A file containing a cache of all of the stringID strings.
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a tag serialization context which serializes data into a tag.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stream">The stream to write to.</param>
 /// <param name="cache">The cache file to write to.</param>
 /// <param name="stringIds">The stringID source to use.</param>
 /// <param name="tag">The tag to overwrite.</param>
 public TagSerializationContext(Stream stream, TagCache cache, StringIDCache stringIds, TagInstance tag)
     _stream = stream;
     _cache = cache;
     _stringIds = stringIds;
     Tag = tag;
        public ImportResourceCommand(OpenTagCache info)
            : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,

            "Import as a new resource for a specified tag.",

            "importresource <cache file> <tag> <input file>\n",

            "For bitm, it only works with permutations. The path must end with a folder, and not a file.\n")
            _info = info;
            _cache = info.Cache;
            _fileInfo = info.CacheFile;
            _stringIds = info.StringIDs;
Esempio n. 3
        public StringIDCommand(OpenTagCache info)
            : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,

            "Add, look up, or find stringID values",

            "stringid add <string>\n" +
            "stringid get <id>\n" +
            "stringid list [filter]",

            "\"stringid add\" will add a new stringID.\n" +
            "\"stringid get\" will display the string corresponding to an ID value.\n" +
            "\"stringid list\" will list stringIDs, optionally filtering them.")
            _info = info;
            _stringIds = info.StringIDs;
 /// <summary>
 /// Filters a set of localized strings and prepares them for display.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="unic">The string list.</param>
 /// <param name="stringIds">The string ID cache to use.</param>
 /// <param name="strings">The strings to display.</param>
 /// <param name="language">The language to display strings from.</param>
 /// <param name="filter">The filter to match strings and stringIDs against. Can be <c>null</c> to display everything.</param>
 /// <returns>The strings to print.</returns>
 public static List<DisplayString> PrepareForDisplay(MultilingualUnicodeStringList unic, StringIDCache stringIds, IEnumerable<LocalizedString> strings, GameLanguage language, string filter)
     // Filter the input strings
     var display = new List<DisplayString>();
     foreach (var localizedString in strings)
         var str = unic.GetString(localizedString, language);
         if (str == null)
         var stringId = stringIds.GetString(localizedString.StringID);
         if (filter != null && !str.Contains(filter) && !stringId.Contains(filter))
         display.Add(new DisplayString
             StringID = stringId,
             String = str
     display.Sort((a, b) => String.Compare(a.StringID, b.StringID, StringComparison.Ordinal));
     return display;
Esempio n. 5
        public static List<Tag> ParseGroupTags(StringIDCache stringIDs, IEnumerable<string> classNames)
            var searchClasses = classNames.Select(a => ParseGroupTag(stringIDs, a)).ToList();

            return (searchClasses.Any(c => c.Value == -1)) ? null : searchClasses;
Esempio n. 6
        public static Tag ParseGroupTag(StringIDCache stringIDs, string groupName)
            if (TagStructureTypes.IsGroupTag(groupName))
                return new Tag(groupName);

            foreach (var pair in TagGroup.Instances)
                if (groupName == stringIDs.GetString(pair.Value.Name))
                    return pair.Value.Tag;

            return Tag.Null;
        public override bool Execute(List<string> args)
            if (args.Count != 1)
                return false;

            var destDir = new DirectoryInfo(args[0]);
            if (!destDir.Exists)
                Write("Destination directory does not exist. Create it? [y/n] ");
                var answer = ReadLine().ToLower();

                if (answer.Length == 0 || !(answer.StartsWith("y") || answer.StartsWith("n")))
                    return false;

                if (answer.StartsWith("y"))
                    return false;

            WriteLine($"Generating cache files in \"{destDir.FullName}\"...");

            var destTagsFile = new FileInfo(Combine(destDir.FullName, "tags.dat"));

            Write($"Generating {destTagsFile.FullName}...");
            using (var tagCacheStream = destTagsFile.Create())
            using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(tagCacheStream))
                writer.Write((int)0); // padding
                writer.Write((int)0); // tag list offset
                writer.Write((int)0); // tag count
                writer.Write((int)0); // padding
                writer.Write((long)130713360239499012); // timestamp
                writer.Write((long)0); // padding

            var destStringIDsFile = new FileInfo(Combine(destDir.FullName, "string_ids.dat"));

            Write($"Generating {destStringIDsFile.FullName}...");
            using (var stringIDCacheStream = destStringIDsFile.Create())
            using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(stringIDCacheStream))
                writer.Write((int)0); // string count
                writer.Write((int)0); // data size

            var resourceCachePaths = new string[]
                Combine(destDir.FullName, "audio.dat"),
                Combine(destDir.FullName, "resources.dat"),
                Combine(destDir.FullName, "textures.dat"),
                Combine(destDir.FullName, "textures_b.dat"),
                Combine(destDir.FullName, "video.dat")

            foreach (var resourceCachePath in resourceCachePaths)
                Write($"Generating {resourceCachePath}...");
                using (var resourceCacheStream = File.Create(resourceCachePath))
                using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(resourceCacheStream))
                    writer.Write((int)0); // padding
                    writer.Write((int)0); // table offset
                    writer.Write((int)0); // resource count
                    writer.Write((int)0); // padding

            var dependencies = new Dictionary<int, TagInstance>();
            LoadTagDependencies(0, ref dependencies);
            LoadTagDependencies(0x16, ref dependencies);
            LoadTagDependencies(0x27D7, ref dependencies);
            var destResourcesFile = new FileInfo(Combine(destDir.FullName, "resources.dat"));
            if (!destResourcesFile.Exists)
                WriteLine($"Destination resource cache file does not exist: {destResourcesFile.FullName}");
                return false;

            var destTexturesFile = new FileInfo(Combine(destDir.FullName, "textures.dat"));
            if (!destTexturesFile.Exists)
                WriteLine($"Destination texture cache file does not exist: {destTexturesFile.FullName}");
                return false;

            var destTexturesBFile = new FileInfo(Combine(destDir.FullName, "textures_b.dat"));
            if (!destTexturesBFile.Exists)
                WriteLine($"Destination texture cache file does not exist: {destTexturesBFile.FullName}");
                return false;

            var destAudioFile = new FileInfo(Combine(destDir.FullName, "audio.dat"));
            if (!destAudioFile.Exists)
                WriteLine($"Destination audio cache file does not exist: {destAudioFile.FullName}");
                return false;
            TagCache destTagCache;
            using (var stream = destTagsFile.OpenRead())
                destTagCache = new TagCache(stream);

            DefinitionSet guessedVersion;
            var destVersion = Detect(destTagCache, out guessedVersion);
            if (destVersion == Unknown)
                WriteLine($"Unrecognized target version! (guessed {GetVersionString(guessedVersion)})");
                return true;

            WriteLine($"Destination cache version: {GetVersionString(destVersion)}");

            StringIDCache destStringIDCache;
            using (var stream = destStringIDsFile.OpenRead())
                destStringIDCache = new StringIDCache(stream, Create(destVersion));

            var destResources = new ResourceDataManager();

            var srcResources = new ResourceDataManager();

            var destSerializer = new TagSerializer(destVersion);
            var destDeserializer = new TagDeserializer(destVersion);

            var destInfo = new OpenTagCache
                Cache = destTagCache,
                CacheFile = destTagsFile,
                StringIDs = destStringIDCache,
                StringIDsFile = destStringIDsFile,
                Version = destVersion,
                Serializer = destSerializer,
                Deserializer = destDeserializer

            using (Stream srcStream = Info.OpenCacheRead(), destStream = destInfo.OpenCacheReadWrite())
                var maxDependency = dependencies.Keys.Max();
                for (var i = 0; i <= maxDependency; i++)
                    var srcTag = Info.Cache.Tags[i];
                    if (srcTag == null)

                    var srcData = Info.Cache.ExtractTagRaw(srcStream, srcTag);

                    var destTag = destInfo.Cache.AllocateTag(srcTag.Group);
                    destInfo.Cache.SetTagDataRaw(destStream, destTag, srcData);

                    srcData = new byte[0];
            WriteLine($"Done generating cache files in \"{destDir.FullName}\".");

            return true;
Esempio n. 8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US");

            // Get the file path from the first argument
            // If no argument is given, load tags.dat
            var filePath = (args.Length > 0) ? args[0] : "tags.dat";

            // If there are extra arguments, use them to automatically execute a command
            List<string> autoexecCommand = null;
            if (args.Length > 1)
                autoexecCommand = args.Skip(1).ToList();

            if (autoexecCommand == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Tag Tool [{0}]", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version);
                Console.WriteLine("Please report any bugs and feature requests at");
                Console.Write("Reading tags...");

            // Load the tag cache
            FileInfo fileInfo = null;
            TagCache cache = null;

                fileInfo = new FileInfo(filePath);
                using (var stream = fileInfo.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    cache = new TagCache(stream);
            catch(Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + e.Message);

            if (autoexecCommand == null)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} tags loaded.", cache.Tags.Count);

            // Version detection
            DefinitionSet closestVersion;
            var version = Definition.Detect(cache, out closestVersion);
            if (version != DefinitionSet.Unknown)
                if (autoexecCommand == null)
                    var buildDate = DateTime.FromFileTime(cache.Timestamp);
                    Console.WriteLine("- Detected target engine version {0}.", Definition.GetVersionString(closestVersion));
                    Console.WriteLine("- This cache file was built on {0} at {1}.", buildDate.ToShortDateString(), buildDate.ToShortTimeString());
                Console.WriteLine("WARNING: The cache file's version was not recognized!");
                Console.WriteLine("Using the closest known version {0}.", Definition.GetVersionString(closestVersion));
                version = closestVersion;

            // Load stringIDs
            Console.Write("Reading stringIDs...");
            var stringIdPath = Path.Combine(fileInfo.DirectoryName ?? "", "string_ids.dat");
            var resolver = StringIDResolverFactory.Create(version);
            StringIDCache stringIds = null;
                using (var stream = File.OpenRead(stringIdPath))
                    stringIds = new StringIDCache(stream, resolver);
            catch (IOException)
                Console.WriteLine("Warning: unable to open string_ids.dat!");
                Console.WriteLine("Commands which require stringID values will be unavailable.");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + e.Message);

            if (autoexecCommand == null && stringIds != null)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} strings loaded.", stringIds.Strings.Count);

            var info = new OpenTagCache
                Cache = cache,
                CacheFile = fileInfo,
                StringIDs = stringIds,
                StringIDsFile = (stringIds != null) ? new FileInfo(stringIdPath) : null,
                Version = version,
                Serializer = new TagSerializer(version),
                Deserializer = new TagDeserializer(version),

            var tagNamesPath = "TagNames\\tagnames_" + Definition.GetVersionString(version) + ".csv";

            if (File.Exists(tagNamesPath))
                using (var tagNamesStream = File.Open(tagNamesPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    var reader = new StreamReader(tagNamesStream);

                    while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                        var line = reader.ReadLine();
                        var separatorIndex = line.IndexOf(',');
                        var indexString = line.Substring(2, separatorIndex - 2);

                        int tagIndex;
                        if (!int.TryParse(indexString, NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out tagIndex))
                            tagIndex = -1;

                        if (tagIndex < 0 || tagIndex >= cache.Tags.Count)

                        var nameString = line.Substring(separatorIndex + 1);

                        if (nameString.Contains(" "))
                            var lastSpaceIndex = nameString.LastIndexOf(' ');
                            nameString = nameString.Substring(lastSpaceIndex + 1, nameString.Length - lastSpaceIndex - 1);

                        info.TagNames[tagIndex] = nameString;


            foreach (var tag in info.Cache.Tags)
                if (tag != null && !info.TagNames.ContainsKey(tag.Index))
                    info.TagNames[tag.Index] = $"0x{tag.Index:X4}";

            // Create command context
            var contextStack = new CommandContextStack();
            var tagsContext = TagCacheContextFactory.Create(contextStack, info);

            // If autoexecuting a command, just run it and return
            if (autoexecCommand != null)
                if (!ExecuteCommand(contextStack.Context, autoexecCommand))
                    Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized command: {0}", autoexecCommand[0]);

            Console.WriteLine("Enter \"help\" to list available commands. Enter \"exit\" to quit.");
            while (true)
                // Read and parse a command
                Console.Write("{0}> ", contextStack.GetPath());
                var commandLine = Console.ReadLine();
                if (commandLine == null)
                string redirectFile;
                var commandArgs = ArgumentParser.ParseCommand(commandLine, out redirectFile);
                if (commandArgs.Count == 0)

                // If "exit" or "quit" is given, pop the current context
                if (commandArgs[0] == "exit" || commandArgs[0] == "quit")
                    if (!contextStack.Pop())
                        break; // No more contexts - quit

                // Handle redirection
                var oldOut = Console.Out;
                StreamWriter redirectWriter = null;
                if (redirectFile != null)
                    redirectWriter = new StreamWriter(File.Open(redirectFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));

                // Try to execute it
                if (!ExecuteCommand(contextStack.Context, commandArgs))
                    Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized command: {0}", commandArgs[0]);
                    Console.WriteLine("Use \"help\" to list available commands.");

                // Undo redirection
                if (redirectFile != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Wrote output to {0}.", redirectFile);