Esempio n. 1
         * Round Generation
        public static Boolean GenerateNextRound(TournamentDbContext _context)
            List <Player> players = _context.Players.Where(p => p.Active && p.Bye == false && p.Name != "Bye").OrderByDescending(p => p.BattleScore).ToList();

            List <int> AllocatedTables = new List <int>(GetNoOfTables(_context));

            Boolean error          = false;
            int     secondaryIndex = 0;
            int     i = 0;

            while (i < players.Count && i >= 0)
                //Skip this player if they are already allocated an opponent
                if (players[i].CurrentOpponent == null)
                    if (secondaryIndex == 0)
                        secondaryIndex = i + 1;
                    int s = 0;

                    for (s = secondaryIndex; s < players.Count; s++)
                        //If there are no more unique matchups exit
                        if (i == -1)
                            i     = -2;
                            error = true;
                        if (players[s].CurrentOpponent == null)
                            //Check if higher player has ever played lower player
                            var opponents = PlayerActions.GetAllOpponents(players[i], _context);
                            var hasPlayed = false;
                            foreach (Player opponent in opponents)
                                if (players[s] == opponent)
                                    hasPlayed = true;
                            //If they have not played allocate them as opponents
                            if (hasPlayed == false)
                                players[i].CurrentOpponent = players[s];
                                players[s].CurrentOpponent = players[i];
                                secondaryIndex             = 0;

                             * Following block is to deallocate the next lowest ranked allocated pair
                            if (players.Where(p => p.CurrentOpponent == null).LastOrDefault() == players[s] && (players[i].CurrentOpponent == null))
                            //if (s == (players.Count - 1) && (players[i].CurrentOpponent == null))
                                if (i - 1 >= 0)
                                    //Set the lowestAllocatedPair to the highest ranked player
                                    Player lowestAllocatedPair = players[0];
                                    //Iterate from the second highest ranked player all the way to the player ranked one higher than the player currently being matched
                                    for (int playerIndex = 1; playerIndex < i; playerIndex++)
                                        //Assign the current player to the player being examined in the current iteration of the loop
                                        Player currentPlayer = players[playerIndex];

                                        //Check that the current player has an opponent (if not, skip to the next iteration of the loop)
                                        if (currentPlayer.CurrentOpponent != null)
                                            //Proceed if the current player's opponent has a higher rank than the current player
                                            if (players.IndexOf(currentPlayer.CurrentOpponent) < players.IndexOf(currentPlayer))
                                                if (players.IndexOf(currentPlayer.CurrentOpponent) > players.IndexOf(lowestAllocatedPair))
                                                    //Set lowestAllocatedPair to the current player's opponent
                                                    //(The highest ranked member of the new lowest ranked allocated pair)
                                                    lowestAllocatedPair = currentPlayer.CurrentOpponent;
                                            //Proceed if the current player has a higher rank than their opponent
                                            else if (players.IndexOf(currentPlayer) < players.IndexOf(currentPlayer.CurrentOpponent))
                                                //Proceed if the current player has a lower rank than the previous value of lowestAllocatedPair
                                                if (players.IndexOf(currentPlayer) > players.IndexOf(lowestAllocatedPair))
                                                    //Set lowestAllocatedPair to the current player
                                                    //(The highest ranked member of the new lowest ranked allocated pair)
                                                    lowestAllocatedPair = currentPlayer;
                                    //Set the new player to be allocated to the highest member of the lowestAllocatedPair
                                    i = players.IndexOf(lowestAllocatedPair) - 1;

                                    //If there are no more unique matchups exit
                                    if (i == -1)
                                        i     = -2;
                                        error = true;
                                    //Set the starting player that will be tested for allocation suitability to one rank lower than
                                    //the opponent of the highest member of the allocated pair
                                    secondaryIndex = players.IndexOf(lowestAllocatedPair.CurrentOpponent) + 1;

                                    //Deallocate the lowest allocated pair as each other's opponent
                                    lowestAllocatedPair.CurrentOpponent.CurrentOpponent = null;
                                    lowestAllocatedPair.CurrentOpponent = null;

            int newRoundNo = GetLastRoundNo(_context) + 1;

            foreach (Player player in players)
                if (players.IndexOf(player) < players.IndexOf(player.CurrentOpponent))
                    var roundMatchup = new RoundMatchup
                        RoundNo   = newRoundNo,
                        PlayerOne = player,
                        PlayerTwo = player.CurrentOpponent

                    //allocates table for matchup

                    roundMatchup.Table = AllocateTable(GetTables(player, _context), AllocatedTables, _context);

                //If there are no more unique matchups
                if (error)
                    //RoundMatchup will hold each pair of players closest to each other in BattleScore
                    //E.G (List ordered by BattleScore) players[0] vs players[1] | players[2] vs players[3]
                    if (player.CurrentOpponent == null && players[players.IndexOf(player) + 1] != null)
                        player.CurrentOpponent = players[players.IndexOf(player) + 1];
                        player.CurrentOpponent.CurrentOpponent = player;
                        var roundMatchup = new RoundMatchup
                            RoundNo   = newRoundNo,
                            PlayerOne = player,
                            PlayerTwo = player.CurrentOpponent

                        roundMatchup.Table = AllocateTable(GetTables(player, _context), AllocatedTables, _context);


            CreateByeRounds(_context.Players.Where(p => p.Active && p.Bye && p.Name != "Bye").ToList(), newRoundNo, _context);

            foreach (Player player in players)
                player.CurrentOpponent = null;


            if (error)
Esempio n. 2
         * Validation

        //Get the errors for all roundMatchups, including any players on a team with themself or versing themself, any players
        //who have played the same opponent more than once, any players who have not played in every round and any players who have
        //played twice in one round

        public static List <List <string> > GetRoundMatchupErrors(TournamentDbContext _context)
            var preSortedRoundMatchups        = _context.RoundMatchups.Include(r => r.PlayerOne).Include(r => r.PlayerTwo).Where(r => !(r is PairRoundMatchup) && r.PlayerTwo.Name != "Bye").ToList();
            var preSortedPairRoundMatchups    = _context.RoundMatchups.OfType <PairRoundMatchup>().Include(r => r.PlayerOne).Include(r => r.PlayerThree).Where(r => r.PlayerThree.Name != "Bye").ToList();
            List <RoundMatchup> roundMatchups = preSortedRoundMatchups.Union(preSortedPairRoundMatchups).OrderBy(r => r.RoundNo).ToList();

            List <string>            duplicatePlayers     = new List <string>();
            List <string>            duplicateOpponents   = new List <string>();
            List <string>            unallocatedPlayers   = new List <string>();
            List <string>            overallocatedPlayers = new List <string>();
            Dictionary <Player, int> playerRoundCount     = new Dictionary <Player, int>();
            List <Player>            players = _context.Players.ToList();

            foreach (Player player in players)
                playerRoundCount.Add(player, 0);

            foreach (RoundMatchup roundMatchup in roundMatchups)
                //Check if there are players who either do not play at all or play more than once
                foreach (Player player in players)
                    if (player.Id == roundMatchup.PlayerOne.Id)
                        playerRoundCount[player] += 1;
                    //Only check playerTwo if they are not null (Will be null in a bye round)
                    if (roundMatchup.PlayerTwo != null)
                        //Increment the amount of matchups player two has been a part of if they are not the same player as player one
                        if (player.Id == roundMatchup.PlayerTwo.Id && roundMatchup.PlayerOne != roundMatchup.PlayerTwo)
                            playerRoundCount[player] += 1;
                    if (roundMatchup is PairRoundMatchup)
                        PairRoundMatchup pairRoundMatchup = roundMatchup as PairRoundMatchup;
                        //Only check playerThree and playerFour if they are not null (Will be null in a bye round)
                        if (pairRoundMatchup.PlayerThree != null && pairRoundMatchup.PlayerFour != null)
                            //Increment the amount of matchups player three has played of if they are not the same player as player one or two
                            if (player.Id == pairRoundMatchup.PlayerThree.Id && pairRoundMatchup.PlayerThree != pairRoundMatchup.PlayerTwo && pairRoundMatchup.PlayerThree != pairRoundMatchup.PlayerOne)
                                playerRoundCount[player] += 1;
                            //Increment the amount of matchups player four has played if they are not the same player as player one, two or three
                            if (player.Id == pairRoundMatchup.PlayerFour.Id && pairRoundMatchup.PlayerFour != pairRoundMatchup.PlayerThree && pairRoundMatchup.PlayerFour != pairRoundMatchup.PlayerTwo && pairRoundMatchup.PlayerFour != pairRoundMatchup.PlayerOne)
                                playerRoundCount[player] += 1;

            //Is set up so that if a player is allocated to themselves playerRoundCount is only incremented once.
            //It will warn that a player has not played enough rounds, even if they are versing themself in a round.
            //It will not warn that a player has played too many rounds if they have been allocated one too many times but
            //are versing themself in a round.

            int roundCount = GetLastRoundNo(_context);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Player, int> entry in playerRoundCount)
                if (entry.Value > roundCount)
                    overallocatedPlayers.Add(entry.Key.Name + " has been allocated " + entry.Value + " times with only " + roundCount + " rounds played");
                if (entry.Value < roundCount)
                    unallocatedPlayers.Add(entry.Key.Name + " has only been allocated to " + entry.Value + " matchup/s when " + roundCount + " have been played");

            Dictionary <Player, List <Player> > duplicateOpponentsDictionary = PlayerActions.GetPreviouslyPlayedOpponentClashes(_context);

            foreach (var duplicateOpponentSet in duplicateOpponentsDictionary)
                List <string> duplicateOpponentNameList = new List <string>();
                foreach (Player duplicateOpponent in duplicateOpponentSet.Value)
                string duplicateOpponentFormattedNameList = string.Join(", ", duplicateOpponentNameList);
                if (duplicateOpponentSet.Value.Count != 0)
                    duplicateOpponents.Add(duplicateOpponentSet.Key.Name + " has played " + duplicateOpponentFormattedNameList + " at least twice");

            var errors = new List <List <string> >()

Esempio n. 3
        public static Boolean GenerateNextPairRound(TournamentDbContext _context)
            Boolean           error             = false;
            int               lastRound         = GetLastRoundNo(_context);
            var               roundMatchups     = _context.RoundMatchups.Where(r => !(r is PairRoundMatchup)).Include(r => r.PlayerOne).Include(r => r.PlayerTwo).Where(r => r.RoundNo == lastRound).ToList();
            var               pairRoundMatchups = _context.PairRoundMatchups.Include(r => r.PlayerOne).Include(r => r.PlayerTwo).Include(r => r.PlayerThree).Include(r => r.PlayerFour).Where(r => r.RoundNo == lastRound).ToList();
            List <Player>     activePlayers     = _context.Players.Where(p => p.Active && p.Bye == false).ToList();
            List <Player>     activeByePlayers  = new List <Player>();
            List <PlayerPair> playerPairs       = new List <PlayerPair>();

            roundMatchups = roundMatchups.Union(pairRoundMatchups).ToList();

            if (roundMatchups != null)
                Tuple <List <PlayerPair>, List <Player> > playerPairsAndByes = (RoundMatchupActions.GetPlayerPairs(roundMatchups, activePlayers));
                playerPairs      = playerPairsAndByes.Item1;
                activeByePlayers = playerPairsAndByes.Item2;
                error = true;

            //List<int> AllocatedTables = new List<int>(GetnoOfTables());
            int secondaryIndex = 0;
            int i = 0;

            while (i < playerPairs.Count && i >= 0)
                //Skip this player if they are already allocated an opponent
                if (playerPairs[i].CurrentOpponent == null)
                    if (secondaryIndex == 0)
                        secondaryIndex = i + 1;
                    int s = 0;

                    for (s = secondaryIndex; s < playerPairs.Count; s++)
                        //If there are no more unique matchups, exit
                        if (i == -1)
                            i     = -2;
                            error = true;
                        if (playerPairs[s].CurrentOpponent == null)
                            //Check if higher player has ever played lower player
                            var playerOneOpponents = PlayerActions.GetAllOpponents(playerPairs[i].First, _context);
                            var playerTwoOpponents = PlayerActions.GetAllOpponents(playerPairs[i].Second, _context);
                            var opponents          = playerOneOpponents.Union(playerTwoOpponents);
                            var hasPlayed          = false;
                            foreach (Player opponent in opponents)
                                if (playerPairs[s].First == opponent || playerPairs[s].Second == opponent)
                                    hasPlayed = true;
                            //If they have not played allocate them as opponents
                            if (hasPlayed == false)
                                playerPairs[i].CurrentOpponent = playerPairs[s];
                                playerPairs[s].CurrentOpponent = playerPairs[i];
                                secondaryIndex = 0;

                             * Following block is to deallocate the next lowest ranked allocated pair
                            if (playerPairs.Where(p => p.CurrentOpponent == null).LastOrDefault() == playerPairs[s] && (playerPairs[i].CurrentOpponent == null))
                            //if (s == (players.Count - 1) && (players[i].CurrentOpponent == null))
                                if (i - 1 >= 0)
                                    //Set the lowestAllocatedPair to the highest ranked pair
                                    PlayerPair lowestAllocatedPair = playerPairs[0];
                                    //Iterate from the second highest ranked pair all the way to the pair ranked one higher than the player currently being matched
                                    for (int playerIndex = 1; playerIndex < i; playerIndex++)
                                        //Assign the current player to the player being examined in the current iteration of the loop
                                        PlayerPair currentPair = playerPairs[playerIndex];

                                        //Check that the current player has an opponent (if not, skip to the next iteration of the loop)
                                        if (currentPair.CurrentOpponent != null)
                                            //Proceed if the current player's opponent has a higher rank than the current player
                                            if (playerPairs.IndexOf(currentPair.CurrentOpponent) < playerPairs.IndexOf(currentPair))
                                                if (playerPairs.IndexOf(currentPair.CurrentOpponent) > playerPairs.IndexOf(lowestAllocatedPair))
                                                    //Set lowestAllocatedPair to the current player's opponent
                                                    //(The highest ranked member of the new lowest ranked allocated pair)
                                                    lowestAllocatedPair = currentPair.CurrentOpponent;
                                            //Proceed if the current player has a higher rank than their opponent
                                            else if (playerPairs.IndexOf(currentPair) < playerPairs.IndexOf(currentPair.CurrentOpponent))
                                                //Proceed if the current player has a lower rank than the previous value of lowestAllocatedPair
                                                if (playerPairs.IndexOf(currentPair) > playerPairs.IndexOf(lowestAllocatedPair))
                                                    //Set lowestAllocatedPair to the current player
                                                    //(The highest ranked member of the new lowest ranked allocated pair)
                                                    lowestAllocatedPair = currentPair;
                                    //Set the new player to be allocated to the highest member of the lowestAllocatedPair
                                    i = playerPairs.IndexOf(lowestAllocatedPair) - 1;

                                    //If there are no more unique matchups, exit
                                    if (i == -1)
                                        i     = -2;
                                        error = true;

                                    //Set the starting player that will be tested for allocation suitability to one rank lower than
                                    //the opponent of the highest member of the allocated pair
                                    secondaryIndex = playerPairs.IndexOf(lowestAllocatedPair.CurrentOpponent) + 1;

                                    //Deallocate the lowest allocated pair as each other's opponent
                                    lowestAllocatedPair.CurrentOpponent.CurrentOpponent = null;
                                    lowestAllocatedPair.CurrentOpponent = null;
                                    i     = -2;
                                    error = true;
            int newRoundNo = lastRound + 1;

            foreach (PlayerPair playerPair in playerPairs)
                if (playerPairs.IndexOf(playerPair) < playerPairs.IndexOf(playerPair.CurrentOpponent))
                    var roundMatchup = new PairRoundMatchup
                        RoundNo     = newRoundNo,
                        PlayerOne   = playerPair.First,
                        PlayerTwo   = playerPair.Second,
                        PlayerThree = playerPair.CurrentOpponent.First,
                        PlayerFour  = playerPair.CurrentOpponent.Second

                    //allocates table for matchup
                    //roundMatchup.Table = AllocateTable(GetTables(player), AllocatedTables);

                //If there are no more unique matchups
                if (error)
                    //RoundMatchup will hold random pair matchups where teammates were opponents last round unless their opponent is no longer active or has a bye
                    if (playerPair.CurrentOpponent == null && playerPairs[playerPairs.IndexOf(playerPair) + 1] != null)
                        playerPair.CurrentOpponent = playerPairs[playerPairs.IndexOf(playerPair) + 1];
                        playerPair.CurrentOpponent.CurrentOpponent = playerPair;
                        var roundMatchup = new PairRoundMatchup
                            RoundNo     = newRoundNo,
                            PlayerOne   = playerPair.First,
                            PlayerTwo   = playerPair.Second,
                            PlayerThree = playerPair.CurrentOpponent.First,
                            PlayerFour  = playerPair.CurrentOpponent.Second

            CreateByeRounds(activeByePlayers, newRoundNo, _context);


            if (error)