public ProcessedEpisode(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas, ShowItem si) : base(ser, seas) { this.NextToAir = false; this.OverallNumber = -1; this.Ignore = false; this.EpNum2 = this.EpNum; this.SI = si; }
public Episode(Episode O) { this.EpisodeID = O.EpisodeID; this.SeriesID = O.SeriesID; this.EpNum = O.EpNum; this.FirstAired = O.FirstAired; this.Srv_LastUpdated = O.Srv_LastUpdated; this.Overview = O.Overview; this.EpisodeRating = O.EpisodeRating; this.EpisodeGuestStars = O.EpisodeGuestStars; this.EpisodeDirector = O.EpisodeDirector; this.Writer = O.Writer; this.Name = O.Name; this.TheSeason = O.TheSeason; this.TheSeries = O.TheSeries; this.SeasonID = O.SeasonID; this.Dirty = O.Dirty; this.Items = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> i in O.Items) this.Items.Add(i.Key, i.Value); }
public Banner(Banner O) { this.BannerId = O.BannerId; this.BannerPath = O.BannerPath; this.BannerType = O.BannerType; this.BannerType2 = O.BannerType2; this.Language = O.Language; this.Rating = O.Rating; this.RatingCount = O.RatingCount; this.SeasonID = O.SeasonID; this.SeriesID = O.SeriesID; this.Colors = O.Colors; this.ThumbnailPath = O.ThumbnailPath; this.VignettePath = O.VignettePath; this.SeriesName = O.SeriesName; this.Name = O.Name; this.TheSeason = O.TheSeason; this.TheSeries = O.TheSeries; }
private string GetShowImagesHTMLOverview(ShowItem si, SeriesInfo ser) { string body = ""; body += "<h1><A HREF=\"" + TheTVDB.Instance.WebsiteURL(si.TVDBCode, -1, true) + "\">" + si.ShowName + "</A> " + "</h1>"; body += ImageSection("Show Banner", 758, 140, ser.GetItem("banner")); body += ImageSection("Show Poster", 350, 500, ser.GetItem("poster")); body += ImageSection("Show Fanart", 960, 540, ser.GetItem("fanart")); return body; }
public Episode(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas, XmlReader r, CommandLineArgs args) { // <Episode> // <id>...</id> // blah blah // </Episode> try { this.SetDefaults(ser, seas); r.Read(); if (r.Name != "Episode") return; r.Read(); while (!r.EOF) { if ((r.Name == "Episode") && (!r.IsStartElement())) break; if (r.Name == "id") this.EpisodeID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); else if (r.Name == "seriesid") this.SeriesID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); // thetvdb series id else if (r.Name == "seasonid") this.SeasonID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); else if (r.Name == "EpisodeNumber") this.EpNum = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); else if (r.Name == "SeasonNumber") { String sn = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); int.TryParse(sn, out this.ReadSeasonNum); } else if (r.Name == "lastupdated") this.Srv_LastUpdated = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); else if (r.Name == "Overview") this.Overview = Helpers.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); else if (r.Name == "Rating") this.EpisodeRating = Helpers.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); else if (r.Name == "GuestStars") this.EpisodeGuestStars = Helpers.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); else if (r.Name == "Director") this.EpisodeDirector = Helpers.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); else if (r.Name == "Writer") this.Writer = Helpers.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); else if (r.Name == "EpisodeName") this.Name = Helpers.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); else if (r.Name == "FirstAired") { try { this.FirstAired = DateTime.ParseExact(r.ReadElementContentAsString(), "yyyy-MM-dd", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("")); } catch { this.FirstAired = null; } } else { if ((r.IsEmptyElement) || !r.IsStartElement()) r.ReadOuterXml(); else { XmlReader r2 = r.ReadSubtree(); r2.Read(); string name = r2.Name; this.Items[name] = r2.ReadElementContentAsString(); r.Read(); } } } } catch (XmlException e) { string message = "Error processing data from TheTVDB for an episode."; if (this.SeriesID != -1) message += "\r\nSeries ID: " + this.SeriesID; if (this.EpisodeID != -1) message += "\r\nEpisode ID: " + this.EpisodeID; if (this.EpNum != -1) message += "\r\nEpisode Number: " + this.EpNum; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Name)) message += "\r\nName: " + this.Name; message += "\r\n" + e.Message; if (!args.Unattended) MessageBox.Show(message, "TVRename", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); throw new TVDBException(e.Message); } }
public void Merge(SeriesInfo o, String preferredLanguage) { if (o.TVDBCode != this.TVDBCode) return; // that's not us! if (o.Srv_LastUpdated != 0 && o.Srv_LastUpdated < this.Srv_LastUpdated) return; // older!? bool betterLanguage = (o.Language == preferredLanguage) && (this.Language != preferredLanguage); this.Srv_LastUpdated = o.Srv_LastUpdated; // take the best bits of "o" // "o" is always newer/better than us, if there is a choice if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.Name)) && betterLanguage) this.Name = o.Name; // this.Items.Clear(); foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in o.Items) { // on offer is non-empty text, in a better language // or text for something we don't have if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kvp.Value) && betterLanguage) || (!this.Items.ContainsKey(kvp.Key) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Items[kvp.Key]))) this.Items[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; } if (o.AirsTime != null) this.AirsTime = o.AirsTime; if ((o.Seasons != null) && (o.Seasons.Count != 0)) this.Seasons = o.Seasons; if ((o.Banners != null) && (o.Banners.Count != 0)) this.Banners = o.Banners; if ((o.LangBanners != null) && (o.LangBanners.Count != 0)) this.LangBanners = o.LangBanners; if ((o.LangWideBanners != null) && (o.LangWideBanners.Count != 0)) this.LangWideBanners = o.LangWideBanners; if ((o.WideBanners != null) && (o.WideBanners.Count != 0)) this.WideBanners = o.WideBanners; if ((o.AllBanners != null) && (o.AllBanners.Count != 0)) this.AllBanners = o.AllBanners; if (betterLanguage) this.Language = o.Language; this.Dirty = o.Dirty; }
protected Episode(SeriesInfo ser) { SetDefaults(ser); }
public Episode(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas) { this.SetDefaults(ser, seas); }
// ReSharper disable once FunctionComplexityOverflow public void Merge([NotNull] SeriesInfo o, int preferredLanguageId) { if (o.TvdbCode != TvdbCode) { return; // that's not us! } if (o.SrvLastUpdated != 0 && o.SrvLastUpdated < SrvLastUpdated) { return; // older!? } bool currentLanguageNotSet = o.LanguageId == -1; bool newLanguageBetter = o.LanguageId == preferredLanguageId && LanguageId != preferredLanguageId; bool betterLanguage = currentLanguageNotSet || newLanguageBetter; SrvLastUpdated = o.SrvLastUpdated; // take the best bits of "o" // "o" is always newer/better than us, if there is a choice if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.Name)) && betterLanguage) { Name = o.Name; } AirsDay = ChooseBetter(AirsDay, betterLanguage, o.AirsDay); Imdb = ChooseBetter(Imdb, betterLanguage, o.Imdb); Overview = ChooseBetter(Overview, betterLanguage, o.Overview); BannerString = ChooseBetter(BannerString, betterLanguage, o.BannerString); Network = ChooseBetter(Network, betterLanguage, o.Network); Runtime = ChooseBetter(Runtime, betterLanguage, o.Runtime); SeriesId = ChooseBetter(SeriesId, betterLanguage, o.SeriesId); Status = ChooseBetter(Status, betterLanguage, o.Status); ContentRating = ChooseBetter(ContentRating, betterLanguage, o.ContentRating); if (betterLanguage && o.FirstAired.HasValue) { FirstAired = o.FirstAired; } if (!FirstAired.HasValue && o.FirstAired.HasValue) { FirstAired = o.FirstAired; } if (betterLanguage && o.SiteRating > 0) { SiteRating = o.SiteRating; } if (betterLanguage && o.SiteRatingVotes > 0) { SiteRatingVotes = o.SiteRatingVotes; } if (!aliases.Any() || (o.aliases.Any() && betterLanguage)) { aliases = o.aliases; } if (!genres.Any() || (o.genres.Any() && betterLanguage)) { genres = o.genres; } if (o.AirsTime != null) { AirsTime = o.AirsTime; } if ((o.AiredSeasons != null) && (o.AiredSeasons.Count != 0)) { AiredSeasons = o.AiredSeasons; } if ((o.DvdSeasons != null) && (o.DvdSeasons.Count != 0)) { DvdSeasons = o.DvdSeasons; } banners.MergeBanners(o.banners); if (betterLanguage) { LanguageId = o.LanguageId; } Dirty = o.Dirty; }
public void SetDefaults(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas) { this.Items = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>(); this.TheSeason = seas; this.TheSeries = ser; this.Overview = ""; this.EpisodeRating = ""; this.EpisodeGuestStars = ""; this.EpisodeDirector = ""; this.Writer = ""; this.Name = ""; this.EpisodeID = -1; this.SeriesID = -1; this.EpNum = -1; this.FirstAired = null; this.Srv_LastUpdated = -1; this.Dirty = false; }
public void SetSeriesSeason(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas) { this.TheSeason = seas; this.TheSeries = ser; }
public Banner(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas) { this.SetDefaults(ser, seas); }
private string GetSeasonImagesHTMLOverview(ShowItem si, SeriesInfo ser, int snum) { string body = ""; Season s = ser.Seasons[snum]; List<ProcessedEpisode> eis = null; // int snum = s.SeasonNumber; if (si.SeasonEpisodes.ContainsKey(snum)) eis = si.SeasonEpisodes[snum]; // use processed episodes if they are available else eis = ShowItem.ProcessedListFromEpisodes(s.Episodes, si); string seasText = snum == 0 ? "Specials" : ("Season " + snum); if ((eis.Count > 0) && (eis[0].SeasonID > 0)) seasText = " - <A HREF=\"" + TheTVDB.Instance.WebsiteURL(si.TVDBCode, eis[0].SeasonID, false) + "\">" + seasText + "</a>"; else seasText = " - " + seasText; body += "<h1><A HREF=\"" + TheTVDB.Instance.WebsiteURL(si.TVDBCode, -1, true) + "\">" + si.ShowName + "</A>" + seasText + "</h1>"; body += ImageSection("Series Banner", 758, 140, ser.GetSeasonWideBannerPath(snum)); body += ImageSection("Series Poster", 350, 500, ser.GetSeasonBannerPath(snum)); return body; }
public static List<ProcessedEpisode> GenerateEpisodes(ShowItem si, SeriesInfo ser, int snum, bool applyRules) { List<ProcessedEpisode> eis = new List<ProcessedEpisode>(); if ((ser == null) || !ser.Seasons.ContainsKey(snum)) return null; // todo.. something? Season seas = ser.Seasons[snum]; if (seas == null) return null; // TODO: warn user foreach (Episode e in seas.Episodes) eis.Add(new ProcessedEpisode(e, si)); // add a copy if (si.DVDOrder) { eis.Sort(new System.Comparison<ProcessedEpisode>(ProcessedEpisode.DVDOrderSorter)); Renumber(eis); } else eis.Sort(new System.Comparison<ProcessedEpisode>(ProcessedEpisode.EPNumberSorter)); if (si.CountSpecials && ser.Seasons.ContainsKey(0)) { // merge specials in foreach (Episode ep in ser.Seasons[0].Episodes) { if (ep.Items.ContainsKey("airsbefore_season") && ep.Items.ContainsKey("airsbefore_episode")) { string seasstr = ep.Items["airsbefore_season"]; string epstr = ep.Items["airsbefore_episode"]; if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(seasstr)) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(epstr))) continue; int sease = int.Parse(seasstr); if (sease != snum) continue; int epnum = int.Parse(epstr); for (int i = 0; i < eis.Count; i++) { if ((eis[i].SeasonNumber == sease) && (eis[i].EpNum == epnum)) { ProcessedEpisode pe = new ProcessedEpisode(ep, si) { TheSeason = eis[i].TheSeason, SeasonID = eis[i].SeasonID }; eis.Insert(i, pe); break; } } } } // renumber to allow for specials int epnumr = 1; for (int j = 0; j < eis.Count; j++) { eis[j].EpNum2 = epnumr + (eis[j].EpNum2 - eis[j].EpNum); eis[j].EpNum = epnumr; epnumr++; } } if (applyRules) { List<ShowRule> rules = si.RulesForSeason(snum); if (rules != null) ApplyRules(eis, rules, si); } return eis; }
public SeriesBanners(SeriesInfo s) { series = s; }
public static List <ProcessedEpisode> GenerateEpisodes(ShowItem si, SeriesInfo ser, int snum, bool applyRules) { List <ProcessedEpisode> eis = new List <ProcessedEpisode>(); if (ser == null) { return(null); } Dictionary <int, Season> seasonsToUse = si.DVDOrder ? ser.DVDSeasons : ser.AiredSeasons; if (!seasonsToUse.ContainsKey(snum)) { return(null); // todo.. something? } Season seas = seasonsToUse[snum]; if (seas == null) { return(null); // TODO: warn user } foreach (Episode e in seas.Episodes) { eis.Add(new ProcessedEpisode(e, si)); // add a copy } if (si.DVDOrder) { eis.Sort(new System.Comparison <ProcessedEpisode>(ProcessedEpisode.DVDOrderSorter)); Renumber(eis); } else { eis.Sort(new System.Comparison <ProcessedEpisode>(ProcessedEpisode.EPNumberSorter)); } if (si.CountSpecials && seasonsToUse.ContainsKey(0)) { // merge specials in foreach (Episode ep in seasonsToUse[0].Episodes) { string seasstr = ep.AirsBeforeSeason; string epstr = ep.AirsBeforeEpisode; if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(seasstr)) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(epstr))) { continue; } int sease = int.Parse(seasstr); if (sease != snum) { continue; } int epnum = int.Parse(epstr); for (int i = 0; i < eis.Count; i++) { if ((eis[i].AppropriateSeasonNumber == sease) && (eis[i].AppropriateEpNum == epnum)) { ProcessedEpisode pe = new ProcessedEpisode(ep, si) { TheAiredSeason = eis[i].TheAiredSeason, TheDVDSeason = eis[i].TheDVDSeason, SeasonID = eis[i].SeasonID }; eis.Insert(i, pe); break; } } } // renumber to allow for specials int epnumr = 1; foreach (ProcessedEpisode t in eis) { t.EpNum2 = epnumr + (t.EpNum2 - t.AppropriateEpNum); t.AppropriateEpNum = epnumr; epnumr++; } } if (applyRules) { List <ShowRule> rules = si.RulesForSeason(snum); if (rules != null) { ApplyRules(eis, rules, si); } } return(eis); }
public bool GenerateEpisodeDict(ShowItem si) { si.SeasonEpisodes.Clear(); // copy data from tvdb // process as per rules // done! TheTVDB.Instance.GetLock("GenerateEpisodeDict"); SeriesInfo ser = TheTVDB.Instance.GetSeries(si.TVDBCode); if (ser == null) { TheTVDB.Instance.Unlock("GenerateEpisodeDict"); return(false); // TODO: warn user } bool r = true; Dictionary <int, Season> seasonsToUse = si.DVDOrder ? ser.DVDSeasons : ser.AiredSeasons; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Season> kvp in seasonsToUse) { List <ProcessedEpisode> pel = GenerateEpisodes(si, ser, kvp.Key, true); si.SeasonEpisodes[kvp.Key] = pel; if (pel == null) { r = false; } } List <int> theKeys = new List <int>(); // now, go through and number them all sequentially foreach (int snum in seasonsToUse.Keys) { theKeys.Add(snum); } theKeys.Sort(); int overallCount = 1; foreach (int snum in theKeys) { if (snum == 0) { continue; } foreach (ProcessedEpisode pe in si.SeasonEpisodes[snum]) { pe.OverallNumber = overallCount; if (si.DVDOrder) { overallCount += 1 + pe.EpNum2 - pe.DVDEpNum; } else { overallCount += 1 + pe.EpNum2 - pe.AiredEpNum; } } } TheTVDB.Instance.Unlock("GenerateEpisodeDict"); return(r); }
public static bool FindSeasEpDateCheck([CanBeNull] FileInfo fi, out int seas, out int ep, out int maxEp, [CanBeNull] ShowItem si) { ep = -1; seas = -1; maxEp = -1; if (fi is null || si is null) { return(false); } // look for a valid airdate in the filename // check for YMD, DMY, and MDY // only check against airdates we expect for the given show SeriesInfo ser = TheTVDB.Instance.GetSeries(si.TvdbCode); if (ser is null) { return(false); } string[] dateFormats = { "yyyy-MM-dd", "dd-MM-yyyy", "MM-dd-yyyy", "yy-MM-dd", "dd-MM-yy", "MM-dd-yy" }; string filename = fi.Name; if (filename is null) { return(false); } // force possible date separators to a dash filename = filename.Replace("/", "-"); filename = filename.Replace(".", "-"); filename = filename.Replace(",", "-"); filename = filename.Replace(" ", "-"); Dictionary <int, Season> seasonsToUse = si.DvdOrder ? ser.DvdSeasons : ser.AiredSeasons; if (seasonsToUse is null) { return(false); } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Season> kvp in seasonsToUse) { if (kvp.Value?.Episodes?.Values is null) { continue; } if (!(si.IgnoreSeasons is null) && (si.IgnoreSeasons.Contains(kvp.Value.SeasonNumber))) { continue; } if ((kvp.Value.SeasonNumber == 0) && TVSettings.Instance.IgnoreAllSpecials) { continue; } foreach (Episode epi in kvp.Value.Episodes.Values) { DateTime?dt = epi.GetAirDateDt(); // file will have local timezone date, not ours if (dt is null) { continue; } TimeSpan closestDate = TimeSpan.MaxValue; foreach (string dateFormat in dateFormats) { string datestr = dt.Value.ToString(dateFormat); if (filename.Contains(datestr) && DateTime.TryParseExact(datestr, dateFormat, new CultureInfo("en-GB"), DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime dtInFilename)) { TimeSpan timeAgo = DateTime.Now.Subtract(dtInFilename); if (timeAgo < closestDate) { seas = (si.DvdOrder ? epi.DvdSeasonNumber : epi.AiredSeasonNumber); ep = si.DvdOrder ? epi.DvdEpNum : epi.AiredEpNum; closestDate = timeAgo; } } } } } return((ep != -1) && (seas != -1)); }
private static (ProcessedEpisode firstMatchingPep, bool fileCanBeDeleted) FirstMatchingPep(bool unattended, DirFilesCache dfc, FileInfo fi, List <ShowItem> matchingShows, SeriesInfo s, int seasF, int epF, ShowItem si, ProcessedEpisode firstMatchingPep, List <Item> returnActions, [CanBeNull] TVSettings.FilenameProcessorRE re, bool fileCanBeDeleted) { try { Episode ep = s.GetEpisode(seasF, epF, si.DvdOrder); ProcessedEpisode pep = new ProcessedEpisode(ep, si); firstMatchingPep = pep; List <FileInfo> encumbants = dfc.FindEpOnDisk(pep, false); if (encumbants.Count == 0) { //File is needed as there are no files for that series/episode fileCanBeDeleted = false; returnActions.AddRange(CopyFutureDatedFile(fi, pep)); } else { foreach (FileInfo existingFile in encumbants) { if (existingFile.FullName.Equals(fi.FullName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { //the user has put the search folder and the download folder in the same place - DO NOT DELETE fileCanBeDeleted = false; continue; } fileCanBeDeleted = ReviewFile(unattended, fi, matchingShows, existingFile, fileCanBeDeleted, returnActions, pep); } } } catch (SeriesInfo.EpisodeNotFoundException) { LOGGER.Info( $"Can't find the right episode for {fi.FullName} coming out as S{seasF}E{epF} using rule '{re?.Notes}'"); fileCanBeDeleted = false; } return(firstMatchingPep, fileCanBeDeleted); }
public void SetDefaults(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas) { this.TheSeason = seas; this.TheSeries = ser; this.BannerId = -1; this.BannerPath = ""; this.BannerType = ""; this.BannerType2 = ""; this.Language = ""; this.Rating = -1; this.RatingCount = 0; this.SeasonID = -1; this.SeriesID = -1; this.Colors = ""; this.ThumbnailPath = ""; this.VignettePath = ""; this.SeriesName = ""; }
private string GetShowHTMLOverview(ShowItem si, SeriesInfo ser) { string body =""; List<string> skip = new List<String> { "Actors", "banner", "Overview", "Airs_Time", "Airs_DayOfWeek", "fanart", "poster", "zap2it_id" }; if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ser.GetItem("banner"))) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TheTVDB.Instance.BannerMirror))) body += "<img width=758 height=140 src=\"" + TheTVDB.Instance.BannerMirror + "/banners/" + ser.GetItem("banner") + "\"><br/>"; body += "<h1><A HREF=\"" + TheTVDB.Instance.WebsiteURL(si.TVDBCode, -1, true) + "\">" + si.ShowName + "</A> " + "</h1>"; body += "<h2>Overview</h2>" + ser.GetItem("Overview"); string actors = ser.GetItem("Actors"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(actors)) { bool first = true; foreach (string aa in actors.Split('|')) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aa)) { if (!first) body += ", "; else body += "<h2>Actors</h2>"; body += "<A HREF=\"" + aa + "\">" + aa + "</a>"; first = false; } } } string airsTime = ser.GetItem("Airs_Time"); string airsDay = ser.GetItem("Airs_DayOfWeek"); if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(airsTime)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(airsDay))) { body += "<h2>Airs</h2> " + airsTime + " " + airsDay; string net = ser.GetItem("Network"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(net)) { skip.Add("Network"); body += ", " + net; } } bool firstInfo = true; foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in ser.Items) { if (firstInfo) { body += "<h2>Information<table border=0>"; firstInfo = false; } if (!skip.Contains(kvp.Key)) { if (kvp.Key == "SeriesID") body += "<tr><td width=120px></td><td><A HREF=\"" + kvp.Value + "/summary.html\">Visit</a></td></tr>"; else if (kvp.Key == "IMDB_ID") body += "<tr><td width=120px></td><td><A HREF=\"" + kvp.Value + "\">Visit</a></td></tr>"; else body += "<tr><td width=120px>" + kvp.Key + "</td><td>" + kvp.Value + "</td></tr>"; } } if (!firstInfo) body += "</table>"; return body; }
private string GetSeasonHTMLOverview(ShowItem si,SeriesInfo ser, int snum ) { string body = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ser.GetItem("banner")) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(TheTVDB.Instance.BannerMirror)) body += "<img width=758 height=140 src=\"" + TheTVDB.Instance.BannerMirror + "/banners/" + ser.GetItem("banner") + "\"><br/>"; Season s = ser.Seasons[snum]; List<ProcessedEpisode> eis = null; // int snum = s.SeasonNumber; if (si.SeasonEpisodes.ContainsKey(snum)) eis = si.SeasonEpisodes[snum]; // use processed episodes if they are available else eis = ShowItem.ProcessedListFromEpisodes(s.Episodes, si); string seasText = snum == 0 ? "Specials" : ("Season " + snum); if ((eis.Count > 0) && (eis[0].SeasonID > 0)) seasText = " - <A HREF=\"" + TheTVDB.Instance.WebsiteURL(si.TVDBCode, eis[0].SeasonID, false) + "\">" + seasText + "</a>"; else seasText = " - " + seasText; body += "<h1><A HREF=\"" + TheTVDB.Instance.WebsiteURL(si.TVDBCode, -1, true) + "\">" + si.ShowName + "</A>" + seasText + "</h1>"; DirFilesCache dfc = new DirFilesCache(); foreach (ProcessedEpisode ei in eis) { string epl = ei.NumsAsString(); // string episodeURL = "" + ei.SeriesID + "&seasonid=" + ei.SeasonID + "&id=" + ei.EpisodeID; body += "<A href=\"" + episodeURL + "\" name=\"ep" + epl + "\">"; // anchor body += "<b>" + CustomName.NameForNoExt(ei, CustomName.OldNStyle(6)) + "</b>"; body += "</A>"; // anchor if (si.UseSequentialMatch && (ei.OverallNumber != -1)) body += " (#" + ei.OverallNumber + ")"; body += " <A HREF=\"" + TVSettings.Instance.BTSearchURL(ei) + "\" class=\"search\">Search</A>"; List<FileInfo> fl = this.mDoc.FindEpOnDisk(dfc, ei); if (fl != null) { foreach (FileInfo fi in fl) body += " <A HREF=\"file://" + fi.FullName + "\" class=\"search\">Watch</A>"; } DateTime? dt = ei.GetAirDateDT(true); if ((dt != null) && (dt.Value.CompareTo(DateTime.MaxValue) != 0)) body += "<p>" + dt.Value.ToShortDateString() + " (" + ei.HowLong() + ")"; body += "<p><p>"; if (TVSettings.Instance.ShowEpisodePictures) { body += "<table><tr>"; body += "<td width=100% valign=top>" + ei.Overview + "</td><td width=300 height=225>"; // 300x168 / 300x225 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ei.GetItem("filename"))) body += "<img src=" + TheTVDB.Instance.BannerMirror + "/banners/_cache/" + ei.GetItem("filename") + ">"; body += "</td></tr></table>"; } else body += ei.Overview; body += "<p><hr><p>"; } // for each episode in this season return body; }
public bool ProcessTVDBResponse(Stream str, int? codeHint) { // Will have one or more series, and episodes // all wrapped in <Data> </Data> // e.g.: //<Data> // <Series> // <id>...</id> // etc. // </Series> // <Episode> // <id>...</id> // blah blah // </Episode> // <Episode> // <id>...</id> // blah blah // </Episode> // ... //</Data> if (!this.GetLock("ProcessTVDBResponse")) return false; try { XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings { IgnoreComments = true, IgnoreWhitespace = true }; XmlReader r = XmlReader.Create(str, settings); r.Read(); while (!r.EOF) { if ((r.Name == "Data") && !r.IsStartElement()) break; // that's it. if (r.Name == "Series") { // The <series> returned by GetSeries have // less info than other results from //, so we need to smartly merge // in a <Series> if we already have some/all // info on it (depending on which one came // first). SeriesInfo si = new SeriesInfo(r.ReadSubtree()); if (this.Series.ContainsKey(si.TVDBCode)) this.Series[si.TVDBCode].Merge(si, this.RequestLanguage); else this.Series[si.TVDBCode] = si; r.Read(); } else if (r.Name == "Episode") { Episode e = new Episode(null, null, r.ReadSubtree(), Args); if (e.OK()) { if (!this.Series.ContainsKey(e.SeriesID)) throw new TVDBException("Can't find the series to add the episode to (TheTVDB)."); SeriesInfo ser = this.Series[e.SeriesID]; Season seas = ser.GetOrAddSeason(e.ReadSeasonNum, e.SeasonID); bool added = false; for (int i = 0; i < seas.Episodes.Count; i++) { Episode ep = seas.Episodes[i]; if (ep.EpisodeID == e.EpisodeID) { seas.Episodes[i] = e; added = true; break; } } if (!added) seas.Episodes.Add(e); e.SetSeriesSeason(ser, seas); } r.Read(); } else if (r.Name == "xml") r.Read(); else if (r.Name == "BannersCache") { //this wil not be found in a standard response from the TVDB website //will only be in the response when we are reading from the cache ProcessTVDBBannerCacheResponse(r); r.Read(); } else if (r.Name == "Data") { string time = r.GetAttribute("time"); if (time != null) this.New_Srv_Time = int.Parse(time); r.Read(); } else r.ReadOuterXml(); } } catch (XmlException e) { if (!this.Args.Unattended) { string message = "Error processing data from TheTVDB (top level)."; message += "\r\n" + e.Message; String name = ""; if (codeHint.HasValue && Series.ContainsKey(codeHint.Value)) { name += "Show \"" + Series[codeHint.Value].Name + "\" "; } if (codeHint.HasValue) { name += "ID #" + codeHint.Value + " "; } MessageBox.Show(name + message, "TVRename", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // throw new TVDBException(e.Message); } return false; } finally { this.Unlock("ProcessTVDBResponse"); } return true; }
public Banner(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas, int? codeHint, XmlReader r, CommandLineArgs args) { // <Banner> // <id>708811</id> // <BannerPath>seasonswide/79488-5.jpg</BannerPath> // <BannerType>season</BannerType> // <BannerType2>seasonwide</BannerType2> // <Language>en</Language> // <Rating/> // <RatingCount>0</RatingCount> // <Season>5</Season> // blah blah // </Banner> try { this.SetDefaults(ser, seas); this.SeriesID = (int) codeHint; r.Read(); if (r.Name != "Banner") return; r.Read(); while (!r.EOF) { if ((r.Name == "Banner") && (!r.IsStartElement())) break; if (r.Name == "id") this.BannerId = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); else if (r.Name == "seriesid") this.SeriesID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); // thetvdb series id else if (r.Name == "seasonid") this.SeasonID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); else if (r.Name == "BannerPath") this.BannerPath = XMLHelper.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); else if (r.Name == "BannerType") this.BannerType = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); else if (r.Name == "BannerType2") this.BannerType2 = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); else if (r.Name == "Language") this.Language = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); else if (r.Name == "Rating") { String sn = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); double.TryParse(sn, out this.Rating); } else if (r.Name == "RatingCount") this.RatingCount = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); else if (r.Name == "Season") this.SeasonID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); else if (r.Name == "Colors") this.Colors = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); else if (r.Name == "ThumbnailPath") this.ThumbnailPath = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); else if (r.Name == "VignettePath") this.VignettePath = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); else if (r.Name == "SeriesName") this.SeriesName = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); else { if ((r.IsEmptyElement) || !r.IsStartElement()) r.ReadOuterXml(); else r.Read(); } } } catch (XmlException e) { string message = "Error processing data from TheTVDB for a banner."; if (this.SeriesID != -1) message += "\r\nSeries ID: " + this.SeriesID; if (this.BannerId != -1) message += "\r\nBanner ID: " + this.BannerId; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BannerPath)) message += "\r\nBanner Path: " + this.BannerPath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Name)) message += "\r\nName: " + this.Name; message += "\r\n" + e.Message; if (!args.Unattended) MessageBox.Show(message, "TVRename", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); throw new TVDBException(e.Message); } }
public void Merge(SeriesInfo o, int preferredLanguageId) { if (o.TvdbCode != TvdbCode) { return; // that's not us! } if (o.SrvLastUpdated != 0 && o.SrvLastUpdated < SrvLastUpdated) { return; // older!? } bool currentLanguageNotSet = o.languageId == -1; bool newLanguageBetter = o.languageId == preferredLanguageId && languageId != preferredLanguageId; bool betterLanguage = currentLanguageNotSet || newLanguageBetter; SrvLastUpdated = o.SrvLastUpdated; // take the best bits of "o" // "o" is always newer/better than us, if there is a choice if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.Name)) && betterLanguage) { Name = o.Name; } // this.Items.Clear(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in o.items) { // on offer is non-empty text, in a better language // or text for something we don't have if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kvp.Value) && betterLanguage) || (!items.ContainsKey(kvp.Key) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(items[kvp.Key]))) { items[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; } } if (o.AirsTime != null) { AirsTime = o.AirsTime; } if ((o.AiredSeasons != null) && (o.AiredSeasons.Count != 0)) { AiredSeasons = o.AiredSeasons; } if ((o.DvdSeasons != null) && (o.DvdSeasons.Count != 0)) { DvdSeasons = o.DvdSeasons; } if ((o.seasonBanners != null) && (o.seasonBanners.Count != 0)) { seasonBanners = o.seasonBanners; } if ((o.seasonLangBanners != null) && (o.seasonLangBanners.Count != 0)) { seasonLangBanners = o.seasonLangBanners; } if ((o.seasonLangWideBanners != null) && (o.seasonLangWideBanners.Count != 0)) { seasonLangWideBanners = o.seasonLangWideBanners; } if ((o.seasonWideBanners != null) && (o.seasonWideBanners.Count != 0)) { seasonWideBanners = o.seasonWideBanners; } if ((o.AllBanners != null) && (o.AllBanners.Count != 0)) { AllBanners = o.AllBanners; } if ((o.bestSeriesPosterId != -1)) { bestSeriesPosterId = o.bestSeriesPosterId; } if ((o.bestSeriesBannerId != -1)) { bestSeriesBannerId = o.bestSeriesBannerId; } if ((o.bestSeriesFanartId != -1)) { bestSeriesFanartId = o.bestSeriesFanartId; } if ((o.bestSeriesLangPosterId != -1)) { bestSeriesLangPosterId = o.bestSeriesLangPosterId; } if ((o.bestSeriesLangBannerId != -1)) { bestSeriesLangBannerId = o.bestSeriesLangBannerId; } if ((o.bestSeriesLangFanartId != -1)) { bestSeriesLangFanartId = o.bestSeriesLangFanartId; } if (betterLanguage) { languageId = o.languageId; } Dirty = o.Dirty; }