; }