Esempio n. 1
         * public List<T> get_reverse_route(T loc, int mov, T target_loc)
         * {
         *  //Prepare pathfinding variables
         *  OpenList open_list = new OpenList();
         *  ClosedListRoute closed_list = new ClosedListRoute();
         *  int temp_parent = -1;
         *  Vector2 temp_loc = Vector2.Zero;
         *  int temp_f = 0;
         *  int temp_g = 0;
         *  int temp_h = 0;
         *  bool temp_accessible = true;
         *  Vector2 test_loc;
         *  bool route_found = false;
         *  // Start pathfinding
         *  //temp_g = 0; //Debug
         *  temp_g = pathfinding_terrain_cost(unit, loc);
         *  temp_h = manhatten_dist(loc, target_loc);
         *  temp_f = temp_g + temp_h;
         *  open_list.add_item(loc, temp_parent, temp_f, temp_g, temp_accessible);
         *  for (; ; )
         *  {
         *      if (open_list.size <= 0)
         *          break;
         *      OpenItem lowest_f_item = open_list.get_lowest_f_item();
         *      temp_loc = lowest_f_item.Loc;
         *      temp_parent = lowest_f_item.Parent;
         *      temp_f = lowest_f_item.Fcost;
         *      temp_g = lowest_f_item.Gcost;
         *      temp_accessible = lowest_f_item.Accessible;
         *      temp_parent = closed_list.add_item(temp_loc, temp_parent, temp_f, temp_g, temp_accessible);
         *      open_list.remove_open_item();
         #if DEBUG
         *      if (temp_loc == target_loc)
         *      {
         *          throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Target location somehow got added to closed list");
         *      }
         *      if ((temp_loc.X == target_loc.X && Math.Abs(temp_loc.Y - target_loc.Y) <= 1) ||
         *          (temp_loc.Y == target_loc.Y && Math.Abs(temp_loc.X - target_loc.X) <= 1))
         *      {
         *          route_found = true;
         *          break;
         *      }
         *      else
         *      {
         *          for (int i = 0; i < check_loc.Length; i++)
         *          {
         *              test_loc = temp_loc + check_loc[i];
         #if DEBUG
         *              if (Global.game_map.is_off_map(test_loc, Restrict_To_Map))
         *              {
         *                  int test = 0;
         *              }
         *              // If the checked location isn't the target but is off the map, and off the map is not allowed
         *              if (test_loc != target_loc && Global.game_map.is_off_map(test_loc, Restrict_To_Map))
         *                  continue;
         *              // If the location is already on the closed list
         *              if ( > -1)
         *                  continue;
         *              check_tile(unit, test_loc, temp_parent, mov, target_loc, open_list, closed_list);
         *          }
         *      }
         *  }
         *  if (route_found)
         *  {
         *      return closed_list.get_reverse_route(temp_parent, target_loc);
         *  }
         *  return null;
         * }
         * public HashSet<T> get_range(T target_loc, int mov, int id, T loc)
         * {
         *  if (Global.game_map.width() == 0)
         *      return new HashSet<Vector2>();
         *  //Prepare pathfinding variables
         *  OpenList open_list = new OpenList();
         *  ClosedListRoute closed_list = new ClosedListRoute();
         *  int temp_parent = -1;
         *  Vector2 temp_loc = Vector2.Zero;
         *  int temp_f = 0;
         *  int temp_g = 0;
         *  int temp_h = 0;
         *  bool temp_accessible = true;
         *  Vector2 test_loc;
         *  // Start pathfinding
         *  temp_g = 0;
         *  temp_h = manhatten_dist(loc, target_loc);
         *  temp_f = temp_g + temp_h;
         *  open_list.add_item(loc, temp_parent, temp_f, temp_g, temp_accessible);
         *  for (; ; )
         *  {
         *      if (open_list.size <= 0)
         *          break;
         *      OpenItem lowest_f_item = open_list.get_lowest_f_item();
         *      temp_loc = lowest_f_item.Loc;
         *      temp_parent = lowest_f_item.Parent;
         *      temp_f = lowest_f_item.Fcost;
         *      temp_g = lowest_f_item.Gcost;
         *      temp_accessible = lowest_f_item.Accessible;
         *      temp_parent = closed_list.add_item(temp_loc, temp_parent, temp_f, temp_g, temp_accessible);
         *      open_list.remove_open_item();
         *      bool reverse = (rand.Next(2) == 0);
         *      reverse = false;
         *      for (int i = 0; i < check_loc.Length; i++)
         *      {
         *          test_loc = temp_loc + check_loc[reverse ? 3 - i : i];
         *          if (Global.game_map.is_off_map(test_loc))
         *              continue;
         *          if ( > -1)
         *              continue;
         *          check_tile(unit, test_loc, temp_parent, mov, target_loc, open_list, closed_list);
         *      }
         *  }
         *  return closed_list.get_range();
         * }
         * public Maybe<int> get_distance(T target_loc, int mov, bool through_doors, Vector2 loc, bool ignore_doors = false)
         * {
         *  //Prepare pathfinding variables
         *  OpenList open_list = new OpenList();
         *  ClosedListRoute closed_list = new ClosedListRoute();
         *  int temp_parent = -1;
         *  Vector2 temp_loc = Vector2.Zero;
         *  int temp_f = 0;
         *  int temp_g = 0;
         *  int temp_h = 0;
         *  bool temp_accessible = true;
         *  Vector2 test_loc;
         *  bool route_found = false;
         *  // Start pathfinding
         *  temp_g = 0;
         *  temp_h = manhatten_dist(loc, target_loc);
         *  temp_f = temp_g + temp_h;
         *  open_list.add_item(loc, temp_parent, temp_f, temp_g, temp_accessible);
         *  for (; ; )
         *  {
         *      if (open_list.size <= 0)
         *          break;
         *      OpenItem lowest_f_item = open_list.get_lowest_f_item();
         *      temp_loc = lowest_f_item.Loc;
         *      temp_parent = lowest_f_item.Parent;
         *      temp_f = lowest_f_item.Fcost;
         *      temp_g = lowest_f_item.Gcost;
         *      temp_accessible = lowest_f_item.Accessible;
         *      temp_parent = closed_list.add_item(temp_loc, temp_parent, temp_f, temp_g, temp_accessible);
         *      open_list.remove_open_item();
         *      if (temp_loc == target_loc)
         *      {
         *          route_found = true;
         *          break;
         *      }
         *      else
         *      {
         *          bool reverse = (rand.Next(2) == 0);
         *          reverse = false;
         *          for (int i = 0; i < check_loc.Length; i++)
         *          {
         *              test_loc = temp_loc + check_loc[reverse ? 3 - i : i];
         *              if (Global.game_map.is_off_map(test_loc, Restrict_To_Map))
         *                  continue;
         *              if ( > -1)
         *                  continue;
         *              check_tile(unit, test_loc, temp_parent, mov, target_loc, open_list, closed_list);
         *          }
         *      }
         *  }
         *  if (route_found)
         *  {
         *      return closed_list.get_g(temp_parent) / 10;
         *  }
         *  return new Maybe<int>();
         * }

        private void check_tile(
            int current_index, int parent, int mov, int end_index,
            OpenList open_list, ClosedListRoute closed_list, bool dijkstras = false)
            // return if terrain type of this tile doesn't have stats //Yeti
            int  move_cost = pathfinding_terrain_cost(current_index);
            bool pass      = passable(current_index);
            int  h         = 0;

            if (pass)
                int g = move_cost + closed_list.get_g(parent);
                if (mov < 0 || g <= mov * 10)
                    h += node_h_cost(current_index, end_index, dijkstras);
                    int f       = g + h;
                    int on_list =;
                    if (on_list > -1)
                        open_list.repoint(on_list, parent, f, g);
                        open_list.add_item(current_index, parent, f, g, pass);
Esempio n. 2
        public List <Tuple <int, T> > get_route(T target_loc, T loc, int mov = -1)
            //int start_index = Objects.IndexOf(loc); //@Debug
            //int end_index = Objects.IndexOf(target_loc);
            int start_index = Objects.FindIndex(x => x.SameLocation(loc));
            int end_index   = Objects.FindIndex(x => x.SameLocation(target_loc));

            if (start_index == -1 || end_index == -1)

            //Prepare pathfinding variables
            OpenList        open_list   = new OpenList();
            ClosedListRoute closed_list = new ClosedListRoute();

            int temp_parent = -1;

            int  temp_index      = -1;
            int  temp_f          = 0;
            int  temp_g          = 0;
            int  temp_h          = 0;
            bool temp_accessible = true;

            bool route_found = false;

            // Start pathfinding
            temp_g = 0;
            temp_h = distance(start_index, end_index);
            temp_f = temp_g + temp_h;
            open_list.add_item(start_index, temp_parent, temp_f, temp_g, temp_accessible);
            for (; open_list.size > 0;)
                OpenItem lowest_f_item = open_list.get_lowest_f_item();
                temp_index      = lowest_f_item.Index;
                temp_parent     = lowest_f_item.Parent;
                temp_f          = lowest_f_item.Fcost;
                temp_g          = lowest_f_item.Gcost;
                temp_accessible = lowest_f_item.Accessible;

                temp_parent = closed_list.add_item(temp_index, temp_parent, temp_f, temp_g, temp_accessible);
                if (temp_index == end_index)
                    route_found = true;
                    foreach (int test_index in Nodes[temp_index].Adjacent)
                        // If the checked location isn't the target but is off the map, and off the map is not allowed
                        if (test_index != end_index && (test_index >= Objects.Count || test_index < 0))
                        // If the location is already on the closed list
                        if ( > -1)
                        check_tile(test_index, temp_parent, mov, end_index, open_list, closed_list);
            if (route_found)
                       .Select(x => new Tuple <int, T>(x, Objects[x]))