private async Task RunSimulatorAsync()
            btnStart.IsEnabled = false;
            btnStop.IsEnabled = true;
            btnLoad.IsEnabled = false;
            if (quickActionButtons != null)
                foreach (var bt in quickActionButtons)
                    bt.IsEnabled = false;

            // Run the simulator in another task so it is not executed in the GUI thread.
            // However, we then await that new task so we are notified when it is finished.
            Simulator sim = simulator = new Simulator(currentQuickAction != null ? currentQuickAction.Action 
                : project.Configuration.MainAction, TTRWindowsEnvironment.Instance);
            sim.AsyncRetryHandler = async (ex) => !closeWindowAfterStop && await HandleSimulatorRetryAsync(sim, ex);

            Exception runException = null;
            await Task.Run(async () =>
                    await sim.RunAsync();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    runException = ex;   

            // Don't show a messagebox if we need to close the window.
            if (!closeWindowAfterStop && runException != null && !(runException is SimulatorCanceledException))
                TaskDialog dialog = new TaskDialog()
                    Title = AppName,
                    MainInstruction = "Simulator stopped!",
                    Content = runException.Message,
                    ExpandedInformation = GetExceptionDetailsText(runException),
                    MainIcon = TaskDialog.TaskDialogIcon.Stop,
                    CommonButtons = TaskDialog.TaskDialogButtons.OK
                dialog.Flags |= TaskDialog.TaskDialogFlags.ExpandFooterArea;

        private void HandleSimulatorCanceled()
            simulator = null;
            btnStart.IsEnabled = true;
            btnStop.IsEnabled = false;
            btnLoad.IsEnabled = true;
            if (quickActionButtons != null)
                foreach (var bt in quickActionButtons)
                    bt.IsEnabled = true;

            if (currentQuickAction != null)
                currentQuickAction = null;

            if (closeWindowAfterStop)
        private async void StartSimulator()
            btnStart.IsEnabled = false;
            btnStop.IsEnabled = true;
            btnLoad.IsEnabled = false;

            // Run the simulator in another task so it is not executed in the GUI thread.
            // However, we then await that new task so we are notified when it is finished.
            Simulator sim = simulator = new Simulator(project.Configuration, TTRWindowsEnvironment.Instance);

            Exception runException = null;
            if (simulatorStartAction != null)
            await Task.Run(async () =>
                    await sim.RunAsync();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    runException = ex;   
            if (simulatorStopAction != null)

            // Don't show a messagebox if we need to close the window.
            if (!closeWindowAfterStop && runException != null && !(runException is SimulatorCanceledException))
                MessageBox.Show(this, runException.Message, "Simulator stopped!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

        private async Task<bool> HandleSimulatorRetryAsync(Simulator sim, ExceptionDispatchInfo ex)
            // Show a TaskDialog.
            bool result = false;
            await Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(new Action(() =>
                if (!closeWindowAfterStop)
                    TaskDialog dialog = new TaskDialog()
                        Title = AppName,
                        MainInstruction = "Simulator interrupted!",
                        Content = ex.SourceException.Message,
                        ExpandedInformation = GetExceptionDetailsText(ex.SourceException),
                        MainIcon = TaskDialog.TaskDialogIcon.Warning,
                        CommonButtons = TaskDialog.TaskDialogButtons.Cancel
                    dialog.Flags |= TaskDialog.TaskDialogFlags.UseCommandLinks |

                    var buttonTryAgain = dialog.CreateCustomButton("Try again\n" 
                        + "The Simulator will try to run the current action again.");
                    var buttonStop = dialog.CreateCustomButton("Stop the Simulator");

                    dialog.CustomButtons = new TaskDialog.ICustomButton[] { buttonTryAgain, buttonStop };
                    dialog.DefaultCustomButton = buttonStop;


                    if (dialog.ResultCustomButton == buttonTryAgain)
                        result = true;

            return result;
        private void HandleSimulatorCanceled()
            simulator = null;
            btnStart.IsEnabled = true;
            btnStop.IsEnabled = false;
            btnLoad.IsEnabled = true;

            if (closeWindowAfterStop)