Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes (or reinitializes) <see cref="MultipleDestinationExporter"/> from configuration settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="defaultDestinations">Provides a default set of export destinations if none exist in configuration settings.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If not being used as a component (i.e., user creates their own instance of this class), this method
        /// must be called in order to initialize exports.  Event if used as a component this method can be
        /// called at anytime to reintialize the exports with new configuration information.
        /// </remarks>
        public void Initialize(ExportDestination[] defaultDestinations)
            // So as to not delay calling thread due to share authentication, we perform initialization on another thread...
#if ThreadTracking
            ManagedThread thread = ManagedThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(Initialize, defaultDestinations);
            thread.Name = "TVA.IO.MultipleDestinationExporter.Initialize()";
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(Initialize, defaultDestinations);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads saved settings for the <see cref="MultipleDestinationExporter"/> object from the config file if the <see cref="PersistSettings"/> 
        /// property is set to true.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="ConfigurationErrorsException"><see cref="SettingsCategory"/> has a value of null or empty string.</exception>
        public void LoadSettings()
            if (m_persistSettings)
                // Ensure that settings category is specified.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_settingsCategory))
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("SettingsCategory property has not been set");

                // Load settings from the specified category.
                ConfigurationFile config = ConfigurationFile.Current;
                CategorizedSettingsElementCollection settings = config.Settings[m_settingsCategory];

                if (settings.Count == 0)
                    return;    // Don't proceed if export destinations don't exist in config file.

                ExportDestination destination;
                string entryRoot;
                int count;

                m_exportTimeout = settings["ExportTimeout", true].ValueAs(m_exportTimeout);
                m_maximumRetryAttempts = settings["MaximumRetryAttempts", true].ValueAs(m_maximumRetryAttempts);
                m_retryDelayInterval = settings["RetryDelayInterval", true].ValueAs(m_retryDelayInterval);
                count = settings["ExportCount", true].ValueAsInt32();

                lock (this)
                    m_exportDestinations = new List<ExportDestination>(count);

                    for (int x = 0; x < count; x++)
                        entryRoot = string.Format("ExportDestination{0}", x + 1);

                        // Load export destination from configuration entries
                        destination = new ExportDestination();
                        destination.DestinationFile = settings[entryRoot, true].ValueAsString() + settings[string.Format("{0}.FileName", entryRoot), true].ValueAsString();
                        destination.ConnectToShare = settings[string.Format("{0}.ConnectToShare", entryRoot), true].ValueAsBoolean();
                        destination.Domain = settings[string.Format("{0}.Domain", entryRoot), true].ValueAsString();
                        destination.UserName = settings[string.Format("{0}.UserName", entryRoot), true].ValueAsString();
                        destination.Password = settings[string.Format("{0}.Password", entryRoot), true].ValueAsString();

                        // Save new export destination if destination file name has been defined and is valid
                        if (FilePath.IsValidFileName(destination.DestinationFile))
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads saved settings for the <see cref="MultipleDestinationExporter"/> object from the config file if the <see cref="PersistSettings"/> 
        /// property is set to true.
        /// </summary>        
        public void LoadSettings()
            if (m_persistSettings)
                // Ensure that settings category is specified.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_settingsCategory))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("SettingsCategory property has not been set.");

                // Load settings from the specified category.
                ConfigurationFile config = ConfigurationFile.Current;
                CategorizedSettingsElementCollection settings = config.Settings[m_settingsCategory];

                if (settings.Count == 0) return;    // Don't proceed if export destinations don't exist in config file.

                string entryRoot;
                int count;

                ExportDestination destination;
                m_exportTimeout = settings["ExportTimeout", true].ValueAs(m_exportTimeout);
                count = settings["ExportCount", true].ValueAsInt32();
                m_exportDestinations = new List<ExportDestination>(count);

                lock (m_exportDestinations)
                    for (int x = 0; x < count; x++)
                        entryRoot = string.Format("ExportDestination{0}", x + 1);

                        // Load export destination from configuration entries
                        destination = new ExportDestination();
                        destination.DestinationFile = settings[entryRoot, true].ValueAsString() + settings[string.Format("{0}.FileName", entryRoot), true].ValueAsString();
                        destination.ConnectToShare = settings[string.Format("{0}.ConnectToShare", entryRoot), true].ValueAsBoolean();
                        destination.Domain = settings[string.Format("{0}.Domain", entryRoot), true].ValueAsString();
                        destination.UserName = settings[string.Format("{0}.UserName", entryRoot), true].ValueAsString();
                        destination.Password = settings[string.Format("{0}.Password", entryRoot), true].ValueAsString();

                        // Save new export destination