public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();

			resultsTableController = new ResultsTableController {
				FilteredProducts = new List<Product> ()

			searchController = new UISearchController (resultsTableController) {
				WeakDelegate = this,
				DimsBackgroundDuringPresentation = false,
				WeakSearchResultsUpdater = this

			searchController.SearchBar.SizeToFit ();
			TableView.TableHeaderView = searchController.SearchBar;

			resultsTableController.TableView.WeakDelegate = this;
			searchController.SearchBar.WeakDelegate = this;

			DefinesPresentationContext = true;

			if (searchControllerWasActive) {
				searchController.Active = searchControllerWasActive;
				searchControllerWasActive = false;

				if (searchControllerSearchFieldWasFirstResponder) {
					searchController.SearchBar.BecomeFirstResponder ();
					searchControllerSearchFieldWasFirstResponder = false;
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            resultsTableController = new ResultsTableController {
                FilteredProducts = new List <Product> ()

            searchController = new UISearchController(resultsTableController)
                WeakDelegate = this,
                DimsBackgroundDuringPresentation = false,
                WeakSearchResultsUpdater         = this

            TableView.TableHeaderView = searchController.SearchBar;

            resultsTableController.TableView.WeakDelegate = this;
            searchController.SearchBar.WeakDelegate       = this;

            DefinesPresentationContext = true;

            if (searchControllerWasActive)
                searchController.Active   = searchControllerWasActive;
                searchControllerWasActive = false;

                if (searchControllerSearchFieldWasFirstResponder)
                    searchControllerSearchFieldWasFirstResponder = false;
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            this.resultsTableController = new ResultsTableController();
            this.resultsTableController.TableView.Delegate = this;

            this.searchController = new UISearchController(this.resultsTableController)
                SearchResultsUpdater = this
            this.searchController.SearchBar.AutocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationType.None;

            if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(11, 0))
                // For iOS 11 and later, place the search bar in the navigation bar.
                base.NavigationItem.SearchController = this.searchController;

                // Make the search bar always visible.
                base.NavigationItem.HidesSearchBarWhenScrolling = false;
                // For iOS 10 and earlier, place the search controller's search bar in the table view's header.
                base.TableView.TableHeaderView = this.searchController.SearchBar;

            this.searchController.Delegate = this;
            this.searchController.DimsBackgroundDuringPresentation = false; // The default is true.
            this.searchController.SearchBar.Delegate = this;                // Monitor when the search button is tapped.

             * Search presents a view controller by applying normal view controller presentation semantics.
             * This means that the presentation moves up the view controller hierarchy until it finds the root
             * view controller or one that defines a presentation context.

             * Specify that this view controller determines how the search controller is presented.
             * The search controller should be presented modally and match the physical size of this view controller.

            this.DefinesPresentationContext = true;