private void Calculate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string Method = comboBox1.Text;

            string[] allMethod   = { "newton" };
            string   AnyOfMethod = Array.Find(allMethod, s => s.Equals(Method));

            if ((Method != AnyOfMethod))
                MessageBox.Show("This Is Not Method", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                bool XarrayZero = false;
                bool YarrayZero = false;
                xcolum     = CreatXarray(ref ThereIsErrorX);
                ycolum     = CreatYarray(ref ThereIsErrorY);
                XarrayZero = Share.IfallZero(xcolum);
                YarrayZero = Share.IfallZero(ycolum);
                if ((ThereIsErrorX != true) && (ThereIsErrorY != true) && (XarrayZero != true) && (YarrayZero != true))
                    switch (Method)
                    case "newton":
                        textBox2.Visible = true;
                        textBox3.Visible = true;
                        Polynomial newton = new Polynomial();
                        newton        = deriveationclass.Newton(ycolum, xcolum[1] - xcolum[0], NumOfNode, xcolum[0]);
                        textBox2.Text = Polynomial.tostring(newton);
                        newton        = deriveationclass.Newtonsecond(ycolum, xcolum[1] - xcolum[0], NumOfNode,
                        textBox3.Text = Polynomial.tostring(newton);
        private void Send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool   XarrayZero = false;
            bool   YarrayZero = false;
            string Method     = comboBox1.Text;

            string[] allMethod = { "General Methode", "Spline", "Lagrange", "Newton", "Least Square Method" };
            if (Method != ".......")
                xcolum     = CreatXarray(ref ThereIsErrorX);
                XarrayZero = Share.IfallZero(xcolum);
                if (XarrayZero != true)
                    ycolum = CreatYarray(ref ThereIsErrorY);
                YarrayZero = Share.IfallZero(ycolum);
                string AnyOfMethod = Array.Find(allMethod, s => s.Equals(Method));
                if ((XarrayZero != true) && (YarrayZero != true) && (ThereIsErrorX != true) && (ThereIsErrorY != true))
                    if ((Method == AnyOfMethod))
                        comboBox1.Enabled = false;
                        MessageBox.Show("This Is Not Method", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            XarrayZero = Share.IfallZero(xcolum);
            YarrayZero = Share.IfallZero(ycolum);
            switch (Method)
            case "General Methode":
                if ((XarrayZero != true) && (YarrayZero != true) && (ThereIsErrorX != true) && (ThereIsErrorY != true))
                    #region General Methode

                    double[,] matrx;
                    matrx = new double[NumOfNode, NumOfNode];
                    matrx = InterpolationClass.CreatVandrmondmatrix(NumOfNode, xcolum);
                    double determatrx = InterpolationClass.determine(matrx);
                    double[,] another = new double[NumOfNode, NumOfNode];
                    Polynomial temp = new Polynomial();
                    double[]   Constant;
                    Constant = new double[NumOfNode];
                    for (int j = 0; j < NumOfNode; j++)
                        another = InterpolationClass.creatanothermatrix(j, xcolum, ycolum, NumOfNode);
                        double deternother = InterpolationClass.determine(another);
                        Constant[j] = deternother / determatrx;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Constant.Length; i++)
                        temp = Polynomial.insert(Constant[i], i, temp);
                    string result = Polynomial.tostring(temp);

                    if (MessageBox.Show("If You Have An Internet Connection Click Yes To Show The Function On Net Or Click No To See It Here", "Internet Connection",
                                        MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) ==
                        string url = "" + result;
                        label3.Visible       = true;
                        richTextBox1.Visible = true;
                        richTextBox1.Text    = result;

                    Send.Enabled    = false;
                    Refresh.Visible = true;


            case "Least Square Method":
                if ((XarrayZero != true) && (YarrayZero != true) && (ThereIsErrorX != true) && (ThereIsErrorY != true))
                    #region Least Square Method
                    int      exp = NumOfNode - 1;
                    double   sum;
                    double[] tableX = new double[2 * exp];
                    double[] tableY = new double[NumOfNode];
                    for (int j = 0; j < (2 * exp); j++)
                        sum = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < NumOfNode; i++)
                            sum       = sum + Math.Pow(xcolum[i], j + 1);
                            tableX[j] = sum;
                    for (int j = 0; j < NumOfNode; j++)
                        sum = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < NumOfNode; i++)
                            if (j == 0)
                                sum = sum + ycolum[i];
                                sum = sum + (Math.Pow(xcolum[i], j) * ycolum[i]);
                            tableY[j] = sum;
                    double[,] squer = new double[NumOfNode, NumOfNode];
                    squer[0, 0]     = NumOfNode;
                    for (int i = 1; i < NumOfNode; i++)
                        squer[0, i] = tableX[i - 1];
                    for (int i = 1; i < NumOfNode; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < NumOfNode; j++)
                            squer[i, j] = tableX[i + j - 1];
                    double[] A = new double[NumOfNode];
                    double   d = InterpolationClass.determine((double[, ])squer.Clone());
                    for (int j = 0; j < NumOfNode; j++)
                        A[j] = InterpolationClass.ChangeXY((double[, ])squer.Clone(), tableY, j, NumOfNode) / d;
                    Send.Enabled    = false;
                    Refresh.Visible = true;


            case "Lagrange":
                if ((XarrayZero != true) && (YarrayZero != true) && (ThereIsErrorX != true) && (ThereIsErrorY != true))
                    #region Lagrange

                        string result = InterpolationClass.lagrang(xcolum, NumOfNode, ycolum);
                        if (MessageBox.Show("If You Have An Internet Connection Click Yes To Show The Function On Net Or Click No To See It Here", "Internet Connection",
                                            MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) ==
                            string url = "" + result;
                            label3.Visible       = true;
                            richTextBox1.Visible = true;
                            richTextBox1.Text    = result;


            case "Spline":
                if ((XarrayZero != true) && (YarrayZero != true) && (ThereIsErrorX != true) && (ThereIsErrorY != true))
                    #region Splin
                        double point = 0;
                        if ((textBox2.Text != null) && (Share.Isnumber(textBox2.Text)))
                            point = double.Parse(textBox2.Text);
                            string result = Polynomial.tostring(InterpolationClass.Splin(xcolum, ycolum, NumOfNode, point));
                            if (MessageBox.Show("If You Have An Internet Connection Click Yes To Show The Function On Net Or Click No To See It Here", "Internet Connection",
                                                MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) ==
                                string url = "" + result;
                                label3.Visible       = true;
                                richTextBox1.Visible = true;
                                richTextBox1.Text    = result;
                            MessageBox.Show("Error Entry", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            case "Newton":
                if ((XarrayZero != true) && (YarrayZero != true) && (ThereIsErrorX != true) && (ThereIsErrorY != true))
                    #region Newton
                    double[,] Temp = InterpolationClass.newtonftab(xcolum, ycolum, NumOfNode);
                    Polynomial Newton = InterpolationClass.newtonemethod(xcolum, ycolum, Temp, NumOfNode);
                    string     result = Polynomial.tostring(Newton);
                    if (MessageBox.Show("If You Have An Internet Connection Click Yes To Show The Function On Net Or Click No To See It Here", "Internet Connection",
                                        MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) ==
                        string url = "" + result;
                        label3.Visible       = true;
                        richTextBox1.Visible = true;
                        richTextBox1.Text    = result;


                if (Method == ".......")
                    MessageBox.Show("No Method Is Selceted ", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        private void Send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string Method = comboBox1.Text;

            string[] allMethod   = { "Simpson", "Trapezoidal", "Oblong" };
            string   AnyOfMethod = Array.Find(allMethod, s => s.Equals(Method));

            if ((Method != AnyOfMethod))
                MessageBox.Show("This Is Not Method", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                bool XarrayZero = false;
                bool YarrayZero = false;
                xcolum     = CreatXarray(ref ThereIsErrorX);
                ycolum     = CreatYarray(ref ThereIsErrorY);
                XarrayZero = Share.IfallZero(xcolum);
                YarrayZero = Share.IfallZero(ycolum);
                if ((ThereIsErrorX != true) && (ThereIsErrorY != true) && (XarrayZero != true) && (YarrayZero != true))
                    switch (Method)
                    case "Simpson":
                        #region Simpson

                        if (((NumOfNode / 2) != 0))
                            Result.Visible = true;
                            label3.Visible = true;
                            double result = IntegrationClass.Simpson(ycolum, NumOfNode,
                                                                     xcolum[1] - xcolum[0]);
                            Result.Text = String.Format("{0:0.00000}", result);
                            Result.Visible = true;
                            label3.Visible = true;
                            double result = IntegrationClass.Simpson(ycolum, NumOfNode - 1,
                                                                     xcolum[1] - xcolum[0]);
                            double result1 = IntegrationClass.oblong(ycolum, NumOfNode - 1, NumOfNode,
                                                                     xcolum[1] - xcolum[0]);
                            Result.Text = String.Format("{0:0.00000}", result + result1);


                    case "Oblong":
                        #region Oblong
                        Result.Visible = true;
                        label3.Visible = true;
                        double result = IntegrationClass.oblong(ycolum, 0, NumOfNode - 1,
                                                                xcolum[1] - xcolum[0]);
                        Result.Text = String.Format("{0:0.00000}", result);

                    case "Trapezoidal":
                        #region Trapezoidal

                        Result.Visible = true;
                        label3.Visible = true;
                        double result = IntegrationClass.Trapezoidal(ycolum, NumOfNode - 1,
                                                                     xcolum[1] - xcolum[0]);
                        Result.Text = String.Format("{0:0.00000}", result);
                    MessageBox.Show("Entry Error ", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);