public static void ApplyTags(OutputMetadata tagdata, ProgressUpdate procprogress, AudioBookConverterMain _owner) { if (Owner.bgAACEncoder.CancellationPending) { return; } Owner = _owner; procprogress.CurrentFilename = "Writing MetaData"; procprogress.TotalFiles = 1; procprogress.CurrentFile = 1; procprogress.BentoWorking = true; Owner.bgAACEncoder.ReportProgress(0, procprogress); TagLib.File Mp4File = TagLib.File.Create(tagdata.OutputFile); if (tagdata.Album != null) { Mp4File.Tag.Album = tagdata.Album; } if (tagdata.AlbumSort != null) { Mp4File.Tag.AlbumSort = tagdata.AlbumSort; } if (tagdata.Composer != null) { Mp4File.Tag.Composers = tagdata.Composer.Split(';'); } if (tagdata.ComposerSort != null) { Mp4File.Tag.ComposersSort = tagdata.ComposerSort.Split(';'); } Mp4File.Tag.Disc = (uint)tagdata.Disc; Mp4File.Tag.DiscCount = (uint)tagdata.DiscTotal; Mp4File.Tag.Kind = 2; if (tagdata.Artist != null) { Mp4File.Tag.Performers = tagdata.Artist.Split(';'); } if (tagdata.ArtistSort != null) { Mp4File.Tag.PerformersSort = tagdata.ArtistSort.Split(';'); } if (tagdata.Title != null) { Mp4File.Tag.Title = tagdata.Title; } if (tagdata.TitleSort != null) { Mp4File.Tag.TitleSort = tagdata.TitleSort; } Mp4File.Tag.Track = (uint)tagdata.Track; Mp4File.Tag.Track = (uint)tagdata.TrackTotal; Mp4File.Tag.Year = (uint)tagdata.Year; if (tagdata.Comment != null) { Mp4File.Tag.Comment = tagdata.Comment; } if (tagdata.Image != null) { TagLib.Picture ipic = new TagLib.Picture(); TagLib.ByteVector picdata = new TagLib.ByteVector(); picdata.Add(tagdata.Image); ipic.Data = picdata; ipic.MimeType = "image/jpeg"; ipic.Type = PictureType.FrontCover; ipic.Description = "Front Cover"; Picture[] PictFrames = { ipic }; Mp4File.Tag.Pictures = PictFrames; } Mp4File.Save(); }
public bool StartsWith(ByteVector pattern) { return(ContainsAt(pattern, 0)); }
static async Task HandleFile(FileInfo file) { var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FullName); Console.WriteLine("Processing File: '{0}'", file.FullName); var movies = await SearchForMovie(fileName); Console.WriteLine("Which Movie is this file? (enter -1 to skip)"); var count = 1; foreach (var movie in movies.Results) { Console.WriteLine(" [{0}] {1} - {2} -{3}", count++, GetDateTime(movie.ReleaseDate).Year, movie.Title, movie.Id ); } var movieNumber = -1; var userInput = Console.ReadLine(); int.TryParse(userInput, out movieNumber); var index = movieNumber - 1; if (index < 0 || index > movies.Results.Count() - 1) { Console.WriteLine("Not renaming '{0}'", fileName); } else { var searchMovie = movies.Results.ToArray()[index]; var fullMovie = await GetMovie(searchMovie.Id); using (TagLib.File tagFile = TagLib.File.Create(file.FullName, "video/mp4", ReadStyle.Average)) { TagLib.Mpeg4.AppleTag customTag = (TagLib.Mpeg4.AppleTag)tagFile.GetTag(TagLib.TagTypes.Apple, true); // name customTag.Title = fullMovie.Title; // STIK || Media Type Tag customTag.ClearData("stik"); var stikVector = new TagLib.ByteVector(); stikVector.Add((byte)9); customTag.SetData("stik", stikVector, (int)TagLib.Mpeg4.AppleDataBox.FlagType.ContainsData); // Short Description customTag.ClearData("desc"); customTag.SetText("desc", ToShortDescription(fullMovie.Overview)); // Long Description customTag.ClearData("ldes"); customTag.SetText("ldes", fullMovie.Overview); // Release Date YYYY-MM-DD var releaseDate = GetDateTime(fullMovie.ReleaseDate); customTag.Year = (uint)releaseDate.Year; customTag.ClearData("tdrl"); customTag.SetText("tdrl", fullMovie.Overview); // Genre var mainGenre = fullMovie.Genres.Select(g => g.Name).First(); customTag.Genres = new string[] { mainGenre }; // Cast / Actors customTag.Performers = fullMovie.Credits.Cast.Select(c => c.Name).ToArray(); // HD Video //customTag.ClearData("hdvd"); var inputFile = new MediaFile { Filename = file.FullName }; using (var engine = new Engine()) { engine.GetMetadata(inputFile); } if (isHd(inputFile.Metadata.VideoData.FrameSize)) { var hdvdVector = new TagLib.ByteVector(); hdvdVector.Add(Convert.ToByte(true)); customTag.SetData("hdvd", hdvdVector, (int)TagLib.Mpeg4.AppleDataBox.FlagType.ContainsData); } // Artwork / Poster if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fullMovie.Poster)) { Console.WriteLine(" getting movie poster"); var artworkUrl = "" + fullMovie.Poster; using (var client = new HttpClient()) { var response = await client.GetAsync(artworkUrl); var bytes = await response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync(); tagFile.Tag.Pictures = new IPicture[] { new TagLib.Picture(bytes) }; } } tagFile.Save(); } var newFileName = SanitizeFileName(fullMovie.Title) + Path.GetExtension(file.FullName); var folder = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["to"]; var newPath = Path.Combine(folder, newFileName); Console.WriteLine(" moving file to {0}", newPath); file.MoveTo(newPath); } Console.WriteLine("========================================================="); }
public bool ContainsAt(ByteVector pattern, int offset) { return(ContainsAt(pattern, offset, 0)); }
public bool ContainsAt(ByteVector pattern, int offset, int patternOffset) { return(ContainsAt(pattern, offset, patternOffset, int.MaxValue)); }
public int RFind(ByteVector pattern) { return(RFind(pattern, 0, 1)); }
public int RFind(ByteVector pattern, int offset) { return(RFind(pattern, offset, 1)); }
public bool Equals(ByteVector other) { return(CompareTo(other) == 0); }